Reviews from

in the past

Le premier Cotton mais sur console portable.Un peu moins détaillé graphiquement et une difficulté un peu plus atténué car moins d’ennemis à l’écran mais le dernier niveau reste toujours un peu tendu. Pour le reste, c’est le même jeu donc agréable à prendre en main, des musiques très chouettes et les petites scènettes toujours aussi drôles.

if you played a version of this besides the turbografx one with the cd audio im sorry that happened to you

Game Review - originally written by (wraith)

This is a kick-ass port of one the great 2-D shooters of all time, Cotton. You can tell Cotton is a great game because it's come out for about a bajillion different platforms. It's prerty simple in concept. You're this witch on a broomstick and you shoot stuff. Namely, everything that's not you. Easy to grasp, eh? That's what makes it so fun. Well, that, and the red-haired fairy chick. That's pretty cool too. Anyway, go play!

tadinha,,,, ela só queria comer um willow,,,, (seja lá o que isso seja)

Very solid shooter. Very fun with great graphics, humor and music. Some parts felt a little cheap (expected from an arcade game to eat your quarters) but it never got too hard.

Fourteenth GOTW finished for 2022. Fun, though incredibly nonsensical game. Enough different spell types to keep things interesting, and pretty easy in terms of difficulty for a shmup. Short and sweet!

Un shoot em up de parábolas. Le da sentido a su horizontalidad añadiendo peso a objetos y proyectiles, y toda la escenografía, desde paredes que te bloqueaban el movimiento a columnas y rocas en primer plano, suma a dar sensación de lugar físico y claustrofóbico. La gracia está en lo comprimido que está todo. Apenas hay aire muerto y las extrañas trayectorias enemigas exigen movimientos breves y precisos. Tienes de todo, cuchillos que cruzaban la pantalla en diagonal, flechas que caen en parábola, flechas horizontales, arcos invertidos, proyectiles que te persiguen por la pantalla... La mecánica estrella es poder mantener las gemas de power-up en el aire al disparar, como dar toques a un balón. Dejas de disparar y caen al suelo y retroceden con el scroll, las mantienes en el aire y avanzan a tu velocidad mientras bloquean tus disparos. Esto le da un punto de gestión y jugueteo tan divertido que los autores diseñarían la secuela alrededor de este concepto. Pero aquí es solo un detalle más en el conjunto donde todo refuerza la idea de hacer malabares en un campo de minas.

A fun if kinda janky cute em up with an interesting powerup/resource system and hilarious short cutscenes between each stage. I recommend playing the PC-Engine version for the god tier CD music.

Is it important that I understand what a willow is

Insanely fun shmup with a fun magic and experience system. While it can feel downright impossible at times, the catchy ost and visuals were cool enough to make me want more. Here's hoping the sequels improve!

I played the PC Engine CD version because it had the best Soundtrack according to a Friend of mine
and that gosh darn Reboot/Remake is still $45 on Steam

But whatever
This game is pretti Gud I do hope to check out the other Cotton Games soon (Including the one on Dreamcast that people hate lol)

I love this game but it is hard to say what is truly the best port of it. I played every version and they all have strengths and weaknesses unique to that version.

Arcade - probably the worst because it's too hard and forces you to start levels over on continue.
X68000 - Better than arcade in everyway possible and the one I'm leaning on being the best version because its not as hard as the others. You get to rapid fire by holding down the shoot button since specials are a seperate button. Some bosses in the middle have been replaced with more interesting fights. Cotton's flying animation in the ending credits is very charming and I love it.
Turbo Grafx-CD - Best version of the soundtrack, includes voice acting but still has the arcades difficulty problems.
Playstation - Second best version of the soundtrack, easier difficulty than the arcade and some cool visual effects added.
Neo Geo Pocket Color - Just an adorable 8-bit adaptation. I love this version because its just neat that they made a cute little demake and its difficulty is pretty balanced.

Replayed the game but on the PC Engine CD for curiosity's sake and I prefer this version. Mostly cause of the new soundtrack.

Horizontal shooter. Main shot and bomb drop attack for low enemies, obtainable fairies act as satellite attackers and can be sent after enemies where they will grab and punch them. Charged fire/lightning magic pickups where fire can shoot a weaker forward short or powerful attack where all of your fairies are covered in fire and fly around you, lightning can fire a more powerful and longer lasting beam or give you a bubble shield that I never understood the point of as it lasts about as long as the attack and both make you invulnerable. Enemies drop crystals that you can shoot to change their color and they can give you points, XP (to increase shot power), or fire and lightning spells that you can hold up to four of. When you die you start in the same area but lose half your XP and a fairy blows themself up to destroy enemies currently on the screen, which could put you in a bad position fast with even one death. Amusing, varied, and oddly dark locations contrasting with the more humorous plot and character.

Lower resolution than the arcade but an excellent redone soundtrack, hurt a bit by the somewhat annoying noise of your main attack. While slowdown was not an issue flicker made my attacks invisible at times, and color pallet could make enemy attacks hard to see. English version removed the Japanese voice acting.


Great Game but christ imagine my disappointment when I thought that there was going to be funny English voice acting for the cutscenes and that didn't exist and then I heard the voice lines that are in the game are in Japanese. Thank you TTI I wish you a nice bankruptcy.

This goes on the "unbearably cheap cute-em-up" pile with Detana Twinbee. It shares with that game one of my least favorite shmup mechanics: shooting little items an exact number of times to change which power up they award you. Hate it.

Love the overall look of this, though, and I like the shot leveling mechanic and the little faeries that pummel stuff for you! Too bad the music in the arcade version is so shitty (I played a little of the PC Engine CD version and, damn, what an unbelievable improvement).

In spite of my problems with this one, I'm looking forward to playing more games in the series.

A solid but flawed first entry into the shooter series about that damned candy obsessed witch. I recommend playing at least the Sharp x68000 port (or even better, the version on Cotton Reboot, but at that rate I'd advise you to play it's arranged mode instead, lol) as it adds a lot of enhancements and tones down the difficulty to a more reasonable challenge. The arcade version is just mid without those said enhancements and nerfs imo.