Reviews from

in the past

Ao contrário do original eu me diverti bastante com este jogo mesmo ele sendo estupidamente difícil, eu acho que nunca morri tanto num jogo de plataforma como Crash, vou apenas avaliar a versão do Remake e talvez um dia eu jogo o original.
Em questão ao remake, ele é super bonito e com uma trilha sonora boa e marcante, eu achei a gameplay com o Crash meio pesada...a gravidade deste jogo é meio estranha algumas vezes mas se queres um bom jogo de plataforma desafiante, então Crash vale muito a pena


Crash Bandicoot is a classic platformer from the PS1. He got a remake with his other two PS1 games in the N-Sane Trilogy. My history is Crash started with playing Crash of the Titan and Mind over Mutant on my PS2 over 10 years ago. The last Crash game I have played and beaten was Crash 3 Warped on the PS3 and that was years ago, too. I got to play and beat the first Crash and holy fuck, it is hard.

I am not kidding; this game is difficult. The difficulty comes from the precise platforming. If you overshoot or undershoot a jump, you will die. Checkpoint boxes and Aku Aku masks are not that common, so you are a fragile bandicoot. Some stages will make you want to rip your hair out. Temple Ruins, Road to Nowhere (Oh god), Sunset Vista, The High Road (OH GOD), Slippery Climb (OH MY GOD), and Castle Machinery almost made me quit. I will never 100 percent this game or touch Stormy Ascent because I care about my mental health.

In the first of the N-Sane Trilogy, the game looks great. Everyone is expressive and the graphics and art design will never look dated.

Crash 1 might be a tough game to sell because of its difficulty. If you have the patience and willpower, you will beat this game. The game is good, but I do not see myself replaying it. It is so hard.

pensaba que era el original sadafhioqwfq

Still Naughty Dog's best game. Good levels, the time trials that were added gives speedrunning through the stages purpose, and Stormy Ascent is an excellent culmination of everything you've learned through the game, as well as just being one of the best platforming levels ever. They can't top it. My only complaint is that the bosses are just way too easy.

This game has a lot of jank and is insanely frustrating, but I can't lie completing it is so satisfying in a weird way

Oola baga? Uwa baka? What in the lord's good name are you saying funny words man?

Need a lesson in humility? Meet Crash! He can jump and spin and fall into every trap laid by man HOLY SHIT. I never improved at all and felt in fact demotivated further and further which led to my jumps to grow imprecise. Another thing that disappointed me was the lack of sauce. How tf does Crash not have sauce? The fucked up depth perception is this game's only identity. N. Brio is a funny name though my child will inherit the moniker. He had the only good boss fight in the game and you could tell him and I did not know what we were doing an equal amount.

games in the 90s had very different principles compared to the games of today. a lot of ideals from the arcade and NES era were still prominent; most notably, punishing, high-difficulty games remained commonplace.

i have no problems with difficulty. hell, celeste is my favorite game ever and that game kicked my ass more times than i could count. what i do have problems with is unfair difficulty. crash isn't painfully bad because it's hard, it's painfully bad because it's hard for all the wrong reasons.

much of crash 1's difficulty comes with precise platforming. through the whole game, from beginning to end, almost all the jumps are pretty tight. normally, this wouldn't be a big deal. the problem lies with the camera angle; during 3D segments, the camera is both placed behind crash in a very awkward angle, and it's unadjustable. for precise platforming, this is a nightmare. the depth perception is consistently off, making many of my deaths feel less like my lack of skill and more like poor game design. combined with an already difficult base game, this makes many levels hell to complete.

it doesn't help that the game also takes a lot of time to laugh at you when you fail. after every level, you have to painfully watch as crash gets hit by all the boxes you missed. during the game over, a tiki head laughs after they say their line. enemies will stand in place after killing you, which, intentional or not, feels like a real punch in the stomach. this doubling up of deaths feeling unfair & the frequent feeling of being made fun of sets up for a truly awful game experience.

the checkpoint system is also atrocious. there are maybe 3 or 4 per level, and failing right before a checkpoint means wading through 2-3 minutes of obstacles you just passed. this waiting is exemplified by the majority of crash 1's obstacles running on cycles, which means you're already doing a lot of waiting your first time through.

speaking of obstacles, crash 1's level design is awful. if i have to play another bridge level, i might end it all. enemy placement is generally poor, some levels drag while others feel inconsequential. every boss is just a waiting game for 4 or 5 minutes while you wait to take advantage of their incredibly obvious or stupidly cryptic openings. there is no in between.

all this, and i didn't even mention the poor hitbox work, the awfully loose controls, the one-tile pits place exactly where you'd expect to jump...

this game is awful. sure, it looks great, sounds fine, there's a good amount of personality here; but at the end of the day, it miserably fails at what it tries to be - a challenging yet fun 3D platformer.

The toughest of the trilogy, and Slippery Climb caused me to nearly pull my hair out and led to a low-life count that manifested a few game over screens.

As a remake, it doesn't simplify anything. Its the same game as the original, just smoother and prettier to look at. It's a little more robust in some areas like Hog Wild, but other than that. The preference of the game is going to come down to how modern you want it to look!

Its almost more impressive playing the original, due to how well it still plays

Comprei esse jogo a muito tempo atrás e só fui zerar agora, e como me diverti! Um jogo simples e pequeno que me divertiu mais do que alguns grandes jogos por ai. Gráficos muito bonitos, controles meio zuados mas tudo bem, e história simples porém ta la só pra não ter nada. Bom jogo pra pegar e zerar num dia, gostei bastante!

It was alright ig, I think I would have had a better time with the og since from what I hear the remake messes up the physics but still it was a solid time

Classic platformer with one of the most recognizable characters of all-time. The remaster has treated this game well, the graphics look great, but the controls could be very frustrating. I think I read about them changing Crash's hitbox? Something about squares and pills? Regardless, I completed every challenge this game threw at me, and felt immensely satisfied when it was over.

100% Completion Notes: Going for the 100% turns this game from a challenge to pure lunacy. Stormy. Ascent. Time Trial. That is all.

I loved Crash Nitro Kart and Crash Twinsanity a ton as a kid, and the N-Sane trilogy has been on my radar since launch. Not that I finally have a PS5, I feel like it was time to give this trilogy a shot.

I had a ton of fun with this first entry! Difficult at times, but very rewarding once you make it through. Any time I felt frustrated, I stopped playing for the day and tried again tomorrow, and I usually made it within a few tries at that point. Fantastic platformer with a lot of character and charm. Reminds of both Pac-Man World 1 and 2, and that’s always a great thing.

Uno de los mejores plataformeros de la historia que revolucionó la industria.

Este remake quito algunas cosas del original sobretodo en el gameplay que es más parecido al 3.

(Completed on both Playstation 4 and 100% on Steam)

Out of the trilogy, this one definitely needed the remake the most and it pays off. So many kinks and quirks are cleaned up and the game looks and plays great too. You could play the original one, however if you're going for 100% please play this version.

Stormy Ascent is also my favourite sadistic pleasure

Joguei pouco o original, mas esse remaster é excelente, um dos jogos mais difíceis que já joguei sem dúvidas.

Crash's first game is interesting to me. On one hand, you have some really fun stages that are well thought out and satisfying to finish. On the other hand, you have some bad stages that have annoying gimmicks or go on for a bit too long. Overall, the 3D sections and bosses are fun, but any sidescrolling parts are either going to be fine or bad. I loved Crash as a kid, and still do, but even remade the first game is still just kinda ok. If I played the original instead, then I would've given this a much lower score.
Final score: 6/10

A física do remake é horrorosa, mais te atrapalha do que ajuda.

La N.Sane trilogy en general es una locura, pero este juego destaca en su 100%. Recordaba el juego mucho peor porque lo jugue con como 8 años pero me lo pase como un niño pequeño y paso de ser mi menos favorito de la saga a estar a la par que el warped. Si no has jugado este juego estas missing out y si lo has jugado y no hecho el 100% estas missing out mas aun

Never played the originals, this was fun!

Yeah this games not bad. (FUCK YOU BANJO KAZOOIE)

Mega brutal.

Much better than the OG thanks to the new controls imported from Crash 2. Much less floaty.

Don't do time relics unless you hate yourself.

Crash Bandicoot is a platformer with an emphasis on skill, with just two moves to make use of, keeping things pretty straightforward. I played through the game normally and it wasn't really anything special, levels which use the same templates, questionable design choices like crates which are off screen, giving you no indication where they are, buffered inputs for jumps could also be annoying sometimes too.

None of that really matters though, because the best part of this game is the relics, which require you to beat every stage under a certain time without dying. You learn to navigate through some long, complex stages, especially the DLC, and when you finally get that perfect run it's pretty satisfying. That's where this game shines, when it demands real skill from the player.

If there was a little more variety in the stages and some of the gems didn't have bullshit crates off screen, I'd probably rate it higher.

This game is out of its mind if it thinks I'm going to play Sunset Vista or Road to Nowhere TWICE to get the box gems.

the woman bandicoot has tits so i think crash should have a fat bulge

dios que juego de mierda la concha de mi madre hace mucho no puteaba tanto

ya mismo arranco el 2

One of my favourite games of all time. This game still has some of the best platforming levels ever. I don't remember the game being so short but it was still an amazing experience. My only complaint was that the game crashed a few times while I was playing.