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in the past

Just feels absolutely awful to play compared to the original version. Like you’re both weighed down and have too much momentum at the same time (but it somehow doesn’t balance each other out). The original version has its own issues too, but it’s still better than this.

im gonna say it. im glad its a faithful remake but i feel like they couldve done more for newer audiences

I really enjoyed the level of challenge in this game; I felt like it was just right. Beating all of the levels is pretty easy but the time trials were tough and frustrating. Super satisfying to finish a tough time trial. The game isn't super exciting/fun but it's a good time.

Playing this with joycon drift is a bicth.

In my restless nightmares, I see that level. Sunset Vista.

Ah, I remember, I remember it clear as day; it was 2016 when the N'Sane trilogy was announced and a corner in the internet gaming community exploded out of sheer excitement, I felt really happy for them! I was never able to get the chance a PlayStation, and even if I was, as a kid I was full Nintendo mode so I probably wouldn't have had one either, but the point is that I had never in my life played a Crash Bandicoot game, but I recognize its importance as a series for Sony's first console and a character that many hold very dearly, as it was one of the first 3D platformers to fall into the genre of ''being pretty good''.

When it released in 2017, I knew that I would end up playing it sooner or later, I really wanted to, but as with many, MANY other games, the I never really had the chance and when I had it, I was paying attention to other games that caught my attention, but no more! It's about time I played these classics with a fresh new look, starting with the first one, time to dive into a series I never got to really explore, let's go!

3 Hours Later

...I mean, it COULD have been worse...

Look I'm not gonna go around and bash this game without rhyme or reason 'cause not only it doesn't deserve it, but it also has amazing things that elevate it for me.

Visually it's a treat, for what I understand some fans are a bit torn that in some places it distances itself from the games original style, but I don't know man, this looks so good. All the level and characters ooze charm, the levels being full of detail and each new theme is very striking and works really well, and everything looks straight out of an animated show, which was obviously the idea, but man did they go far and beyond. The animations and the music too, all of it works and makes this game's presentation an absolute home run for me... and then you actually play the game...

Crash Bandicoot's strengths and weaknesses are apparent from the first level, and as the game progresses, these become more and more obvious, specially the weaknesses. The wonderfully called ''Sonic's ass'' style of gameplay actually works quite well considering the context: they wanted to make a 3D platformer for a console that its original set of controllers didn't even had joysticks, and how do they do that without also implementing tank controls? Simple: we take a more lineal approach, akin to the 2D platformers of the past generation. When ''Crash Bandicoot'' asks you to go forward, you bet your ass the level it's gonna be awesome, dogging obstacles, defeating enemies, it's a blast!.. And then turns out if you want to get all the boxes in the first level you must go back, and the problem with that become very apparent.

It really feels like the game withholds visual information from you; sometimes perception of depth can be difficult, sometimes random things appear just a second before you can react to them , and this being a game in which you tend to only one hit point that can be VERY problematic. Level themes start repeating, the bosses go from, easy, to boring, to sometimes even annoying, and, this perhaps being my biggest gripe with the game, for an adventure that's filled with boxes, hit-boxes sure are janky as all hell. The collision system in this game is all over the place, sometimes i fall through platforms I should be able to stand on and sometimes things that shouldn't hit me end up killing over and over again. I understand this can sound as me being salty at the game because I died a lot, even tho yeah, I died my share of times, I actually never got a game over screen and didn't had to repeat any levels from the beginning, and I'm not a person that you could call ''gifted'' at videogames, like, at all, so it's not a problem of the game being too hard, it's more of matter of being annoying as all hell.

At a certain point I just wanted it to end, some levels over-stay their welcome are others are just a nightmare to go through to and repeat a section over and over again because of a janky part, and it got tiring encountering the same obstacles, fighting boring bosses without build-up, and having to endure all of the design problems.

Did I hate the game? Not at all, even as a Remake, it's a product of it's time and that in itself has value... but, will I play another Crash game after not really liking this one?

YOU BET. I've heard the next two improve quite a lot upon the original, and I really want to play the fourth one that came out not that long ago, so yeah, this is only my first step in the marsupial's line of adventures, and it may have been rough, but that only means it's all up from here!...

...I hope...

Never have I played a game so agonisingly difficult to the point where both of my thumbs are sore to the bone. Such an unforgiving, painful platformer that's overly difficult for no reason at all. I remember playing the original briefly and from what I remember as a kid, it was never as difficult as this.

I would say it's a fun experience, but that depends on your definition of fun. Do you enjoy hours of work only to have it thrown into your face because of poor camera angles and overly sensitive platforming? This game's for you, otherwise, I would not say that this is "fun." It's... satisfying? It makes you feel accomplished, especially when all is said and done, but the dictionary definition of fun does not apply here because I DEFINIETLY will not be revisiting this game anytime in the near future. I'm sure this game has taken a few years off of my life and I wouldn't be surprised if I start having PTSD flashbacks at any mention of Crash Bandicoot.

The way I talk about this makes it sound like it's a bad game, but in no right is it bad. I'm sure the original release is even better without the unrelenting difficulty, and I can only give this a solid rating because of it's legacy and possible enjoyment otherwise if I had access to the PS1 version, otherwise... it's cool like this, I guess.

A classic for sure, but not one that has aged very well. Platforming can be very hard when the camera is set behind you and as your jumping away from it. Some of the levels are flatout awful and were thankfully scrapped after this game (Bridge/Dark Levels). Every boss also sucks ass. Still a fun game but becomes very frustrating later on.

remember when naughty dog made actual games

Definitely one of those love/hate relationships. As a child, I was never able to complete the original without using cheats to unlock all levels and attempt each one at a time (I considered it Very Easy mode ). Much like how Oddworld Inhabitants made their Abe's Oddysee easier with better checkpoints in New N Tasty, Vicarious Visions did similar here with the save system and it works very well.

But overall, apart from how gorgeous it looks and the goofy comic soundtrack from Josh Mancell, most of the game still feels like you've been vanquished to depth perception hell. It's a miserable process and rarely that fun. I can't imagine why anyone would want to collect everything in the game but each unto their own. I'll stick to the more subdued, equally charming Spyro franchise for such a collectathon.

I know I'm not really the first to say this, but while the remake does a great job streamlining some of the "quirks" of the original, such as the save system and general level progression in terms of gems, the overall look and feel of it severely hampers the experience. Even if you're like me and have yet to play the original game, the pill-shaped hitbox and weird tweaks to movement very noticeably makes some jumps and sections harder than they needed to be, such as the infamous bridge and - to a largely lesser degree - hog levels, some of the castle levels such as The Lab, and a couple of other instances I can barely muster the energy to remember since I have not touched this since its release in 2017.

Also, like, this remake just flat out looks ugly? I don't wanna go on a whole "aging game" mantra but it's wild to me how a remake on superior hardware has less charming and muddier visuals than a near-system launch title from 1996. The fur on Crash especially looks really off and rather distracting with how he looks like his pelt is just, thrown onto him, which ironically makes the Switch and PC the go-to releases due to the former omitting it and the latter being able to have it modded out. I get that the prospect of a new Crash game, that which is remaking three beloved titles, was exciting, as well as it being rather unfair to compare them to Crash 4 and even the CTR remake due to releasing later, but like... when those two still end up looking fairly well done, it's hard to brush aside the N Sane's rather muddled treatment. This is especially notable when Spyro's remake by Toys For Bobs not only has a lot more palettes and fidelity for the models, it also does a better job adhering to the original look (for the most part).

Still it's alright. There's remakes that do a worse job capturing the same level of attention on the same system, and later on the PS5 with Bluepoint Souls, and it still plays adequately all things considered. With that said though, if I ever decide to continue with the series, cause I must be honest and say I gave up when Crash 2 was largely the same but with an even more horrid case of backtracking for completion, I'm gonna stick with the PS1 versions, quirks be damned.

A vibrant, fun remake of a Playstation classic.

The gameplay, while simple, is a good challenge in some parts, but randomly extremely easy in others. I could tear through 3-4 levels and then be stuck on 1 part of 1 for ages.
My main gripe with this game is the lack of a need for full 3d for many levels, partial 3d would have worked much better and having it be full didn't add anything but confusion for some. Also the hit/hurtboxes were very odd.

Other than that, the colours, music, sound design, voice acting, animations and art style made this game a pleasure to play, as a must play for platformer fans.

Ontem eu tive a brilhante ideia de iniciar um dos meus jogos favoritos da infância no emulador pra dar uma brincada, até que eu percebi que não ia parar mais. O jogo em questão é o Crash Bandicoot original para a ''surpresa''' de alguns. Eu estava numa vontade de jogar algum Crash e decidi ir pros lançados no PS2, já que só tinha zerado a bomba do Titans lá, então fui experimentar o mais ''aclamado'' Twinsanity. Não deu outra, achei uma porcaria e não tinha nada do platforming divertido que Crash sempre teve, então minha vontade de jogar os jogos antigos só cresceu. Em seguida, no começo do que seria uma revisitada a minha infância, eu me lembrei do seu remake, que por algum motivo de Deus eu ainda não tinha jogado, fui lá e comprei sem dó nem piedade.

E cara... que jogo maravilhoso, voltei a ser criança. O remake está simplesmente belíssimo, ele é notório por ser extremamemente fiel ao jogo original sendo quase um ''remaster de luxo'' visto como os níveis quase não foram mexidos e é verdade, mas isso foi exatamente o que eu precisava pra ter uma experiência maravilhosa relembrando essa franquia.

Crash Bandicoot sempre foi meu favorito da franquia e muitos reclamam de sua dificuldade, eu sinceramente acho justa. Existem trechos chatos claro, mas ele é apenas um jogo difícil, com um level design na minha opinião fantástico. O que mais pega a galera é que o jogo te trola da seguinte maneira: ''Essa fase do templo foi chata né? Que pena, vai ter uma ainda pior depois''. Também vejo muitos reclamarem dos controles imprecisos, o único momento que em senti isso foram em fases side-scrolling onde você tem que fazer algum pulo em outra direção e é impossível saber onde vai cair, mas de resto, acho o Crash super divertido de controlar e acho o gameplay muito bom, mesmo sendo bem simplista apenas com pulo e spin. Os cenários são incríveis, acho que não tem um que eu não goste aqui, cheios de personalidade e eu particularmente adoro as fases que se passam no laboratório do Cortex. Sua trilha é impecável também, e assim que tocou o tema clássico foi difícil conter o sorriso.

Por fim, terminei em 5 horinhas e meia essa belezinha. Eu realmente tinha esquecido o quanto eu amo Crash e assim como Sonic Mania, que apesar de repetir níveis e fazer ANOS que eu não jogava, o remake do primeiro Crash passou a exata mesma sensação dele: a saudade que eu sentia de jogar esses jogos. Agora é partir pro Crash 2, jogo que sempre achei o mais fraco da trilogia e que sempre foi o patinho feio no meio de dois grandes jogos na minha mente. Vai ser super interessante ver se minha opinião sobre ele mudou, já que não jogo desde a época e estou ansioso por isso.

No me apetece un pijo jugar el 2, así que voy a hacer una pausa con esto para purificarme la cabeza de tanta desesperación.

V.PS4 - Crash Bandicoot 1 è un classico. Difficoltoso quanto basta per offrire un buon livello di sfida e collezioinabili soddisfacenti da raccattare. L'ambientazione però è veramente poco variegata con livelli che , più avanti , diventano semplicemente un'estensione di altri precedenti con qualche cambio lungo il tragitto. Io queste cose non le sopporto molto. Comunque divertente.

Loved the revamp but the camera and controls incosistency is oh so deeply irritating. That and the hitboxes, fuck. High Road is much more difficult it's just frustating. This and the also incosistent Time Trials. The original game simply wasn't made with that in mind.

4.25 / 5.
Really fun yet incredibly challenging. I highly doubt i'm going to 100% complete this, ever, but i'll try my best.

The original Crash Bandicoot does have a few issues here and there (trial and error gameplay being the highest on the list), but it's still a pretty damn good game. The extra bits of touching up thanks to the N. Sane Trilogy make it even better.

One of the OG 3D platformers, decent for the time but the camera & controls haven't aged well.

I was a full-blown fan of the PS1 Crash games back during that era. I remember the first game being hard as nails, but as a kid I still really enjoyed it. Well I must have had the patience of a saint back then, because playing the remake in this current age, there were some levels that made me want to go on a shooting spree!

So yeah, there's an issue with camera placement and certain perspectives causing misjudgement in the platforming. The game is brutal enough as it is, but add a camera that is sometimes not your friend and it can be needlessly rage-inducing. Also, holy shit are the boss battles bad. Like... bottom of the barrel bad. And they get worse the further you progress.

Otherwise, a very faithful, very conservative remake of one of the very first pioneers of 3D platforming. The fundamentals of the original have aged well, so when the game isn't making Dark Souls look like Katamari Damacy, it offers a satisfyingly tight and enjoyable platforming challenge. But you've got to be some kind of sadomasochist to get through the late-game levels.

It’s a harmless cartoony platformer.

Great music! But I’ve never experienced such clumsy, erratic movement in a post-SMB platformer. If the jump don’t have it, the game don’t have it.

Crash tem um potencial muito superior ao de Mario e o de Sonic.
Essa franquia realmente teve o potencial de fazer algo maneiro, possuindo um mundo extremamente interessante e divertido (algo que Mario não consegue ter), e ao mesmo tempo possuindo uma base de gameplay funcional.

Crash é só um take diferente nos plataforma 3D da sua época, e apesar de não ser tão bem feito e investir nas coisas que fazem um plataformer foda. Crash 1 consegue resgatar a essência dos jogos mais dificeis transformando a experiência no minimo divertida de se jogar com os amigos, ou simplesmente coçando os eggs.

Um bom jogo, mas que sofre muito por ser o primeiro da franquia e pela colisão estranha do N. Sane Trilogy. Ainda assim, é bom e eu vejo potencial pra algo ÓTIMO nas sequências.

En un comienzo sentí que era un plataforma de mucha dificultad, pero después de unas horas me acostumbre al ritmo del juego y se me hizo mas normal.

Buen juego, me encanto la variedad de niveles que habían, eso si los jefes se me hicieron muy fáciles

It hasn't aged the best, but it's fine. Made me wanna snap my controller at times.

I just love Crash. It is so charming and well designed, the platforming is so tight and hilarious, yet unforgiving. It's incredible just how good of a time you can have with this game, versus how easily you can shatter your own eardrums with screams of nerd rage if you decide to attempt the various challenges and time trials it's got lined up for you.