Reviews from

in the past

Oneric is underselling it, felt like I was disappearing. Quarter fed thru and gave up playing good; became more interested in watching the critters kill me. I was rooting for them.

Lots of variety here boss-wise. The music is as trippy as ever. Cool visuals, bomb system in place, great stage variety; a good time.

coisa de louco ter várias rotas nesse jogo
toda vez eu ficava curioso pra saber o que tinha na outra zona e isso fazia eu jogar várias e várias vezes
ost aqui é maravilhosa, pena que ficam reutilizando nos chefes
melhor ship shooter que já joguei

played on ps2

In the second spoken line of VISIONNERZ ~ 幻視人 does the vocalist say "close your head" or "close your heart"? This is critical to my enjoyment of the game btw

My second favorite shooter of all time.

Se antes eu tinha dúvidas agora tenho certeza: eu amo STG

It's fitting that the game at the base of my obsession with shootemups is a game about giant space fish, like some sort of primordial metaphor. While I cannot say it's my favorite shootemup or the best, my fondness for it hasn't so much as budged in the years since its release. The Darius games in general are beautiful ways to play shootemups, and I feel like there's still a path for a game like Darius to make a big impact now that we're going to start making shootemups again.

Yo dance, gonna put you in a trance. How did they do it?

como a nota base desse jogo não é no minimo 4.3?
caralho voces nao jogaram a porra do memso silver hawk que eu ne velho.
(zerei com o super o cara mais mid do mundo fã de midmasa e kinogdom hearts que gosta de persona2 entao tem meu respeito kouhai maldito e depois zerei com o desu, que é tào mid quanto o supervirgem mas gosta de mgs e resident evilntão é chad viadao extremo)

A -> C -> E -> H -> M -> S -> X
A -> B -> D -> G -> K -> Q -> V
A -> C -> F -> J -> O -> U -> V'

Having played through this three times today I can safely say it goes hard. Pretty much a home run in every aspect, but most notably presentation and music. The bosses I suppose are a bit rough sometimes, there's not always a clear way to weave through attacks and sometimes you just have to throw out bombs on it. One of the final bosses in particular (I believe V') is very nasty. On an emulator though, you can honestly just spam credits and brute force your way through.

This is the first arcade version of Darius to really sell me. 1 looks ridiculous and isn't fun at all whereas 2 is way too hard on arcade versions, meanwhile this one gets just about everything right. That being said, the Genesis version of 2 is great too. Would strongly suggest both.

Darius tem uma fama de ser uma série que preza mais os gimmicks estéticos do que o gameplay, mas esse é o primeiro game da franquia que diria que faz jus à fama. O audiovisual mesmerizante carrega o jogo todo sozinho – sendo quase o suficiente para você não se estressar com a dificuldade imperdoável e os chefes que não morrem nunca. Cheguei ao fim bem satisfeito, mas não motivado o suficiente para tentar as outras rotas.

little did Darius, the Achaemenid king know that in the not so far away future his name would be associated with Fishcore.
not that its a bad thing

This is the third Taito game I'm playing in a row, and the second Darius game I'm playing as well. It's kind of funny that I didn't exactly plan my play order with that in mind, but I will say that play order has definitely impacted my view on this game.

This will be game number three from my Obscure Games List, recommended by none other than PKMudkipz, thanks you for recommending it to me.

Right off the bat I want to say that I didn't beat this game. It's very, very hard, and unlike its sequel, doesn't have a practice mode for beginners to the Shmup genre. It also lacks several gameplay features that G-Darius would later have like the Alpha Beam, Capture Ball, and keeping weapon and armor upgrades at the lowest level of their current upgrade cycle when you lose a life.

I know that I'm comparing a game to its sequel, but I can't help that I played G-Darius first and it impacted my perception of Darius Gaiden.

Gameplay wise it is has the standard 2D scrolling shmup design, with certain enemies dropping upgrades to your various weapons and your defenses, upgrading to a different type of weapon after a certain point.

The main gimmick of Darius Gaiden is the black hole bombs, which when used will suck in all of the enemies and projectiles on the screen and then explode to deal massive damage. It's a pretty decent screen nuke and works rather well on bosses.

You can also capture mini bosses by shooting a capture point on them, but this is incredibly difficult to pull off and borderline useless compared to the Black Hole Bombs.

My biggest issue with Darius Gaiden is that without the shield powerup, everything is a one hit kill. I do understand that this is a game from the 90's and an arcade game at that, but one hit kills have always been a gaming convention I have never liked as it always feels kind of cheap and overly punishing for simple mistakes. (The entire intent being that it is a mechanic meant to get more money out of players in the arcade).

Hands down though the true issue is... I don't have enough skill with the genre. The game itself is fine, and while I feel it lacks a lot of charm that its successor has, I would be lying if I said I think the game is bad. I will have to hone my skills and play more Shmups before I come back to Gaiden, but one day I will beat this game fair and square.

Also for whatever reason the BGM like, refused to work with my emulator so there was no backing music outside of the intro cutscene, which was really weird.

Anyways, this is a Shmup for Shmup fans. So if you're a hardcore Shmup player who hasn't played this... why haven't you played this?

Lmao Gaiden, yeah sure, whatever you say. A side story for what, exactly? It’s an arcade shmup! We’re taking a slight detour from our main narrative of “shoot marine animal-themed aliens” to tell you the incredible thrilling tale of ah, someone else shooting more fuckin fish.

Nonetheless, this is the best one so far, and I’m not afraid to admit when I am wrong

outstanding atmosphere and soundtrack for such a pretty basic shmup. took me some time to make the soundtrack work as im playing on emulator but without it this wouldnt hit as good. the setting is absolutely amazing.

An absolutely incredible shmup with a really special and beautiful presentation. The visuals and sound are just totally gorgeous and they mesh well with the adrenaline pumping gameplay that's satisfying and mostly fair. Loved this one a lot, as a relative shmup newbie.

I think this is the first arcade game I've gotten the 1cc on, though very much helped by autofire breaking a lot of it. Kinda jank but so unbelievably beautiful that it makes up for it

Doesn't reach the contemporary art pinnacle that is G Darius, but this is still fantastic and artful and engaging. Darius rules.

After successfully beating every route, fish and getting all endings, this is the official fish ranking list I've come up with. If you disagree you're either wrong or misguided.

Prickly Angler
Curious Chandelier
Golden Ogre
Odious Trident
Double Dealer
Great Thing
Deadly Crescent
Folding Fan
Electric Fan
Risk Storage
Hysteric Empress
King Fossil
Vermilion Coronatus
Titanic Lance
Ancient Dozer
Neon Light Illusion
Storm Causer
Fatty Glutton
Crusty Hammer

Played in Cozmic Collection Arcade (PC). Route was A-B-E-H-L-Q-V.

On occasion I'll call a game 'sublime' as the best way to describe my experience with it, and Darius Gaiden is undoubtedly deserving of such a word. In short, the game kicks ass.

I had no idea what to expect going in other than hearing that it was generally better than 2, but this game blew me away with just how enjoyable and beautiful of a time it was. This wasn't just a step up from 2 but an entire building's worth of stairs above 2. I can only imagine there were a number of games in between them, or otherwise I guess this team just had the magic touch that wasn't there for the first couple games.

The difficulty is here to be sure yet tempered, the levels are just as engaging if not more so than previous installments, and the general presentation is in a higher league than many of its contemporaries in the medium in general around this year, not just within its genre, subgenre, or within its own (already proven gorgeous) series up till now. It's genuinely impressive just how impactful the sound and music cues in this game are, whether they be for level or scene transitions, for boss appearances, or even the "WARNING" message. Of course, the music itself feels great to listen to but that seems to go without saying in this series.

I think what might feel most notable about Darius Gaiden's design is that it's seemingly the first of these games that actually lets you recoup your losses to a decent degree if you die during a level. In previous games you were effectively beat down into the dirt as soon as you died because you'd never survive for long enough to level anything up again, but Gaiden is more generous with its powerups to the point where it feels like a credit actually matters for giving multiple tries rather than being interchangeable with a single life. While I do think the powerups could still be a little more generous from there as the game is still quite intense and losing a life does still almost guarantee a lost credit soon after, I think Gaiden does indeed hit a happy medium for challenge and reward even if only just. At the very least the game feels miles better to control compared to the first two games (read: finally not so sluggish), and that counts for quite a lot more in the grand scheme of challenge and fairness.

That said, I adored the variety in bosses and their gimmicks in this game. Quite a lot more memorable than the already relatively memorable previous ones, these bosses were both intimidating and had cool animations and extra effects too. I found them both visually appealing and engaging to play around, and while the game still doesn't seem to quite have bosses become progressively harder, it at least isn't quite as all over the place as the first game, for example.

As a still relative newbie to shmups as a genre (I've got maybe a little under ten done by now), I don't think I have any particularly deep comparisons or commentary about it in relation to it. However, I can at least say that in the realm of games in general this one has impressed me as a sequel more than the vast majority of sequels I've played, let alone third entries. It's a case of improvement that's so beyond incremental that I can't help but smile just thinking about the game. In the realm of shmups I've played, I think at this point it's probably my favorite (though that is, of course, subject to change as I get more into them). The same may go for arcade games I've played in general as well, though there's certainly some stiff competition there.

When it comes to arcadey titles I don't often feel the urge to go back to a given one after finishing it a time or three, but with this one I think it's gotten its bioluminscent lure close enough to my eyes that I'm pretty convinced I should practice it some more. Hell, I even came out of this wanting to go back and try getting to a point of doing a 1CC run if I can. Maybe that won't happen right now as I've only just recently healed from an arm injury, but once I've been better for a while...

As of the start of this particular document, I've tried three times to write a review of Darius Gaiden. Should I be more in-depth? A comedic piece perhaps? No, I cannot. I'm putting the joke book away for this, no funny thesaurus words either. I can't insult this masterwork like that, but what can I even think of for it?

All I can think art. What is "art" exactly? It's a nebulous term, and we're already programmed to think of art as anything involving such things as drawing or sculpting and the like, but there's at least ten delightful people out there who believe that Beyblades are art. It's the things that you personally never get tired of feasting your eyes and ears on, like candy to the senses and perhaps even the soul. It matters not what it is, but how it makes you feel. Emotion. Feeling. Happiness. Sorrow.

Close your eyes.

What do you see? For me, it's the nonstop push I've found myself in by constantly doing the top-most route of Gaiden. A whole week I have done nothing in this game, but go up and up this escalator of delusion. Fatty Glutton? I hate your guts, I don't give a shit about your kids. Crusty Hammer? Keep me away from your strangly hitbox'd claw blade. Great Thing? What a terrible thing you are actually, you ain't so great when I'm done with you after dying three times to your homing lasers. I cannot possibly find the correct word on to express the sheer amount of vitriol I have for all three of these damned sea-based behemoths. Yet, I still come back for more, just to try and best the lot of you in a more impressive fashion...and keep my stock of bombs at a high amount, to savor the visual hypnosis that is the effect of the black hole as it consumes many while the Saturn port's slowdown makes it last longer.

The need to restart the journey over again constantly, yet grow better, and to be low-key rewarded by experiencing new observations; such as realizing that Great Thing spawns in right on cue with the music if you don't lose all of your lives during Stage Z'... is this art? Is it maybe... the Art of STG? To start as a mere beginner and be constantly obliterated, to only get better to the point of obliterating the game just as easily as it once obliterated you? eyes are opened.

Darius Gaiden... perhaps I have underestimated you after all of those prior entries I slogged through. At long last, you have impressed me, and finally I can comfortably hail you alongside the likes of Gradius and R-Type.

I give a hearty cheerful chuckle

Welcome to the crew, lad.

me amarrava quando eu era pequeno, muito peixe robô e extremamente divertido de jogar

Wasn't really prepared for just how much of an Experience the audio and visuals of this game would combine to be. Like yeah, cool shmup or whatever, but why are there not Video Games Live concerts where they just show a big video of the crab boss whilst Self plays. Why am I not constantly hearing about this soundtrack. Jeezo!

The universe is my aquarium and Darius Gaiden is my 5 star gourmet tuna sashimi meal. Blub!

the weirdest Civ Expansion to date, but it's always nice to see Darius get a nod over Cyrus

(Played on Darius Cozmic Collection Arcade)
I love this game. Pretty graphics, fantastic soundtrack, great gameplay, and of course huge fish. If you haven't played this yet, do it.

Horizontal shoot em up. Your ship can have a shield that can take multiple hits before leaving you vulnerable, you a forward shooting shot that can be upgraded to fire additional projectiles in front of you eventually upgrading to penetrate objects, a sub weapon you always have fires missiles below you and as that is upgraded ends up firing above and behind you as well and eventually can seek enemies. One of the more impressive bomb types, firing one creates a blackhole that sucks in enemies and their shots and spins them around the stage before exploding. Certain colored enemies drop powerups that will eventually upgrade your weapon, shields, give you a bomb, score, extra life, or damage enemies on the screen. Varied enemy and boss design, there are a lot of stages with multiple paths through the game (some have the same end boss but the boss can have different patterns) with seven different endings depending on your final stage. Not always a lot going on in a stage for you to interact with when it comes to things to interact with but extremely varied backgrounds that frequently shift into other areas and settings and the stages that do have more going on tend to offer you terrain that can often serve as more of a shield from enemy shots as much as an obstacle to avoid. Great music adding to the psychedelic feel of the game.

Some sections feel overly difficult as the game can practically become a bullet hell while controlling a ship with a pretty large hit box or you end up suddenly attacked from behind, but the upgrade drops after a continue and the power of your bombs make death a little less punishing than many other games of the genre. Your main weapons are good but definitely don't have the variety of weapon options or ability to switch between attacks that you can find in a lot of other games.
