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in the past

I like that this exists just to round out the Darksiders franchise. Now, all 4 horsemen have gotten a spotlight. So like, that's cool. I also liked the light collectathon elements and how they tie into the upgrade system. I'm pretty picky about both collectibles and rpg mechanics in the modern day and those two being okay here kept this from being too miserable. Still nothing great but I'll take gaining buffs from a variety of enemy soul drops and hidden collectibles over "Do a trash fetch quest and now u can unlock the next node on the skill tree" type slop.

Still can't say this left me feeling much of anything. Combat is mashy and unsatisfying. Not a lot of impact is felt when hitting most things. My eyes glaze over whenever I see a modern game that's heavily reliant on a dodge roll/dash button...But at least Strife and War's dodges are both slightly different. Being able to swap between the two at any time makes playing both feel a bit better than the sum of their parts. Some levels drag on, some of 'em open up a bit and are pretty alright. The different enemies aren't super well defined so most of the time it's just the same interaction every time a fight starts. Bosses are mostly just stat checks which is kinda dull but is the one time I was really forced to engage with the upgrades in any meaningful way. Otherwise it's press dodge button right before attack hits, spam attack, repeat until win. I'd slay for an action game a tad more creative, at this point I'm so bored by this kind of thing.

The story is uneventful - and this may be the most abrupt end to a game I've seen...ever. Was legitimately caught off guard when the credits started rolling.

The music and presentation is often pretty dry. Funny enough when the main characters are behind a wall, you see a bright outline of them so you're not blind. The action looks so much more interesting in this flat rendition than it does when you can clearly see. Not a lot of strong visual flairs otherwise.

Fortunately for this game despite a few levels dragging a bit, as a whole it doesn't overstay its welcome. The mercifully short length keeps me from really having any truly negative feelings towards it. A lot of games would have gone for three times the level count and I'd be mashing my head against my desk wondering why I'm still playing. This game stays in its place and for that I'm glad to say it's perfectly average.

Esse jogo foi uma surpresa.

Já havia jogado outros darksiders mas a jogabilidade do genesis me pegou.

Divertido, rápido, dificil e viciante.


While the gameplay for me isn’t fun and the cutscenes feel very cheap with comicbook esc style, it’s not a terrible entry but for me it’s definitely my least favorite in the series

A prequel to the staggeringly lore-obsessed Darksiders series, Genesis puts us in the shoes of Strife, the moody gunslinger of the Apocalypse riders. Strife, alongside War, are kind of like celestial bounty hunters, sent out on contracts by their bosses. This time around they're tasked with investigating Lucifer because there's a suspicion that he might be up to no good (wonder what clued them in to that, maybe that he’s the literal Devil). Strife is a lot more prone to wisecracks than the other three, and that helps make him the most engaging character in the series thus far.

Genesis is yet another gameplay reinvention for the series as this game is a top-down twin-stick shooter. This actually works really well; Strife controls smoothly and you get a fair bit of customization to his abilities as you progress. War is always by your side and so you can freely switch between brothers during gameplay, leaning into some light puzzle solving that often splits the brothers up. Although it's smaller than the other Darksiders games, it's also a lot more tightly constructed and well-written, making it the best of the lot so far.

Um prequel bem fraco que não agrega em nada a todo da franquia, só é interessante por finalmente vermos strife em ação. O genesis no título se refere a mostrar como o capeta corrompeu a humanidade nesse universo.


I do really like what they do with the Darksiders series and change up the games every entry, AND that they actually got to make every Horseman playable. I do find this isometric take very boring though, the gameplay just feels very non compelling.

Played this with @UrThirdCousin, and had a blast. I've been a fan of this series since the second game came out, and I got to introduce him to it as well as play alongside him. Also playing as Strife was long overdue. The top down perspective is a breath of fresh air for the series, and I wouldn't be upset with other spinoffs done the same way. I'm still waiting on a solo Strife game, and I will not give up hope.

A very fun game with a nice dynamic between the bros. The story kinda lacks an ending tho.

I just couldn't get into it in solo. Seems like I'd enjoy it more in co-op, but I might give it another go in the future.

I really, really enjoyed it, even with its flaws. Better than Darksiders 3 for sure.

We have Diablo at home. And that's ok.

All you need to know is that it's on the shorter side (like 15 hours max). Fully co-op that's playable offline. And that for a series that does it's best to rip off other games, this game comes closest to competing with it's inspiration (Diablo, though this much more in the vein of Torchlight).

It's worth a sale purchase to have as a game to play with a bud.

Worth playing if you like the Darksiders saga. The only good thing about this game are the dialogues.
Disappointing ending.

Try to have fun with your friend. Couple of bugs will try to stop you, but it's nothing

A more interesting game than you might think! Nothing groundbreaking, but solidly fun as an action game and as a dungeon exploration game. While the usual comparison is Diablo, for the isometric action rpg-ish style, but I feel the more obvious parallel is found in El Shaddai.

Two isometric hack & slash games with moveset switching and vivid color palettes? Not to mention both series are set in a kind of pop culturey Abrahamic mythology? I'm surprised I didn't see it more when researching the game honestly.

That's not to say there's no Diablo here. The levels are like individual floors from a Diablo dungeon, with a focus on exploration that El Shaddai doesn't broach at all. Somehow though, the levels seem to move past their inspirations and emerge as really wonderful little worlds, laid out in a kind of linear yet expansive (with a small bit of collectible hunting!) style that just lets the gameplay sing.

The story feels a little tired, literally being a series of like 13 fetch quests with the occasional boss battle, and that's like, in context, but I didn't find it to take much away from the game. The structure was nice, I guess. The writing is fairly cliched as well, very much drawing on the series' comic book inspirations, with a dash of MCU in Strife's dialogue, but it avoids the pitfalls those movies fall into so often by at least taking itself fairly seriously outside of that one character. Drama is never kneecapped by comedy, I guess. It works, it feels true, but it won't change your life.

But really I'm kinda surprised at how much fun I had with this game. The themeing and art design are fun backdrops for stellar, if not groundbreaking, combat and levels. If you're in the mood for a very Video Game video game, but wanna stay away from the poison in games as a service, I really highly recommend picking this one up. It's only 40 bucks full price too, which is a real boon.

Oh the switch version is a little unstable, if I left it on too long (like in sleep mode without closing the game) it would tend to crash, but otherwise felt and looked great (especially on that handheld OLED screen aha)

pew pew pew pew pew strife goes pew pew pew i have no friends so i was only strife pew pew pew pew the "beat a certain boss hitless" was horrendous pew pew pew pew pew

Not bad, but after a couple hours, it feels like Genesis is just lacking something compared to the mainline entries in the series. Boss battles in particular feel like they're designed for co-op and are more battles of attrition in whittling down a massive health bar than anything else. Eh.

Going in I knew jackshit about Darksiders but now Im really interested in the series and was a great time to go through with another person.


Controls are clunky and the "asymmetric" style didn't quite work for me.

En lo poco que he avanzado con la historia me ha gustado, la interacción entre Lucha y Guerra es divertida, el gameplay es bastante divertido y te da varias formas de jugar y combinar ataques y combos gracias a que podemos usar a ambos hermano, pero también haciendo uso de la pantalla dividida podremos divertirnos con algún amigo o pareja.

Bought this to play online with a friend, thought it was okay but ended up walking away from it.

Why wasnt it a solo strife game

A solid co-op adventure that meshes Diablo dungeon crawling and Darksiders puzzle solving. While surprisingly beefy, the Nintendo Switch port is a total mess and should be avoided at all costs.

Full Review:

O jogo é pobre, sinto que faltou um esmero considerável da produção. Infelizmente em nenhum aspecto ele vinga, eu e um amigo fizemos umas 5/6 fases na dificuldade normal e na mais difícil depois e a mudança é bem pouca, falando da história e dos personagens, apesar deles serem meio "cativantes" não salvam. Fico triste que esse jogo não vingou desde do 2 sinto que não tem um jogo de peso da franquia, o 3 também é ruim mas ainda é melhor que esse.

Divertidinho. A experiência melhora se você jogar co-op.

Un ARPG con un planteamiento decente. Lo que no entiendo es en qué momento pensaron que era una buena idea darle un toque plataformero, rompe totalmente la fluidez del juego; completamente áspero. Además, el final es ???

Alright game if you play in coop, but with many performance and gameplay issues. Platforming, which is an important part of the game, is often frustrating due to the isometric perspective and weird collision boxes. Combat is fine, but there is not much depth to it.

Apocalyptic difficulty was relatively straightforward to get through.

I probably should've liked this more than I did. i thought it would be the perfect Steam Deck game but I just couldn't stick with it.

I was kind of enjoying this as a casual podcast game until a sudden difficulty spike near the end. It’s like Diablo meets DMC, minus the polish of either of those titles, but with the campy gusto of a Darksiders game.