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in the past

Tengo un batiburrillo tremendo de opiniones con el juego así que las voy a ir lanzando sin mucha conexión unas con otras.

Es el mejor Dead Island por muchísimo, pero muchísimo. Se mea en los anteriores de una forma loquísima, juegan en ligas diferentes.

Personajes paródicos pero interesantes y un humor muy atinado, que pese a sus pequeños deslices no hay nada demasiado vergonzoso. El apartado sonoro es sublime y las voces SON BUENISIMAS, hay actuaciones de voz que es imposible que no te hagan sonreír de lo buenas y absurdas que son.

La idea de que el mapa sean varias zonas interconectadas en vez de un enorme mundo abierto me ha gustado mucho, porque cada mapa se siente realmente único y cargado de detalle hasta las trancas.

Los GRAFICOS: Lo recalco, no porque sea lo mas importante del juego, pero si porque tiene un apartado gráfico impresionante y un diseño exquisito. Es un juego que realmente se nota "next-gen" en la cantidad de detalle que tienen el mundo, los enemigos, los personajes, los interiores... El juego se ve bárbaro de cojones y de poquitos títulos se puede decir eso a dia de hoy.

El movimiento se siente un poco limitado pero lo compensa con un combate muy interesante. Muchas armas, muchas opciones de personalización (las cartas de perks son un cambio muy agradecido) y que constantemente te está dando "aliños" para que la ensalada que es el combate se sienta rica a cada bocado.

De la historia no tengo palabras tan positivas, y no porque sea mala sino porque justo cuando el juego se empieza a poner interesante con un par de plot twists y revelaciones... El juego acaba. Así sin más, en un cliffhanger que no se resuelve. Lo siento pero esta historia está sin acabar y eso no es un punto positivo en ningún lado. Mal por ello.

¿Qué protagonista he elegido? Carla.
Sigue los pasos de personaje como Dani Rojas (es decir las mejores, las cabras). Tq mucho Carla te carreas el juego tu sola.

El juego no es especialmente largo pero es un goce explorar y hacer las secundarias por lo que hay contenido para rato. Explorar el mundo y simplemente caminar es una experiencia gozosa como ella sola.

No quiero seguir rizando el rizo, es un juegazo y una sorpresa enorme que después del infierno de desarrollo el juego haya salido como ha salido. Soy optimista y siento que han dado con la tecla del juego, si deciden tirar por este camino las cosas les pueden ir muy bien en futuros títulos (se que no pero no perdemos la fe).

Juegazo señores, no perdáis la oportunidad de darle un tiento.

The gameplay hasn't changed much since the original but I found it to be plenty enjoyable. Adding to this probably the best bodily trauma/dismemberment system I have ever seen in a video game makes for some pretty enthralling minute to minute gameplay. However the gameplay doesn't evolve much throughout it's runtime so it starts to get stale before the credits roll. Speaking of the credits rolling, this is another one of those games that doesn't ship with a complete story, opting to leave you hanging on an abrupt and blatant DLC-bait ending. This is a terrible industry practice in my opinion so for that I have to dock a point from the game. With that said, the game does what it is trying to do really well. This is some of the most fun I've had hacking and slashing zombies into ribbons I've had in a game and for that it's easy to overlook the rather generic and unfinished story, some less than likeable characters, and some pretty corny dialogue.

decent but still meh combat

It's not bad by any means its definitely dead island.
If I felt like this game had anything going for it that the original didn't maybe I'd have stuck with it.
But as it stands it really has nothin' that makes me wanna continue knockin it out.

It's okay. Nothing special, definitely what I remember Dead Island being but way less open. The crafting and environmental stuff is there. The gore system is incredible though. Main reason I even wanted to check the game out. I hope they use it for something else, like an FPS.

Me and my friends saw this game go on Game Pass so we decided to play over the course of the past few months. We had a lot of fun together due to the cool weapons and brutal killing. I appreciate how the zombies in this game aren’t too absurd in their designs or abilities. Going back and forth constantly from objectives can be a bit boring though, especially when there isn’t many zombies around. The final boss was also extremely tedious. We kept comparing him to the Gold Hoarder from Sea of Thieves, only he had a lot of health and this guy had a lot of health and a lot of big strong zombies backing him up.

Dead Island 2: Uma nova e empolgante jornada no apocalipse zumbi

Dead Island 2 é a mais recente adição à popular série de jogos de zumbis da Deep Silver, e traz consigo uma série de melhorias e novidades que prometem revolucionar o gênero.

Gráficos e Ambientação Imersiva

Uma das primeiras coisas que se destacam em Dead Island 2 são os gráficos impressionantes e a ambientação detalhada. Desde as praias ensolaradas até as mansões de famosos lotadas de zumbis, cada cenário é ricamente detalhado e convida os jogadores a explorarem cada canto em busca de segredos e recursos.

Variedade de Personagens e Habilidades

Dead Island 2 apresenta uma variedade de personagens jogáveis, cada um com habilidades únicas que se encaixam em diferentes estilos de jogo. Desde o brutamontes que prefere o combate corpo a corpo até o ágil especialista em armas de fogo, há uma opção para cada tipo de jogador.

Customização e Progressão Profunda

A customização de armas e a progressão dos personagens são aspectos centrais de Dead Island 2. Os jogadores podem aprimorar e modificar suas armas de diversas maneiras, criando combinações únicas para enfrentar as hordas de zumbis. Além disso, o sistema de progressão permite que os personagens evoluam suas habilidades ao longo do jogo, tornando-os cada vez mais poderosos.

Cooperação Dinâmica

A experiência cooperativa em Dead Island 2 é incrivelmente divertida e dinâmica. Os jogadores podem se unir em equipes para enfrentar desafios cada vez maiores, compartilhando recursos e trabalhando juntos para sobreviver. A comunicação e a estratégia se tornam fundamentais, criando momentos intensos e emocionantes.

Jogabilidade Viciante e Diversificada

A jogabilidade de Dead Island 2 é viciante e diversificada, oferecendo uma mistura perfeita de combate, exploração e sobrevivência. Desde enfrentar zumbis com ataques brutais até encontrar suprimentos escassos em locais perigosos, cada momento no jogo é repleto de ação e suspense.

Em resumo, Dead Island 2 promete ser uma adição empolgante à série, combinando gráficos impressionantes, jogabilidade diversificada e uma ambientação imersiva para criar uma experiência única no apocalipse zumbi.

I was in the first 0.1% to get all the achievements, its fun

Best game in the series, but it could be improved way more. Open world feels empty with easy to fight zombies, NPCs will range from funny, to just annoying, at least the game runs fine and the graphics show of the PS5 hardware.

So far so not, not too far into the game but I'm enjoying it. There is some jank where zombies spawn in directly infront of me, like within 2 feet that is a bit annoying.

e esse gore ai eine esse gore ai eine esse gore ai eine esse gore ai eine esse gore ai eine esse gore ai eine esse gore ai eine esse gore ai eine esse gore ai eine esse gore ai ein

Se hateo mucho pero en vd es un juego solido de cojones aunque la historia es 0 importante

Do not buy this game. It is really fucking bad. For how much money u pay it is really not worth it. I was excited to play the game but that rapidly changed when I realised that I played more then half of the story in one day and I played about 5-6 hours.

Whatever u do. DO NOT PAY MONEY FOR THIS GAME. Try it on gamepass and u will understand how fucking bad it is. 60 pound or whatever how much it is really not worth It one bit. I wouldn't even be happy to pay 5 quid tbhit truly that fucking god awful.

Dead Island 2 is stupid, but in a good way. Slashing zombies is one of the funniest things I have done this year, but what surprised me the most is how good the quests and the characters are.
This game puts a lot of attention into its details. Environments are full of objects and the game has a good physics. Starting a fire is ridicously fun.
Graphics are awesome and overall the experience has been satisfying,
All AAAs game should be like this.

Un jeu plutôt bon.

Si on met de côté la nostalgie le jeu est bien meilleur que Dead Island 1. Notamment grâce à des graphismes vraiment beaux et un gameplay nerveux et satisfaisant où l'on sent réellement l'impact de nos coups.

Le jeu possède malgré tout de gros défauts. L'histoire du jeu sert uniquement de prétexte et inintéressante, c'est dommage parce que certains personnages sont pas mauvais.Également le gameplay devient rapidement redondant (normal dans ce genre de jeux) et la durée du jeu est très courte, autour de 10h pour un jeu vendu 70€.

En gros c'est un bon jeu mais j'aurais pu m'en passer.

Just completed the base game today. As someone who loved the first game and although didn't beat "Riptide", did enjoy it; I view this game as a worthy successor. The level cap is a bit low, and I saw some complaints about there being no skill tree but the skill cards are basically the same thing and they're always swappable. The story itself is really short if you don't entertain yourself with side quests, and the plot suffers from "why don't characters just speak up instead of letting themselves be cut off and ignored" tropes, but that's to be expected with most linear narratives. Combat it smooth and the blueprints are deadly. A lot of survivors are annoying, and I didn't want to help a number of them, but I remember the original also having stupid and rude characters as well so that just seems on par for the universe.

Sammy B got a redesign which weirded me out, making every cutscene with him felt so detached. Spawn points in this game are also kind of bad, zombies spawning behind you after you clear a room or phasing into existence in front of you if you are running through an area. Music in this game is pretty good and fits every scenario, Karen O's "Drown" make for a fitting title song, and the ending track "Stay Alive" would be extremely nostalgic to me if I were a kid playing this. I played as Ryan, and he had a number of humorous dialogues often recalling his profession as a stripper. Optimization isn't terrible, only started dropping frames when I was fighting a horde with apex variants and shit was exploding all around me + my Series X had been on for 7 hours straight.

There's probably more I'll think to say, but as of now I am left with that hole in my heart after beating a game you've sunk over a literal day's worth of time into. I will be considering paying for the DLC content since I had the luxury of playing for free using Gamepass.

Cara fui mto surpreendido com a qualidade que tem esse jogo o impacto nos zumbis com cada arma que vc causa é mto bom, sinto que faltou um enredo um pouco mais envolvente e criativo mas no geral é um jogo bem divertido

Gameplay is fun but the main character is so fucking annoying

Jogo absurdamente medíocre, tem 2 estrelas porque foi divertido matar zumbis no começo.

Dead Island 2 oferece uma experiência visualmente impressionante ao recriar Los Angeles com grande fidelidade. Andar pela cidade analisando o design urbano torna-se uma experiência cativante, a exploração é realmente prazerosa.
O jogo também se destaca pelo humor em alguns diálogos. As interações com personagens como a YouTuber/Streamer trazem momentos bem divertidos, adicionando um toque leve ao clima pós-apocalíptico. Além disso, o sistema de combate, que permite desmembrar zumbis, é bastante satisfatório de início, proporcionando um nível de brutalidade interessante.
No entanto, o jogo apresenta problemas no desenvolvimento da narrativa. A história carece de originalidade, parecendo apenas uma colagem de elementos típicos do gênero zumbi, sem oferecer algo realmente único ou inovador. As missões também são inconsistentes: algumas são divertidas, mas logo esquecíveis, enquanto outras são simplesmente banais, o que acaba esticando o jogo desnecessariamente.
O sistema de combate, embora tenha momentos de diversão, acaba ficando repetitivo com o tempo. A luta contra os bosses são decepcionantes pela falta de dificuldade, são muitos fáceis, o que acaba deixando broxante.
Apesar desses problemas, Dead Island 2 ainda tem méritos. A qualidade visual, o humor nos diálogos e o sistema de desmembramento fazem o ser facilmente jogável e divertido, a maior parte do tempo. Contudo, uma narrativa mais aprofundada e melhor escrita, missões mais interessantes e um combate mais variado, poderia ter sido um jogo melhor. Em resumo, oferece momentos divertidos, mas é uma experiência esquecível e superficial (Mesmo que se tiver sequência eu jogarei com toda certeza).

Observação: Se tiver a oportunidade de jogar com amigos, jogue! O modo cooperativo vai te trazer uma dinâmica diferente ao jogo.

eu caindo no soco com os zumbi vsf morri de rir

Got through the entirety of Dead Island 2 over the course of a few months with a friend of mine. Pretty good!

I remember feeling so ripped off by the first Dead Island game way back in 2011, so going into this one, my expectations weren't very high. Especially factoring in the whole development hell this game went through.

For game that went through as many development restarts as it did, Dead Island 2 turned out about as good as it possibly could. It's strength and weakness lies in it's simplicity. It's a no-brainer (haha) to pick up and play. Within minutes, I was chucking limbs off of zombies and soaking in the great looking environments. The skill card system is alright and I felt like it added some fun customization options to the combat but it also wasn't very deep. Eventually, the game boils down to just doing big damage numbers to enemies and farming your ultimate attack.

It's maybe 25% too long? I platinumed this in about 25 hours and by the end, it felt like I was doing the same thing over and over again. Dead Island really doesn't change enough from the first few minutes of the game to the last few minutes of the game to make it stand out as something truly great. But the hack and slash mechanics are just fun enough to make this easy to recommend, especially in coop.

Good game. Even better coop. Just don't expect it to do anything too crazy. What you see is what you get with this one.

I loved this game a lot actually. I'd play it again if I could

Story 3.3 | Gameplay 3.8 | Audio 3.5 | Visual 3.5 | Details 3 | Entertainment 4 | Open world 3

Total 3.4

Nas primeiras horas de gameplay é um jogo muito divertido. Matar os zumbis das mais diversas formas brutais é muito legal e a história é meio idiota, mas tem boas piadas.

O problema é que depois de um tempo, o jogo fica extremamente repetitivo e tedioso, pois você passa horas fazendo as mesmas coisas, as missões secundárias se resumem de ir do ponto A ao ponto B para conseguir algum item, ou matar zumbis para coletar algo que eles dropam. Se isso estivesse em um jogo de 6 horas, dava pra relevar, mas num de mais de 10 horas não. É muito tempo repetindo as mesmas ações.

Se você procura um bom jogo de ação, Dead Island 2 é ótimo, mas eu aviso: as chances de você enjoar do jogo na metade dele são altas. Talvez seja mais divertido no online, mas eu joguei tudo no modo singleplayer, então não posso opinar sobre isso.

This games existence is very strange to me, indeed. I'm unashamedly a fan of the first game, to the extend I'd call it an underrated classic. A game which, even at the time of release, I was the only person I knew in my entire friend group of games who even played it. Now, more than a decade later, the sequel appears. Years of development hell and to be honest, this game is lucky to even see the light of day, let alone be as... um, decent (?) as it is. Dead Island 2 has one and only one thing genuinely impressive about it, and that is its buckets and buckets of viscera and gore. You can go absolutely primal on mother fuckers, pick them apart with weapons that generate realistic looking flesh rending and mutilating depending on what weapon is used and where you strike them. The amount of hours that must have been put into making this work are absolutely commendable. Everything surrounding that, however, is just dull and uninteresting. Not even in a bad way, by all means, but everything seems so formulaic it borders on being white noise to accompany the sick and violent ways you'll pull apart the human (zombie) body over and over and over again. The game absolutely plays like a game that went from studio to studio, as the story and several of the gameplay elements seem very disjointed from one another, to the extent where the 'rage mode' available at the beginning of Dead Island 1 and Riptide is now pulled out and reintroduced about 50 percent of the way through the game for no reason other than to introduce a rather uninteresting and fairly lame story development. The existence of such a wide cast of characters does seem to encourage multiple playthroughs, but as there don't really exist any meaningful role playing opportunities, I don't really find myself drawn to doing another playthrough any time soon. Maybe in a few years I'll find myself nostalgic for it in the same way I feel for it's predecessor, but I will admit I highly doubt it. A very commendable effort by it's development team and well worth a playthrough if you're a sick bastard that likes me and enjoy blood and gore a little too much.

It's alright. Very generic/unoriginal story, don't care too much for it. The gameplay is pretty nice, 6/10 on it's own. Playing co-op is where it picks up, though. Very, very fun co-op game. 8/10