Reviews from

in the past

Tambem conhecido por Destiny 3.
Ah e por ter a melhor raid da historia.

They fixed a meh game and it was crazy

No Destiny expansion has yet to hold a candle to Forsaken. The game needed everything that came with this expansion, and it's never been the same since.

I can't believe they did my goat like that...

as much as i hate destiny 2, last wish is genuinely one of the best experiences ive ever had, and is easily the best cooperative activity ive gotten to play. the dlc campaign is awesome, gambit was awesome somehow bringing moba like gameplay to an fps, still had shitty grind tho but thats just destiny 2. dont play this game ever

Absolutely gut-retching revenge story with a phenomenal raid and two great destinations. The upwards turning point for the game after a rocky first year

Peak Destiny 2. Saved the game.

It was not quite as great as the Taken King but it was just as important in saving the game. I really wish they waited until release to show Cayde die, it would have hit way harder.

This expansion was just generally amazing with what it brought to the game and prepared it for going forward, but most notable for me is that it also includes one of my favorite pieces of content in any game I've ever played (the Last Wish raid), which I've honestly made so many fond memories playing through with various raid groups throughout the years. It makes me sad that we're probably never going to get another raid experience like it that requires your team to be on top of so many things at once if you want to even consider winning. Even if being as power-creeped as we are now trivializes the difficulty of Last Wish in general, it's still one of the most solidly designed and straight-up fun experiences I think you'll find in the medium of gaming as a whole (as long as your team of 6 is pleasant to play with lol).

I also should mention that the Crown of Sorrow raid (which imo does fall under the forsaken expansion) genuinely has my favorite final boss fight in all of gaming.

It goes to show how much of a roller coaster Destiny in general exists as. It shows so much genuine creativity and talent in these small pockets of greatness. From the lore, to the insanely diverse art direction, to the music, to the weird amalgamation of puzzle mechanics with fps shooter gameplay on top of an MMORPG feel, the game has so much potential there that feels like it was just tossed out like a game of jacks. It's generally at least decent, but when it works, holy hell it fucking WORKS.

While I have in many ways moved on from Destiny as a whole, I still do look back on it for moments like those very fondly. It has in many ways shaped a lot of things in my life, for better or for worse, but the good does definitely overshadow the bad. It's impossible to really recommend it to someone in the current day, but still, as something I was there for from basically the beginning, it's something I'm thankful for being able to say I experienced.

This was the expansion that saved D2 and finally stopped it from being stuck in an uninteresting gameplay loop, the story was pretty solid, and the post launch content added is probably still the best since Rise of Iron.

Man, three years ago I probably would have given this a four, it was really good, so what happened?

Well, the story starts in 2021, with the release of the 'Beyond Light' expansion for 'Destiny 2', where Bungie removed all of the content for the game that was made during its first year. I hold the decidedly hot take that this was an excellent move, I can not say I am at all a fan of year one 'Destiny 2' content, in fact, I despise most of it. I thought that the content sat awkwardly, from a game design and tonal aesthetic standpoint, against the rest of the game after two expansions, and to see it removed was a great improvement in my eyes [this is a hill I will die on, if you have any inquires on this take feel free to hit me up.]

So, now to be less contentious, the decision to remove content from year two and onward was... hmmm... there's an English phrase for this... uhhh... oh yeah! Really really fucking stupid! I apologise for being so curt and I understand that it was to weaken the load on the engine, but this was far too much, there should have been an attempt at some other workaround and I sincerely hope the content expunged makes a return in the future. With this decision, big chunks of the Forsaken expansion have vanished, and while the content which remains is still excellent and some of the best work Bungie as a studio has ever accomplished, the price point for said content is nothing short of egregious. I respect Bungie as a studio, as artists, I even—in spite of what a lot of people think about their catalogue—hold them in pretty high regard, but this is a shameful point for the team and absolutely abhorrent practice. Do not, under any circumstances, purchase this downloadable content outside of a sale or some form of value bundle.

To not mince words, this DLC should be free, and I'm shocked that it isn't.

Again, like King's Fall this is a good expansion technically, but I would enjoy the following seasons a lot more for aesthetic and gear reasons.

Con el primer aniversario ya cumplido del título de Bungie, este necesitaba una nueva expansión más grande y que lo mejorase en todos los aspectos. Por esto, Destiny 2: Los Renegados es el soplo de aire fresco necesario para que los miles de guardianes que aún juegan puedan seguir conociendo y enriqueciéndose en historia y lumen a partes iguales. Pero no es oro todo lo que reluce, si no que se lo digan al primer año de Destiny 2, que se ha visto varias veces en horas bajas por suslamentables acabados en sus contenidos descargables, como La maldición de Osiris y El Estratega, que hicieron que muchos guardianes abandonaran al Viajero… ¿para siempre?

Crítica completa en:

I'm going to use forsaken as my main review for destiny 2, as this was the absolute peak of the franchise and I don't think it will ever reach these heights again.

Story wise this expansion has been overtaken as its not very strong in general but its servicable. The real meat and potato's comes from the content and changes this expansion made to the game. Without going into too much detail, Destiny 2 has never been more fun, replayable, and engaging as it was during the Forsaken Era and it's sad to see the state the game is in currently.

One of the craziest redemption arcs by a game I've ever seen.

bungie you will pay for what u did to this expansion back in 2020

I blame Forsaken for my D2 addiction

still the best dlc to come out for the game (they will never top this)

This review contains spoilers

One of the most overhyped dlcs of all time. This dlc fundamentally destroyed the game going forward. The whole plot of killing cayde was a cop out just to bring a playerbase back to the game. Cayde was butchered in this dlc as well. His character became the funny silly gunslinging guy. He used to know when to be serious but in this he just becomes humor for the sake of humor. And to add insult to injury, this dlc meant nothing in the long run. The only good thing about this dlc is the fact that Scourge of the Past is one of the best raids in Destiny history.

2nd best expansion ever conceived, only being bested by witch queen 4 years later. so many good changes that should've been there from launch such as the improved weapon system, stronger and faster abilities and improved leveling system. gambit was nice (until they killed it) and the new focus on delivering high quality content on a semi-consistent basis was great to see. too bad they gutted this expansion in 2020/21 but i still remember how good this expansion and following year of content was.

This expansion turned D2 into a good game again. They completely overhauled multiple systems, including the entire weapon system that we still see today. The story was good, all the new areas were good, and all the new activities were incredible.

This DLC turned Destiny 2 into the biggest grind the series had ever been, causing me to quit. What a bummer.

ok this one is just actually good.
no timegated FOMO bullshit yet. no battlepass yet. just a good campaign, solid raids, loot to farm for, etc. its just peak destiny

A very needed tone shift for Destiny, and also a campaign lost to the sands of time. Also known as the Destiny Content Vault.

That opening mission on launch night in a party with friends is my favourite ever moment I’ve had in a game. Gunslinger is my favourite game track ever. That playing with Cayde-6 saying cheesy quotes whilst shooting up a prisonbreak was the most perfect Destiny 2 has ever felt. The whole year of content was perfect, with some of the best raids in the game. Shame it’s all gone in the vault.