Reviews from

in the past

genuenly such a slept on game. super novel idea, very good execution, good art, not too long not too short.

What a fun and refreshing indie game.


This game was just really boring and made me feel uncomfortable. Double whammy

this game is so so good and fun that ive done a dozen of runs and still havent got all the scenarios(?) and i still feel like doing more so i can see them!!!

Really fun and short, sometimes the connections are alittle far fetched though might be because I'm dumb tho. Will defintely do another run in the future

downloaded bc cheap on steam, ended up hooked for hours. haaaate how often u have to eat so u don’t die tho like cmon

bem legal mas acho que os time limits e outras coisas te impedem de aproveitar o jogo e os personagens

En plena era de “Necesitamos gráficos más realistas” Fictiorama Studios nos han traído 2 juegos de estética pixelada y con toques de los Point & Click noventeros de motor SCUMM, con puntero de cruceta y diálogos divertidos y sesudos que nos van a reventar la cabeza en más de una ocasión.

Con un guion que juega con moralidades y decisiones que nos pondrán en un brete y nos harán replantearnos nuestra propia moralidad. Quizás no somos tan santos, ni tan “la vida de los demás no me importa”. Seguramente descubramos un nuevo yo que nos de miedete pero nos guste, ese nuevo yo lleno de ansias de alcahuetear e interferir en las vidas de los demás.
Un yo cotilla que se ríe de las desgracias de los monetes, mientras pone sus manitas como el Sr Burns de los Simpson.

Sea como fuere, seguro que lo que descubrimos mientras jugamos a Do Not Feed the Monkeys, sea algo que nos haga reflexionar, tanto por la vida de los monetes, como la del socio del club y la nuestra propia.

¿Habéis comido bien hoy y habéis bebido agüita? ¿Habéis dado un paseo? ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que dijiste te quiero? ¿Y cuándo fue la última vez que pusiste la oreja para oír la conversación de la vecina del 3º bajando el volumen de la TV?

Seguro que de la última pregunta hace poquito, pero recuerda: aliméntate tú, no a los monos.

Reseña completa en Nivel Oculto->

I really like the concept of this game but some of it just dose not click with me. I personally dislike the survival mechanic and feels like it takes away from the core game play of watching the "monkeys".

This game is unique and full of surprises which caused me to keep replaying and replaying for more. One of its best features is how it feels so flexible. Its not just a management sim where you sit at a computer but you actually manage a life with money and other external issues. I also really like how the game is structured because technically you don't need to interact with the monkeys or participate in anything besides work, but it can lead to better opportunities to make money if you play your cards right. Only got 1/3 endings at the moment but I know I'm gonna get to the rest, great game

Helped a old man get his spunk back wholesome game

pretty fun and short game, although it can be overwhelming at times

You watch people from cameras but i already do it in real life

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Sinceramente, eu não fazia a menor ideia do que esperar de Do Not Feed the Monkeys. Na primeira hora de gameplay, eu pensei algumas vezes em largar o jogo, mas abri a mente e tentei entender a proposta e as mecânicas básicas.
Toda a ideia de trabalha, come, dorme e faça seu hobbie é visivelmente o que eu e diversas pessoas por aí passar no dia-a-dia. Eu tenho meu trabalho, volto pra casa, jogo algumas coisas, como e durmo para, no dia seguinte, fazer tudo de novo.
Nós, jogadores, somos os macacos que o game se refere. Não interferir, como eu fiz, significa manter o status quo da nossa relação com o trabalho. Além disso, o game também me pareceu um ataque à cultura dos reality shows, ainda que aqui nada pareça armado intencionalmente para parecer real. Bom jogo, definitivamente.

Alimentare a los monos cuanto yo quiera.

Great concept for a game, 'voyeur simulator' makes it seem kinkier than it is. You're just a creep watching other creeps. I also love when mundane shit like getting groceries and drinking coffee is an essential game mechanic. Pretty fun puzzle mechanics, though some parts feel contrived

Gonna walk into the most visible part of my home and rattle off a list of proper nouns

literally big brother (1984 reference)

one of those games where the second you start having some fun with the mechanics the game is over. moderately fun but doesnt do much with the format.

This would literally be my dream job

It's one of those Desk-Simulator genre. The concept itself of the game is quite good, I just don't like that you have to play multiple run to have a posibility to all the cameras. Felt like it had a great potential but was kinda wasted.

Juvenile writing, unnecessary survival/sim mechanics and overall uninteresting situations. The concept and mechanic execution is fine, but that’s about it.

A fun game. You get to watch monkeys and occasionally give them a treat if you feel like you can get away with it!

This game pulled me into it, and I was greatful it's a relatively short game since I'd have spent too many hour playing it otherwise. If you like games like beholder, you'll like this

The gameplay is amazing overall, but it's just that sometimes you happen to unlock a lot of empty cages that you can't do anything on cause of the randomized system. Other than that, I highly recommend playing it.
Can't wait to play the second game
Do Not Feed The Monkeys 2099

the gimmick is fun and i can definitely see how it gets people hooked, but man there's so much downtime and waiting for specific convos to happen again because you missed one line of dialogue just makes me be like. why.

Sehr schöner Google Home Simulator! Man muss seine Gesundheit und Geld managen und dabei Leute ausspionieren und in Adventure-artiger Fashion Informationen sammeln kombinieren, um den Leuten zu helfen… oder eben nicht. Hab jetzt ein Ending von 3 und werde wahrscheinlich zurückkehren für alle Achievements! 7/10