Reviews from

in the past

Divertido demais! Nada a ver com o resto da franquia, mas um alívio cômico tremendo com o Tanner tendo superpoderes. Joguei demais.

Est-ce le meilleur jeu de course auquel j'ai pu jouer ?
C'est possible mais en tout cas il est dans les tout meilleurs avec Burnout 3 et Paradise.

Driver: San Fransisco nous donne la réponse à ce que serait un jeu de voiture qui contiendrait un vrai scénario avec des vrais personnages, des rebondissements, une enquête assez prenante et des missions de campagne plus développée que de simples courses et épreuves de drift. J'aime beaucoup Need for Speed et je n'ai pas tenu rigueur à Heat pour ces défauts, mais savoir que ces qualités sont atteignables pour un jeu du genre et ont été atteintes en 2011 par UBISOFT me rend un peu triste face à l'état actuel des choses, surtout quand on voit ce qu'est devenu la licence Driver après cet épisode.

La conduite est dans l'ensemble irréprochable, j'ai eu quelques bugs et quelques instants chelous de physique mais rien de grave, j'ai moins de mal avec le trafic dans ce jeu que dans d'autres, la mécanique principale du jeu et le design des routes aidant à affiner sa conduite pour ne plus avoir de problèmes avec. Les voitures driftent peut-être un peu trop à mon goût, mais c'est du pinaillage. Je continue de ne pas être fan de comment se passent les courses poursuites-avec la police, on voit bien qu'ils n'ont qu'une IA codée en mode Collision et rien de plus, ce qui amène à quelques instant un peu frustrants où le policier Spawn de nulle part ou te rattrapes car il est en Corvette ZR1 et toi en DB5, te fonce dessus, t'envoie dans un mur et laisse les 7 autres flics à tes trousses le loisir de te Bully pendant 30 secondes pendant que tu espères voir une ouverture. Voilà ça c'est pas génial mais honnêtement je n'ai vu nulle part ailleurs un meilleur système de police et doute qu'on en voie un un jour, c'est pas grave c'est pas le coeur du jeu.

Le coeur du jeu lui, tourne autour de cette mécanique absolument géniale qui sublime vraiment la conduite et surtout les missions principales, on laisse les courses bêtes méchantes pour les missions secondaires, ici on innove, on te fait conduire du point du vue de la voiture ennemie, on te fait rester dans le sillon d'une ambulance qui préfigure PEUT-ÊTRE ce qui se passe en parallèle pour le héros, on t'envoie dans un labyrinthe où tu dois trouver la bonne route à prendre façon Bois Perdus de Ocarina of Time mais vu d'en haut comme le mode caméra de certains missions, et j'avoue que quand le boss de fin te lance des camion-citernes à la gueule c'est très marrant. Il y a toujours des courses basiques mais même elles ont des particularités avec des thèmes dédiés et des tracés malins. Et on rajoute à ça les autres missions de type protéger un camion d'assaillants, casser les voitures des adversaires façon Burnout et la petite surprise du défi Retour vers le Passé qui parlera bien à ceux qui connaissent la série au moins de loin.
J'ai déjà beaucoup trop parlé donc je finirai juste en demandant à Ubisoft de rendre ce jeu accessible ou au pire d'en faire une suite du même niveau, je veux plus de jeux de course qui exploitent des vraies trames narratives qui vont plus loin que juste gentils gangs contre flics corrompus et une DA un peu différente avec une conduite agréable c'est bien, mais si vous pouvez le sublimer d'une grande idée de Game Design comme l'a eue Driver: San Fransisco, alors vous pourrez dire que vous avez un grand jeu.

my closest thing to gta before i could have gta

The radio music defined my music taste from age 12 onward.

Didn't surprise me but its a solid enough game

o primeiro ou único jogo na história a ter camera em segunda(?) pessoa

How it feels to drive sober

yah everyone knows this game for that one mechanic and for good reason it is really what makes it stand out

This game has some of the most fun physics in a racing game I've played, drifting feels fantastic. Crashing other cars with the shift mechanic is always satisfying too. The whole game is super wacky when it comes to both gameplay and the story in the best way. The soundtrack is great too. Also manages to run at 60 fps on PS3!

Provavelmente o game mais underrated da história.

Gameplay - 10
Trilha Sonora - 9
Gráficos - 10
História/Campanha - 9

Nota - 9.5

the quintessential racing game. Driver (the 90s original) was a tough as hell semi realistic mission based racing game with some of the best driving physics around, not only for the time but for all the time. Driver 3 was extremely ambitious and though janky i also love it for not being a safe sequel and trying to do a lot of things, even if it failed in some. Driver San Francisco though, it takes all the jank of the previous games, cuts it out, realizes that people play the Driver series for the driving and just pumps all energy into that, and thus becomes probably the best driving game ever.
shame about Ubisoft being the ones that own the franchise now, but at least it went down with a brilliant entry (as far as im concerned the only driver games that exist are Driver 1 through 3, Parallel Lines and San Francisco)

I would do unspeakable things to the suits at Ubisoft if I could solely because they delisted this masterpiece.
"b-but the licenses eksphired!!" I DO NOT CARE. Delist The Crew 2 and put this back into the menu because I'm tired of eating shit from Boobsoft.

ridiculously fun with a decent variety of missions and many of them to complete. graphically sound, so many awesome licensed cars to drive around and crash into oncoming traffic except you shift at the last second. a cool ass licensed soundtrack, an open world which is a hell of a lot of fun to screw around in, and a story which is always kept exciting, ends satisfyingly and isnt afraid to get weird and surreal because of the nature of it. kickass game.

This game is such a weird premise and I love it. Haven’t played it since it originally came out. I remember everyone saying “what a dumb concept!” Who cares if it’s fun though!

Such a blast jumping into random cars and eavesdropping on conversations before slamming their car into a wall going 90. There’s something to be said for a truly unique concept. Even if it’s rough around the edges.

i love that tanner actually turns the steering wheel like full 360 degrees like in real life. this game is so creative gameplay-wise.

Ok hold on this is kinda brilliant

Fell in love with the shift mechanic when I played the game at my best friend's house. As soon as I got the Game with my Playstation Itself I started grinding it and in the end, I came to the conclusion that this game's story and concepts are the best.

Smooth car handling, nice car selection, awesome music, insanely cool shift mechanic, engaging story, what's not to love about this game? Oh, right, the delisting.

A racing game that subverts the tropes of the genre, It's unfortunate how hard it is to get your hands on nowadays though.

best quantum leap adaptation ever made

A labour of love to the driving genre. Built upon a premise that brilliantly subverts the tropes of the genre while also allowing for some of the most creative scenarios possible in a driving game. Tons of attention to detail. Though the missions started to get repetitive by the end. The premise of “The Target” is genius.

I know I'm playing the Wii version (which may or may not be inferior to the Xbox360/PS3 versions), but this genuinely has the funnest driving I've ever experienced.

The main problem is that it's one of the dumbest games I've ever played.
But on the plus side; it's one of the dumbest games I've ever played.
I'm convinced there was a huuuuge idea for this game that they were forced to abandon and had to stitch together what they had.
Not one part of the plot makes sense but it doesn't matter because you can just float between challenges forever 😂

what a phenomenal game this is, great graphics holds up the pretty great, awesome story with great twists and an amazing writing job, writer did phenomenal job imo shit is so funny and good, and gameplay this freaking gameplay is just so far ahead of its time that no one able to capture this again not even Ubisoft, like playing as every car in the open world hop out hop ỉn seamlessly this is just beyond everything, an amazing all-time great game ever, shame Ubisoft won’t allow u to buy this, it’s a game to be remembered not forgotten. 10/10 highly recommend it no matter what play this must play one of the Best games to come out from Ubisoft. what an amazing ride it was.

The Wii version is totally different to the other platforms so I feel should be listed separately. It's a very good game.

The Xbox 360 version runs 60fps and is also a great game.

Play both!