Reviews from

in the past

ran like crap, crashed in 95 minutes, but the game was overall one of the stupidest things I've ever played, 1.5 for actual game, 5/5 for vibes though, funny as hell

The game has a very interesting premise, wich it tosses aside for, well everything that was popular in the early 2000´s XD

David Cage has always made these WTF stories but man they always be straight fire. Game is dated and clunky so I couldn't rate it that high but for its time and for the story its worth playing. PC port is a lil fried but when it works it works.

Jogo impressionante para a época em que foi lançado (2005) slc. Não é só inovador no estilo de gameplay e na narrativa interativa, como também nos visuais e apresentação cinematográfica. Críticas ao David Cage à parte, esse é um dos jogos mais bem produzidos do PS2.

as a kid i played the demo on a xbox demo disc. it only had the diner scene and i thought it was the greatest game ever made

Действие начинается в январе 2009. Одним холодным вечером в Нью-Йорке, банковский техник Лукас Кейн, находясь в трансе, убивает мужчину в туалете забегаловки и убегает с места преступления. Это убийство оказывается не единственным преступлением, совершенным подобным образом. Детективы Тайлер Майлз и Карла Валенти прибывают на место убийства и начинают расследование.
В игре присутствует три окончания, которые зависят лишь от результата финальных сцен. Но, помимо этого, в игре есть множество других сцен и выборов сюжета, в зависимости от желания игрока.
Сюжет в игре отличный, очень интересный, довольно сложный, в нем есть неплохие сюжетные твисты. Считай до самого конца держит в напряжении. Темп игры протекает плавно до первой середины игры. Но вот во второй половине сюжета начинаются небольшие проблемы. Потому что, как будто в историю пытаются максимально быстро впихнуть все возможные придуманные идеи. Переключение и углубление больше в фантастику и экшен. Я считаю, что не совсем получилось сбалансировать и аккуратно преподнести историю. Сюжет во второй половине игры получился скомканным. Остаются вопросы и непонимание в некоторых моментах.
Например, любовная завязка между Карлой и Лукасом очень странная и вообще почти никак нормально не объясняется. И в самой концовке, как будто забывают про преступления Лукаса, вообще ни слова, что предприняла полиция на его счет.
Это конечно не все недочеты и вопросы, но вот на эти я больше всего обратил внимание. Атмосфера мрачности отлично ощущается.

Есть 3 играбельных персонажа, между главами в игре мы можем выбрать, каким персонажем начнем играть. Лукас, который убил мужчину в забегаловке и пытается найти ответы, что с ним произошло. Карла Валенти и Тайлер Майлз – копы, которые расследуют это дело. Геймплей состоит в основном из QTE. И последовательного прожимания бамперов геймпада на скорость. С этим еще связана механика дыхания у Карлы. Взаимодействие с окружающим миром, например, выпить воду, открыть дверь, сесть на диван, ответить на звонок и т.д, происходит при помощи движения мыши или аналогового стика геймпада в разные стороны. Также есть задания, которые нужно выполнить за определенное время, например, скрыться или спрятать улики. Главный элемент, который позволяет узнать состояние персонажа – это индикатор психического здоровья, уровень которого меняется в зависимости от ваших действий. Если довести уровень до нуля, то персонаж может сойти с ума, покончить жизнь самоубийством, либо просто сдаться, т.е. все заканчивается провалом игры. Саундтрек в игре отличный, также есть треки исполнителей, например, рок-группы Theory of a Deadman, которые, лично мне, захотелось переслушать после прохождения игры.

Fahrenheit – это отличная игра в жанре интерактивное кино. Есть недочеты в плане сюжета, но это не сильно помешало мне пройти игру на одном дыхании и получить неимоверное удовольствие от нее. Я настоятельно рекомендую пройти эту игру.

dentro de las obras de david el jaulas, este es el juego mas potable de todos

Fahrenheit is not fantastic in the conventional sense but is still interesting for the time and worth a play. It's fun and memorable, even if you end up finding yourself laughing at the creative decisions.

game doesnt work amına koyim

Tiene rompecabezas desafiantes y unas escenas que son tan entretenidas que resultan memorables. Aunque a decir verdad tiene fallos inaceptables como exceso de ‘bugs’, menú poco intuitivo y errores de cámara que no deberían existir en un ‘remaster’. Pero eso sí, la historia, que es enganchadora, y la banda sonora hacen que se sienta único.

Senaryosu ilgimi çeken bi oyundu. Oynamak istedim ve yaklaşık 2 günde bitirdim. Şimdi ise düşüncelerimi paylaşacağım.

Senaryo iyi başlıyor ve gerçekten iyi ilerliyor. Hatta beni oyunda tutan şeyin senaryo olduğunu rahatlıkla söyleyebilirim. Son bi saatinde ise senaryoya bi boklar olmaya başlıyor. Bilgisayarın başında sövdüm resmen "Ne oluyor amk". Finali de ayrı boktan olmuş. Gerçekten bu kadar iyi ilerleyen bi oyuna bu final yakışmamış. Onun dışında oyunda tutacak denli bi senaryo var.

Karakterler için 2 tanesi hariç hiç biri ilgi çekici ve oynamasını isteyeceğimiz karakterler değiller. Fakat oyun oynamanızı zorluyor ve oynarken isteksizlik yaşayabiliyoruz.

Oynanış namına çok az şey var. Yürüme, kapı açma-kapatma, tırmanma vs. gibi eylemler ve quick-time eventlerdan oluşuyor. Genelde çok epik şeyler olurken siz ekrana gelen tuşa zamanında basmaya uğraşıyorsunuz bu hiç iyi olmamış.


Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy sağlam bi senaryo, boktan bi finale sahip, oynanış namına çok az şeylerin bulunduğu interaktif film gibi bir oyun. İyi bir senaryo içeren bi oyun arıyorsanız bakabilirsiniz.


Nope. Quise darle oportunidad a pesar de los gráficos, porque entiendo que no es un juego nuevo, pero ni la historia ni el modo de juego me gustaron.

this game changed me.

peak gaming.

Guilty pleasure.

É cheio de reviravoltas doidas, viradas de roteiro excêntricas e sexualização desnecessária. Dito isso, na época que joguei pela primeira vez no PC, me surpreendi com a árvore de diálogos e a ideia do jogo agir como um filme interativo guiado pelo que você faz. Era inovador pra época e o remaster deu uma boa revivida na cor e na textura no geral pra quem quiser conferir por curiosidade. Não recomendo pra quem não gosta de coisas que são não-intencionalmente engraçadas por se levar a sério demais.

It was a game with a very interesting story, the only disturbing thing was the quick time events that were kind of in front of you, but considering that it's a game from 2005, let's say I forgive it a little. The game follows Lucas, a man who was possessed and killed someone in the bathroom while you try to unravel the mystery, who was possessed? why? and many other questions that will be answered by the end of the game, you also control two policemen who are trying to catch Lucas, meaning you too. Very atmospheric game and a very good story. Unfortunately, it feels like an old game because the mechanics haven't aged very well, and it takes a while to get used to this style of quick-time events, and it's very annoying because those 2 wheels are right in front of you. I recommend that it be played with a controller, with the keyboard I assume that it is a terrible control experience.

si lo fías todo a "el guion" y "lo técnico", el resultado es que casi 20 años después tu guion sigue siendo una basura, lo técnico ya no impresiona y jugablemente eres peor que mandar a la abuela a por drogas. David Cage me supera.

very funny bad game i love everything except the actual controls

The PC port is shoddy. What I played felt like a beta for Heavy Rain, which isn't a compliment.

The first half of this game is near and aesthetically it’s kinda fucking awesome but good lord does the story go to shit it is not very good. Aesthetic carries this heavy

I found this game on YouTube years ago and thought: "well, the story seems nice. I will give it a shot!".

Terrible mistake.
You see, as horrible as this game is, Fahrenheit has some good points.
The start is absolutely amazing, you will find yourself hungry for answers as you control two detectives and Lucas, a guy who has just killed someone while possesed.

The story develops pretty good in start, but theb you will find yourselft tired of FIVE MINUTE QTE SEQUENCES that just SEND YOU TO START at any mistake with terrible timing.

You know, this is a game. And every time you need to play it, it gets really frustrating. A lot.

And then... Well. The story.

When you are in, idk, maybe 60% of the game, you will see that the guy who wrote this should stop doing drugs. I mean, seriously.

You just turn (with no plausible reason) the thriller and tense detective story into a low quality hero story.
Lucas just... Jesus.
Lucas just turns into a superpowerful human, mixing Matrix and Star Wars FOR NO REASON AND WITH MORE QTEs.

The story was still solid back then, so i kept playing.

Into the 80% Lucas just... Come back from the dead. And then you just get on a Jedi Force battle with some priest because of a 2 yo child who is the answer of everything, and of course.. WHY NOT SOME GOD A.I. HUH?

Really. Things just pop up in your screen.

Half of the story is one thing, and the other is trash. Third rate trash.

For real, as good as the gane may seen in the start, don't play it.
Or just laugh at the creative decisions made in this stupid game who could be amazing, but just shot himself in the most important part.

This review contains spoilers

IMAgine being the fucking MAyan guy and then out of ALL of the 7 billion people in the world you RANDOMLY pick the guy with the fucking CHROMA.... Some parts of this game pisses me off, especially the controls. I can add that all of your actions are irrelevant to the story, and everything goes batshit the moment cops hit your apartment. At least it has some dumb campy vibe to it, so I guess that makes it more likeable?

I cannot believe someone willingly gave Cage money for his next project after this. I cannot believe I'm asking, begging even, to make David put LESS gameplay into his games.

Lucas, our main boy, wakes up in a restaurant bathroom after just killing a man while he was possessed by some shady dude. Police arrives and Lucas has to run, making this the start point of our investigation. Who was that dude? How was Lucas possessed? Why him? What's next?

Well. That was a two-thousand year-old mayan priest trying to find a kid that has the secret to everything. Lucas was possessed with the power of ancient mayan ritual because he won possessing lottery. Nothing. I'm absolutely not sorry for spoilers by the way, fuck Cage and fuck you if you unironically love this game.

So now we are in the story about supernatural cults trying to conquer the world. Turns out, Lucas was supposed to die right after murder because everyone who did it in the past went mad and killed himself. But Lucas didn't. Why, you may ask. Midichlorians. That's literally the answer our uncaged storyteller gives us. Bloody midichlorians. And now, because Lucas knows he has them, he can fly, kill people with his mind, dodge bullets, and do anything else that could come to batshit insane mind of David Cage. A little bit later in the plot a sentient AI appears from author's ass to... ... ... look, it appears to give us third ending, okay? So, we find the prodigal kid, and all three powers gather for one last final battle to learn the secret of the universe.

Obviously Lucas destroys everyone with his huge midichlorianic balls and absolutely fucking nothing happens. The end.

Obviously evil cult kills everyone with the power of two thousand year-old priest-ness-y and absolutely fucking nothing happens. The end.

Obviously a sentient AI made from pure energy easily kills everyone and humanity fucking dies. The end.

Considering this was David's first experience with movie-as-a-game genre, let's see what he has for us in gameplay department. Three difficulties, wow. First being the literal movie and the third being fucking exhausting. Just so you know, the game has five minutes long QTE sequences where one mistake can send you to the start. And the timing is everything but generous. I'm talking about hard, of course. Stealth segments are absolutely retarded where you can't believe anything you see until you tried and errored your way through. And the dialogue options locking other dialogue options making you wonder what the bloody hell is going on here are making me hollow.

Do not under any circumstances touch this abomination. Even with a three meter stick.

By the way, the remaster you're offered is a disgrace. It's basically an emulator on a disc with the PS2 game. Thanks for nothing, David.

Oyunun 2 büyük eksisi var; birincisi depresyon mekaniği bence ikincisi ise boktan dövüş sekansları, özellikle Oracle'la çatıda yaptığımız. Ayrıca gamepad ve klavyede de oynamak aşırı zor ilk başta.


İlk oynayışımda bence her karakter için en iyi sonu aldım; Lucas Tanrı oldu, Carla Hera v2.0 oldu, ismini hatırlamadığım siyahi abimiz ile de basket maçını kazandım.

Onde Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls e todos os games desse estilo ainda estavam no útero de suas mães (ou se pensar bem no "testículo" de David Cage), em 2005 existia o que pode se considerar como o pai (ou a mãe) de todos esses jogos, o grande Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy. Um jogo que deve ser muito valorizado por apenas existir, pois sem ele creio eu que não existiria ou talvez prolongaria bastante a existência de decisões em jogos e sendo assim tendo muitas outras obras sendo perdidas no processo. Eu poderia falar de cada parte específica desse jogo: a trilha sonora que eu pessoalmente acho incrível, a narrativa que é interessantíssima, tudo aqui é de se orgulhar e dizer que daria um puta de um filme cult de Hollywood, mas como nem tudo são flores a mecânica do jogo se ultrapassou um pouco com tanto Quick Time Event inserido nele, agora falando especificamente desse "Remastered", acho que é um dos mais porcos ja criado, só da Quantic Dream não portar ele para a nossa linguagem PT-BR já é um tanto decepcionante, mas além disso, nada aqui é novo de verdade nem mesmo os gráficos que nem polidos foram, o que eu vi foi só a mudança do logo para o da Quantic Dream no ínicio e alguns objetos com imagens de jogos atuais como Beyond Two Souls e etc, se pudesse nomear o Remaster mais inútil dos videogames acho que esse taria no Top 10, mas fora isso, o jogo é incrível e vale ser conferido, ah e vale sonhar em um Remake nos moldes atuais desse jogo, seria muito foda...