Reviews from

in the past

Nette kleine Highscorejagd. Das Kurbeln ist hier allerdings etwas zu anstrengend, beziehungsweise der Aufzug bewegt sich zu langsam.
Trotzdem ist das hier eine kreative Idee mit 5 einigermaßen abwechslungsreichen Leveln. Whitewater Wipeout kann es allerdings in Sachen Highscorejagd nicht das Wasser reichen.

Another short and sweet Playdate game utilizing only the crank, Flipper Lifter puts you in control of an elevator system utilized by a colony of penguins. The elevator moves up or down by turning the crank, and you need to get the penguins to their desired floor before they get frustrated and storm off. There's no progression to this game, it's an arcade-style system where you try to move as many penguins as possible before time elapses. The difficulty comes as the number of possible floors increases over time. It's a pretty elegant system, and reminds me a lot of Mini Metro. It does lack the strategy of these sorts of games though, as there's not much else to it besides trying to group like-minded penguins together. However, it's a fun time and has good visuals and music, along with some clever touches, such as elevators being harder to move upwards the more full they are. Of the Playdate Season 1 games, this is probably my favorite thus far.

Tem uma ideia bem legal pra um jogo arcade, mas as fases bem longas me fizeram perder o interesse rápido. Eu sei que tem muito da limitação do Playdate em si, mas eu também achei difícil de ver quando o elevador estava certinho no andar e acabou sendo mais um ponto negativo da experiência.

Whilst it has a neat core mechanic, I often found the pacing to be a bit slow

Este juego es como si alguien hubiera querido recrear Hotel Mario dándole un uso nominal a la palanca de Playdate. No me convence, y para colmo de males, se siente muy poco seguro de manejar. Mi primera decepción real de Playdate


This game is as if someone had wanted to recreate Hotel Mario while giving it a nominal presence to the Playdate lever. I'm not convinced, and to make matters worse, its implementation seems haphazard. My first real dissapointment with Playdate.

It's a lot like the old time-management games ala Diner Dash, but slower and less interesting.

Really like this one. A simple score-chasing arcade game that makes fun use of the crank and has just enough variety in challenges between the five stages. Aesthetically very cute too. Wish it had online leader boards like some other playdate games offer.

'Flipper Lifter' is a multi-floor elevator game that is more of a dexterity challenge than a puzzle one. You control the elevators with the Playdate crank. Penguins get on and then get off when they arrive at their floor. There are five different stages, all but the first you unlock when your cumulative high score reaches a particular threshold. There is nothing here but a 'forever mode' on whichever level you select. And the elevator/penguin movements are too sluggish and the door opening/closing too janky for this to be much fun at all. And, worst of all, high score is dictated less by your own skill and more by how conveniently located your penguins' destinations happen to be. Maybe if they had designed in shorter challenges on these stages and framed it with some kind of story, I might have had a better time? As it is, I unlocked the levels, played on all five, and now just don't care if these penguins ever get to their floors. They're probably still sitting there waiting for the elevator. Tough luck, birds. I quit!

Lots of cranking involved but didn't really work for me overall. Everything felt just a little bit too slow - penguin movement, the amount of time for them to enter and exit the lift, the speed of the lift itself (even when cranking hard) - for the high score game it's aiming to be.

A fun lil arcade game. Use the crank to do some game and watch ish ladders. Very simple but pretty fun

Cute idea, but not quite fun. The first level leaves a bit of a bad impression - it goes on far too long, despite not having very much going on mechanically. I found myself wishing these were short and quick levels I could try several of in a row, instead of playing one level for longer than it was interesting for.