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there are some interesting things going on here unique setting and a more "realistic" take on space horror but its let down by just some terrible cliches of the genre a very slow walking simulator with meaningless QTEs that end up taking away any tension in the story tries to build up also some of the writing is just kind of cliche full "relatable" humor and generic one liners "...we never stopped to ask if we should" "the things we do for the ones we love" corny ass lines that feel so undeserved as well most of the story details are in audio files and video files within in the game world ala BioShock and every game ever since then but the game will constantly interrupt as soon as you do anything so if you wanna actually absorb this information you have to just stop playing and listen to it which does not make for good pacing in what is already such a short game

Uneventful walking sim with painfully slow movement speed and a bland story. I also found Roger Clark's performance kinda poor, sounded drunk for half of his lines.

A walking sim with great atmosphere, writing, and acting, but the plot ends up feeling unexplored by the end. The walking speed is atrocious and there isn't much gameplay to be had.

Görsel olarak çok iyi diyebilirim -- UE motorunu kötü kullanmamış yapan arkadaşlar. Hikaye mi ? Özgün bir şey beklemeyin. Ama tek oturuşta bitirilecek iyi bir oyun.

Fort Solis sieht verdammt gut aus, bringt Motion Capturing auf ein neues Level, leidet aber unter seinem sehr trägen Tempo und der ideenlosen Story. Ich hatte schon Spaß, würde es aber vermutlich nicht noch einmal spielen.

Wow what a narrative experience. I almost slept on this one. The graphics are top notch. The story was engrossing. Was so glad I picked this one up.

Fui com grandes espectativas devido ao elenco, já sabia que era um walking simulator, mas pensei que a historia seria o grande chamativo, no fim é um plot bem mediocre infelizmente. O jogo parece mais uma tech demo da UE5 e terrivelmente mal otimizado.

Not worth playing. Can’t fault the presentation although I did have a lot of audio-sync issues during the last chapter, but the gameplay is painfully slow and uneventful. QTEs were often very unresponsive too which made those segments even more annoying to get through. The story was okay but also doesn’t feel very fleshed out, I liked the performances but this game is not special or memorable at all. The ending is quite poor.

A very nice looking game, but it has some major flaws:
- The walking speed is atrociously slow.
- The dialogue is bland.
- The FOV is so low that this became the first game that gave me nausea. Not to mention, this low FOV is accompanied by a close third person camera, where the characters back takes roughly 1/3 of the entire screen.

Couldn't finish it in its current state. I know games might require a controller or some other neat peripheral, but this is the first one that nearly required a vomit bag.

As someone who usually enjoys walking sims, Fort Solis is a slog to get through. This is mainly due to the fact that this game's walk cycle is the speed of an old man fumbling his way to get some Ensure out of the fridge. Even if the walk cycle wasn't this slow, this game is a compilation of elements done far better by the games that inspired them. The horror of Dead Space's madness, the piecing together of Gone Home's story, The companionship through Firewatch's dialogue, and... pretty much any Quantic Dream game's quick time events. All interesting elements watered down in the hands of people who didn't quite yet have the skill to unlock their potential. Still playable and somewhat intriguing, but hard to recommend to most people. At least the acting's good I suppose

Fort Solis es un juego que pretende entrar por la vista y lo consigue. Unreal Engine 5 es una bestialidad, gráficamente hablando Fort Solis es todo un portento. Pero no solo se conforma con lucir espectacular, también tiene un buen sonido y unos actores de doblaje del más alto calibre como lo son Troy Backer y Roger Clark.

Pese a que estamos ante un walking simulator he notado una jugabilidad en ocasiones demasiado lenta y unos QTE no muy trabajados. Soy consciente de que un juego que pertenece a este género no se le puede exigir mucho jugablamente; sin embargo, donde sí hay que exigir más es en la parte narrativa. Por suerte, en este apartado, cumple de manera notable, gracias a sus personajes, pero sobre todo a una trama bastante enigmática que se va desgranando poco a poco a medida que vamos avanzando como si de un gran rompecabezas se tratase.

"El valor no es la ausencia de miedo, es actuar a pesar de él"

This presents a challenge: on one hand, the game boasts one of the most captivating ambiances I've encountered in recent years, seamlessly melding visual splendor with an enchanting soundscape and soundtrack. On the other hand, its narrative development leaves something to be desired. While the deliberate pacing aligns with my preferences, the storyline, albeit intentionally enigmatic, lacks that pivotal crescendo, a revelatory juncture, or conversely, a moment that triggers the birth of intriguing theories. It appears somewhat rudimentary in that aspect.

Yet, I find myself compelled to recommend it on the merits of its ambiance alone. My engagement with the game was not without its charms; however, I'm inclined to believe it held the potential for so much more.

Mano.... Eu realmente gastei R$ 150 pra andar e montar um cubo mágico?... =.=

if not the worst game ever made then definitely the antithesis of one. it's a good looking project and has a solid cast, with their performances easily being the best part, especially Roger Clark's— but this is actually so embarrassing. the gameplay is mind numbing-- slowly walking through corridor after corridor just to look at a handful of objects linked to commentary that contributes nothing to the story whatsoever, sure there's some cute banter here and there but it's incredibly frustrating to hear/see nothing happen for the first two hours of gameplay.

below are both real quotes from James Tinsdale, the writer and director of Fort Solis, at this year's GDC. which both dramatically highlight just what exactly fundamentally went wrong with complete and utter snoozefest.

"We wanted to aim, in terms of retention, at people who watch Netflix, Apple TV or Prime."

a failing strategy that has never worked,. right off the bat you should realize this is a team of out of touch developers who have no intention of actually making a game, and would rather create a meandering experience that boils down to an actionless, glorified cutscene with a lackluster story instead of something meaningful that you can come back to.

"We looked at that and we thought this game can't go over five hours, before the systems get boring."

Another cataclysmic red flag. there are thousands of games that exceed a 5 hour length that contain systems and gameplay that prevent it from becoming stale. what systems are they even talking about anyway? walking? because that's literally all you do in this game, walking and reading with one puzzle to try and make you remember you're supposed to be playing an actual game.

the story and writing is god awful, i won't really get into too much here but it really is just the worst. characters will ask questions they've literally just had answered moments before, nobody's motivations make any sense, and their actions less so. but the fundamental narrative is the most broken, as there’s not enough insight into the villain’s mind or origin to explain why what happens happens. It’s all a muddy blur that leaves you more confused and disgusted by the end rather than satisfied and ponderous.

the biggest, and most insulting problem with Fort Solis is the fact that it doesn’t respect the concept of choice in the slightest. i’m all for an on-rails story being told to me through cutscenes where i’m not able to change the outcome, but don’t pretend like i should pat you on the back for including a “bad ending” that you only achieve by nonsensically deciding not to progress forward during the final confrontation with the villain (which is just a quicktime event that makes you walk).if there’s one single puzzle in the entire game and the rest of it requires no thought to progress beyond that at least give me a decent story or some sort of enriching mechanic that i can use my brain for instead.

The rest of the game isnt good enough to carry the weak ending.

As a die-hard The Order: 1886 defender (surprisingly short, but pretty and exciting), we expected to like this one! Space horror was already our jam, but a space thriller? That was an exciting prospect.

Unfortunately, the lead actor's performance sounds like shit, movement speed is abominably slow, and you more or less know how everything's going to turn out from the box art + the knowledge that Troy Baker is the biggest name on the box.

There's other, better narrative games set in space that you could be playing instead. Hell, we'd put ADR1FT over Fort Solis, and that game bored us to tears!

Great atmosphere, interesting environment. Slow walk speed and quick time were annoying.

Narrativa desse jogo é muito interessante, é o ponto mais forte, em questao de performance ele deixa a desejar um pouco, mas nao tive muitos problemas enquanto eu jogava, adorei a atuaçao do Troy Baker

There are few gaming experiences quite so miserable as playing Fort Solis. There are many measures by which you can judge a game, with gameplay, story, art and sound design / soundtrack being the key four I think.

- Fort Solis has absolutely no gameplay beyond walking around bland corridors at the slowest pace a human can possibly achieve while you interact with computers, read emails and watch video logs.

- The story is mildly interesting but dragged way too thin for how simple it is. This entire narrative could be told in 30 minutes, yet they stretch it to 4 agonising hours of nothing. Literally nothing at times. The dialogue between the two leads during chapter one and two is uninteresting, but at least it exists! Once you reach chapter 3, there is no more banter - only crushing silence as you backtrack. Chapter 4 sees the climax finally arrive, and it has the gall to be a tragic ending. So I walk around a space station for 4 tedious hours and I didn't even get the gratification of a cathartic finale.

- The art is okay. It's graphically stunning, but that is the alter to which everything else was sacrificed. And while it is impressive, there are no real stand out areas. If you've ever consumed any piece of sci-fi media, you've experienced the world of Fort Solis. It's all bland grey corridors and there's a constant sand storm so even the surface of Mars is dull.

- There is no music, save for the song that plays in the credits. I must admit, the song is pretty good - but a good credits song should top off a memorable experience, not be the highlight of the ENTIRE game. There is no stand out elements of diegetic sound design to comment on. The voice acting is good; they brought in some solid talent, but the script allows for none of them to shine. Save for the ending battle, where Roger Clark's (as Jack) cries of pain felt quite viscerally real. But just play RDR2 if you wanna hear a good performance from Roger Clark. And just play TLOU if you want to hear a good performance from Troy Baker (who is the villain in this trash).

So there, this is a disaster and is an example of how a push for graphics and realism has utterly destroyed what could maybe have been a good idea.

This might be the worst game I played in 2023, though calling it a game is somewhat insulting to the medium.

You have very little agency as a player: none of your choices matter, and there's no penalty for failure. The entire "gameplay" loop consists of pushing the left stick forward, completing QTEs (or not), interacting with computer terminals, and looking at random objects. There's a lot of backtracking, and it doesn't help that the player character moves at a very slow pace. Oh, and there's no run button.

The story is very weak and as predictable as you can imagine. There was no interesting mystery to uncover. There's only one twist, but you see it coming halfway through. The ending sucks too. None of it mattered.

The only positives I can think of are the visuals and the performances of the voice actors.

Fort Solis is a disaster of a game, fundamentally failing at every aspect of video game construction.

The story is some of the blandest I’ve ever seen in sci-fi. It takes a particularly uninspired premise and does absolutely nothing creative with it.

The station feels dead, as if it’s a static environment and you’re just walking through. There is no real discovery, or development. Nothing happens. You just go from door to door, from scene to scene, doing “gamey” stuff like picking up keycards and audio logs but it’s a tedious and annoying process, accentuated by the pace of traversal.

Walking speed is so slow that it artificially adds at least a half hour-45 minutes to the game’s (already insanely short) runtime. There are several 15+ second long animations for opening doors or picking up logs. And as if that weren’t enough, the game is built on backtracking to previous areas so you have to walk through the same space, in silence, again and again.

As far as positives go, apart from the obvious pro of good graphics (which do nothing given the game’s generic art design), the voice acting is pretty good across the board. It’s the only decent part of the game, even though the dialogue is so painfully generic (and annoyingly quippy at times) that it makes you wish the characters would shut up.

Overall, this is a much bigger failure than I ever could have predicted. It’s the worst game I’ve played so far this year and wouldn’t recommend anyone touch it with a ten foot pole.


Visual: 8
Audio: 9
Gameplay: 3
Story: 7
Fun: 5

Overall: 6.4

A „nesze semmi, fogd meg jól” tipikus esete, minden téren. Jól indul a sztori, működik a feszültség, miközben próbálunk rájönni az audio logok hallgatásával, valamint a videó logok visszanézésével, hogy mi is történhetett a bázison, miért is adták le azt a bizonyos segélyhívást, amire aztán senki nem válaszol. A két főszereplő, Jack Leary (Roger „Arthur Morgan” Clark) és Jessica Appleton (Julia Brown) között pedig remek a kémia, de a Troy Baker által megformált Wyatt Taylor is szépen van bevezetve a sztoriba, aki amúgy nem más, mint a fő probléma, akihez a gebasz kipattanása is köthető. Szóval az minden adott volt ahhoz, hogy egy remek indie címmel legyen dolgunk. Ám aztán második fejezet végén jött egy váltás, és onnantól kezdve megkezdődött a lejtmenet, ami nem is állt meg egészen a stáblistáig. Megszűnt a feszültség, eltűnt a kémia, ami pedig addig érdekesnek és izgalmasnak látszott, végül nem vezetett sehová. Ugyan az audio és video logok átnyálazásával nagyjából kikövetkeztethető, hogy mi is történt valójában, de konkrét választ nem kapunk a kérdéseinkre, amit pedig összerakunk a saját kis fejünkben, a sablonnál is sablonosabb válaszokhoz vezet. A vége pedig egész egyszerűen össze van csapva. Mintha lett volna még egy prológus, de már nem maradt volna pénz az elkészítésére, ezért egy fade in, valamint egy drámai zenei aláfestés társaságában, elvágták a cselekményt. Értem én, hogy egy mindössze 10 emberből álló kis csapat csinálta a játékot 2 év leforgása alatt, de akkor is. Az írás és a rendezés kiábrándítóan gyenge. Ráadásul hiába rövid, (nagyjából 4 óra alatt a végére lehet érni), a végére még unalmassá is válik. Ami pedig a játékmenetet illeti, nos…még sétáló szimulátor lévén is rohadt kevés. A bázison való ide-oda mászkálást (futás nincs), kulcskártyák összeszedését és az olvasgatást egy-két alkalommal megszakítják nagyon rövid QTE részek, viszont ezek se tudják feldobni a tényleges játékmenetet az izgalmas szintre.
Két dolgot lehet csupán kiemelni, a látványt és a színészi játékot. A Roger Clark, Julia Brown, Troy Baker hármas ha nem is életük alakítását nyújtják, de rendesen odatették magukat, és megmutatták, mire képesek. Viszont, sajnálatos módon, még ők se tudták megmenteni a Fort Solist attól, hogy játékként totális bukás legyen. Filmként, vagy mini sorozatként jobban működhetett volna, bár azért nem ártott volna a sztorin csiszolni még egy picit.
Szóval én csak és kizárólag annak ajánlom, aki fanatikus sci-fi rajongó, és el tudja fogadni azt, hogy se a sztori, se a játékmenet nem kecsegtet kb. semmi jóval. Kár érte. Nagyon kár. Ezért a pénzért (25 euro a steamen) vegyétek meg inkább az En Garde kalandot, ami ugyan szintén rövid, de legalább az első perctől kezdve izgalmas, vicces és élvezetes.

Particularmente, eu gostei muito da experiência de jogar o Fort Solis, um jogo que traz uma experiência cinematográfica que realmente dá a sensação de que está assistindo a um filme de suspense no espaço, com uma história que começa lenta, mas vai tomando uma proporção legal com o passar do tempo. Lembrando que é EXTREMAMENTE importante ler e ouvir todos os arquivos encontrados para que você possa entender o que aconteceu com a tripulação da Fort Solis, o que vai fazer sua experiência mudar drasticamente ao longo da gameplay. Os gráficos do jogo não têm nem o que reclamar, são lindos, tudo muito bem feito na Unreal Engine 5, mas confesso que o jogo tem problemas de otimização e tive que reduzir os gráficos para evitar crashes e travamentos durante a minha gameplay. A mecânica do jogo é simples, praticamente baseada em quick time events durante toda a jogatina, o que eu não esperava, dado o tamanho do jogo que estamos assistindo/jogando, rsrs.

Algo que eu gostaria de voltar a falar nesta humilde review são os diálogos. Eu acredito que são os melhores diálogos e dublagens que eu já tenha visto. Você consegue verdadeiramente se apegar aos personagens pela atuação deles no jogo, onde eu realmente me importei com eles durante o jogo. Acredito muito que, se houver uma sequência desse jogo, eu irei jogar.

Fort Solis looks pretty and has solid voice acting but, even at just 3 hours in length, it's a real drag. The excruciatingly slow walking speed feels like a lazy attempt to pad out the game length and the actual mechanics are pretty dull. Shame as I was hype for this.

It is like a 4 hr space thriller movie with a story that had a huge potential to be much better. Still an intriguing great looking walking simulator type game. The only grype i have abt this game is the clunky controls and not letting the player to do literally nothing.

This is a "movie game" in the most definitive way possible. A 3-5 hour walking simulator where you explore a fairly linear path and collect items, look at video/audio logs, read emails, and do a few QTEs here and there. You can only walk, so backtracking to try and find everything (I found 50-70% of all the different kinds of collectibles in the Extras menu) feels disincentivized. The voice acting and cinematography are great! But the ending feels predictable once you understand what's going on in this abandoned space station. This is basically a movie that you can watch over the course of three days and not feel like you've forgotten any details because all the important scenes can be pulled up immediately without having to go back to the DVD menu.

Golden Medal


Fort solis (2023) Bilim kurgu,gerilim temalı yürüme simulasyonu türünde ve qte içeren hikaye ağırlıklı oyun.Karakterlerin arkaplan hikayesi ve birbirleriyle olan bağı, unreal 5 ile yapılan yeni nesil grafikleri,keşif hissi ve atmosferik ortamı beni içine çekerek etkilemesi sebebiyle Altın madalya alıyor. Eksileri ise çok kötü bir optimizasyon ve major droplara sahip olması.Oyunda oynanış mekaniği bulunmuyor ve düz giderek 2 saatte, benim gibi 100% keşif odaklı giderseniz 4 saat sürüyor. (Golden Medal) (Bir denenir,atmosfer çekerse devam edilir)


Fort solis (2023) is a sci-fi, thriller-themed walking simulation genre and story-heavy game with qte. The background story of the characters and their bond with each other, the new generation graphics made with unreal 5, the sense of discovery and the atmospheric environment that impressed me by impressing me, gets a Gold medal. The cons are that it has a very bad optimization and major drops. There is no gameplay mechanic in the game and it takes 2 hours if you go straight, and 4 hours if you go 100% exploration oriented like me. (Golden Medal) (Try, then continue if the atmosphere attracts)

So right off the bat a game like this is right up my alley. that being said, you have to really be into the walking sim genre to really enjoy this game. And even then there are better examples out there.

I would've given this game a full four out of five stars if the story didn't fizzle out into a sort of disappointing ending. Up until that point I thought the story was interesting, the pacing cinematic and almost movie-like (maybe it would've been a better movie,) and the acting from the main cast just incredible.

On top of that the visual are stunning, with some framerate drops here and there, it's still one of the best-looking games out there right now.

My only real gameplay complaints are the character movement, which feels sluggish at the best of times, and the quick time events feeling out of place, and sometimes unfairly quick.

Overall though I enjoyed my night with this game, not too sure how often I'd go back to it though, maybe to 100% it sometime.