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Honestly pretty fun for a 3d platformer-like. The gravity mechanic is really fun to use and the world to explore just makes me think how this actually runs on the small Vita, until I realise the NPCs are poorly rendered.. There is somewhat of a story right now but I really feel like the developers were really stretching out the Vita's quirks of the touch screen being an option for selecting menus & going thru the comic-like cutscenes, while also implementing the gyroscope for the gravity mechanic. Still, this is really solid!

Had so much fun with this game. A lot more than expected. The story was strange but the gameplay and gravity powers were very new and original to me.

Gravity rush is an all time favourite of mine. Being one of the most aspirational games of 2012, and the first game in my opinion, to integrate gravity switching and combat together. The way it was presented had my attention from the beginning, using a separate character or entity as a main gameplay function has been seen before in games like super mario, rayman etc, but in the open world scene, they decided to make use of the dystopian environment and go with a suitable catalyst to host such a well refined gravity mechanic, being the cat that is linked to the protagonist.

The original soundtrack and battle themes match the pace and emotion that the situation aims to convey at a very reasonable level. The different areas have iconic audio which sticks with you as you play the game, especially when a character from said area appears or is introduced. This goes hand in hand with the comic style textures and aesthetic to create a sense of belonging as you progress further into the game. I'll admit at the start, it can be a bit off putting. All the stimulation that is provided during fights with extremely saturated colours, especially evident when you use the gravity mechanic to fight. But with time, it becomes second nature and grew on me, in the sense that the protagonist 'kat' was also unfamiliar with the power, and as you play through the game, learning how to control this new found power, you'll understand why it's called Gravity Rush

Doesn't have the best pacing, but the game is very charming. Kat is such a fun protagonist, and the gravity-based gameplay is unique if nothing else. It needs to be expanded upon, but props for doing something different.

The first Gravity Rush is a modest, basic little game carried entirely by two things: the strength of its player character, and the strength of its moveset.

To touch upon the latter first, Gravity Shifting is deceptively one of the most fun abilities a video game has ever offered a player. It doesn't seem like it at first, because it feels quite awkward. Jump into the air and hit the button to go Zero Gravity. Rotate your camera - either with the buttons or the Vita's build-in gyroscope - and hit the button again to shift gravity. You will now fall in the wrong direction. You may readjust if you'd like, but after a certain amount of time, you will start falling in the right direction.

It's weird and clumsy and will absolutely result in Kat zooming in weird directions or falling flat on her face. But eventually you realize, "Oh, wait! This is flight! It's purely physics-based flight!" And then you start to experiment with things like momentum and chaining Gravity Slides into Shifts, and you really start to see Hekseville as the playground it was designed to be. It helps also how forgiving the game is with missed targets and depleted meters, since it's usually pretty easy to loop back around and that meter recharges super quickly (in mid-air!), especially once you have a couple upgrades under your belt. Even if you happen to fall out of bounds, it's no big deal - Dusty will swoop in to bring Kat back into the game, no worse for wear.

I will say, Gravity Shifting definitely felt like it was missing something in this game. It gets a lot of mileage out of Shifting, Sliding, Kicking, and the Stasis Field, but there's a certain je ne sais quoi absent. This would be addressed in Gravity Rush 2, but here Kat's moveset is "only" great. Still one of those games where the mere act of moving around the world as the main character feels right.

Speaking of the main character, holy moly is Kat great. She's such an unabashedly wholesome and sweet (if a little self-centered) protagonist, something you don't expect on first blush with her character design. Her defining moment for me has always been "Home Sweet Home", an early mission where the amnesiac Kat decides her first order of business upon arriving in an unfamiliar city is to find a place to live. She ends up finding a disused sewage run-off pipe and is delighted, then flies around town finding garbage to decorate it. One montage later, the kid's actually set up a pretty sweet pad for herself, and you'll see her relaxing there every time you save or boot the game up.

Every story this game tells is filtered through the lens of this character, who doesn't seem to realize the gravity (heh) of most of the situations she ends up in. So while the plot goes in a lot of directions that, frankly, I can't keep up with, it's always told through the very grounded, simple-minded perspective of its main character. Helps make the whole thing more fun.

Like... she successfully convinces hardened gang members to stop being gang members by asking nicely. What more do you want from your lead?

I had the good fortune to play this game during the year I had free access to PlayStation Plus, and this ended up being one of my runaway favorites from that year. You're generally better off playing the PS4 port these days, but don't overlook this release, either.

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This went from solid to bad to getting better to abysmal. On the surface, this game is very aesthetically pleasing and features a nice soundtrack. The combat makes this game miserable as most of the chapters revolve around it. The combat is shallow at best and clunky at worst. It probably would have worked with a limited enemy cast but as more Nevi are introduced, they become more frustrating to fight. By chapter 18 I just wanted this game to end.

JUEGAZO, tiene una historia y personajes buenisimos, y el gameplay es maravilloso, jugarlo en portatil fue hermoso

it's on my vita so I'm bound to play it

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Wish we got to see this game finished in its entirety. The world is an ineffable vibe of mystery and the sublime owo owo owo

Won't lie, never been a fan of the "you're actually a super important person!" twist but the sheer fascination that the world instils makes up for it.

Very good game with a few major flaws that kept it from being great. Graphics and story are great. The music is serviceable but nothing amazing. The gameplay is both good and bad. The mechanics for manipulating gravity are very well done and it's fun as hell to slingshot around the City. Unfortunately, combat is atrocious and it's a big part of the game. A simple lock on mechanic would fix most of the issues...oh and having dodge on a button instead of swiping the screen.

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I’ve heard of Kat and Dusty cause of PlayStation All Stars (that one smash Sony game on PS3) I ain’t ever knew what game GRAVITY RUSH was until I recently got a PS Vita and saw that it was an exclusive. The game actually uses the gyro controls really well but the big world and tiny screen is too much for the camera and I was caught in the blender. Kat is a gravity girl who got a kitty named Dusty who got the powers to control and use gravity for attacking and movement. The city in the sky called Hekseville is over ran by these monsters called Nevi who got weak points glowing in red lmao. You do task and missions around the city and take down big baddies. I struggled with the monsters who I had to chase down all over the map cause my gravity meter will run out and then I fall and switches the camera every time and would piss me off. Anyways, nice little PS exclusive that has a cult following, there is the sequel and the remastered. Play the remastered please.



Today marks the 10th anniversary since I've beaten this game for the first time. Holy shit.

This game made getting a playstaiton vita worth it

I really like the core gameplay of this but there are 2 major problems with it:
1-it gets pretty repetitive by the end, there should have been a couple more powers to use
2-there are way to many story missions where your powers get taken away or severely reduced and those are just not fun and the story isn’t that good

Despite it’s flaws I had fun and can’t wait to play the sequel

So good. There really isnt many games like this one. The unique gravity shifting mechanics are incredibly fun to play with. So much, that even exploring the hub areas to get level up crystals is fun. Music bangs, character design is cool, each different area is nice. Story is not the best written thing but its entertaining enough to keep you interested till the end. My only big issue is the camera, which can get disorienting at times. i also wish there was a little more ground combat. Otherwise, you'd be doing yourself a disservice not playing this game.

Um dos melhores jogos do vita. Mecânica de gravidade é bem divertida, a história é instigante o suficiente pra te prender durante a maior parte do jogo, e a protagonista é carismática. Pena que deixaram tanta coisa em aberto pro segundo jogo

Clever ideas, but wears out its welcome

He de decir que tenía unas expectativas altas del juego, pues siempre había oído que era top 3 de dicha consola y en cuanto pude, allá que lo jugué. He acabado obligándome a completarlo y hacía tiempo que un juego que no me está gustando, en vez de droppearlo, lo acabo terminando.

El juego parte de una premisa muy buena y que me sorprende cómo lo habrán podido extrapolar fuera de la portátil en un port a PS4 o con su segunda parte. El control total sobre la gravedad. Poder moverte como quieras y a eso añadirle la combinación del movimiento con el combate. Pinta bien la idea hasta que la pruebas.

Al control gravitacional acabas acostumbrándote (uso de giroscopio, algunas funcionalidades táctiles) y no está nada mal, sobretodo para movimientos que no pidan algo más allá del moverte del punto A al B (muchas misiones son así o con el añadido de transportar a alguien con un espacio a tu vera de gravedad 0). Ahora cuando se le combina a esto el combate, me parece un incordio grande. Mención especial respecto al movimiento que, para poder esprintar, no puedes tener la cámara detrás del personaje como en cualquier otro videojuego, Kat (la prota) sólo esprintará si tienes la cámara ladeada. Es un sinsentido, porque esprintarás sin saber qué tienes delante y es un coñazo jugar así, tanto que o usabas un movimiento en la tácil para correr con derrapes (bastante mierdoso este movimiento y más cuando se te junta el giroscopio) o acababas tirando de jugar con la pantalla de lado.

Respecto al combate, como iba diciendo, es claramente su apartado más nefasto. Al combinar el control de gravedad con el combate, únicamente te queda disponible para atacar un tipo de ataque (sin contar ataques especiales que necesitan recargar cada X tiempo una señal). El ataque en sí es una patada gravitacional, donde tú indicas a dónde vas a dirigirla. La cuestión está en que para golpear a los enemigos (los Nevi), estos tienen que recibir el golpe en un orbe naranja, si no es como si nada. Pues que esa patada de justo ahí, es cuestión de ubicarte muy muy bien y que con suerte, el enemigo no se mueva, o tu al moverte con el giroscopio o un combo de ambos. Al final te tiras media vida intentando que la patada de en su sitio sin ningún tipo de sentido ni aliciente más allá de que acabe ya el combate. Y el 90% de combates son en el aire, con lo que los otros ataques (los terrestres) apenas los vas a usar. Por suerte vi venir esto de lejos y a la hora de mejorar las habilidades de Kat, tiré por la patada gravitacional.

Esa es otra... Para mejorar las habilidades de la protagonista, tienes que ir recogiendo orbes violetas por el mundo... Como si de coleccionables se trataran. Por suerte no es algo que esté escondido ni nada raro, así que sin buscarlos fácilmente pasarás cerca de ellos y podrás "levear" sin dedicarte a ir exclusivamente por el mundo buscándolos. Estos orbes sirven para todo prácticamente, así que es importante que si vas a ir de un punto a otro, si pasas cerca te desvíes un mínimo para coger algunos orbes o el juego se te va a complicar.

La historia es bastante insulsa. Hay un punto que me gustó algo más, no diré mucho por no entrar en spoilers, porque parece que se vuelve algo más sombría, pero no se trata demasiado al final y todo sale a pedir de boca, con un resultado bonito y tal. Los personajes que se presentan, por contra, si tienen algo más de personalidad y las conversaciones son agradecidas, sobretodo con el estilo de viñeta, que le da un toque particular, pese a que sexualiza bastante a Kat.

A nivel visual está aceptable pero no me ha gustado que se vea algo borroso. Sin tener ni idea, diría que tiene un nombre, algo como motion blur, pero estoy tirando un triple. La banda sonora está bien, pero tampoco destacaría ningún tema más allá.

Me cuesta mucho entender como la gente en general y la prensa en particular se deshace en elogios con el juego. No le he visto nada más allá. Me iba obligando a jugarlo y rara vez busco en algún portal cuántos capítulos tiene un juego para ver si me renta terminarlo (lo típico de, total, para lo que me queda... veamos si mejora) o si corto por lo sano. Creo que la idea y premisa de la que parte es cojonuda, incluso el control de la gravedad me parece medio bien llevado. Pero al combinarlo con las peleas, unas secundarias bastante mediocres, un mundo muy vacío que ni invita a explorarlo (pese a que te quieren medio obligar si quieres mejorar las habilidades tomando los orbes) una trama muy sin más y, lo peor, una secuencia de misiones principales que son clónicas y especialmente aburridas. Algunas cuando moría me ardía pensar en repetir lo ya jugado porque ya me había parecido malo una vez, como para tener que volver a pasar por ahí... Todo esto hace que no entienda la fama del juego.

No aprobaría el juego, no lo recomendaría y por poner una nota, andaría sobre el 3. Una gran decepción de un juego que me había puesto los dientes largos años atrás y que tras hacerme con una Vita, me ha dejado muy frío.

A pure underated gem full of life and creativity that needs more love

Become a totally not Sabrina the Teenage Witch/Sailor Moon vigilante with a black cat companion and command gravity to save the day(?). It's a pretty game to look at, the gravity altering stuff is (mostly) well iterated. Combat is very simplistic and leaves a lot to be desired. Personally I'm a fan of the world/lore and how it's laid out but the story itself is awkwardly paced and fails to answer any of the questions it brings up. It still is one of the staple games on the Vita and it does have its moments. There's a sequel on the PS4 if you're really into the first game.

a pretty cool game centered around an amazing base mechanic of gravity shifting. its so much fun just flying around everywhere. unfortunately, gravity rush has a pretty weak story (although the characters in it are highly likeable) and combat situations that play like nards so its hard to give it a very generous rating. theres a lot of potential for more here, though, so i hope the sequel follows through.

Um dos jogos com mais personalidade que eu já joguei. Lindo e genial do começo ao fim, dá pra sentir que botaram muito o coração nesse, só peca um pouco no combate que fica bem chatinho depois de um tempo, de resto tudo muito foda.

incredibly fun mechanics and art plagued by terrible combat and a story which starts off admittedly good but then falls apart halfway through. the game also became unbearable to play after the halfway poiny

قد ما احبها حبيت اللعبة بسبب فكرتها الطموحة بس ما اقدر اقول انها ممتازة

VERY underrated and good only problem is the bosses suck

A simple but effective story about a young woman with gravity powers. The gameplay can be a bit tricky to get the hang of, but once you do its an absolute joy to use, and in a way, is kind of the original Spider-Man PS4. The character designs are specifically a joy.

Uma idéia muito interessante, a execução não é coisa mais brilhante de todas, mas funciona bem, até pq o jogo é curtinho
Só tiro 1 ponto pelo final rushado, mas ai é não foi culpa da equipe do jogo né cof Sony cof