Reviews from

in the past

É uma tentativa de The Witcher, mas tem suas particularidades. História mais ou menos, mas gostosinho de jogar

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The game seemed like it would offer some decent RPG storytelling and action in a novel setting, but everything is just...bland?

+ Props to the developers for creating a novel setting.
- The storyline is very predictable and boring, even verging on tedious. The three factions are very archetypal and unrealistic. It's basically a somewhat edited three-trope character selection: the Science Faction, the Money Faction, the Combat Faction. It's the scientists vs. businessmen vs. mercenaries storyline.

Das ist so zach wie ein Hybrid aus Kaugummi und den Steaks die meine Mutter kocht

It's a knock off bioware but not necessarily a bad thing
Don't mean it's that great either
It's fine

Never have I ever played the RPG as a diplomat

Yummy yummy double AA jank. It’s a decent Dragon Age-lite with killer aesthetics. Party members are pretty weak, the game is too long for it’s own good, and the zones largely lack visual distinction but this is still a pretty fun game

Fun little game with some good party members, quests, and dialog. I appreciate the setting and the unique take on colonialism.

i been played this on and off for quite a while now i just never really got into it i mostly just forced myself to finish it because its just a big install taking space on my computer
it feels like witcher on a budget
and the combat, mission design, world design, story are all not awfull but also it is just not that compelling

Игра просто посредственная. Есть какие-то неплохие моменты, сюжет не такой уж и плохой в целом, но как-то я хз настолько всё средне что захотелось просто дропнуть

Achei greedfall bem tanto faz, ao mesmo tempo que o jogo é bom ele é muito paia, tem umas luta meio travada e o jogo vai perdendo aquele pique na história, mas ele pode ser divertido se tu quiser só um RPG básico

Uma dica aqui, caso esteja passando perrengue, faça o glitch de duplicar item e venda eles, isso vai até da mais um gás na gameplay por conta das arma boa que tu vai pegar

It's like Dragon Age: Origins but worse. Still decent game

This indie RPG was one of the best surprises of 2019. Despite the smaller budget, Spiders was able to create a game with a relatively solid AAA feel. The game isn't without its faults as it can get repetitive, which forced me to put it down at one point and come back to it later. However, it has a great story with choices that matter, the gameplay is done well, and it's was well worth the price. Overall a very good experience. I recommend it.

Playtime: 51 Hours
Score: 9/10

A fantastic RPG that I absolutely loved playing through and felt satisfied when the credits rolled! So in terms of my history with Spiders, I played Bound by Flame back in the day and did not like it at all, despite some good ideas it had and when I saw mixed reviews for The Technomancer, I skipped it (however, I will be giving that one a shot now that I played this). This game however, did catch my eye and it reviewed well enough that I wanted to at least try it, and when I saw it on Gamepass I decided to download it.

I really do mean that this is a fantastic game, despite some limitations Spiders had with only having a AA game budget and not a AAA one. When studios I used to love like Bethesda, Bioware and CDPR are out making games that are either online focused, live service or buggy messes at launch, I look more and more to the double AA RPG devs, to give me those single player, compelling titles. Games like Outer Worlds, Wasteland 3 and now Greedfall have done this for me! Greedfall will instantly feel familiar to gamers who love some of Bioware's older games like Dragon Age Origins and Mass Effect, and I believe Spiders themselves wanted to make a game that felt a lot like those titles, kind of like how Obsidan wanted to make a Bethesda style RPG with Outer Worlds and succeeded IMO.

In terms of what I liked, Greedfall has such a interesting world with some compelling factions and storytelling. that I just loved exploring it all and completing every quest I could find! The game does have a reputation system which I think is one of my favorites since Fallout New Vegas, where you have to manage your reputation with each faction and companion, and see how they react to your decisions. My ideal RPG will always have a system like this, and I'm glad this game had it. Combat was clunky at first, but once I got the hang of it, I enjoyed it a lot and I like how you can make your character a two class hybrid, similar to Kingdoms of Amalur which did the same thing. Voice acting was excellent across the board and the writing was really superb!

As for the bad, the game does have some annoying jank, again due to a limited budget. While the three cities look great, interiors like your three different houses in the game look identical to each other. There's also a lot of annoying invisible walls, which can be frustrating and can break immersion for me. While the games does allow you to make meaningful choices throughout the story, the game does put you in autopilot, meaning that your character speaks for you a lot of the time. Generally in a quest for example, your character will speak most of the time and only at the end do you get to make a choice. That is disappointing, but the choices you do make, do have real impact so at least there's that. These things are minor in the grand scheme of things, and I can look past it, if the things I personally find important in a game are of a high quality, which this game delivers on for me.

While I played this game through gamepass, I will still be buying it on Steam to add to my library, so I can play it again. I also went and bought the De Vespe Conspiracy DLC, because I just wanted more of this game. For the cheap price that there selling it for, its definitely worth it as it adds a new region, new weapons and armor to find and a new engaging story to partake in. It will take you about 2-3 Hours to complete and is on the shorter side, so don't expect Witcher 3 expansion levels of content. If you complete it before you finish the main story, you even get ending slides for it specifically, reflecting on the choices you made which I appreciated! But overall, I really enjoyed this game and its DLC, and I can easily recommend them both! I can't wait to play Spiders next game, and I hope they make a Greedfall 2 one day!

В игре довольно интересный сеттинг, который тонет в нехватке бюджета на разработку. Эпоха просвещения, чумные доктора и переданы действительно хорошо и с любовью. Сюжет не представляет собой ничего особенного, но в нем есть несколько интересных твистов, которые, возможно, не дадут заскучать, и пройти игру до конца. Некоторые из ваших решений оказывают небольшое влияние на игру. Персонажи в игре скучные и не интересные, мне почти никто не запомнился, кроме пару надоедливых компаньонов.

Боевая система тоже простая. Буквально за 5-10 боев вы ее изучите полностью. Ее не спасает даже наличие компаньонов. Потому что они очень тупые и просто считай ни на что не годятся. Арсенал оружия и брони - вот это действительно приятно удивляет. Да и к тому же они еще прокачиваются. Рукопашный бой непригоден, а минимальная скрытность - довольно неудовлетворительна. Лучше использовать магию на протяжении всей игры. Кроме того, есть некоторые навыки, основанные на ловушках, и более крупных магических заклинаний. Но на среднем уровне сложности они не нужны. Разнообразие противником очень маленькое, они часто повторяются. Открытый мир - коридорный, пустой и безжизненный. В нем вообще нечего делать. Постоянно приходится бегать через весь остров, что очень скучно.

Графическая составляющая простая, но иногда выдает красивые локации, но назвать их запоминающимися очень трудно. В игре однообразные интерьеры у всех домов. Крупные города и дворцы выглядят так, как будто они сделаны в одном и том же шаблоне.

Greedfall вышла с амбициями, но её погубило однообразие, отсутствие фантазии и довольно скудный контент. Данную игру я не могу порекомендовать для прохождения.

It seems like every time GreedFall gets mentioned, there has to be a mandatory warning about how you shouldn’t expect a AAA experience. Though it can definitely compete in many ways within that market, the developers don’t have the man-power or budget to give GreedFall that level of polish and features. I was hesitant to try it out because I feared that meant it would be buggy or clunky, a game that would be admired more for the effort a small studio put into it or the old-school feel it delivered. But after having played it myself I can say that yes, it doesn’t feel AAA, and yes, knowing that a small studio developed it made me be in awe several times while playing. And I can also say that I love this game, not 'despite its flaws', but because of its many and genuine strengths.

The setting and story are refreshingly unique and the writing and pacing keep you grounded in this strange world. The different ways to influence the story and build your character deepen the role-playing experience in a meaningful way. Regarding the latter, every level up and every point spent feels important. Your decisions also affect the relationships you have with whole factions and individual people. In general, the game gives you the sense that everything you do or that does happen is part of a greater whole, e.g. the side stories that usually tie in to the main plot, as do your companions' personal quests. Speaking of companions, if your relationship level is high enough, they strengthen specific skills of yours. In that way, that narrative inter-connection even reaches the gameplay.

There are other reviews here that go into more detail about the positives and negatives, so I’ll just add some final thoughts: Although the animation is wooden, the great voice acting makes up for it. (And I personally prefer wooden faces over whatever happened to the faces in Mass Effect: Andromeda, yes, even post-patch.) And lastly, on my base PS4 I encountered no bugs and had an overall smooth experience.

Greedfall takes us on a long journey through a stylized fantasy universe inspired by 17th century America. The overpopulated and corrupt Old World of Malichor is destroyed by a mysterious plague. Its inhabitants find refuge in the New World, the island of Teer Fradee, where the locals live in harmony with nature and are allegedly full of treasures and other secrets. As our conquistadors go there and explore, their relationship with the natives becomes increasingly strained.

During the game, we control the protagonist whose main mission is to find a cure for a disease that is destroying the Old World. In the adventure, we must make every effort not to put either the natives or the colonizers in too much danger. The decisions we make affect not only the distribution of power on the island, but also how your history will unfold. GreedFall starts with character creation, including gender selection and a few basic traits. The producers have included a development system that doesn't divide the character into classes. This means that more than a hundred skills can be unlocked, allowing you to tailor the protagonist to your individual play style.

The main elements of the story are quests, which can be completed in various ways. While there's nothing to stop problems that arise in missions from being solved by force, stealth or relying on your hero's diplomatic skills often yields better results in missions. The path we choose and which side we support in a conflict affects not only our reputation, but also the local geopolitical situation. In addition, the choices we make have an impact on which of the adventure's potential companions will decide to join us and their subsequent attitude towards the protagonist. It is possible to build relationships with our companions that cause both romance and hostility.

When it comes to battles with enemies, both humans and monsters called Guardians stand in our way. In combat, we use weapons and firearms, which we can upgrade using an extensive crafting system, and the same goes for armoring elements. Magic also comes in handy. As for the game's graphics, the three-dimensional GreedFall graphics are pleasing to the eye. While working on the visuals, the developers modeled their work on baroque artworks. Greedfall offers an average of 40-50 hours of gameplay with all side content. In addition, there are a total of five different endings.

Greedfall is a great game though it's rough around the edges.

Good things:
- Decisions/choices matter (good roleplaying)
- Can save everywhere
- Great immersion
- Side quests are part of the main story and world-building. So it is worth your time to invest in those side quests.
- Fun combats and battles
- Maps are easy to navigate.
- The story and world-building are probably the greatest strengths of this game.

Improvements needed:
- The game still has bugs here and there. But nth is game-breaking.
- Sometimes it feels like a walking sim rather than an exciting exploration. The world is beautiful but there is nth interesting to explore. And exploration itself is not incentivised well most of the time.
- Side quests ask players to walk from Point A to Point B back and forth several times, which does not respect players' time. Walking/running is not fun and it's like a chore. Maybe make the character run faster or give him/her a horse? or make more teleport spots?
- Really appreciate it if we have mini-maps.
- Lack of monster/enemy variety

I still recommend it though. Greedfall is a great gem that needs polishing. Most of my complaints are about the quality of life improvements. I hope Greedfall 2 will also have an amazing story to tell like this one, and the dev will take my inputs into consideration.

The worst RPG I have ever played. Glorified fetch quest, hold W + Shift simulator with the the worst idea ever: clone Witcher 3. It makes Witcher 3 gameplay look like masterpiece. Even the AC games look very good compared to this. The worst open world and map design I have ever played. If someone likes this game the only possibility is that this is their first RPG. I learned my lesson: never play a RPG made by small studio.

If we talk seriously, it's an OK game. It's not bad, its not awesome, its somewhere in the middle.

The story is somewhat interesting, but its a little too easy to figure out since the game treats you like a dumb child, giving you obvious hints, which then ruins the story a little. The different endings are a nice twist that gives replayability to the game.

I actually like the characters but as many have said, they are a little bland in personality. The native wild woman is a native wild woman, the crude mercenary is a crude mercenary, the pirate is a pirate, etc.

There is many better story RPG games than this like for example the Dragon Age series. If the game sells for 10-15$ then I suggest getting it, otherwise, I dont think its worth it that much.

Es difícil de hacer el análisis porque el juego se nota que es de un estudio que no ha tenido todo el tiempo o la experiencia del mundo. Anteriormente desarrollaron Technomancer, un juego que creo que es peor que este en todo, pero en las cosas verdaderamente malas, no se si han mejorado tanto como deberían.

El mundo es muy interesante por lo que quiere contar y sobre todo por las misiones secundarias que te muestra el colonialismo muy bien. Es cierto que gráficamente es normalito y que te vas a encontrar a los mismos 20 NPCs todo el rato fuera de los de la historia. El combate tampoco destaca en absoluto, dándole a click y a veces a cubrirte o esquivar, pero nada del otro mundo. De hecho tampoco hay apenas habilidades, porque se nota que no era el lo que buscaban los desarrolladores.

Un 90% del tiempo estás hablando, un 8 % andando de un lado a otro, y un 2% combatiendo, así que entiendo que no le hayan puesto el mayor esfuerzo de perfeccionamiento a ese apartado. Ojo, el hablar no es que sea de tomar grandes decisiones. Las hay, pero normalmente es elegir en que orden quieres que te cuenten su cosa.

Además, hay un trabajo por intentar hacer las ciudades diferentes, al igual que otras localizaciones, aunque como todas las misiones consisten en ir de A a B, a C, a A de nuevo y a C de nuevo; al final puedes incluso cogerle un poco de asco. Aunque bueno, suelen contar algo interesante excepto en el caso de los contratos, unas misiones que lo mismo te piden matar 4 zorros muy específicos en un valle entero sin señalártelos ni nada. A ver, entiendo la idea, pero no.

Tiene también alguna mecánica de """sigilo""" pero es más una tontería, así como los crafteos o las pociones, que son bastante básicas. E insisto en el tema de los modelos. Si en una misión dejo que un viejo alquimista huya de la Inquisición, y me encuentro su mismo modelo en otra ciudad pero sin gafas y con bigote, por muy bien hecho que esté la historia, pierde toda credibilidad. La falta de tiempo y/o dinero ha sido clave en eso.

Por eso digo que me cuesta recomendar o no este título. Tiene muchos fallos, pero el mundo, la construcción del mismo, las historias de los personajes... Quieren contar algo y lo hacen bien, aunque el resto esté regular. Creo que lo recomendaré, si han mejorado desde technomancer, pueden mejorar eso que les falta para ser un gran juego desde este.

game graphics are nice, it's buggy, nothing like in the dev's description of the game, very repetetive and boring...

It's alright. Combat can feel kinda same-y, and you may not agree with the writing. I liked the concept, fashion and theming.

I put off buying this game due to the harsh reviews on steam only finally succumbing to buy it just because a VA I like is in it.
It is rough around the edges. The quests and combat do need some work. But I do feel some regret over taking so long to get around to this game. The writing is good, and the voice acting is solid (from everyone).
It was really nice to see a modern rpg have multiple paths to complete a task not just in dialogue but gameplay too. Although this is not always present when you want it to be, sometimes you do feel pulled along against your will.

Um RPG simples mas vale a experiencia! A historia desse game é o seu ponto mais forte, sem duvidas! Apesar de não possuir nenhum personagem muito marcante ou cativante, sua trama se desenvolve bem ao decorrer do game e acabou até me surpreendendo no final, possui um sistema de combate e evolução bem simples mas que encaixam bem com sua gameplay.

Confusing travel and map. Very woke story. Might pick it up later.

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for December 2022, this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before January 3th, 2023, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

An old-timey RPG adventure.

Greedfall starts with the player traveling to a mysterious island, and technically I still haven’t set sail, this is a large open-world RPG, with a lot of dialogue and environments. The story is very good, though the dialogue is written in 18th-century style and doesn’t spend time explaining some of its esoteric terms. However, the combat is solid, and there’s an ability to solve missions in multiple different ways.

On the other hand, the lip sync isn’t even trying to be right, and the more you look at it, the more noticeable how off it is, which makes it hard to focus on the speaker at any point. There appear to be several factions that you can assist, and your decisions seem to modify their opinions of you though I’m not sure by how much.

Pick this up if you like dialogue based RPGs with a decent amount of choice. You can choose what to do and how to do it, your stats and abilities will matter, as well as if you choose to be violent or play stealthily, which is intriguing.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

This is a nice little game that feels like an old CRPG. In general it's a good game, but ultimately it lacks the deep exploration of colonialism that I expected from a 2019 RPG about colonialism. It's there, just... very shallow and ultimately your character is a colonizer and has limited choices.

It also is just way too long with a bunch of padding towards the end. Never bothered to finish it.

do you like how your pee smells after eating asparagus? i do like it because it's a little different from how it normally smells. variety is the spice of life, after all. let me know in the comments.