Reviews from

in the past

um joguinho relaxante de matar aranhas

I think I enjoy this game on paper but it ends up being kinda annoying. The entire premise is upending everything to kill tiny spiders. My gameplay was more like whack-a-mole with the pan since it 1 shot everything. I feel like there's actually too many weapons and things to do on top of hunting the spiders and I didn't want to do the extra work. Someone out there vibes with this game enough to get decent completion but that person is not me.

What a wacky game! I've seen a lot of people say that KIWF gets old quick, but my experience was quite the opposite. As my wife and I played through it together, we were constantly laughing at each new insane weapon or mechanic. It's definitely a good thing that it's a short game, as it's able to keep throwing new ideas at you non-stop until the credits roll. There's zero filler here, just comedically over-the-top moments of nailing spiders with firearms. Not sure if I'd recommend it as a purchase, YMMV with this kind of game. But if you've got Game Pass, definitely give this a shot. Play with a friend if you can!

Fun game but very expensive and could not hold my interest to complete the secret ending. Also very pricey.

Bit of a one-trick pony. Basically just hide and seek but with awkward weapons.

A pretty fun game that gets very dull very fast.

The first couple of levels were an absolute blast to me, I had a great time. But after the third I realized there really isn't anything else to this game.

I may come back to this some other time, but no promises.

The gameplay is quite fun. But in the middle of the game, the locations get boring. p.s. Cool Halloween levels.

This game struggles between being a fun hectic set all the spiders on fire while crazy physics explode things in the background chaos fest and a puzzle game. It's super frustrating when I'm trying to solve a puzzle and then a spider (or just me grabbing the wrong thing) sends a small item I needed flying across the room. Making everything explode, similarly, messes up a room and makes it much harder to puzzle. I think the game would be a lot more fun if it stuck to one and not the other.

got it for $3. good hit-it-and-quit-it game.

Unfortunately pretty boring and easy to get lost in. Was kinda fun to play stoned though.

This is one of those games that was made for Youtubers and twitch streamers to make content on to sell. As excited as I was for this game, I finally played it....and it is boring. An absolute snore fest. Disappointing...

amusing premise that wears thin awfully fast. needed to go over the top much faster and with much more satisfying environmental destruction for this to really work

Literally just Hatred (2015) with spiders

I like Arson and I like slapping things perfect game for me

dogshit game made for le reddit audience. boring as fuck.

A one-joke game but the joke is pretty funny, even several levels in I was still giggling at the havoc I was wreaking just to kill a few spiders, or when I unlocked yet another ridiculously overkill piece of equipment.

There's a MASSIVE missed opportunity here though, and the game would be incomparably improved with one simple change. The spiders can't harm you in any way. Tense strings kick in every time one pops out, but you'll likely not react at all. There's no fear, there's nothing to lose, even if they escape you can just find them again.

This game would graduate from a funny idea to a bonafide blast if only they could kill you, instilling some panic in the player every time a spider is loose or, even worse, when you lose sight of it, or it's blended in with the carpet. Cannot think of any metric where this game would beat that one.

fun simple stuff for when you just want to chill or be terrified

This is complete pap. It's a stupid game where you have to search various samey environments to find and then kill spiders. You do more or less the same thing on every level: use your radar to give you a general idea of where the spiders are; pick up objects and rotate them so the hiding spider jumps off said object and runs away; chase after it and twat it with a frying pan, or shoot it with a shotgun, or throw something at it to squash it; rinse and repeat. The spiders don't get bigger or more menacing. They don't attack you. There's no sense of threat or escalation. You just do the same thing over and over again for about eight levels while grappling with the game's dodgy physics and collision detection issues, then it ends.

The only I reason I installed it is because my three-year-old is obsessed with spiders and I played the entirety of it in 10-20 minute bursts with him on my lap. He seemed to enjoy it, anyway.


It's effective at what it does. Too effective.

If this game was in VR it would've killed me.

This is one of those games that on paper sounds really fun but when it comes to actually playing, isnt anywhere as interesting as the concept would have you believe. Its a very simple setup. See spider, kill spider. Sure theres a heap of weapons to help you do this but most of them just are pretty dull and theres too much of the same sorts of weapon so half the time you're just replacing old stuff for something visually wackier or denser.

The level by level progression isnt all that interesting either. Each level has a set number of spiders to kill, the more spiders you kill, the more doors unlock. Around each level you'll find upgrades, bonuses, weapons and mini-missions (kill x number of spiders with fire, kill 2 at once with a shotgun, smash x number of windows etc).... All the levels start off pretty fun but there comes a point EVERY single time where you go from careful searching to just smashing anything in sight and hoping for the best to find that one last spider to unlock the next part. Its tedious and dull.

I played this game start to finish in one sitting, and yet I can't really rate it that highly. The real "content" in this game is unlocking new tools for destroying spiders and the controls are just a teensy bit too clunky to fully enjoy all of them (guns especially feel just a tad too inaccurate). There are a lot of challenges though, for those that want them - there are always enough easy ones that you can pass the level with relatively little effort, but the more involved ones can be quite difficult, especially as the game goes on.

20 USD for this (full price) feels a little bit steep, but the current Winter Sale price of $9 feels like a good deal for what you're getting, assuming you're not a completionist. You can also easily play this while watching youtube videos, as you don't really need any audio cues and there's nothing time-sensitive. This is the kind of thing I look for when I'm buying casual games.