Reviews from

in the past

Ehhhh, it’s better than SotD at least?
Ok but for real, I can definitely see why people would like this one, it has a lot of soul and doesn’t overstay its welcome.
But this is just not really what I enjoy about Suda51, overall it’s an ok game ig

Aniversários são como rituais, e a glorificação deles é o que forma seu significado, por bem ou por mal. São construções sociais assim como dar bom dia e boa noite; mas acima de tudo, rituais com seus próprios valores. Há quem trate seu aniversário como um dia normal, quem simplesmente evita comentar sobre, quem o trata como o pior dia do ano, e existe também a Juliet – que teve “o melhor aniversário dentro do inesperado”

À disposição desse fenômeno, Lollipop Chainsaw fantasia sua experiência como um sonho lúcido dentro desse aniversário, e por consequência, fantasia Juliet como a protagonista dessa história. Sem se questionar de seus absurdos, o jogo retrata um apocalipse zumbi da maneira mais pós-moderna possível, considerando o boom da internet e as diversas referências à cultura pop, como sua própria trilha sonora licenciada (a música tema do menu ser Cherry Bomb é genial…) e voltando algumas linhas desse parágrafo, será que os absurdos precisam mesmo ser questionados?

Sendo honesto, eu acho que não. Como alguém que enxerga God Hand como um dos melhores jogos do gênero, Lollipop Chainsaw entrega seus trejeitos humorísticos de uma maneira muito semelhante mas com uma abordagem diferente – e Juliet Starling, a estrela desse sonho lúcido, emana constantemente uma energia mais vigorosa do que Gene. Quaisquer zumbis que objetificarem seu corpo terão o próprio corpo cortado ao meio.

Partindo do princípio que Juliet “pode tudo”, o jogo amplifica seu cerne e seus desejos de aniversário para sua própria ludologia – desde sua estrutura óssea onde são necessários diversos minigames e gimmicks para progredir, à sua estética de graphic novel com interfaces, cutscenes e até VFX estilizados para se assemelhar à HQs, à sua estrutura mecânica com seu excelente combate.

Um beat em up baseado em posicionamento e crowd control com temática de zumbi é uma ideia simples mas que eu nunca parei pra pensar sobre ser uma combinação perfeita – pompom para atordoar os inimigos, motosserra para matá-los e todo o resto anda de acordo com suas habilidades de posicionamento e manipulação dos inimigos, e o quanto os encontros com inimigos do jogo variam de acordo com suas condições.

E por fim, Juliet Starling completa seu ritual, se provando constantemente digna de emanar a energia que ela possui – e coroando Lollipop Chainsaw como um dos melhores jogos de seu gênero. Feliz aniversário, Juliet!

The combat isn’t as polished or fleshed out compared to the titans of this genre like Devil May Cry or Bayonetta, but to make up for that everything else is delightfully bonkers and just a lot of fun.

Honestly? This game is genuinely good fun.

This review contains spoilers

This game is ridiculously enjoyable, but not enough to make it a good game. The Story is that you play a zombie killing cheerleader , who goes around saving people from a zombie apocalypse that came out of nowhere, yet they treat it like it was always there, and it is clearly made to appeal to people with sexual desires, there are innuendos everywhere, there is a lot of ridiculousness in this tale, like how when her boyfriend gets bitten on his arm, because she didn't do anything when he was attacked, and saves him by cutting her head off instead off cutting off his arm, like everyone else would, and using magic to keep his head alive, the zombies in this world also talk, which would be interesting if they said and did stuff related to sex, and they do say stuff like that, yet when they go to their prey, they don't do anything sexual, they simply try to kill them like any other zombie, running the point of adding the zombie appeal to the theme of the game, and worst of all are the endings, you will suddenly get an ending where you all get killed by your mother who is now a zombie, even though the father would sacrifice his life to protect them all, it's so out of nowhere, and the way you get the good ending where your mom isn't a zombie is garbage, you have to save every single student, despite the fact that it has nothing to do with her, and it is one of the most dumbest good endings ever because of it. The Characters are nothing other than stereotypes, and many of them have awful voice acting, and the dialogue never rises above generic. The Graphics are good, and are good enough to make the female characters appealing to look at. The Gameplay has you cut zombies up, upgrading your skills to it, and saving students, which is fun for a while, but can get old when there is nothing intriguing that happens around it, other problems I noticed was when you save one of the students in the beginning, they walk towards the zombies direction while trying to fight them off, the cops have awful aiming, to the point where they end up dying from it, and don't walk away from them to survive, Juliet didn't warn the pilot of the zombies that they are bringing up, pointless QTE events when Nick's head possesses a body, auto aim doesn't exist, mini sports games aren't any fun with bad aim, and baseball not following the rules of the official game at all. The Music is great, they use famous tracks and they are great, so that adds to the fun. Lollipop Chainsaw has much teen fueled fun, but fails to go all out, and only goes home to make it in my good books.

Can’t think of a single thing wrong with this game, except for the fact I’ve been unable to replay it whatsoever.

5 stars just because this game is literally all my tastes fused into it. I love it, I had so much fun it's unreal.

This game is so fucking fun. Juliet is a wonderful character and the entire game is so charming and so demented. It's grindhouse inspirations are apparent but very welcome, making it stand out in a great way. Combat is hella fun, though a tad clunky, but still stylized and satisfying. The soundtrack fucks too. I also surprisingly like the story, which deals with much more than zombies summoned by a jilted emo nerd, but actually having a lot to do with body positivity and acceptance of one's flaws, and the power of love. Yeah. Play this thing.

I feel like this game was made for me. every single aspect of this game I fell in love with, from its humour to its gameplay to its artstyle. it's all so spectacularly bizzare and charming that I was sad to see the credits roll. definitely a must play.

Pretty blatantly style over substance game with some rather frustrating sections and somewhat wonky controls. Akira Yamaoka's soundtrack is solid, and the licensed tracks are fun and appropriate when used.
Suda's name is plastered everywhere as creative director, but the actual director Tomo Ikeda is buried in the generic credits, which is kind of sad.
I wonder how the remake is gonna hold up in comparison.

Enjoyable ride, while I wasn't that fond of many of the humor (horny jokes and cheesy references), I generally found the dialogue to be incredibly fun and even endearing with Juliet and Nick's back in forth which makes up the straightforward plot,

Despite the boss line up being unremarkable in both narrative and gameplay, the general combat is good for what it's trying to do, while I found the normal strings to be more on pointless side as attack animations can cause Juliet to feel floaty for the sake of stunning the zombies enemies, It's much more effective to just use high and low chainsaw attacks and I still got A ranks, that being said it has enough to keep your attention as long as you're extending your moveset instead wasting your coins on frankly pointless stats upgrades or refilling items that shouldn't been there to begin with personally speaking, The ranged shotgun attack is neat option to dispose of certain enemies faster and the ammunition was properly balanced to not make it dominate main combat, the scoring/ranking and leaderboard is also great incentive for replay value despite the game's rather short length.

I do think this is more of a James Gunn production than Suda from the tone and style and that's not knock but to perhaps reconsider giving this game another shot if you felt disappointed before.

ok james gunn eu quero muito uma continuação desse jogo, eu so não do 5 estrelas pq talvez o jogo passe um pouco do humor umas vezes mas tirando isso jogasso.
a trilha sonora e execelente, o combate e MARAVILHOSO (MORRA KILLER IS DEAD) e a historia junto do humor e maravilhoso.

kill zombies with radical tunes, as a hot girl cheerleader, no brainer.

mindless fun, silly dialogue and that nice mid 10s summer movie feel

Suda siendo Suda, un juego alocado que no se toma en serio y el cual me encanto completamente su tono y humor estúpido, además de ser un Hack and slash divertido.

Finally finished on Very Hard Story mode, and I think this legit might be my favorite hack n slash next to Bayonetta, now?

Lately I've been having a midlife action game Cri𝕊𝕊𝕊is where I realize I think the idea of a single button universal defensive maneuver based entirely on timing and i-frames is honestly pretty damn boring. Between Bayonetta and Dark Souls popularizing that concept, things like positional management have fallen by the wayside a bit.

Not so with Lollipop Chainsaw! Your jump has some meager i-frames, and that's IT: EVERYTHING else is positional management: EVERYTHING. Your defense, your attack, everything you do is all about getting yourself in position to manipulate your enemies to do serious damage to them, and it feels sublime .

It's weird, because action games nowadays feel so very analog when it comes to the offensive game, but EXTREMELY digital when it comes to the defensive game, and Lollipop Chainsaw is an (albeit decade old) example where both sides cohere into something that feels multifaceted despite honestly not having a super complex player kit.

And I like that; I like that a lot.

🎆please more people play this🎆

Played this game for a bit however I didn't get to finish it.

Till now, I'm still praying for a REMAKE and PC Port :'(

When this game first game out, I was worried it was going to be pervy. I saw someone speed running it, and it was nowhere near what I was worried about. This game was an incredibly pleasant surprise. It was fun to play, it was funny, it even had me tear up at one point (then promptly ruin it by making a pervy joke). Highly recommend.

Um ótimo jogo, divertido com a gameplay boa, vale a pena dar uma chance

lollipop chainsaw is a perfect example of style over substance and i absolutely adored it. bonkers story-line with tongue-in-cheek comedy and charming dialogue. very much a product of its time which is crazy to say considering this was only 2012, but everything here just makes sense.

the hack-and-slash game-play is obviously derivative of others such as bayonetta, but not nearly as fine-tuned. combat often felt pretty clunky. aside from this, the sheer variety in ways to play really carried it. lots of fun to be had with unlockable combos and some gun play.

A game that kept me glued to my 360 back in the day. Insanely fun and although the game style can be wonky at times, it's definitely addicting. The soundtrack is extremely solid, and I'd replay this game so many times just to replay my favorite levels and boss fights (a shame there was no button on the menu for that but the game was very fun for its time so I didn't mind replaying anything I didn't want to). Obviously crude and questionably risqué but it was 2012 wcyd? Excited for the remake!

Cute girl in short ass skirt (or bikini) chainsawing down zombies and other stupid shit happens, what's not to love? Well, it's really cool but I didn't ended up enjoying it as much as I thought I would, but I'll get to that in a bit. Also Evil Dead costume. This is a game I really wanted to play when it was new but had no way to do so, so I tried to go off just watching vids of it alone, years later in 2019, I finally had a way on my PS3 and I did exactly that! I quite liked it, tho not 5 stars cuz I didn't love it or enjoy it as much as I thought I would...maybe it'll be more fun with a keyboard on RPCS3? Is it cuz so much time has passed that my hype died down a little? Who knows... on the other hand, I can only imagine how the remake will turn out by the way...personally I'm sick of remakes and the nostalgia trend in general now, but in this case I also get that this game would be hard to port without butchering the soundtrack...damn you, music industry, I guess. Still, I'd still love a proper remaster port of this...oh well, RPSC3 and Xenia is here now

Not as bad as I first though with all the cringe advertisement
Don't get me wrong, the game's still cringey at times but it's real fun

This feels like a game that was a lot of fun to make which was no doubt needed after SotD's dev hell. It's my least favorite of the HD GhM games personally, but it's still a decent time and has a killer licensed soundtrack