Reviews from

in the past

Hablando puramente de la versión original de PS3 y Xbox 360 ya que la “Definitive Edition” es más “ Definitive Basura” con muchas caídas de frames sin venir a cuento cuando es un juego de la anterior generación. Dejando eso atrás y hablando del juego, es el mejor Mafia de toda la trilogía, una historia buenísima junto a un protagonista con rebosa carisma y personalidad, el sistema de conducción es muy bueno y preciso, mecánicas muy interesante de persecución policial por exceso de velocidad y otras bastante mecánicas que me dejaron sorprendido para un juego de 2010, gráficamente se ve de 10 para su época y engancha desde las primeras misiones, es un juego que cualquiera debería probar.

It's overall a great game, sadly there's a game breaking bug on chapter 14 that makes you replay the entire chapter if you're unaware of it.

Still, better story and gameplay than the first one.

O Vito é um gostoso, Leo é o meu segundo pai e o Joe.... ele é legalzinho, vai.
Única coisa ruim é q ele é MUITO mal otimizado no PC

Great story and voice acting, but everything else didn't really age that well.

Наипрекрайснейшая история! Огромный спектр эмоций удалось испытать! От яркого смеха, до горьких слёз...

Quite good for the most part - definitely not as well written as the original, but more fun to play. It is a shame this is the buggiest game I've played aside from Cyberpunk at launch. Driving was a nightmare - every minute or so I would get screen tearing type pixel effect; and during night-time the lights would be so bright the screen was basically just white. But knowing it was short and enjoying it otherwise pushed me through it. It probably doesn't deserve the remake treatment the first game got, but it definitely deserved more care and respect.

Some caps of the issues for the lols:

I like this game a lot. Great portrayal of the mafia. Lacklustre ending, but good story overall. Unfortunately I can't rate it higher given the abundant crashes in this version of the game.

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this game just. ends. i was playing and thought i'd get a big final cutscene but no it just. ended. like woah. vito is hot and this probably inflates my score by a lot but who cares

Oh, this edition is very definitive. They improved the resolution for the game, textures, and added lots and lots of bugs.
My advise: play the original version.

Em geral passei mais raiva do que me diverti.
A mira é um pé no saco, a direção é um pé no saco, a polícia é um pé no saco, a demora entre os checkpoints é um pé no saco.
O que salva é a história. Achei um puta final.

hello vito hi vito hello vito hey. hey vito hey. hey vito . hello

Terrible port, it hurts otherwise a good game.


Now let me just preface this review by saying that I have never played the original Mafia or Mafia II, but have played the remake of the first Mafia game before playing this one.

And, in short, the remake of the first game is much much better in pretty much all areas. But that is not to say that this remaster (not remake) of the second game in the Mafia franchise does not have anything to offer.

I have to admit though that this game would be absolutely nothing without its story and wide host of memorable characters - both of which kept me engaged throughout and wanting to play until the end. Whilst the game's protagonist, Vito Scaletta, is a bit of a blank state, his rise through the ranks of the Empire Bay mob is a tale as old as time - one which has been told again and again in gangster movies throughout the decades.

And yes, the characters he interacts with are slightly archetypal in their presentation (your Joe Pesci-esque best friend Joe Barbaro who constantly gets you into trouble with his half-baked schemes and short temper, your mentor figure Leo Galante who introduces you into the inner circle of the mafia when you meet him in prison etc) I couldn't help but become interested in the stories that they helped to tell.

So the story is a big plus, as is the setting (if you're a massive fan of the period like me) but how is the gameplay seen as -you know - this is a game and not a movie?

Overall, a resounding meh. Gun-play is serviceable but not too engaging (only really had to focus once or twice during combat when hitting some absurd difficulty spikes towards the end of the campaign - and this was on the hardest difficulty), driving is again, just OK, and I still genuinely have no idea how the 'speeding system' works in this game. Sometimes I'd speed past a cop car and they'd follow me and try to arrest me but other times I'd drive past going even faster and they wouldn't bat an eye. Weird, and inconsistent.

I understand that the open world is not the selling point of this title, but I was confused that there seemed to be so many mechanics which were just never explained or were outright, or borderline, useless. Like, why would I need to ever stop at a gas station to fill up my car with some fuel? I also never visited the auto repair shops scattered across the map aside from when the game forced me to do so early on. Also, apparently robbing shops is a thing in this game. I wouldn't know because I never did it, and money is essentially useless in this game anyway.

There are also technical issues with absurd pop-in and some wonky animations during cut-scenes, but a lot of the time I found these more humorous than annoying. Whether you feel the same is a matter of preference.

So, after reading about how awful this remaster was supposed to be on sites such as Reddit, I was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed Mafia II. Whilst I did go in with low expectations, I found an engaging story, characters and tolerable mechanics - and did have fun.

But ultimately the game is just that, average. Without the quality of story, writing and voice acting I'd even go so far as to say this game would be deemed bad.

I therefore can't, in good conscience, give this game any higher than a 3/5, even though it does have a great story to tell.

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Achei a história bem mais complexa que a do primeiro, tem um mundo aberto melhor, porém a gameplay deixa a desejar em alguns aspectos. Entre pontos altos e baixos deixo com a mesma nota do I, sendo melhor em algumas coisas e pior em outras.

Eu amei esse jogo, que historia sensacional, mas recomendo jogar a versão classica pq essa versão é bem bugada.

Dropei, nunca vi jogo tão mal otimizado, a história é boa, tenho que admitir, mas PQP O JOGO CRASHAVA TODA HORA, ainda bem que eu não paguei e veio na plus.

Wish it had had a proper remaster like mafia 1.

I loved Mafia I, so I expected to MII to be better, or at least to keep the quality. I'm truly disappointed. There were visual bugs which made the expressions to feel cartoonish. My Xbox controller is not supported even though it says that it does, but this could be minor issues if the game is good. It isn't. This is one of the worst voice acting I have seen in my life. I feel zero empathy or hate or anything towards any character. Shame, really. Also, the major changes on the UI and the buttons made it more difficult to play. Not recommended at all.

Мафия без мафии

O melhor deste jogo é a estória e a sua ambientação.
Mas o port para o PS5 falha com constantes travamentos.
Difícil continuar jogando.

the definitive edition should be 5 stars but it's a shame the developers didn't put as much effort into the graphics as they did with the first definitive game

the story has no flaws at all, the combat is overall good and the driving mechanics are okay.

overall an excellent game if you're big on LCN, it's great for trying to immerse yourself in that kind of setting

В DLC играть невозможно, очень глючит - машина может уехать вниз за пределы карты и крутиться там, нужный по заданию человек не появляется и тп.

PR: 8,5 TR: 8,5 GP: 7 GR: 7 ES: 8 SO: 7,5 LO: 7,5 = 7,71

Great game and it is very definitive!

Nessa critica, eu irei fazer por critérios, diferentemente das outras. É uma nova abordagem que eu estou testando, espero que gostem.

-Minhas impressões: 1,3
Curti bastante o jogo, mas teve diversos crashes durante a gameplay.

-Ambientação e Estilo: 1,7
O jogo é bonito e tem cenários legais, mas em alguns momento causa estranheza, ainda mais que manteve diversas características do jogo de PS3. Mas pode ser achismo meu

-Historia: 2
É otima, apresenta uma jornada épica de vito, com diversas dificuldades, seja da vida ou da familia, algumas revoltas e um final de certa forma chocante.

-Gameplay e mecânicas: 2
Mafia 2 possui mecânicas de policia bem interessantes, que não são vistas em nenhum jogo da trilogia, como reconhecimento de placa e vestimenta, ou ate mesmo de precisar pagar multa em certas ocasiões. A gameplay e bem fluida, com botões dentro do padrão.

-Soundtrack: 1,8
A soundtrack trás uma intensificação dos clímax da historia, além de ter uma boa seleção de radio. Porém peca um pouco em trazer outros sentimos, dependendo de musicas terceirizadas.

Nota final: 8,8
Mafia 2 trás uma trama intrigante que te prede, uma cidade ate rica, levando em conta que o jogo é mais linear, e personagens carismáticos. Ele entrega o suficiente pelo tempo de jogo que ele tem e você vai sair satisfeito. É um bom jogo que recomendo demais.

Absolute travesty of a port and a shoddy remaster. You are better off playing the original release on PC.

un super jeu, l'ambiance y est toujours et le monde ouvert est déjà un peu plus utile que le 1er avec les boutiques et service.

Mais, un très gros mais. Je n'ai absolument pas aimé l'histoire. Je la trouve vraiment nul. Vito est inintéressant et tout au long du jeu il se fais juste baiser par tout le monde enfaite. Aussi un point quand on rentre dans la famille, a aucun moment dans le jeu on a l'impression de faire partie de la famille. On traine juste avec Joe et Henry. Vraiment déçu sur ce point. Le 1 avait ce charme de faire partie d'une famille et d'avoir des proches. Le 2 il n'y a rien de tout ca. En tout cas le 1 reste bien le meilleur des deux.