Reviews from

in the past

we got this instead of Mega Man X 9.

I should start by saying i never played the gacha version, because i fucking hate those things. I bought it because it had a 50% discount and i was curious, honestly i was expecting to play it for 20 minutes before getting a refund.

And now here i am, like 20 hours later writing a review for it.
It's really fun, of course it's not as good as most other MM games, but as a spin off it's pretty nice. I get to play with a bunch of characters i always wanted to use (or are very rare as playable characters) like Roll, Sigma, Vile or Pandora wich is great... buuuut not really. You actually play with generic weapons you equip them with and the only thing the character brings is 2 skills, and depending on the character it can feel great and make them feel unique (Sigma for example feels like playing his first phase in X1) or really lame (the Vile and Roll skills were disappointing).

I have two problems with the weapons in the game:
1) Most of them are random made up garbage
2) Lack of variety in the melee weapons

The Z-Saber is not in the game, Sigma's Lightsaber is not in the game, i can't use Roll's broom as a sword, Vile's shoulder machine gun is just a prop that makes him look silly while he uses a different machine gun, there's not even an option to use the character weapon as a skin. Instead all we can use is some Neptunia looking toy weapons. There's a few "real" weapons in the game like Sigma's Scythe but you can count them with your fingers.

As for melee weapons, it's all swords with a very few exceptions and i'm sure they all play the same.

Another big problem i have is the roster. Why is there SO many wasted slots on skin tier characters? Don't get me wrong, a lot of the event variants are super cool/cute and i want to use them, but did they really need to be separate characters? You could just make a skin for most of them and make space for characters that were left out like robot masters or mavericks, side characters like Duo, or fucking Ashe/Grey/Vent (seriosusly why the hell are they not in the game?!?!?!?!). But no, we have 5 different Irsises instead.
What makes it worse is that they added original characters to the game, and i wouldn't mind if it wasn't because there's a lot of possible REAL characters that were left out, instead of something like Ashe, Snake Man or Fire Man.exe we get a bunch of Ricos. I don't even dislike the original gacha characters, but there are so many chars i'd take over them, i'd even prefer getting a Sniper Joe instead of Swimsuit Rico or some shit.

I'm not done yet but the plot is ass, i don't care, Rico is annoying and Via sucks. The fact that you're supposed to be a super fan that has a lot of experience with the series but Rico treats you like you've never seen a controller before is irritating. The tutorial on the highway was the worst, that level is an excellent "organic" tutorial, being interrupted all the time to be told how to attack or wall climb feels like a crime.

There's so much wasted potential here it hurts, it could have been the ultimate fanservice game for MM fans, instead it's just a very ok spin off. At least it's fun.

Like the original version, but without the gacha and player interaction.
Everything from the "online" version still applies; like feeling way better to control with a joystick, and the gameplay being... ok and not really comparable to the actual megaman x games. It is a spin off after all...

Unique to this version is the new shop, where you can use the in game currency (that you unlock by progressing though the story mode and completing missions), to get everything that you would in the gachas. Thanks to this the progression is fucked. Nothing is explained and you can get some very powerful tools really early... the game even gives you s rank X after beating the first set of stages. This makes most of the early game a boring cakewalk.

I couldn't continue to the endgame as I had to uninstall this game from my phone due to not having enough space for it, but I'll probably play it again on the pc version.

I don't know... not having the gacha is a big plus, and it's great that the game was preserved... except not everything was preserved. PvP is gone and so are the collabs. I can understand the online elements (maybe a local duel option could have worked? Or even only allowing lan connections) but why are the CAPCOM collabs gone???
The worst part is the price tag. All I'll say is that there's no way in hell I would pay that much for a mediocre game, even if it's from a franchise that I enjoy. In fact I didn't pay to play this game wink wink

Está longe de ser 100% um Megaman X, mas funciona maravilhosamente bem como um fan-service. Poder revisitar bosses, cenários e personagens da franquias, além também da trilha sonora, é muito gostoso.
O jogo é uma carta de amor à franquia X, mas não é perfeito. Sua interface ruim, personagem chata do tutorial e mini upgrades chatos são irritantes, mas nada que estrague a experiência.

Muito bom.

Was way more fun than i thought it'd be, most people hating it are just bandwaggoning tbh

Mega Man fans are so petty bro I see people complaining about this game like we got THIS instead of X9. Shut up. This is just a way to experience all the X Dive content in a non-bullshit package. It’s fun! I mained Ultimate Armor X for the first 3/4ths of the Story and then X -Kai- for the last 1/4th because of his healing ability. For Events I mostly went with Nightmare Zero and Gangsta Girl Erato because of their mobility and huge screen clearers. I also just like them. The game wasn’t as grindy as I thought it might be, it took me 30-ish hours but I never had to stop and go grind just so I could beat a mission. I did some side event things yeah, but that’s just because I like to be over leveled. By the end of the game I was at 620K power and you only need like 590k to beat it. The gameplay is nothing special, it’s just standard dash and shoot. The story is nothing more than an excuse to get us to where we are, although I really like the inclusion of a pre-virus Sigma and I like ViA. Ik he’s just a palette swap but he’s a cool one. Maybe I’d like the story as a whole better if the translation didn’t read like a bad Google translate job. Check this one out on a sale I think. 30 bucks is a bit much. I’m happy with my purchase because I’m a mega man fan and love the fan service. But I don’t know that the average Joe will.

Every time I see a cool gacha game, I think to myself:

"Wow, you look amazing. I just wish you weren't a gacha."

Because in truth, I like the core of most gacha games. Most of them have a ton of character options, satisfying progression, deep character building, and enough content to bury myself under.

But they're gachas. Live service trash. I hate dailies, folks. Gambling, too. And FOMO. So I try not to play them, because I find the genre ontologically evil. That's not even getting into my own issues with impulse control and my vulnerability to time-blackholes like VS-clones

I also, for the longest time, held a grudge against this game. Why? Because it's good. It is really good. The MMX formula should not translate this well to a mobile title, and the roster on display is obscene for a fan of the entire IP - like me!

But again, gacha.

So, looping back, I repeatedly said "Wow, MMX Dive looks amazing. I just wish it wasn't a gacha". I've said this about other gacha games, of course, but for the first time ever my prayer was answered.

MMX Dive Offline is, in most respects, just another MMX game. The jump 'n' shoot formula is still there basically untouched, just adapted for a game with a huge roster. Levels are a bit straightforward at first, but once the story hits the ZX levels it's just straight up from there quality-wise. Bosses, too, are surprisingly well thought out for a game like this. Getting my ass savaged by Magma Dragoon was almost nostalgic.

Where this game really shines, though, is in its adaptation of gacha mechanics for a 'real' game. It has all of the good bits (tons of options to stick into a build, relative ease of upgrading, character exclusive shit, lots of weapons) without most of the bad shit. There's no daily-capped events or FOMO shit and the rate of drops has been buffed exponentially compared to the live version... but there is one little gripe I have. Namely, that a lot of the resources required for gear enhancement do come from event stages, and while these are available indefinitely they also tend to be deeply repetitive or worse; easy. Still, it's minor in the grand scheme of things.

If you've read this far you might be wondering what replaced the actual gacha system. It's just currency, now. Most characters/weapons are available for Zeni (which drops in bulk) or Element Metal, which gates off stronger characters and weapons. You get all of these in substantial amounts just by gunning the story, and dipping into side stuff will hoist even more on you.

There is one caveat though. For the sake of balance, most stronger characters are story-gated. You cannot, for instance, immediately buy Bass XX or DiVE Armor X at the start of the game. No, you're gated to relatively less powerful characters. This was expected, since all gachas suffer hardcore power creep, but if you're buying into this in the hopes of getting a certain character, you may have to sink some time into the game.

That all said though, I'm in love with this game. The only part I particularly dislike is the story, but it's thankfully extraneous and every cutscene has a skip button.

This review is flagged as 'completed' because I just gunned the main story, but there are a ton of events ahead, to say nothing of challenge mode and the tower climbing mode. I'll be here for a while.

While I think it's absolutely fantastic that Capcom preserved the game after it ended, and the roster is incredible, legit activated the Mega Man neurons in my brain, it still suffers from the gacha issues of "this boss is intensely stronger than you so now you have to grind to get to his level". Tedium galore. It's definitely no substitute for the real deal, it's a great reminder of why I love the Mega Man franchise to begin with.

Megaman X Dive is pure fanservice. Every character in the entire series is pretty much playable so you have your dream roster as a Megaman fan. Having said that, the most important thing here in Megaman games, the gameplay, is absolutely terrible and watered down as it is a mobile game. The game is super easy and there is next to no platforming. There are hundreds of levels here which boil down to run down a hall and auto shoot enemies for 30 seconds. The idea of a great Megaman game for fans is here, it's just executed terribly.

Péssimo. Gachas não me descem principalmente por conta do balanceamento de qualquer coisa que tente fazer níveis ainda ter que se basear em quanto tempo ou dinheiro você investe no jogo e mesmo não tendo mais o formato predatório em um, o design disso continua impregnado. O level design é fraquíssimo e os inimigos até mais comuns são ou esponja de danos, ou teu personagem completamente ignora eles, sem meio termo - obrigado Eratoeir por ter feito terminar isso com invencibilidade permanente entediante, porém fácil. A história fraquíssima não ajuda, evite.

Mega Man fans are too receptive to Capcom's bullshit. Their sheer incompetence during the 7th gen has been well-documented, and all they've done since to rectify their countless missteps is a single Mega Man game. Despite the fanbase turning around and making MM11 the best-selling game in the franchise, we're at 5 years since its release, the 35th anniversary has came and went and Capcom has shown no sign of a new game. Instead, we got X Dive.

Now unlike most people, I'm no stranger to gacha games. I've tried many, and I've enjoyed many. As a result of my lack of seething hatred for them, I was more hopeful than most when the game was first announced. I went into it with an open mind, lasted about a week, and then dropped it out of boredom. It's not a good gacha game, nor is it an acceptable Mega Man game by any stretch of the imagination. Haphazard level design that felt AI-generated. Grindy progression that is simultaneously boring and tedious. Borderline incomprehensible english translation. From head to toe, the game hardly had any redeeming factors. Playing as various characters across the entire franchise would be neat, if not for the fact that playing the game itself is a complete slog. I would genuinely rather beat X6 and X7 back-to-back than consider booting this garbage up again. And then they had the gall to charge 30 bucks for this slop, despite essentially just removing the gacha system and leaving the rest of the game's myriad problems. You can buy entire series' in the franchise for that price.

The existence of the game is damn near insulting. Hell, we can't even say the game is funding new projects, like the Star Ocean gacha or Fate/Grand Order did, given the game failed and died after a woeful 2-3 years (and there are no new projects to speak of). Not to mention they're making and selling NFTs to promote it too.

It's basically another episode of Bad Boxart Mega Man. The fanservice at least could've been cool if it weren't for Capcom's continued incompetence and the franchise circling the drain. And if I hear one more Capcom cockguzzler say "this should be the standard for mobages", you're gonna see me on the evening news.

Is it a good game? It clearly isn't.
Is it a fun one? Fuck yes.

I can complain about some of the level design, the OST isn't that great, story can be downright gibberish at times, but if anything, this game proves that having a good gameplay loop can be an immense boon. It's not really a Megaman X game, but it's certainly fanservice-y enough for fans to be happy for seeing all the characters from different subseries playable at once. And it's a power fantasy on its own right to play a gacha and be able to just buy whatever the ♥♥♥♥ you want without having to spend real cash for it. Speaking of cash, I would only say that this game is slightly overpriced, but it's definitely worth it on sale at least.

And I hope this becomes a trend. Un-gacha-fy some of these games and release them as an offline package. Games as a service will always eventually die, but this way you can at least preserve some of these for posterity. It was fun playing as Vampire Zero even if it's not something you'd expect to see in a Megaman game. Or maybe precisely because of it.

apesar de ser o mesmo jogo de 2020, so que sem conteudo online, elementos gacha, e custando 130 contos que é um preço absurdo pros padroes do jogo, ele ate que é bacaninha pra quem é fà de mega man em geral, pois tem personagens de todas as series de megaman, apesar de não ter as variações de collab de monster hunter e DMC, tem muitas armas pra colecionar exclusivas pros jogos e armas e sabres dos jogos anteriores da serie X, um modo historia bom, e da pra liberar tudo sem pagar nada ja que como falei não tem o elemento gachas e isso melhorou 80% o jogo,

então dizendo tudo isso o X dive ele vale a pena pra o que ele proponha, mas recomendo pegar ele em uma promoção boa

maybe mods will eventually make this a good game, like: remove the tutorial lady, better navigation with controllers, better dash, remove the auto aiming and put together all pieces of stage to just one big stage per scenario. idk i killed a boss just holding the atack button, and the auto aiming did the job... i dropped the game after that.

This is a decently fun remake of stages and bosses from the Megaman X (and occasionally classic) series interrupted by a really pointless and soulless currency/level up system that takes 10x as long as the actual stages do, even when you're cheating to avoid grinding. The amount of cool references and deep cut characters you can play as are what I can only describe as disappointingly bittersweet. Being able to play as Tron, Bass.exe, and Zero Nightmare is something I want from a real X game, but X9 this is not, and it's existence makes me doubt we'll ever see that game come to light.