Reviews from

in the past

Start to a legendary franchise, admittedly I am bias when it comes to this one as I played it very young but I can see it has some very rough edges especially with difficulty but if you solider through it I think you will have a great time

Although there are only 6 Robot masters as opposed to the 8 that becomes the series standard, the 6 provided are iconic and fun to fight against and for a new player I think it is also pretty easy to figure out boss weaknesses, controls are probably as stiff as you can get with this series as Mega Man isnt able to do much other then run jump and shoot

This game (along with the rest of the franchise) is one I come back to almost yearly, do a quick run-through and end it off with a big smile on my face. For the time especially, Mega Man came out of the gate strong as can be, even with the first entry you've got that great OST the series is known for. Also with modern platforms you are able to use features such as save states and the rewind feature making it easier then ever to get into the franchise, that being said it is a very difficult game but not Ghosts N Goblins levels of unfair and this difficulty will be fine tuned as you make your way through the franchise

Solid 8/10

It's a rough, but overall fairly solid first entry in the series. Unfortunately, there's nothing here that really draws you into it over any other mega man game, it's just known for being the original.

Despite the frustration of Guts Man's stage and that pesky yellow blob, it's still a solid retro experience. The game has some vibrant levels and catchy tunes.

Mega Man did a lot of things well right out of the gate. The colorful and unique presentation of each level, coupled with themed enemies and bosses made for a great looking game. The excellent soundtrack just added a layer of polish to the overall package.

The gameplay laid a heavy focus on carefully timed platforming which could get frustrating fairly often, but rarely felt completely unfair. The bosses, with their unique abilities, elevated this above many of the action platformers of the day and allowed for a customizable level of challenge once you knew the correct order to tackle the stages in.

Overall Mega Man was a tough platformer with a great presentation that would go on to influence other games in the genre almost immediately after its release.

Não envelheceu tão bem assim, mas continua sendo um bom jogo pro começo da franquia

What's there really to say that hasn't been said. My advice to anyone coming fresh to this is don't look up the boss weaknesses. It's more fun to experiment and replay levels. Yellow Devil is unreasonably hard but you feel great when you get the timing down or you can cheese it with a glitch.

While groundbreaking for its time, it falls flat in comparison to the feats the rest of the entries of the series accomplish. Suffers from “anti-rental” syndrome.

It feels like this sets the precedent of most Capcom firsts in a series having the sentiment "This is alright I guess, but boy I hope a sequel fixes the [gestures at everything]"

Eu já havia zerado ele há alguns anos atrás, porém não estava na minha lista. Pode ser que se trate de um replay, mas revendo este jogo nos dias de hoje, achava ele tão legal ao ponto de ser o "top Mega Man" da minha mente e me enganei.

Este jogo é bem mediocre, porém é uma ótima entrada para uma franquia onde naquele momento estava em ascensão, visto que a Crapcom só tinha jogo port de seus arcades e muito disso não mudou desde então. Foi legal que fizeram algo mais consolizado do que "arcadezado".

Ótimos gráficos, mas posteriormente melhoraram. Ótimas músicas... e de novo, conseguiram melhorar ainda mais. Já as mecânicas e até mesmo a jogabilidade neste jogo não se pode dizer muito: o nosso azulão aqui é um lixo.

O robôzinho mais travado ein? Talvez da franquia toda, este seja o que tenha a pior jogabilidade em várias quesitos. Tornando-se assim o mais mediocre ao meu ver.

After playing the other titles in the series, Mega Man 1 truly does feel like the first game of the series. This isn’t a knock towards the game, but it does give me some sense of perspective looking back.

Outside of that, well yeah, this is truly a game of all time. The concepts it establishes are really good, like being able to pick which stage to start with, boss weapons, and an extra (but in all honesty is required) item with the Magnet Beam.

The issue is that it’s also an 80’s arcade game in disguise. While it isn’t as obnoxious as games like Ghosts n’ Goblins (thank God), it will go out of its way to piss you off, whether it’s due to the annoying level design, certain enemies that will make your ass itch, or general NES jank. Mega Man himself feels heavy as hell while slippery, which is honestly impressive. There are a couple of segments in this game that feel worse than kidney stones, like the conveyor belts in Guts Man’s stage, the constant ladders in Elec Man’s stage, and the Wily Stages as a whole. And of course, there are bosses that suck ASS, like Fire Man, and of course, Yellow Dickhead.

But there’s some genuinely good stuff here too. The game itself looks pretty good, but the music is great. As much as I dislike Elec Man’s stage, the theme is great.

Overall, this game is the epitome of first game syndrome. While it’s a bit rough around the edges, there’s still a lot of good foundation for the rest of the series. If you really want to play this and not immediately skip to any of the other mainline games, play it with save states.

Oh yeah, Thunder Beam is great.

Bizarro como o primeiro Mega Man já era tão bom.

I think people compare this game to the other 5 Mega Man NES games and immediately think its a bad game. But if you compare it to the entire NES library, I think it is an amazing game. I believe it aged very well and had some cool ideas like stage selection and changing weapons.

Un inicio bastante curioso para la franquicia. Es juego con fisicas raras y un poco dificil pero que plantearia las bases de todo lo que seria mega hombre.

Good lord is this game frustratingly difficult. It's not unbeatable, it's just frustrating.

I don't really know how to rate games like this. It's a good product of its time, but that time was awful.

some bosses are a literal cakewalk and others make me want to put a knife into my [REDACTED]
like the music and overall aesthetic though

i was never book smart i'm money smart

Acho ok, mas da franquia foi o que mais envelheceu mal.

This is a title that originally served as a question for me, that question being if I wanted to dedicate time to going back and beating classic video games. Since my review reads "completed" you can probably guess what the answer was. This thought was conjured because this was my second attempt at playing the original Mega Man with the first attempt being marred by immense frustration and gawking at the old game design. My second attempt at the game started no better but it surprised me with how it forced me to take time with it and master its difficulty.

The first title in this series is built on the game design of old where making the game exceedingly difficult and time-consuming was the way to extend play time. It took me a while to align myself with this type of design, which resulted in a decently long playthrough as I memorized each level and all the tricks they threw at me. The Rock-Paper-Scissors nature of the stages is genuinely a neat way to have the levels relate to one another but I resulted in just looking up the intended order. This was a result of each of the levels being a little unfair on the first run-through. A lot of my first attempts resulted in my death due to poor signposting of enemy patterns and traps. Going in with the mindset that you will have to play the levels multiple times over does improve the experience but it does not fully redeem how unfair the game design can be at times. It is obvious through the design that this was Inafune and his team's first title like this.

Though I have grown comfortable with save states, it was interesting to go back to a title that does not hold back in making you do sections over and over again. It was kind of fun to constantly go through the first Wily stage to get a chance to fight the Yellow Devil. Having to go through a gauntlet every time to fight the hardest boss in the game was stressful but ultimately very rewarding. This sort of loop would usually not work on me but for some, I had a lot of fun slowly mastering the stages. It also helps that so much of the game soundtrack remains catchy to this day.

As an opener to a classic video game franchise, the first Mega Man is rough and I can easily see most people dropping it. I had my fun with it but I also had my fair share of frustrations with it leaving my experience a bit mixed. I am curious to see how this formula of Mega Man game evolves from here as I go through all the classic titles.

There are two ways to approach a review of a game like Mega Man 1. The first way is to look at what elements the game implements as the baseline formula that would eventually define the gameplay of the long series it spawned. You can look at whether or not those elements laid a good foundation for a long-running series, and how those building blocks set Mega Man apart from other games in the 2d Platformer genre. For example, every other game in the series afterwards takes ranged weaponry being the default as an assumption, but in the first Mega Man game, that was a deliberate choice made by the developers of the game. If you take this approach to reviewing Mega Man 1, it is a fantastic game. It lays down gameplay loops, moveset concepts, level design concepts, and overall game structure in a way that was unique and innovative for the time, and it deserves all the credit in the world for that. However, you can also take a second approach to reviewing Mega Man: The perspective of a player who first played the game in 2018 as a part of the Legacy Collection, and who thinks it’s significantly worse than most of the games that followed it.

See my full review here:

The cover is probably better than the game

What can I say abot this game, It started the entire Mega Man franchise, and it's the one that I played the most, of course this fact will affect the review in some way but I will try to be as impartial as possible.

The graphics are pretty good, they aren't the best of NES, but they are still beautiful. The enemies have a good design, my favorite boss is Fireman (Gutsman is also pretty cool) the levels are visually memorable, each one is different and you can remember easily which one is the Iceman level, or the Elecman level for example.

The soundtrack is perfect, I adore it. The musics fit well into the levels and get stuck in your mind for days. My favorite is the "Wily Fortress Theme", It feels so epic.

The game is really difficult on the first playthrough, but, the more you play, the better you get at the game, making this game satisfying to play. I completed this game a bunch of times, and now I don't have many problems doing that, the secret is to memorize the bosses weakness (Fireman's weakness is ice for example) and how to defeat the other enemies in the game.

The controls are not the most precise in the world, the charater movements are a bit clunky, but after some time playing you get the hang of it, and pass through plataform sections easily.

Unfortunately, on the NES version, the game presents lot of slow downs during the levels and some bosses.

Finaly, I really like this game, it is probably far from being the best of the franchise, but i think that it stills very fun to play. I recommend everyone to play this game on any port ever released.

Gostoso dms de jogar mas vai tomar no cu sandman

It's like a simple bowl of grits.

dude i fucking love thunder beam

while i am nostalgic to this game and i really like the music! the game itself is just too hard to enjoy! i recommend playing on an emulator that allows you to save at any time

Aight for the first game in the franchise wouldn’t say its good or bad

Nada mal para ser el primero, se nota que le falta pulir mucho.

Not the greatest start to my favorite franchise ever, but it's a somewhat fun ride