Reviews from

in the past

Meu pai recomendou esse jogo para eu e minha irmã ficarmos espertas com os mosquitos, era bem bobo, mas eu achava meio chatinho aoksokaoksoks
Minha irmã que ficava aflita, mas gostava

A strange anomaly of a game. It's not really a so-bad-it's-good type of game, but it has its moments for sure.

"Ayaka has been brought up in a high class family and has never been bitten by a mosquito. She is extremely defenseless... and delicious"

I loved the presentation of this game. Going through and learning about the Yamada's while you slowly terrorize them is fantastic. I love their little powwows at the start of each stage. The game play suffers a bit but for a weird short experience it is great.

Utterly surreal, fascinating experience. Definitely flawed (some poor hit detection, plus occasional unclear controls/objectives), but generally compelling and quirky enough that I was able to have a good time regardless. Stage 11 is a real pain though, lol.

Played this through emulation on the steam deck. What the fuck was this game. I remember playing the demo that came out of a magazine but never got to play the full game.
Interesting to say the least.
God awful controls

E a muriçoca soca, soca, soca, soca, soca, soca
E a muriçoca pica, pica, pica, pica, pica, pica
E a muriçoca soca, soca, soca, soca, soca, soca
E a muriçoca pica, pica, pica, pica, pica, pica

Eu quero dormir de noite
Mas eu não consigo
A muriçoca vem
Vem morder no meu umbigo

Eu quero dormir de noite
Mas ela não se aquieta
A muriçoca vem
Vem morder na minha perna

Very simple-series-core in that it's a lower-budget experimental Japanese game that's certainly memorable as a concept but the actual act of playing it is just kinda eh. While you certainly can bumrush the main story of the game by only pushing the main goal of sucking a set amount of blood from set points on people, the game encourages exploring around the rooms to find tons of microscopic collectables, and due to their small size it's hard to really find and collect em. The last few levels are also a bit on the cheap annoyingly difficult side so that's certainly cool. Despite the meh gameplay I can't hate this game though because it's literally a game where a single mosquito absolutely ruins an entire family. The game originally retailed for 50 bucks and its market value nowadays is even greater and I certainly can't say it's worth either of those prices ngl

this is karma, after i played this i had an mosquito in my room bitting me all night

(phew this is the first game ive fully beaten in a bit)
I've seen very few strange clips of this game in unsung/cult classic video game videos from W A Y w a YyyYy back in the day, like maybe early 2010s of youtube and I think it's actually pretty
Im not sure WHY im surprised but
i am!!

The nitty gritty of the gameplay has you controlling the mosquito in a really weeird manner, the circle button being your context sensitive dash into hot-spots for the blood you need to accumulate to progress, the usage of L1 and L1 and the accompanying buttons really not being as important to travel and moreso to scope your FOV out as you readjust to your surroundings..
this kit is functional!!! its just!.. its just also really fucking annoying sometimes because of the collision you come across sometimes.
It's not unbearable, no no no its functional its just aggravating when youre circling one of the Yamada family (and guest) and then WHAP! you hit their fuckin pants barely and missed your spot
WHAP! you went just a bit too fast and braked too late to avoid getting stunlucked by the insecticides
WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! ofc, then yours truly got good and this was less of an issue as time went on and several attempts of these stages.. but still
I think by the lategame itll REALLY test your understanding of it's touch and go gameplay
This aspect of it is absolutely my favorite part of the gameplay loop and the only thing ive seen similar to this feel is when youre playing the bee movie video game and youre in the hover mode, except this is definitely more clear cut, short and to the point about it
which is a net good because you wouldnt want missions to linger on for too long and then W H A p there goes all your progress babydoll awhhh sorryyyy go back to square 1 fuckball
[excessive throat clearing]
But yeah there's twelve levels and they all foster a nice variety going on, alternate colors for the mosquito thatre unlocked under very specific time pretenses, and there's even collectibles and EX-Tanks (the game will apparently shame u if u didnt get them all, but i dont really mind, still had fun and interesting that there's still some stuff to come back to one day)
I think if I had a major issue with somethin thts less so the games fault was like, i dont like the sensual jokes like stop bruh thats a teenage girl, like NAH. but otherwise it is a very funny game and the strange disembodied feminine voice helping you terrorize a whole family is so funny
The aesthetics are also pretty nice for the game too, pretty simple all things considered but I think its aged very well

final thoughts: this having a dub was more surprising than the game actually turning out to be good, also if you want peak fiction keep spinning the right analog stick clockwise on the start menu, thank me later <3

The PS2 truly allowed creators to make whatever the fuck they want and it paved the way for the most original selection of games ever. That's how you get games as odd as this and god damn I love the weird games

i am very convinced rn that everything can turn into some game

This game is so bad that it's actually great! Granted its controls are a bit finicky, Mister Mosquito is a fun romp of mayhem (and challenge). The Yamada family is a ridiculous set of characters, too.

Definitely a unique PS2-era Japanese game!

Mister Mosquito is the kind of odd game that used to never see the light of day outside of Japan. Bizarre concept, no budget and extremely short.

It's extremely "of its time" with voice acting that doesn't seem to be coming from native (or fluent) English speakers, but it's charming as hell and doesn't outstay its welcome.

I constantly go back to this game. It's one of those perfect low budget PS2 games I fondly remember.

It's weird, you play as a mosquito, you suck blood, and have boss fights with the humans who get progressively more insane because you keep sucking thier blood.

I really don't know how else to sell you on this game.

This has to be one of, if not the weirdest game on the PS2.

I always loved this game for just how out there its premise, presentation, personality and gameplay are. It almost made me forget that I have a deep passionate hatred for all mosquitoes!

I also realized that this game actually got a sequel but it never released anywhere outside of Japan, which is a bummer. I must play the continuation to this asinine franchise before I die, so I'll try my best to get my hands on that.

I recommend to at least give it a shot, it's not a game for everyone, but it definitely won a special place in my heart. 10/10 You suck on some tiddies in this one, nuff said.

I played this a long time ago once I hit the bit 100 followers! As a way to repay them, I played this game. The somewhat infamous Mister Mosquito.

You play as a mosquito who decides to terrorise this single family and drink blood, often trying to do so stealthily to fill up the many vials that you see him holding in the game over here.

That said, this game was clearly made with a pervy sense of humour in mind. We're talking about a game where, as you draw out blood, the female characters groan as if they're experiencing somekind of pleasure from the act. Not to mention the detail the developers put in regards to the feet in the bathroom mission which ends with Mister Mosquito oogling the young girl as she gets out of the bath.

This all aside, what's the gameplay like? Well, it handles and works fairly well. Though it is possible to get lost and you certainly don't turn very quickly which can spell your death, but, the gameplay itself is still quite fun when you start mastering it and there are some hidden powerups to find hidden around the room too

I can't really recommend it as beyond the obvious pandering to the audience and such, there's really nothing else to this game. I completed this game on stream in a 3 hour window and that's not a boast because there were times I messed up and died so I'm certain someone could complete the game in a far quicker time if you really wanted to.

I wouldn't recommend looking up this game unless you want to make your friends/viewers laugh, but even then it's just the one joke that gets kinda old and won't last long.

The boss battle at the end is kinda funny at the end though, if a little insane.

Game + Stream

Mister mosquito is a complete outsider when it comes to ratings.

It's a little clunky and sometimes the execution is very unfocussed. However it has charm in abundance - the voice acting is utterly unique, and while far from objectively good, has remained in my brain for years since playing it. The presentation of the cutscenes is also unbelievably basic and unusual - adopting this quite static close up of the families faces. The fact this game has a story at all is already somewhat telling - it's a strange hybrid of arcade title feel with a more linear narrative.

The presentation of the game sometimes feels a little bland and flat - but these contradictions lend a very surreal feel to the mosquito title that is somehow wholly appropriate. Moving from a quite basic representation of a mosquito irritating a family into family members busting out anime-style special moves in order to take you down.

Grinding up extra stats is very tedious and unfulfilling. The final levels are too difficult. There's a lot to be said about this games shortcomings.

But on the whole, I'm just so glad it exists that I cant help but have a lot of love for this title. A triumph of forced experimentation and a win for weirdness.

It's Summer
Do you like Summer?

There's something otherworldly about this game, a sense of the surreal established by the almost ethereal female narrator. She speaks with a monotonous cadence, the tone of her voice only slightly inflected as she drones on for nearly two straight minutes as the game's camera slowly pans over the Yamada family home. She speaks slowly. Her sentences don't feel complete and at times disconnected from one another. Two lines at the very start almost seem as if they serve no place in the game at all;

"Summer drives people crazy
And that makes them commit terrible acts

Maybe unbeknownst to the player about to embark on this three hour journey; those two lines set up the game's story with surprising competency as a foreshadowing device. The narrator proceeds to inform you that you are the game's titular mosquito, and that you must suck blood. She cautions you of the contempt that the Yamada family will come to harbor for your actions - but she also reassures you that you are a harmless creature simply fighting for your survival. She proceeds into the Yamada family home alongside you, and throughout the game she gently guides you from stage to stage. Her help is quintessential in your success, as she offers an omniscient viewpoint on the Yamada family and the dangers they present to you in their efforts to combat the terror you've brought into their home. She is your only companion, almost seeming concerned for you even as the lowly and itchy mosquito you are.

I believe the narrator is none other than the voice of god.

Yet somehow this concept seems to fit neatly with the rest of the game as it blurs the lines of fiction and reality. The Yamada trio are written in a believable, grounded way - but they somehow double as a superfamily of martial artists and and father who can channel lightning in his hands. Their attacks are similarly powerful enough to cause time and space around them to warp as the world turns in slow-motion and the hits they land replay five times over to emphasize the force behind their strikes. The family brings much humor to the table in their interactions, both physically and in dialogue, but there's also a certain lingering element of horror in the backdrop of the game's presentation of them and their campaign against you - one that becomes more pronounced as you approach the climax of the story. The tone of the game is as thoroughly varied and inconsistent as the genres the gameplay is derived from, which - while a flawed experience - is a unique and unforgettable one.

It's somehow almost a tragedy watching as your progression, your mere efforts for survival, slowly spiral the Yamada family into madness. It is your mere presence that remarkedly uproots their lives and has wrought chaos in their household. Just as you drain the family's blood, you drain their sanity. Slowly the family's joyful antics vanish, evoking the narrator's words of warning;

"Summer drives people crazy
And that makes them commit terrible acts

Things come to a boiling point with the family by stage nine, the game abandoning its stealth elements and becoming more of a puzzle battler. This leads into the harrowing ending sequence in stage twelve, one that I don't dare to spoil for any aspiring Mister Mosquito enjoyers, the only ending that the Yamada family was ever going to face.

Mister Mosquito is a strangely unforgettable game, an experience that could only be forged in the experimental age of the early 2000s (or by quirked up current day indie devs). I remember playing a brief segment of this game on one of those demo collection discs as a child, and I'm glad I unlocked those core memories recently to remember to explore this game in its entirety.

Minus two stars for the two years of ending lag for bonking into terrain and the frustrating accuracy needed to land on the precise spot you need to bite. Fuck this game and it's shitty controls.

Completely clueless on what this game was I decided to play because a friend wanted to watch me play this. So I did.
You play as a Mosquito on a mission to drink as much blood as you can from the Yamada family without getting smacked. very straight forward. Only 12 levels, but every stage gets harder and harder as the irritated family gets wiser with a variety of mosquito repellants.
The controls nowadays kinda suck. Pun unintended. flying around like its Ace Combat, but you combating yourself with the joysticks and bumper buttons. It was easy to get used to towards the end, but still rough in the beginning.
Honestly just play this game. It's quite a fun silly challenge. Maybe emulate it though because the physical copy goes between $100 and $750 for some crazy reason.

Fun, brief, and weird. Finished it in a single sitting. Music was lowkey really good and thought the narration was pretty entertaining.

A strange yet weirdly chill game that's really like nothing else I ever seen or played. Controls are a bit odd though.

ooo i'm gonna suck your blood

it's one of those games where the gameplay sucks, but everything else is awesome
the family is so goofy and the fact that a fucking mosquito destroys their relationship is absolutely charming i love it

The story and gags are really quirky, I love it so much. Except the controls are very frustrating and the ladder half of the game is plain unfair. Still a fun experience, and I would never play it again. I have not gotten all of the extras so I do not know how to judge any extra modes but I bet they're more of the same. ALSO MINUS ONE STAR BECAUSE I HAVE A DAMN THUMB BLISTER FROM THE SUCKING CONTROLS