Reviews from

in the past

Bem linear, mas melhorou basicamente tudo que teve nos 2 jogos anteriores. A música como sempre muito boa e a arte é charmosa.

É um jogo curtinho, mas que vale o tempo.

Really nice small game, it's a good follow up to the earlier Momodora games while standing on its own. You get 2 playable characters, with one having more health, while also a bunch of different difficulty options which when combined with your 3 inventory slots and items you collect can all shape the game differently. Depending on what you choose, this game can be easy or hard, so its worth to keep in mind what you'd want to do with that before playing.

While the general structure is linear, having a game with 100% completion will take some going off the beating path and talking to characters. Your initial playthrough will only take around an hour, but you can play the game again to complete all achievements or find something you missed, which doesn't feel like a chore when a regular play doesn't take too long so I'll be working on getting what I missed.

This game is pretty cheap and doesn't stretch itself too long with filler, which I really consider a positive as what the game has is good on its own and doesn't have noticeably elongated lows. I do recommend it alongside the rest of the series.

Another step forward compared to the previous chapters, Momodora III is much more visually polished, and the overall gameplay experience is improved by some additional depth in the design, such as the ability to equip and match various tools to better tackle the adventure. The final result still remains a short game with some nice ideas and a more than good level of challenge without anything really outstanding in it, but it is in any case interesting to observe the various stages of evolution of a project behind which there is evidently great passion.

Isso é quase cave story, gostei bem mais desse.

reverie under the moonlight is fun and all but i still love the snappier controls of the older games. only wish there was more

zerei em menos de duas horas e dei refound na steam, depois me senti mal e comprei denovo

Incredibly shot, but quite fun for what it was. Feels built for speedrunning if anything. Makes me want to play another Momodora game at some point.

tão bom quanto o segundo e melhor que o reverie

Ta divertido, es facilito y es cortito

Pew pew pew too linear, but better

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I recommend playing Momodora 1 and 2 or watching a summary before playing Momodora III, mostly to understand what the characters are talking about.

When you start the game you are given two characters to choose from, Momo, the protagonist of Momodora II and Isidora, Protagonist of Momodora I and "Villain" of Momodora II, both characters are Exorcists. None of these reflect any gameplay, I think Momo only changes 1 dialogue of an NPC, because he recognizes you from the second game, but maybe it doesn't happen and I remember horrible, but more than that it's really just aesthetics.

The story of this game is explained through the environment and NPCS in very few dialogues, but basically it's summarized in "go kill the bad guy because he's being too much of a bad person".

It's a VERY short game (There's an achievement to pass the game in 25 minutes, and personally the fastest I passed it was in 17 minutes), plus very easy on the other difficulties, so I recommend starting with the "Hard" difficulty to feel the experience like in Momodora I and II.

Highly recommended

one of the best games I've ever played??? short and well balanced, tough but fair. amazing animations, could do better in the music department, but as far as game design goes it's almost immaculate. shows a lot of understanding on metroidvania mechanics. it's the kind of thing you could play over and over again.

Incrível porem muito curto. Mas ainda sim incrível

NOTA IMPORTANTE: La estrategia más viable es zonear con el hechizo de agua y el veneno

A tiny 2D platformer that is, unfortunately, a huge wasted potential.
Pixel art, music, sound effects, physics + combat, boss battles, item shop and inventory: there is really everything and it is well made.
All this is locked up, however, in a number of levels really low considering the gigantic work behind all the mechanics.
Unfortunately it have returned to the linear levels of the first game.
A real, huge pity for the paucity of levels. They could have quadrupled the number without adding more substance, since there is so much stuff too concentrated.

I had a lot of fun with this. It's snappy, engaging and has some cool bossfights and stuff. It is super short and WAY too easy, especially once you get the ceremonial fabric, but I overall found it to be solid, even though I still prefer the second.

bought this game for as many hours i played it for (1)

Only took me about 40 minutes to get the bad end with 75% completion, so it's a fairly short game as far as I can tell. It's decently fun and has pretty nice pixel art, but there isn't really anything that differentiates it from other games. It's a very basic jump and slash/shoot game with very few ways to play different styles, and shooting seemed infinitely better than slashing and it seemed to have more upgrades as well. The story wasn't very compelling either, which makes me unlikely to go back and try to get the Good End unless a different Momodora game really hooks me. Not a bad game, but I can think of better ways to spend an hour.

This is where the Momodora games started getting REALLY good.