Reviews from

in the past

Dios es demasiado divertido y a la vez demasiado difícil, me encanta pero es imposible pasarmelo para mí

este jogo fundou o Anarcomagicismo

After 10 hours of play, I still don't really get it. It was a pretty enjoyable 10 hours, but I think I'll return to it later.

The complexity and depth to the systems in this game are comparable to minecraft. Truly a masterpiece.

Unique Roguelite, with its own unique wand crafting system that'll make you go crazy once you get the hang of it, incentive to explore and discover, unforgivable difficulty and interesting physics mechanics.

I would say this game is really good if you're someone who enjoys video games and like to see the universe unfold in front of you.
Some of the secrets of the games are nearly impossible to find alone, having the community discover it by shared research, which I think is great and add to the substance of the universe.

Again, the game is really difficult to get the hang of, you'll die a lot, but you'll grow familiar which each enemy and each spell, leading to more and more progress.

Noita play by his own rules and that's why it's great.
You didn't play the game unless you exploded yourself with your own wand.

I'll beat it once i get a PhD in wizardry

everytime i get a good staff i blow myself up

nothing more horrifying than going online, confused, after a first completed run, and discovering what this game is actually about

A great game, I just don't think I'm smart enough to play it.

Hamis is pretty cool. There are these purple pots in the desert temple which spawn like 4-5 hamis when you shoot it.

I just want to bleed gasoline and be immune to fire man c'mon is that such a hard thing to ask?

aprecio a pixel art e o sistema complexo do jogo, mas o combate em si não me fisgou.

Really fun and replayable game, even better with mods.

Super unique roguelike game. Lot of respect for the devs.

Ted Kaczynski if he knew alchemy and had a wand

As of writing this I have almost 300 hours in this game with 1000+ attempts and 4 victories. Take from that what you will.

I love this game, the wand editing aspect is super super fun and exploring this world even more!! I'll never forget the whole process I went through just to be able to climb the mountain of the tutorial area... And when you figure out how to do these simple things, it's very fulfilling!
The fact that the game never improves your skills at any point is also really cool!! The fact that I have gotten better at the game is purely a matter of learning and knowledge!

The only flaw for me in this game is that it's impossible to discover the lore of it, which makes me very sad because it really seems interesting... I just wish you didn't have to solve 30 riddles with 1823759283645 IQ to understand them...

Detonating stuff and setting stuff on fire is really fun, but that might be everything this game has to offer.

The game is very weird, its really well made but extremely confusing and hard to get into however if you can get past that the game is great

i will never understand this type of game. its very nature makes it feel unpolished and unbalanced.

only reason i beat the first boss was because i made a wand that lagged the game.

probably better if i learned how to play

Dying to a pixel of acid because I'm blind

I don't really get it. I've played about 20 runs or so and I've given up on playing anymore. I think the aesthetic of the game puts a damper on my ability to enjoy it, for sure. I don't really like when games are THIS minimalistic with their visuals. As a Dark Souls fanatic, I can get down with a game not telling you things and over-tutorializing everything, but I felt nothing pulling me forward here. I felt no intrigue to find new items or wands, no reason to want to explore a new area. It wasn't really fun to move around. Honestly, I'm not sure I can come up with any redeeming qualities.

I love roguelikes and I love games that are mysterious in regards to how the systems work or what your goal is. For whatever reason, this one just didn't do it for me at all.

I guess part of it is that I have realized I like "roguelites" and not roguelikes. Not being able to clearly see you are progressing and getting better is a put off. I didn't feel as though I had made any progress despite playing for 5 hours or so.

idk what review to give this game i cheesed it so hard i spent 20 minutes against the final boss

Unique and interesting roguelike, the pixel reactions are really cool and the variety of wands is extremely impressive. Wonderful game

Have you ever missed out on an obvious masterpiece that people sung their praises over upon release, only for you to pick it up and love it some years later?
It happened to me a few times before. Cuphead, Hollow Knight, Rain World... and now this game.