Reviews from

in the past

É engraçado o fato de que anteriormente eu não gostava desse jogo, achava a jogabilidade extremamente dura e travada, e a história péssima, não entendia a aclamação e achava que era pura nostalgia.

Nessa chance pro jogo, eu percebi que eu era bastante injusta com a movimentação, o jogo na verdade é consciente dessa movimentação lenta e é projetado pra ela. Os inimigos quando vão te atacar, dão uma corrida e param, pra depois dar outra corrida, o que te dá tempo de agir, além do jogo utilizar muito bem o som pra te indicar ameaças e ataques, os inimigos avisam que vão atacar e você também ouve projéteis sendo disparados. Além de que, apesar do jogo ser considerado o que transformou resident evil em ação pura, ele ainda tem um tom de terror, mas esse terror é mais de ansiedade, pela tensão de lidar com hordas de inimigos, e o fato de você ter que parar pra mirar e atirar e ser lento acrescenta nessa tensão. E ao entender isso e me acostumar com o gameplay, eu passei a achar ele muito gostoso. E esse gameplay é muito melhorado com o maravilhoso balanceamento desse jogo, com a dificuldade adaptativa que todos já sabem, e as armas, todas as armas tem características únicas e são melhores em determinadas cosias, então você escolhe quais armas usar baseadas no seu tipo de gameplay, se você quer mais poder, mais críticos, e por aí vai. O loop de gameplay nunca se torna cansativo, você sempre tem que pensar rápido durante a ação de qual arma usar pra cada situação específica, fazendo a gestão da suas armas e da sua munição, ainda tendo um teor de survival horror, mesmo que com menos horror.
A história que antes eu achava ruim, eu ainda acho, mas eu gosto disso, dá um charme enorme pro jogo e deixa ele carismático, ele tem um puta ar de filme amador, é um jogo extremamente galhofa, e que na verdade não se leva muito a sério, e isso é incrível, é muito divertido de acompanhar, até a estátua ganhando vida eu acho divertido.
A ambientação é outro dos destaques, a direção de arte combinada com as músicas e os efeitos sonoros, criam uma das melhores atmosferas que eu já vi num jogo, principalmente na vila, é um ambiente vazio, melancólico, não consigo entender como tratam esse.jofo como pura ação sem nenhum aspecto de terror, esse.jofo é atmosférico, e tem várias partes que utilizam o grotesco como terror.

Eu acho que esse foi um das minhas maiores mudanças de opinião com um jogo, eu genuinamente achava ruim mesmo reconhecendo seus méritos, e hoje eu o vejo como a obra prima que ele é. Inclusive, entendo também quem joga ele desde a infância e sempre rejoga, porquê ele é extremamente viciante, quando eu zerei ele eu já comecei outro save pouco tempo depois e vou zerar ele ainda muitas vezes.

Um caba com uma pistola e um sonho no meio da Espanha

podemos concordar que esse daqui é o melhor Resident Evil, certo? efetuado a conclusão do jogo no modo normal.

The remake is better, but this one hits different

Uma delicia esse game amei cada hora jogada

Visuais mais bonitos que a versão das gerações passadas + Leaderboarding

This review contains spoilers

For personal reference more than anything else. Still have done spoiler warning just in case though.

First time doing a complete playthrough after playing about an hour (if that) around 7-8 years ago on the PS2 version and then about 20 mins of this version a couple of months ago. Played on normal difficulty, main story only.

Getting to finally fully experience this felt quite good, its place in gaming history as one of the greats and it also being a survival horror which I quite like, meant that at the very least I'd like to give it a try and I'm thankful I did.

This game is a lot of fun and never really feels boring which was surprising. The action feels great as the guns feel good to use and the game tries to be constantly entertaining while also having a fair bit of downtime which kept it at a really nice pace.

In terms of the story, while I was following all of it, I wasn't really interested in the overarching stuff surrounding Leon, Ada, Krauser and Umbrella as I don't know the main story all that well (before playing, this I'd only played and completed 7 and Village) so it feels unfair to comment on it. But the main story is decent, I don't think its the strongest narrative in the world but I was invested in it.

The characters also feel slightly unfair for me to comment on because to my knowledge this is at least the second time a few of them had appeared where I figure they got a lot of their character development in the prior games. The ones who I think were in this game first though were the majority of the villains who mostly just felt like generic bad guys like Saddler and the village Chief and then you had Salazar who I kind of liked as he had a bit more personality which led to him being more interesting. Luis just felt like he was just there in all honesty so I didn't really care for him. The other characters who I think are returning ones are Krauser and Hunnigan who I just didn't think were interesting and Ada who may not have been in the game much but left me in a constant state of awe as to how cool she was.

The two main characters though are Leon who I know was in RE2 which I've played a bit of before a couple of years ago (the REmake) and even with that I was kind of surprised how boring he was, I'd seen sections of this game before that made me think he was going to be quite charismatic and funny but he just felt like a generic protagonist whose only thing was coming out with one-liners which weren't really that funny to me (the one to Salazar about his right hand is good though even if i'd heard it before). Ashley on the other hand was the biggest surprise as I at the very least expected her to have a personality but she just doesn't, it only feels like she talks when she's yelling for Leon. It also came as a shock to me how these two do not have conversations during gameplay or even cutscenes where they get to know one another, I wasn't expecting them to be talking constantly or to have this great bond but I was hoping for a little more than what the game gave.

Its also important to talk about Ashley as a gameplay mechanic as around half the game is spent escorting her and this being a slightly older game relying on A.I could go quite badly. Thankfully its mostly fine, Ashley will usually keep right with Leon whenever she can and she can also be doing things like turning a crank or driving a vehicle while Leon gets rid of enemies. She also ducks whenever she's in the way of Leon shooting an enemy which was such a great decision that I don't see in enough games. Unfortunately she can be a bit of a pain though as she is useless for the most part, so if someone tries kidnapping or attacking her, she won't fight back or try to run away. Another issue is that she does not shut up, whether she's being carried away, being locked in a room or having an enemy close to her while driving the vehicle, she does not stop yelling and its quite annoying, but sometimes she says things she notices in a room which helped me out a couple of times.

The game also uses quick time events constantly and this got old so fast, they use it for cutscenes, boss fights and even standard gameplay. The button prompts felt like they disappear too quickly as well as usually I was caught off guard by them appearing in the first place and because if you fail one it means game over which means having to sit through a section all over again. Literally, there's this longish fight on some minecarts that ends with the game having you mash Y and I apparently didn't do it good enough so the game failed me and it meant having to do the whole minecart bit again which whilst not painfully long was still irritating.

There's a few things things that I took issue with in the game that were mainly certain mechanics which I felt should have been in the game or inconveniences which I felt shouldn't but there may not have been much of an option considering this game's age. They still caused a fair bit of annoyance even with that in mind though. To just bullet point them as it'll be easier,

• The camera is far too close to Leon in small rooms and combat which gets made worse when Ashley is with you as it means more of the screen is taken up.

• The game doesn't have subtitles which was not helpful in scenes where the SFX or music is just as loud as the person talking.

• The swaying especially on the rifle is a bit much, I know some games like trying to have a bit of sway to for realism but I think it could have been a little more stable.

• Having to go into the inventory to get a different weapon was ok a couple of times as it paused the game which gave me a second to collect my thoughts but I feel like the game could have had shortcuts on the directional buttons (I don't even think they got used for anything) to quickly choose a different weapon during gameplay.

• I think there should have been a block button as there's way too many things that get thrown at you which I think you're supposed to shoot at or maybe even use your knife on but I feel like with how quick some of the enemies attack and the fact that you're stuck in place when aiming, even if the game took off a little bit of your health, there could have just been a button that you press and hold to block.

• Speaking of not being able to move whilst aiming, I know its been a thing since the first game but I'm really not a fan of it, I think I get that the point is to make fights feel more tense but it just proved to be more annoying then anything as I'd usually shoot someone, stop aiming, move back a bit and then rinse and repeat which just wasn't great.

• The last one is a pretty big one but I think Leon is a little too awkward to move and just generally slow for some of the things this game puts you up against, the giant insects, wolverine claw guys, and even the the last couple of boss fights just feel like they move too quickly and it becomes quite difficult to make distance between you and them and then be able to aim and shoot at them. I can understand that this is the first game in the series to not use tank controls though, so it may have just been a growing pain kind of thing.

On to something else though, I enjoyed the first two locations quite a bit as they both feel like great settings for both horror and games, the island wasn't really my thing though but it was kind of interesting to go through so that's something. There were a couple of smaller bits that stood out to me as both good (the first town you come across in the village and the hedge maze in the castle) and bad (the insect dungeon in the castle (although I think this was more because I was a little freaked out in this bit) and the section with Mike the pilot on the island).

Overall the game is great, even though the problems I had with the game permeated a lot of my playtime and I also just wasn't very good at the game either I still had a really fun time and am looking forward to playing the Seperate Ways bit. I think after that though I probably won't come back to this version of the game and instead opt for the REmake as hopefully it'll iron out the problems I was having. Still though, really liked this game.

Playing RE 4 for the first time felt like a rollercoaster, an enthralling and sometimes frustrating one, as everything else clicked perfectly, from the game design and presentation

Mostly lived up to the hype! The atmosphere, campiness, combat design, and overall gameplay held up great. The end is a little long in the tooth, but the scariness of the regenerators and the combat feeling complete at the end made up for it. A great rollercoaster, excited to see how the remake changes things up.

O jogo me prendeu por ser um ótimo precursor a sua época, além de ter de fato umas partes atrativas, sua jogabilidade me fez cansar além de que o sistema da ashley era muito estressante e atrasava jogo, forçando o jogador repetir situações desnecessárias

A nostalgia fala mais alto, mas a parte da ilha é bem mais o menos

Un juego bastante bueno, revolucionario para la industria, y si bien no tiene esa esencia clásica del survival horror de los otros 4 juegos, sabe ponerte en tensión como en la pelea de la cabaña, los primeros enfrentamientos con los regeneradores y otros. El juego ya se siente que tiene sus años, pero una vez te acostumbras a los controles y mecánicas, te lo pasarás bien.

En mi opinión es un titulo que debes jugar mínimo una vez.

Esse é icônico. Falando como alguém que jogou no ps2 e se peidava quando era criança.
Na minha concepção hj em dia, como resident evil, ele deixa um pouco a desejar, tem pouca exploração, os puzzles são meio bunda a parte da ilha é meio cansada. mas mesmo assim é bom até.
Dito isso o RE4R é melhor do que esse jogo em todos os aspectos e quem não concorda tá sendo nostálgico, o que é válido, mas não deixa de ser errôneo.

One of the best survival horror games and one of Capcom's greatest games of all time. Being the grandfather of the third person over the shoulder gameplay we see in games like Gears of War, this game is excellent. The resources are just the right amount with the ammo and health, the combat is so much fun with so many guns and weapons to experiment with, and that's the core essence of RE4, it's a REALLY fun game. Easily one of my Top 5 Games of All Time and I cannot recommend it enough.

É o krauser????
É o wesker
ah é o wesker

Leon !!!!! I loved everything: graphics are still good today, characters are good (yeah even Ashley who is a spoiled teenager and played her part perfectly :D). I had lots of fun.
My second favorite after RE1.

As much as I adore the PS4 version (since it was the first version I ever played), I can't help but notice how much it kinda sucks when compared to the other ports. Don't get me wrong, it has all the bells and whistles. However, it still has loads of issues, which are:

-Assets bugging out or straight up being missing
-Low texture quality despite being "HD"
-Aiming is bugged
-Crashes if you skip certain cutscenes
-No option for pure classic controls
-No platinum trophy
-Audio sounds funky, probably due to Capcom not remastering it
-QTEs require more input due to the framerate increasing from 30-60fps

It's a shame that Capcom was so lazy with this port, because modders have shown that it is possible to make RE4 look great. Hopefully if Capcom ever considers remastering the game again for PS5 and Xbox Series consoles, they actually put effort in it. Knowing them, however, that will never happen.

Though it may be outdated, there is still a lot of fun to be found in the gameplay once you get the hang of it and lots of fun in the dialogue of the game. The OG RE4 feels like an action third person shooter meets dry humor. What really makes the game a bit more fun are the quick time events during cutscenes. Though I do sort of understand why you wouldn't have them anymore these days, I feel like we should bring them back just a tiny bit in modern games because they really kept me attached to the game longer than it would've without them. If you played the remake of this game, definitely try out the OG and you'll appreciate this remake more than ever.

Janky tank controls aside, this game has definitely earned its rep as one of the best games of all time. Loved every moment, never felt overwhelmed, and the gameplay really sealed the deal.

PC ver has some weird FoV issues, but otherwise, this is a banger.

where leon s. kennedy earned the EX in his middle name, early 2000's schlock at it's absolute finest in the best way possible.