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in the past

Great RE game, probably one of my favorites, aside from the fact that if I didn't have save states I would've really hated this game in particular, especially the final boss

Finnicky interactions, some puzzles made a lot harder because I didn't face an object the exact right way which made it appear like it wasn't for use in this particular puzzle. Hilarious voice acting, laughed a lot because of Alfred. Classic RE.

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Code Veronica is a very interesting game. I now understand why it has earned its infamy.

There's a lot to dislike about Code Veronica. The game seems to gleefully tease and taunt the player, presenting a high number of situations that would stump on a blind playthrough. The famous Tyrant plane fight that requires proper preparation to avoid softlocking your save. The big stretchy boi Bandersnatch enemies that can attack you from off-screen. The switches between Claire and Chris that are not telegraphed, do not have save points close by, and lock out the inventory of the character you were just playing as. The endlessly respawning moth hallway, which mocks the player for not doing puzzles in the most efficient manner (that they would likely only know about from doing before or from reading a guide) by poisoning the player and laying poisonous eggs on them that hatch into creepy moth babies.

The game lacks save points in general, especially in Claire's sections. This game's approach to safe rooms is like if there was one typewriter in the entirety of the Spencer mansion in RE1, or in the entirety of the RPD in RE2. Despite being a much longer game than RE1, 2, and 3, and featuring a much larger game world, there is a ton of backtracking, which is exacerbated by the lacking save points. Most puzzles require you to trek all across the game map, and there is a surprisingly high number of respawning enemies, forcing you to either get good at running by them or use more ammo.

At the very least, there is a large excess of ammunition in this game. There are tons of different guns, each having different effectiveness against different enemies. I played very conservatively, running by most enemies and using the knife when I could, and I ended up with a fully loaded assault rifle, fully loaded SMGs, 80 shotgun shells, 20 grenade launcher rounds, 8 acid rounds, 12 flame rounds, 200 pistol bullets, 11 magnum rounds, 47 explosive bolts (I used about 20 on the final boss), and 60 crossbow bolts. I might be forgetting others, but that is a ton. In retrospect, I could've killed every Bandersnatch I encountered instead of running by most of them. I really enjoy using the knife in RE games, and this game might have the best knife next to RE4. I used it a ton early game to conserve ammo, but now on completion of the game I realize that was completely unnecessary.

There is still a fair bit I liked about Code Veronica. At the end of the day, it is a classic RE game. The story is fun, campy schlock with overexaggerated voice acting and silly melodrama. I really disliked Steve at the beginning of the game but I grew to like him over time, a lot of his actions make more sense when you realize he's literally a child. Wesker is great and his rivalry with Chris is fun. The Ashfords are interesting villains, though I could've done without the crossdressing subplot, if only so that we could avoid the character assassination of Claire calling Alfred a "crossdressing freak." Come on Claire, you're no bigot. I love the classic tank controls, but I also appreciate the quick-turn from RE3 was brought into this game. The game plays well for the most part even if there are some parts with unavoidable damage such as the ant hallway and the Bandersnatches. The 3D backgrounds are a neat relic of their times, even if the prior RE games' pre-rendered backgrounds aged better. The setting might be the best part of the game overall. The gothic architecture of the Military Base and Private Residence are awesome and a great new fit for RE. The Antarctic base is another novel setting for the series and gives shades of The Thing, which is always a good thing to me. The graphics are an excellent showpiece for the Dreamcast, but of course I played this on the GameCube so they are not nearly as impressive for that hardware.

Code Veronica was not that difficult, even if I did reset quite a few times to improve my routes and avoid taking damage while mastering the knife. The game is more annoying than hard, and when you know its tricks it is manageable. I played on the only difficulty setting in the NA release, Normal. I was aware of the famous pain points relating to soft locks going in to the game, and my natural inclination to hoard ammo meant I was always prepared for bosses, which either went down easy using the strongest ammo or were able to be skipped entirely by running away, which I absolutely did when possible. One of the things I quite like about the RE series is simply running away from enemies when convenient, and this game does not disappoint in that area.

The puzzles were fun but not overly involved. None stumped me so hard that I needed to look up the solution, though the portrait puzzle took me a few tries. I think the quality of the puzzles is probably lower than previous RE games, but still acceptable.

Claire's section of the game can feel like a bit of a slog with all the backtracking, but when you switch to Chris suddenly the game is much snappier. Explosions and broken doors close off areas you previously visited and end up providing Chris with a more linear experience, though not one that is as simple as a straight line. This improved pacing does a lot for the game. Chris also ends up getting most of the better set pieces in the game, getting to fight more bosses than Claire and experiencing a greater enemy variety, while having access to the entire loadout of weapons right from the start of his section. It does feel a bit messed up that Chris outshines Claire in "her" game, getting the better sections and defeating the final boss himself, but it is what it is.

To conclude, I would say this is a worse RE experience than RE1, 2, and 3, but it is still worth playing if you are a super fan of the series. I enjoyed what I played, but I am not chomping at the bit for a replay. There is enough interesting stuff in here that I think a Remake has the potential to be an excellent game by fixing the problems and keeping and improving on the stuff that worked. Bandersnatches would be way less annoying in a third-person perspective!

Tem uma ótima história, uma pena que é tedioso pra cacete.

If I had played this game when it came out I would have lost my mind at how great a game it was. I would also have a nervous breakdown because of the difficulty. Resident Evil Code: Veronica X is a game where you will feel the old-school Resident Evil challenge to your core. You can play it a little easier with emulators (Quick save-load), but if I had played it on a console, I would have gone crazy and couldn't finish it. It has very complex and well-thought-out puzzles and a map that can be considered really large (especially for the period it was released). We know the story and characters more or less from other games. Although the story takes place in a half-comedy, half-serious atmosphere that we can call many nonsense shitfests, as in the old Resident Evil games, Code Veronica actually has an important place in terms of the lore story. You can learn a lot about the founding families of Umbrella Corp., which form the cornerstones of lore. In terms of gameplay, the tank controls in the game, which provides perspectives from different fixed perspectives as in the old games, may be challenging especially for new generation players, so I cannot say that it is a game that can be easily played today. If you intend to play on the PC port, you can try the HD texture modes, or you can not bother and play the PlayStation 3 and XBOX 360 versions with better lighting and graphics. I chose to play the PlayStation 2 version with high-resolution textures and 2K resolution, and it wasn't a bad experience at all. As a result, if you like old-school Resident Evil games and are curious about the lore, I suggest you don't miss Code Veronica. But if you are a new generation gamer, and you like the new Resident Evil games but have never tried the old games, you can wait for a possible remake of this game.

This was a real fun game to play when I decided to sit down and play many of the RE games I had in my library, but never played.

You play as Claire Redfield who ends up imprisoned by someone who really didn't like you, your friends or family messing around with Umbrella's operations, but as typical with these facilities, zombies escape!

You get released by your guard who is mortally wounded as he feels that leaving you locked up like that would only be too cruel and so you begin to investigate the island, find out where you are, how you got here and how to get the hell out of here!

You end up with a companion with a really irritating voice called "Steve" who just really rubs me the wrong way and pisses me off. He's so annoying and really that's about as far as I've like to go into about it...

The gameplay is closer to that of RE4 with some camera control and there are new enemies that make themselves present in this game, including a huge monster at the end!

The main antagonist is extremely hilarious due to his silly voice, which, when referenced in a Flash Animation I thought was being exaggerated, however, he really does sound so WEIRD. Making these odd high-pitched giggling sounds, made by someone who was only ever told what giggling was and never actually heard it.

Gameplay + Stream

A game from my childhood I will always go back to every year. My favorite game of all-time

masterclass in how to screw up a time-tested gameplay formula that at this point probably should've been failproof for capcom

the overall pacing is bad - it's a 12 hour game that should only be around half its runtime

level design is wonky - you're either constantly backtracking from location to location or you're moving around an entire facility with no real way to get from point A to B concisely. it's an ordeal to grab one item needed for progression (in a game series about resource management and planning routes effectively!). comparing the maps in this to the RE1 mansion or the RE2 police station is such a stark contrast

for some reason the game gives you way too many bullets and resources? the way enemy placement is laid out encourages you to use them too. by the time you've explored a map once, you've killed all the zombies and then you're just running around empty corridors with no tension or need to plan ahead with your loadout - again, bad pacing. you can argue this can happen in the other classic REs but their level design guarantees youre not really visiting those same places over and over and over again. CV wants to be an action game but without all the mechanics to make that actually work

and even with that abundance of resources they never seem to be in the place where you actually need them - like, before boss fights?? i've seen more than one post here from people saying they had to restart the game completely because they ran out of healing items or explosive arrows or what have you (it all comes back to bad pacing...). to be fair - this can be mitigated by just rotating your saves but if it comes down to it that often that feels like bad game design on the devs' part

steve fucking sucks ass

the art direction overall isn't... great? it's softer and lends itself to being a lot less, idk, spooky, but i think there are individual parts of the game that are pretty cool - the victorian stylings of ashford residence, the cabin on the island, etc. and before it sunk in just how fucking long this game was, some of the backtracking felt almost comfy - like a walking sim pure vibes game.

and then i beat the tyrant on the plane and claire went to antarctica. and then after another hour the perspective shifts and theres a whole other half to the game. okay jesus christ

plot's bombastic and ridiculous but it's a different bombastic and ridiculous than other titles - and i do think a lot of it is genuinely really fun because of it. alexia and alfred are goofy weirdos, the first meeting with neo wesker is fun, it's INSANELY contrived in a way that works in its favor because of how goofy RE is as a series already so all the plot beats are just seeing how quirky the writers can get with it

this game would probably benefit from a remake like a lot of code veronica defenders say - but i don't see why capcom would feel the want or need to when the source material just isn't quite there. better to move on to revamping one of the best-selling games in the series in RE5 rather than a complete overhaul of a game that most folks don't really care about - and for good reason

sem paciência pra review então vamos fazer diferente:

Pontos positivos:
- melhor câmera fixa da franquia
- trilha sonora boa
- gameplay bem bacana
- exploração clássica de RE

Pontos negativos:
- Muito, MUITO backtracking
- história confusa e sem sentido
- dublagem ruim de 90% dos personagens
- todos os chefes desse jogo (sem exceção)
- longo demais, arrastado e cansativo
- o final boss é literalmente o pior da franquia

Peak gaming rapaziada.

I'm curious why this game is so popular. By this point the tank controls were already a headache, the backtracking was tedious and the story is not a big hook either. It was just more of the same and while the new location had some solid atmosphere the overall experience was bland. Finished this once and never came back.

Excelência em Resident Evil. Tudo é costurado de forma perfeita e a dificuldade é só a cereja do bolo. Não se deixe intimidar pelos controles tanque, é um dos melhores títulos da franquia.

Boring location, bad characters, Steve

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Probably the most mixed I've ever been on an RE game because I genuinely think the first disk of this game is completely perfect Resident Evil, with incredibly satisfying area design and puzzles, unique enemies, a fun story and some incredible music and atmosphere. Even the awful transphobic shit which randomly comes up and is then barely mentioned again (even by most of the fans!?) couldn't ruin my fun, mostly because it was pretty unintentionally hilarious.
But there's this big section at the start of part 2 that's just inexplicably terrible. Item placement is strange and scattered, the story takes a long hiatus and the backtracking becomes tedious thanks to respawning poison moths and heaps of zombies in your way. This dip in quality even carries over to the first part of Chris's story, which doesn't change the area you're retreading nearly enough to make it interesting, ESPECIALLY because you already explored each area multiple times with Claire as part of the first half.
That's not even mentioning the many ways you can softlock yourself or the infamous Nosferatu fight which I ended up having to beat with a knife because the gimmick gun you have to use is virtually unplayable on mouse and kb. I had to watch a reupload of a 144p video from like 12 years ago so I could learn how to frame perfect dodge around Monster Steve to progress my game because I didn't have enough healing items. And despite this version being updated, apparently all they did was add new cutscenes and fix Steve's fringe???? Which is fucking hilarious but not very helpful.
Waffle aside, this game does majorly pick up again once Chris gets to Antarctica. The sheer perfection of the first half along with the games surprisingly well-done thematic throughline about eugenics (!?) and maybe the worst voice acting in any RE game yet (positive) means that despite the bullshit this is going in very high on my franchise ranking, and it made me very excited to play through the older trilogy.
Edit: I forgot to state the obvious Capcom please remake this i'm begging you

I think it's pretty much on par with the classics, maybe a bit inferior due to the environments not being as inspired, in my opinion. Playing as Claire again is cool though

Its an amazing game.
Story and characters 10/10.
Music and sound too.
Graphics is better since it's PS2 than the previous titles.
The gameplay, however varies.
It's not difficult, you have plenty of ammo and such. The character switching parts not always smooth, sometimes you don't have a fail safe supplies, or just not enough when you become a different character. And also, it's really repetitive to replay parts of the same map with different people

This game needs a remake. Legit one of my favorite RE games. I love the story, characters, music, atmosphere, location, villains, and overall tone of the game. It truly is Resident Evil 3 in terms of continuity and the chance to play as both Claire and Chris in the same story is amazing.

Okay, so I didn’t actually beat it; I got to the final boss and was so overwhelmed by how insanely difficult it was that I looked up how to defeat her. Apparently, the weapons I had (a pistol, a semi-automatic pistol and a shotgun all with a moderate amount of ammo) was no where near enough to beat her. This, to me, was the final nail in the coffin.

Aside from the fact that the game actually lets you into a boss fight without the right equipment, I had to look up a guide several times during this play through… no wait.. SECOND play through. That’s right; I actually managed to softlock myself at one point during Claire’s segment as I didn’t have enough health items and ammo to progress past a particularly difficult enemy, to the point where I was constantly one hit away from death. I had to reset the game and start from the beginning. That, right there, should’ve been an early red flag for me.

But anyway, I had to look up a guide several times to find out what I was supposed to do next. Another red flag. I always try to avoid using walkthroughs at all costs. But the puzzles in Chris’ segment are so poorly designed that I had no choice. I never in a million years would’ve figured out some of those puzzles. And that final boss was just ridiculous. I gave up, but I don’t care; to me, that counts as me beating the game.

So yes, I’m frustrated and disappointed but on the other hand, it’s still a Resident Evil game at the end of the day, so I (mostly) had a lot of fun with it. But it is in dire need of a remake! Apart from some baffling design decisions that allowed me to get softlocked not once but TWICE, the Steve character and a final boss that is virtually impossible to defeat without the right weapons, it’s still a solid game.

Pretty good game with one fatal flaw. Code Veronica has all the classic Resident Evil gameplay we love with the exploration and puzzles and looks pretty good with fully 3D environments for the first time in the series.

The one huge thing that brings this game down is the progression. There is lots and lots of back tracking in this game and all the items and puzzle solutions feel like they've been put through a randomizer so the way forward feels really obnoxious because the item you'd need is back 2 areas ago.

Another thing is the game requires lots of unnecessary trial and error to progress. There's lots of things you need to do but won't know about them until you've died to it. I liked the Claire section of the game more than the Chris section because of the larger emphasis on puzzles rather than the clunky combat.

Personally I think the best way to enjoy this game is with a guide or walkthrough on hand so you can be best prepared for the trail and error and backwards randomized progression. If you do have a guide or have played it before and know how to prepare for what's ahead than I think this game is a pretty fun experience.

I was actually having a pretty good time with this outside of a few rough patches and would probably rank it above the PSX games with ~3.5 stars. However, I'm softlocked. Just before the final boss, as well. I've probably put in 12 hours and it's such a gutpunch that, because I ran out of healing items and saved exclusively in one slot, it's physically impossible to complete the game without having to go again from the start. The games pretty fun, and definitely overlooked, but don't make the same mistake I did. It's really a shame because every other Resident Evil game I've beaten with several healing items to spare, so it really does feel like a massive design flaw. I felt I was fairly conservative with both healing and ink ribbons, but who knows, maybe I just need to "get good"

I don't think I'm one of those people that likes Code: Veronica.
It's a lot of little frustrations. For the first chunk of the game it just feels like there's a lack of healing items. I spent a full hour on red health before finding a single green herb.
The save rooms are in really out of the way locations, necessitating the most backtracking of any RE. At least they give you an obscene number of ink ribbons (seriously I had like, 30 stockpiled by the game's end).
I don't find the environments very visually interesting and some of the fixed camera angles are downright annoying, deliberately hiding enemies until you round a corner and they're in your face.
The puzzles are probably my least favorite part. RE3 showed what they could do with very natural feeling puzzles. Use a wrench on a busted pipe, get a battery from a broken car, etc. Code Veronica has puzzles like: "stab a sword into an iron maiden to open it, revealing a roll of sheet music you use on the piano to open a slot machine that contains a sapphire ant statue." I leaned on a guide way more than the other entries, mainly so I knew which items I would need to take with me so I didn't have to backtrack to the save rooms.
The bosses are really underwhelming or otherwise downright frustrating. The Tyrant on the plane is awful, and the last boss is mostly just an annoying speed bump.
What Veronica does have going for it is a really cool story. The Ashford Twins are a delightfully bizarre pair of antagonists and nouveau Wesker is a great ham. The new, John Woo inspired cutscenes give the game it's own distinct flavor and very clearly signal I've entered the more action-oriented phase of the franchise.
The failure of the story is that it includes Steve Burnside. Steve Burnside is a 3 meant to be a love interest for Claire who's a 9. Steve Burnside says every line like you're giving his nipple a good twist. Steve Burnside unironically owns Gamestop branded clothing. Steve Burnside only chews Spearmint gum because peppermint is too sharp for him. Steve Burnside once posted a 4chan thread listing all the reasons he and the Columbine shooters would have gotten along. Steve Burnside once had to be rushed to the hospital because he poked a beached jellyfish thinking "the sting can't hurt that bad." When you tell Steve Burnside to stop talking with his mouth full he sneers and sticks his food-laden tongue out. Steve Burnside gave the Snyder Cut 5 stars on principal. Steve Burnside destroyed his alienware laptop trying to mine bitcoin. All of Steve Burnside's gamecube controllers are made by madcatz.

O melhor Resident Evil Classico. Fechou uma era que acredito NUNCA mais voltar. Ignorem o que falam sobre esse jogo e jogue sozinho, sem guia. Experiencia incrivel.

PS: ja o zerei umas 50x KKKKK

A fine entry into the series. Not the best, not the worst, but waaaaaay too much backtracking.

Despite Mikami's claim that Code Veronica is like 60% of his vision for a perfect RE at the time I strongly feel the opposite, coming after the immaculate horror of 1 and after 2's sweet-spot action formula C:V was a strong letdown, and to think they meant for this to be the true sequel instead of 3.

The tone of horror - aside from quality - tries to ditch the evil experiment labs (But it doesn't or can't) for a more intimate story of a creepy (not so much) family that runs as a comparative parallel to the Spencer house plot. Whether in writing or presentation, the Ashfords feel like neurotic wannabe Spencers. You're constantly reminded with their burning desire to restore their honor and retain the glory days of their magnificent ancestor whose beauty is unmatched. You might think I'm being overly critical but I snorted when I saw one or two rooms that felt like discount RE1 rooms.

Plot-wise it's stupid, stupid in comparison to the hallmark goofy writing of RE so that's a high bar to leap. A hurried derivative plot, uninspired new characters (Steve gets a pass), huge confrontational cutscenes that are almost always solved by either A. someone conveniently enter/exits a room, or B. DODGE ROLL. Good god the Redfields dodged in C:V more than a dex dark souls run.

Difficulty is out of touch, you're drowning in ammo and health compared to previous games and enemies aren't difficult to fight, so we don't get resource management nor good action. Boss fights are bad but at this point in the IP it's a given.

There's much to pick out and complain about, but what about the good? Well they brought HIM back because apparently the Ashfords can't carry the story alone, even though I'd preferred a stronger presence from Alexia instead.

Why should you play despite all that? Well some consider it the truer sequel than nemesis (for some reason) and I guess Mikami likes Code: Veronica. Otherwise you're not missing out anything substantial here.

One of my absolute favourites in the series! Sadly, the controls and some of the voice work are - painful, but everything else is great! If this game ever gets a remake and they make a certain character actually a character I might die