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in the past

always heard things about this being the hardest resident evil game so a few months back i decided to try it and man is it awesome. although i like the pre rendered backgrounds a lot that are present in the first 3 the 3d backgrounds make for a really nice contrast. I also think this is the best claire design out of any game just a quick side note. the reason why i loved re4 so much was the fucking goofiness and how it didn’t take its self seriously and code veronica take it a whole new level which is awesome. if they make a remake and take out the goofiness like they did with the re4 remake i will never forgive capcom. last thing i will say which is the only con of the game is that if you don’t know how to play it the right way then you will actually suffer so try getting tips from someone who beat the game.

Remake this properly and Capcom has a banger on their hands.

game is great until the halfway point then it kinda tapers off a little for me. still a solid game though.

Easily the jankest of the mainline games with way too many instances of ending up in a "dead game". I still enjoy it a lot.

Don't change for anyone baby

I haven't played this game for probably twenty years but I remember liking it a lot. Great villain(s) and plenty of mad Wesker shenanigans.

a good but flawed RE game. Probably the one most needing a Remake.

I was really enjoying my time with it, but then got soft locked from finishing it, due to not having enough ammo to beat the boss on the plane and no way to get any additional ammo.

Vi meu irmão zerar esse jogo maravilhoso! lembro até hj de cada detalhezinho <3

Fuck this game. FUCK this game! Fuck it! Fuck it right to hell! FUCK! THIS! GAME! I feel about playing this game the same way I feel about going to the dentist. FUCK IT!

good game

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I enjoyed wesker being back for no fucking reason and it's funny but it plays the same as the other games. I also soft locked myself In the final battle with having no ammo left at the end so I just watched the cut seens on YouTube. I hope they remake this game next

A great title, pretty meh when it comes to the series overall. Wesker included makes this almost a comedy :)

Decepcionante. El movimiento se siente peor que en el 3 y los enemigos (sobre todo algunos bosses) se mueven a velocidades irreaccionables para el control tanque que presenta el juego. Te dan una cantidad enorme de objetos clave para puzzles de golpe y no sabes hacia dónde ir y cuáles llevar en casi todo momento. El escenario es poco conexo (cosa que sí hacía muy bien en el 1 en la mansión Spencer) y te hace dar muchísimas vueltas, eso relacionado con la horrible disposición de baúles, provoca que te tires mucho tiempo de juego dando vueltas. Los objetos clave te los dan antes de enseñarte los puzzles o problemas, por lo que es un lío total. No hay ni un boss que sea mínimamente interactivo, todo es disparar estando quieto prácticamente porque el espacio es nulo y muchas veces se siente injusto, incluso hay un "boss" en el que es muy fácil que te quedes softlockeado. La mayoría de personajes se comportan como si fuese tontos, y Steve.

Sucks a ton honestly, bosses are iffy and I got so bored I started skipping cutscenes, CAPCOM remake the games that are genuinely old and bad and make them work and stop remaking the mainline ones

Code Veronica X is weird because the story feels out of place. Nothing feels like it needed to have happened in the game, and so the whole thing feels a little contrived. The gameplay, however, is the tank-controlled survival horror that I love, so I ultimately enjoyed the game.

Game lives and dies by whether Alfred is present. Same can be said for Steve, but he's more on the die end of that spectrum where as Alfred gives me nothing but joyus symphonies

Mis RE favoritos son el 1 y 2! Pero ahora que terminé este se ha vuelto mi tercer favorito, la primera vez es un verdadero infierno, mucha ida y vuelta a distancias largas. Poca municion , momentos estresantes y puzzles que te quemaran el cerebro. Se siente el verdadero suvirval horror! Un juegazo!

This is my guilty pleasure. There's so much wrong with this game, from the baffling design choices (poison moth hallway, poorly implemented zapping system, etc..) to everything having to do with Steve Burnside. It's a delightful campy mess that I replay at least once a year.

Code Veronica é o Resident Evil mais diferente que já joguei. Gosto da história e especialmente da ambientação
da musica...
Eu amo esse jogo. Claro, os controles e a dificuldade bizarra afastam um pouco as pessoas, mas vale a pena jogar de verdade. Tem puzzles tão bons e criativos

I had more fun fighting with Bed Of Chaos in Dark Souls 1 than in bosses in this game. Items or etc. also don't carry over when story switches characters. In certain points you have almost no chance but to take damage. Overrall a boring and frustrating game, now i know why people say this game needs a remake.

Quando eu era criança lembro que não conseguia passar do primeiro puzzle do jogo. Joguei o início dele milhares de vezes, mas nunca conseguia ir além daquele maldito detector de metais. Hoje, já adulto, consegui terminar pela primeira vez essa maravilhosa obra.

Confesso que não é o meu favorito da era clássica de Resident Evil — ainda prefiro o remake do primeiro e o zero — mas consegui criar um carinho especial por ele mesmo tanto tempo depois.

Eventualmente vou querer rejogá-lo e talvez, com o tempo, ele suba ainda mais no meu conceito.

joguei quando eu era criança mas nunca zerei, só tive oportunidade de zerar no playstation 4, e gente, que jogo maravilhoso viu, eu queria muito que fosse o próximo remake.

i feel like this one is a bit overhated, it had good ideas and cool locations. biggest gripe is definitely the length and a few parts are just straight up horrible (oil bridge, crystal, the boss fight after the crystal) but in the end i think its actually better than RE3. chris is goated in this one

Se alarga mucho al pedo, el mapa es choto y tiene el final boss más molesto de la saga hasta ahora, además de que no se puede dodgear cuando en el 3 de PS1 si se podía

I LOVE this game! Claire and Steve (RIP) have an awesome dynamic and Alfred Ashford?? Cross-dressing QUEEN. Love the whole messed up bioweapon twins plot, the music box, secret attic with toys and a freakin' carousel?! That’s some evil bourgeoisie magic right there. It does drag a little though like i was wondering when it was going to end despite not wanting it to end at the same time. And WESKER!! My man pops up, beats the crap out of Claire and Chris only to disappear and reappear again like the enigmatic baddie he is.

It's been 6 years since my last RE (Revelations 2) and in 2022 I decide that the time has come for me to give RE series a try. Here you may ask - why I started with this one? Well the reason is my main problem with this game. From what I understand If you leave in Europe you can buy a game, but it would be 20% slower than American version, so as a digital only release I wanted to get rid of the game that is on a separate account and then get to those that are on main. As a newbie Enjoyer what I get that this was the peak of the series in the time of release, upgraded gameplay, great visuals, real 3D, consistent story, decent characters, one of the best OST I heard in the series, okay enemies, interesting puzzles. But all of that does not hold up that well now. The tank controls, the slow button initiated step movement, long location transfer animations. Out of all RE games now - this one needs remake the most.
Platinum/100%: first of all American version is a must, the game must be finished in 4,5 hours for a rank (which is harder when you are 20% slower), no saves (in fact one between "disc 1 and 2"), and some additional side activities must be done for A rank. I made a mistake, and did all on my first run. So I did not have time to fully explore the game. Would not recommend that. After that several side battle mode runs, a rank for each character (5 total), 3 of them (Alaire, Claire Alt and Chrie) are extremely low on time (16 rooms in 5.30- 6 minutes (so American version), Steve is quite easy if you master the headshot, and Wesker is luck based, and depends if you get a Magnum in one of the rooms or not.
To sum it up: great game that does not hold up that well. Recommend only if you a fan of older parts, or want to experience full story (like me). Otherwise I think it's better to wait for remake (because it is a mistake not to make one).

Claire deserved a better game than this.