Reviews from

in the past

this is one of my favorite installments from the franchise. claire redfield best girl!

Got to the halfway point in Antarctica, and then stopped playing... looking up reviews, I'm shocked at how well received Code Veronica is. For a huge RE fan, I just don't see it. This game felt clunkier to me than the original trilogy, as it was much more poorly designed - between the pacing, backtracking, artificial difficulty, just everything about it was worse... and don't get me started on the characters and their voice acting... oh god, the voice acting... I thought we left this behind back in 1996 with the original RE...

The game more than overstayed its welcome, as I thought the fight with the Tyrant was going to be it, but to find out that was just the halfway point... at that time, I saved the game, and shut it off permanently without even giving it another go.

If they decide to remake this, maybe I'll try to go back and finish it... and based on Capcom's recent track record, I wouldn't put it past them to take this pile of trash and turn it into a proper RE treasure.

One of the most underrated in the series. Not a mainline title but just as important story-wise. Had a lot of fun with this one and was genuinely scared when I played this game.

Some fights sucked but I look past that.

RE:CV is an interesting main line title that started as a Dreamcast exclusive and trickled its way to other systems eventually.

It introduced a couple innovations for the true and tried RE formula in the form of 3D characters and backgrounds, as well as dynamic camera angles with limited movement for certain areas/rooms of the game. The game villain(s) were certainly interesting and fit the wackiness of the RE series to a certain extent. Setting was interesting and it was fun to have the Redfield siblings as integral part of the story and setting.

One thing to note is that I felt this was more challenging than other RE classic games and will truly test the ability of the player to ration ammo and health items throughout the game (especially early to mid-game). All in all, RE:CV is a solid classic RE games but doesn't offer any major standout moments or gameplay features found in other games.

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It really needs a remake because it fucking sucks.

The beggining is pretty good, but a bit before the second half it shits itself and never recovers.

Bandersnatches attacking you while they're offscreen.

Hunters you can't see because of the camera instakilling you.

The fucking Tyrant on the plane + the potential softlock if you save on the plane.

Having to go trough the island AGAIN as Chris feels like filler.

Antartica is really boring and tedious, the island was way better even with it's problems.

Boss Steve is awful and not getting hit feels like pure luck, it's even worse if you have very little HP and no way to heal.

The final boss can stunlock you to death.

It just a shitty experience.

Wann Remake Capcom hab mich gesoftlocked

Cool RE spin off but it is vastly overrrated

Ok this one's got a special place in my heart, as Code Veronica is (probably) the first videogame I ever played. Despite that, I tried to be mostly objective, but the nostalgia may have clouded some of my thoughts.

Starting with what I liked, I mostly don't mind the campy tone, this game goes for an action movie style and it quite succeeds at that. The over the top Alfred or the ludicrously evil Alexia serve really well as the main villains, and the surprise appearance of that pre-established character is more than welcome and makes this game the stepping stone for what would be one of the most recognizable videogame antagonists of all time. Story-wise, for an RE game this is also pretty interesting. We see how Claire and Chris finally met again and we also explore the history of one of Umbrella's founding families. As for the presentation, it obviously has aged, but I'd say it still looks really well, as it uses creative camera movement and angles and really good lighting, the new enemy designs are awesome and the music is probably the best of the entire saga.

Now for what I didn't like that much... Steve. It's mostly that annoying ass voice, but I also don't like his weird one-sided crush on Claire, it feels unnecessary and there are some almost creepy moments along with it. The pacing is also a bit off, while Claire's Rockfort Island and Chris's Antarctic base are really fun, the parts in between are just really boring. And finally the gameplay, while being the classic style it lacks a lot from RE3's additions which would have fit perfectly with this game's more action-y style and would have made some of the boss fights less tedious.

Again, this is an angular piece of my childhood and one of the main reasons why I love videogames, so it has a lot of value for me, but that doesn't mean that I can't look at its flaws and talk about them. And do you know what would solve most of these flaws? A FUCKING REMAKE COME ON CAPCOM WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOOOOR?!

I love how this game stresses you out with the backtracking and then gives you an immense feeling of gratification.

Só não é 5 estrelas por causa da porra das mariposas

Excelência em Resident Evil. Tudo é costurado de forma perfeita e a dificuldade é só a cereja do bolo. Não se deixe intimidar pelos controles tanque, é um dos melhores títulos da franquia.

I'm curious why this game is so popular. By this point the tank controls were already a headache, the backtracking was tedious and the story is not a big hook either. It was just more of the same and while the new location had some solid atmosphere the overall experience was bland. Finished this once and never came back.

sem paciência pra review então vamos fazer diferente:

Pontos positivos:
- melhor câmera fixa da franquia
- trilha sonora boa
- gameplay bem bacana
- exploração clássica de RE

Pontos negativos:
- Muito, MUITO backtracking
- história confusa e sem sentido
- dublagem ruim de 90% dos personagens
- todos os chefes desse jogo (sem exceção)
- longo demais, arrastado e cansativo
- o final boss é literalmente o pior da franquia

Peak gaming rapaziada.

a really good classic style of resident evil. it just aged quite a bit worse than even its predecessors with the combat not being quite there a lot of bs enemies just hiding in corners and a lot of shooting into angles u cant see also the lack of pre-rendered backgrounds but still using fixed camera angles not that this style cant produce good looking games but when we compare this to some other games of the time on the ps2 it just doesn't compare which in its defense it just a upgrade to a Dreamcast game
the story is cheesy re as always wouldn't have it any other way lol

This review contains spoilers

Os gráficos desse jogo estão muito bons, evoluíram muito de seu antecessor, por conta de ser uma nova geração, também o contraste entre os itens e o cenário está mais natural, já que agora o cenário é todo tridimensional, o que pode ser bom ou ruim dependendo do caso. O único problema gráfico que me incomodou foi a água do jogo, que parece mais uma gelatina azul que fica balançando em ondas toda vez que algo toca nela e que fica bem estranho.

A trilha sonora do jogo está muito boa, assim como seus antecessores, sempre acrescentando à atmosfera do jogo, deixando o suspense ainda melhor. As batalhas de chefes também têm algumas músicas marcantes, que encaixam bem com a personalidade e história dos vilões.

Os controles são tão bons quanto seu antecessor, basicamente sem mudanças, com exceção da retirada da esquiva e poder subir escadas automaticamente, que são pioras no quesito qualidade de vida, mas também deixam o jogo mais focado na sobrevivência do que na ação e no combate.

O enredo do jogo é muito bem explorado e interessante, mas muitos personagens foram forçadamente caricatos em sua construção, o que não ajuda a desenvolver interesse. A história começa com Claire sendo capturada em uma base da Umbrella na França, 3 meses depois do incidente de Raccoon City, e indo para uma prisão na América do Sul. Lá, acontece um surto de zumbis por conta de uma invasão e o guarda da prisão te liberta para você fugir. Logo após, você encontra Steve, um garoto que também estava preso naquela ilha e está tentando escapar. Após um tempo, você encontra um computador, de onde você envia um e-mail para Leon para ele pedir para Chris ir te salvar. Após explorar vários lugares, você chega em um palácio, onde você encontra Alfred Ashford, um dos gêmeos da família Ashford, criadora da empresa Umbrella. Ao longo do jogo, você encontra arquivos falando sobre a irmã de Alfred, Alexia, e que ela estava incubada por 15 anos, para o vírus desenvolvido por eles, o T-Verônica vírus, uma homenagem à antiga ancestral da família, se aperfeiçoar dentro de seu corpo. Enquanto isso, Alfred se fantasiava de Alexia para fingir para os empregados que ela estava lá. Após derrotar Alfred, Steve e Claire pegam um avião e fogem da ilha, mas Alfred controla o avião e o leva para uma base secreta na Antártica, enquanto sua ilha explode e ele os segue. Alguns embates contra Alfred depois, ele acaba sendo derrubado em um abismo, e depois se arrasta até a cápsula de sua irmã, para ver ela ressurgindo antes de morrer. Enquanto Claire e Steve tentam fugir, eles acabam enfrentando o pai dos gêmeos, Alexander, transformado por conta do T-Veronica vírus, e Claire fica envenenada. Enquanto isso, Chris tinha chegado à base militar, encontrado Wesker e descoberto que ele tinha invadido a ilha, depois viajou para a ilha e encontrou sua irmã desacordada por conta do veneno. Depois de encontrar o antídoto, você volta para salvá-la e os dois ouvem a voz de Steve gritando. Claire vai ver o que aconteceu e descobre que ele foi infectado pelo vírus e se transforma num monstro e tenta atacá-la, mas no último segundo sua consciência o impede de matar Claire e ele se volta a sua forma original, mas acaba morrendo numa cena comovente. Enquanto isso, Chris testemunha a batalha entre Wesker e Alexia, agora transformada e ele com poderes que não sabemos de onde vieram. Wesker vê Chris e deixa ele para brigar com Alexia, que é derrotada momentaneamente e Chris corre para salvar sua irmã. Ele a encontra chorando atrás de uma porta trancada e usa um cartão para ativar o modo de autodestruição que abriu a porta, então eles se encontram, mas Alexia aparece impedindo-os de fugirem. Chris derrota ela com uma arma laser e eles conseguem fugir.

O jogo é incrível, tem uma ótima atmosfera e é muito divertido, tendo várias horas de diversão, porém há alguns problemas principalmente na história. Por mais de o enredo geral ser bom, os personagens são escritos de maneira muito caricata e forçada, Steve é o maior exemplo, pois ele foi feito para ser apaixonado pela Claire e vice-versa, porém ele é um personagem detestável, sempre tendo ações e falas estúpidas. Outro que também é estragado por roteiro, é o Alfred, que até metade do jogo, aparenta ser o vilão principal, mas ele não tem a presença de um vilão, ele é cômico e tudo que ele fala é muito clichê. Por mais que a história tenha seus problemas em questão de personagens, o resto do jogo é ótimo, as batalhas, por mais que poucas, são memoráveis e a trilha é ótima. É um jogo que vale muito a pena e garante horas de entretenimento.

Nota: Incrível

cara... que joguinho... COMPLICADO...

tem muita coisa nele que eu amei, a historia é com certeza de longe a melhor da serie ate agora (o que nao é muito difícil), mas meu deus como esse jogo é TRAVADO, tudo que voce vai fazer tem mil complicações, vc tem q pegar um bilhao de itens pra QUALQUER COISA, tem umas partes q pelo menos pra mim foi impossivel de descobrir o que fazer, precisei olhar detonado na net em varios momentos

por algum motivo esse jogo deu vários passos pra tras em relação ao 3, varios elementos de gameplays q eram legais foram descartados, a dublagem voltou a ser lamentável... nao entendo pq isso aconteceu

o jogo tambem tem um problema muito grave com a dificuldade, por algum motivo principalmente na segunda metade o jogo fica IMPOSSIVEL, lotaram quase todas as salas da parte do chris de hunters, o que desencorajou muito a exploração pra mim, eu so quis passar correndo por tudo pra nao correr o risco de morrer e perder progresso

a troca de perspectiva da claire pro chris eu tambem acho pessima na questao dos itens, eu fiquei literalmente 3 horas só pra matar o ultimo chefe, pq eu tinha deixado todas as armas pra claire achando que o chefe final era dela, aí eu deixei pro chris só uma pistolinha e uma shotgun com 6 tiros.. E NAO DA PRA VOLTAR ATRAS NOS ITENS QUANDO VC TROCA DE PERSONAGEM, SE VC NAO SEPAROU OS ITENS CERTOS PAU NO SEU CU, e foi oq rolou conigo, eu me lasquei pq n conhecia o jogo e o sistema mal feito nao me deixou consertar

eu gostei bastante até da parte da claire apesar dos pesares, gosto muito do alfred e da alexia como personagens, adoro viloes INSANOS LOUCOS DA MENTE, mas a parte do chris... foi um inferno na terra, fui me arrastando com muito pesar ate zerar, arruinou a experiência pra mim

MAS, o final foi bem legal, gostei muito de ver a luta do chris com o wesker e o cliffhanger que ficou com isso, to muito ansioso pra jogar o 5 e ver onde isso vai dar

outra coisa que eu gostei muito foi a ambientação na parte da claire, a estetica daquela mansão macabra, com aquela musica, a decoração da mansão e tudo mais é uma vibe q eu curto muito, me passou uma vibe muito jogo de rpg maker de terror do inicio dos anos 2010, e eu sou apaixonado por esse sentimento q passa

em resumo, é um jogo que tem vários elementos que eu gostei bastante, mas os defeitos gritam MUITO, sinceramente a impressão que me deu é que esse foi o primeiro trabalho do game designer q fez o jogo, parece q ele n sabia muito oq tava fazendo ainda...

sem duvidas no momento esse é o jogo q mais se beneficiaria de um remake, nas maos certas esse poderia virar facilmente o melhor resident evil de todos, tem muito potencial


I first played this on Dreamcast and that’s where I first beat it. Though, Veronica X technically wasn’t released on the DC.
This is my favorite Resident Evil.
The antagonists are creepy as hell and really set the atmosphere.
The bad acting is still present, though this time one character’s VA is so bad he lifts the others up to heights they never dreamed of, of course that character is none other than Steve himself!
This one holds a special place in my heart.

Bah mon préféré... Rien à dire. Vive Claire. Cool d'avoir revue Chris après ces 4 années sans lui ^^

Meu primeiro jogo e meu favorito para todo sempre

My first game and mt favorite one

and fuck the tyrant plane fight

This game is the equivalent of CBT and needs a remake so bad

One of my absolute favourites in the series! Sadly, the controls and some of the voice work are - painful, but everything else is great! If this game ever gets a remake and they make a certain character actually a character I might die

Despite Mikami's claim that Code Veronica is like 60% of his vision for a perfect RE at the time I strongly feel the opposite, coming after the immaculate horror of 1 and after 2's sweet-spot action formula C:V was a strong letdown, and to think they meant for this to be the true sequel instead of 3.

The tone of horror - aside from quality - tries to ditch the evil experiment labs (But it doesn't or can't) for a more intimate story of a creepy (not so much) family that runs as a comparative parallel to the Spencer house plot. Whether in writing or presentation, the Ashfords feel like neurotic wannabe Spencers. You're constantly reminded with their burning desire to restore their honor and retain the glory days of their magnificent ancestor whose beauty is unmatched. You might think I'm being overly critical but I snorted when I saw one or two rooms that felt like discount RE1 rooms.

Plot-wise it's stupid, stupid in comparison to the hallmark goofy writing of RE so that's a high bar to leap. A hurried derivative plot, uninspired new characters (Steve gets a pass), huge confrontational cutscenes that are almost always solved by either A. someone conveniently enter/exits a room, or B. DODGE ROLL. Good god the Redfields dodged in C:V more than a dex dark souls run.

Difficulty is out of touch, you're drowning in ammo and health compared to previous games and enemies aren't difficult to fight, so we don't get resource management nor good action. Boss fights are bad but at this point in the IP it's a given.

There's much to pick out and complain about, but what about the good? Well they brought HIM back because apparently the Ashfords can't carry the story alone, even though I'd preferred a stronger presence from Alexia instead.

Why should you play despite all that? Well some consider it the truer sequel than nemesis (for some reason) and I guess Mikami likes Code: Veronica. Otherwise you're not missing out anything substantial here.

A fine entry into the series. Not the best, not the worst, but waaaaaay too much backtracking.

O melhor Resident Evil Classico. Fechou uma era que acredito NUNCA mais voltar. Ignorem o que falam sobre esse jogo e jogue sozinho, sem guia. Experiencia incrivel.

PS: ja o zerei umas 50x KKKKK

I don't think I'm one of those people that likes Code: Veronica.
It's a lot of little frustrations. For the first chunk of the game it just feels like there's a lack of healing items. I spent a full hour on red health before finding a single green herb.
The save rooms are in really out of the way locations, necessitating the most backtracking of any RE. At least they give you an obscene number of ink ribbons (seriously I had like, 30 stockpiled by the game's end).
I don't find the environments very visually interesting and some of the fixed camera angles are downright annoying, deliberately hiding enemies until you round a corner and they're in your face.
The puzzles are probably my least favorite part. RE3 showed what they could do with very natural feeling puzzles. Use a wrench on a busted pipe, get a battery from a broken car, etc. Code Veronica has puzzles like: "stab a sword into an iron maiden to open it, revealing a roll of sheet music you use on the piano to open a slot machine that contains a sapphire ant statue." I leaned on a guide way more than the other entries, mainly so I knew which items I would need to take with me so I didn't have to backtrack to the save rooms.
The bosses are really underwhelming or otherwise downright frustrating. The Tyrant on the plane is awful, and the last boss is mostly just an annoying speed bump.
What Veronica does have going for it is a really cool story. The Ashford Twins are a delightfully bizarre pair of antagonists and nouveau Wesker is a great ham. The new, John Woo inspired cutscenes give the game it's own distinct flavor and very clearly signal I've entered the more action-oriented phase of the franchise.
The failure of the story is that it includes Steve Burnside. Steve Burnside is a 3 meant to be a love interest for Claire who's a 9. Steve Burnside says every line like you're giving his nipple a good twist. Steve Burnside unironically owns Gamestop branded clothing. Steve Burnside only chews Spearmint gum because peppermint is too sharp for him. Steve Burnside once posted a 4chan thread listing all the reasons he and the Columbine shooters would have gotten along. Steve Burnside once had to be rushed to the hospital because he poked a beached jellyfish thinking "the sting can't hurt that bad." When you tell Steve Burnside to stop talking with his mouth full he sneers and sticks his food-laden tongue out. Steve Burnside gave the Snyder Cut 5 stars on principal. Steve Burnside destroyed his alienware laptop trying to mine bitcoin. All of Steve Burnside's gamecube controllers are made by madcatz.

I was actually having a pretty good time with this outside of a few rough patches and would probably rank it above the PSX games with ~3.5 stars. However, I'm softlocked. Just before the final boss, as well. I've probably put in 12 hours and it's such a gutpunch that, because I ran out of healing items and saved exclusively in one slot, it's physically impossible to complete the game without having to go again from the start. The games pretty fun, and definitely overlooked, but don't make the same mistake I did. It's really a shame because every other Resident Evil game I've beaten with several healing items to spare, so it really does feel like a massive design flaw. I felt I was fairly conservative with both healing and ink ribbons, but who knows, maybe I just need to "get good"