Reviews from

in the past

By all intends and purposes, this should suck, and nothing should stick.
But SOMEHOW they managed to make a game that is decently fun in gameplay, a story that is fine, maybe good for Hebijo.
And then the characters are actually REALLY good.
Not joking here.
Like Katsuragi is mixed cause fetishy lesbian.
But Asuka and Hibari are good characters, Yagyu is great and then Mirai, Yomi, Haruka, Hikage and Ikaruga are amazing.
And Homura is straight up my favorite character ever, actually unreal how well she's written.
If you can stand fanservice, I'd say to try it out, but it has a remake that's way better in general, but this still works.

Something is bursting alright

Juegazo. Toma lugar en la confrontación que tienen las Academias Ninja Hanzo (para ninjas buenos) y Hebijo (para ninjas malvados), y además, esta versión incluye tanto la historia original (Skirting Shadows, de la academia Hanzo) como una alternativa que explora más a fondo a las chicas de la academia Hebijo (Crimson Girls), siendo mi favorita personalmente. En cuanto a gameplay, se trata de completar misiones en rápidos Beat em up laterales tirándo a musoe, en los cuales usas una de las 12 chicas jugables junto a su arsenal de combos y artes Ninja Secretas. Las misiones suelen ir de avanzar por los escenarios mientras vences una gran cantidad enemigos cumpliendo cualquier objetivo secundario que pueda haber, así como también pueden ir de batallas 1vs1 entre las chicas, o combinaciones de ambos

Si tomamos el musoe como base, es normal que estas misiones se vuelvan repetitivas en cierto punto, incluso he de admitir que las batallas 1vs1 son muy fáciles en esta entrega. Aún así, el juego sabe mantenerse con el resto de su contenido. A parte de completar las misiones con el rango más alto posible, el juego también te invita a usar una mecánica alterna, el modo frantic. El cual consiste en que las chicas se despojan de sus prendas para aumentar su velocidad y poder de ataque, a costa de su defensa. El cual según la situación, puede volver las misiones o bien más fáciles, o generalmente, un auténtico infierno. Me parece una buena forma de brindar rejugabilidad, una dificultad y forma de jugar alternativa (personalmente, la única forma que encontré de vencer el reto final de este juego fue en modo frantic lol)

Por lo demás, ya mencioné que la trama está muy bien trabajada en cuanto el conflicto qué hay entre ambas academias, y la vida personal de las chicas y como se van desarrollando chocando cada cierto tiempo con sus contrapartes con el fin de ser las mejores ninjas que puedan ser, cada una con sus propios principios y motivaciones

Es de resaltar que el juego tiene un fuerte enfoque en el ecchi y fanservice, el cual logra muy acertadamente. Tanto tu personaje como tus oponentes tienen destrucción de prendas la cual afecta en la defensa, el modo frantic literalmente consiste en encuerarse para volverte más rápida, hay un amplio catálogo de ropa que vas desbloqueando para ponerle a las chicas junto a colores alternos (uniforme, traje de baño, ropa de combate, accesorios), ciertas interacciones dentro del armario y las físicas de tetas están GOD

Definitivamente, el mejor juego con temática ecchi/fanservice que he jugado

We all know why you're playing this game...
For the heartfelt tale of the difficulties of balancing life as a ninja whilst being a normal girl.
Features some really big... combo potential with the combat, along with a really captivating armour destruction mechanic.

It's not really fun but it's charming in it's own way. Surprisingly it's not just a fanservice fest, but I gotta admit I'm just a gal that likes gals and that's why I played it.

Pretty good, definitely better than Persona 4. The problem is I kept forgetting it was a boobie game and then when I was reminded it was a boobie game it ended up making my experience worse instead of better because I actually really like this cast and I wish they were not stuck in a boobie game

Senran Kagura Burst is probably the best game in the series, which is a little concerning considering it's also the first game in the series. This one in particular takes a 2D style beat-em-up approach to the gameplay which fits my tastes more than the musou-style of the later games. The game also has a plot that isn't too bad, not super edgy like its sequel, but also not completely happy-go-lucky just-here-for-the-fanservice like the spinoffs. The plot is just about 2 ninja academies that are at war with each other, and everything that comes with, for better or for worse. Nicely balanced I guess. Play this game if you like 2D beat-em-ups and gigantic gozangas.

There's actually a lot more here than just the fanservice. Yeah that's a pretty big part, but a lot of the game are these surprisingly well written visual novel parts and the core cast is surprisingly deep. The hanzo girls especially all have their own insecurities and issues that they're dealing with on top of being ninjas in training that really adds to the experience. Hibari's massive inferiority complex in particular does a lot to elevate her character beyond just being "the dumb one". The Hebijo girls aren't quite as fleshed out in this game, but Deep Crimson would help with that. The gameplay is also pretty cool for a 3DS game. It's this frantic, air combo heavy, 2D beat em up that's almost like a side scrolling Dynasty Warriors. Even with the frame rate issues, I honestly think this game feels the best to play out of the series.

The moment I saw Katsuragi, I just knew I had to play this game and the whole series. The combat can get repetitve but racking up high combos is fun and satisfying. While the story is rather simple on both sides, it has a good ending and is probably the best game in the series in my opinion. If you're looking for a fun Warriors clone or beat em up on the 3ds, then this is a good choice even if you don't care too much for fanservice.

Senran Kagura Burst is a casual beat'em-up to play if you just want to have a random fun time beating tons of enemies while also looking at half naked anime girls.

Idk why I'm doing this.

Everyone's first Senran Kagura game is definitely played out of a twisted sense of curiosity about them action games that feature a lot of jiggling, I started with this one, way back in 2014.

Once you get past that curiosity, you find a fairly compelling set of characters, which is fairly surprising. Story is pretty simple, good shinobi fight bad shinobi, but you find out that there has to be a balance of both, the usual trope of grayness, what gives it its more interesting weight to it are the characters, every girl has her background development, and a rival character from whom they grow to understand their opposite side, it gets fairly dark at times, is essentially what you would get out of competent shows about magical girls and the like, but with a much more lewd presentation to it. rivalries, enemies to friends, discovering moral neutrality, troupes like fiery and emotional vs. emotionless, the rich and the poor, a lot of stuff that works is all presented with competent execution in Burst.

Presentation itself, is fine, visually it won't win any awards, but the art style itself is pleasant and works with the uh, character proportions well enough, framerate leaves a lot to be desired, specially from such a simple looking game. Music is fantastic tho, idk why it slaps as hard as it does, and this is definitely still the musical peak of the series in terms of how memorable it is.

Gameplay is serviceable, is essentially a 2D plane musou, you get the type of combos from those games, mostly mindlessly beating the shit out of a bunch of mobs, and sometimes rivals, with some bizarre difficulty spikes here and there in the 1v1 duels, is pretty mindless and simple, but fairly satisfying to play, quite fast paced as well.

Overall, an ok game that is elevated by its characters.

I played this game on an emulator as a joke, and when I finished it I genuinely started to love the series. Even after playing 3 games Burst is still my favorite.
Firstly, the game's two stories, Hanzo and Hebijo, each telling the story from a different perspective, and both provide very different experiences. Hanzo is definitely the better of the two, but they compliment each other in a way that makes both necessary. Hanzo tells the main story of the game, while Hebijo elaborates on the antagonist group, and despite being weaker as an overall story, it makes the experience better as a whole by fleshing out the Hebijo cast. Both routes contain great character moments, and it's a bit sad that they contradict each other, because it means that all the great character growth moments in Hebijo route didn't technically happen canonically.
Burst's story is a tale of two opposing groups who, through fighting, come to respect each other, and realize the importance of their differences, and how the world can't function without opposing viewpoints. It's a cliche story, but a surprisingly well executed one, especially due to the likable and fleshed-out cast.
It's here that I have to elaborate that I did play on an emulator, Citra specifically, which definitely impacted my experience with the gameplay. Because I played using Citra, I experienced very few frame drops during the gameplay portions of the game, usually averaging around a consistent 40fps. However, during the dialogue portions of the game, it ran so badly that I had to mute the game, otherwise the audio would have pierced my ears. It was an interesting experience to play a game that ran at 40fps during combat and 10 fps during dialogue sections to be sure. However even when not experiencing frame drops during combat, it's not great. It's not bad by any means, but every character plays very similarly. Use a launcher, spam aerial rave, then use a super. It's satisfying, but it definitely gets repetitive during the later stages of the game. Additionally, despite every character almost playing the same, the balancing is not good. Hibari specifically feels much weaker than the other Hanzo girls, having only a single good super with the rest being comically bad.
Despite the mediocre gameplay I thoroughly enjoy Senran Kagura Burst. Even after playing the later games with much better gameplay, I still appreciate this one the most, as even if those games have better gameplay, this is the only game where two of the characters act out a Kamen Rider skit in the main story.

Very repetitive beat em up with good character designs and music. Surprisingly entertaining story too.

+Characters have depth / are likeable
+All characters play differently
+Two different play styles at start
~Supers are hit and miss
~Huge Breasts
~Combos are mindless
-AI is very muddled
-combos will keep going despite enemie(s) defeat
-Both stories sides favor one character way too much
- 2D plain not made for combos

I hade lots of fun with Senran Kagura Burst! It had a few tecnical issues like frame rate drops, but it still is quite enjoyable... Although now we have the remake on PC and PS4 which is the better version

Fun characters, very repetitive gameplay, and a decent enough plot I didn't exactly care for. Surprisingly well-written in the hard dialogue portions too. Fun game, but in all honesty it should've been like half the length it was. Also the frame drops are pretty fucking annoying.

Janky ass first game in the series curse with 15 FPS.

but it's fun!

i was going to play this on my 3ds but why the fuck are the characters so young??? look at this??? i'm not exactly surprised but that's really fucking weird

The gameplay is repetitive but the story and characters are pretty good.

i was going to play this game and then i looked up how old the characters were and oh my fucking god?

Gameplay is relatively repetitive, but addictive, in part because I'm very gay

This game was a huge surprise for me, all this time I pretty much only have seen Senran Kagura as "meme huge breasted anime girl game" and while obviously fanservice is a pretty big factor I was surprised to see that both the characters and the plot are genuinely engaging.
Sure the constant fps drops are annoying and the gameplay a bit too simplistic, but at the same time I think that makes it perfect as a portable experience since it can be perfectly played in short bursts (no pun intended) and come back at any time.

This game is divided into two "routes", the "Hanzō" & the "Hebijo".
I'm going to assume the "Hanzō route" is the canon one, since it's the one the game recommends you to play first.
Overall, the story concept is okayish. However, the characters' writing is surprisingly good.
Additionally, the "Hebijo route" feels like a copy paste of the previous story done worse. I think the only interesting part was to give more character depth to the rival school.
I also did not appreciate how laggy this game is. Even playing on a "New" model, the frame rate is sometimes intolerable.

Final Rating: 5/10

A cool beat'em up, very fun to just mindlessly press buttons and kill lots of enemies. It overstays its welcome sometimes (lots of repetitive missions that unnecessarily lenghten the game), but a good game nonetheless. Also great 3D models.


Good beat em up with an entertaining story. Dem jiggle physics.

Esta mierda en donde lo compre estaba al lado de chibi robo y al mismo precio.

Soy tan imbécil que compre los dos.

Kinda mid and I can't even use the excuse of "characters are good" cause they are, but who the fuck will ever take that seriously when I'm talking about this series. Fuck it.