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My one big gripe about this game is that it's possible to make a silent protagonist charming, but they made Serph have like zero personality...


O mundo ambíguo e suprimido de respostas de Digital Devil Saga intriga, e todo o simbolismo hinduísta e budista presente na história e lugares do jogo complementam esse processo (sendo importante ter um conhecimento sobre eles pra uma compreensão melhor do enredo, inclusive). Obviamente é cedo demais pra analisar os personagens por inteiro só com este jogo, porém gosto de como pouco a pouco eles vão mostrando suas falhas e se questionando sobre seus propósitos.

Um ponto importante que é bom ter conhecimento prévio é que este jogo é só a metade de uma história, além de ser curto (cerca de 30 horas) e, francamente, isso é ótimo, DDS1 foi mecanicamente bem mais simples do que eu esperava então esta duração é perfeita pra ele. A equipe estimou que o projeto não caberia em um disco só e resolveu separá-lo em dois jogos, e a Atlus ainda usou o feedback deste primeiro jogo pra sua sequência.

O maior aprimoramento desse jogo comparado a Nocturne é definitivamente o level design, mais consistente e concilia melhor a exploração, labirintos, traps e puzzles, puzzles em especifico sendo muito mais interessantes aqui.

Kaneko já tinha pensado anteriormente em uma mecânica de devorar adversários pra SMT 1 e resolveram encaixar isso aqui, apesar de ser simples, finalizar os inimigos com as Hunt Skills é importante pra se beneficiar o máximo possível de cada luta ao invés de só matar normalmente, e conseguir devorar uma grande quantidade e ver aquela barra de Mantra subindo até o além também gera doses de dopamina satisfatórias. Falando nos Mantras, eles cumprem bem seu papel, te dão a liberdade necessária pra sentir uma experiência próxima a um SMT convencional, monte a party com as skills que quiser e com as combinações que quiser, você só não terá controle dos stats (tirando o Serph). Mas o alto grind e preço dos Mantras high-level pode ser irritante e é o maior problema deste sistema.

Field Hunts são criativos e uma boa forma de variar o gameplay, mas a execução deles é bizonha, mal são presentes durante a playthrough e ficam em áreas totalmente random. Torná-los mais presentes e acessíveis seria melhor do que serem meros spots de grindind que ficam isolados nos cantos do mapa e que eu só vou realmente usar pra grindar Mantras pros side-bosses. Algo engraçado é que o cooldown de 5 ciclo solares é meio grande então quando eu cheguei no 2° Field Hunt da última dungeon ele ainda não tava funcionando.

e receba fi o boss mais pau no cu de todos os tempos, aka demi-fiend.

I've played DDS1 but not DDS2, I think the skill tree was a bit refreshing for SMT standards, it significantly relieves RNG unlike SMT: Nocturne which required you to go back in forth in the fusion menu to see what skills were being transferred post fusion.

It's hard to even call this mediocre it's just really fucking below average and just bad outside of my SMT rating system.

forgot to log these games. i loved this more than i remembered. i actually beat a bunch of the secret bosses too because why not. i love demon fusion but i really wish more games in this series, or in general used this stat system. most fun and balanced rpg gameplay ever??

This review contains spoilers

Peak SMT. The best entry in the SMT PS2 era. Everything from the characters, gameplay, story, etc are all so good. Oh, and this is Shoji Meguro’s best work on an SMT OST other than Persona 4. It uses the incredible press turn system, and adds combo attacks to test out skills you’ll learn later on and adds exclusive skills. There is pretty good customization where you can choose the exact skills and build you want from the Mantra tree.

My main gripes with this game are the repetitiveness of some of the dungeons, the pacing, and the cliffhanger ending, which makes all of the buildup require you to play the 2nd game to reach the conclusion. This game is mainly spent developing characters and the plot to make way for DDS2.

lowk one of the best smt games

its cielover, the embryon has fallen, billions must die

A game I hyped so much. Everything caught my eyes. The Kaneko designs, cel-shaded graphics, Meguro music, all that good shit. And while it had all of that, I had placed a little too much hope in actually liking what I played. The gameplay system has potential but just feels overall clunky to play today but I do like the devouring system. The music is one of the saving graces, Shoji Meguro is a mastermind. Every ten steps is a random encounter, kind of annoying and you need to grind in this game, even when you fight every encounter. A lot of this is fixed in the sequel but this game would definitely benefit from a remaster with quality of life changes such as a reduced encounter rate, toggle on/off, and fast forward. Knowing Atlus, one or none of those will be included, but we can hope.

The first non-Persona SMT game I ever played. Off the top, this game had me hooked - the game's atmosphere, world, and story immediately captured my attention. I absolutely loved the post-apocalyptic feel and mystery that exuded from this game (which is something, I learned later on, that the SMT series nails really well in most of their titles).

DDS leverages the same Press-Turn battle system that was incorporated within SMT III: Nocturne that preceded it. But unlike that game, it felt like the gameplay was much fairer, well balanced, and easier. No complaints from me there.

Also, the music in this game freakin' rocks! There are so many fantastic tracks in this game that reviewing this game led me to YouTube to listen to the soundtrack. Here are just a few of my favorites.

My favorite song in the game. Sets the mood of this bleak world perfectly.

Hunting, Hunting - Comrades, & Big Battle
Badass battle tunes

Spider's String 2nd Movement
The definition of "build-up"... pure ascension.

1:03 - 1:24... love it!

Not that interesting to keep on going.

solia ser mi juego de la franquicia favorito, ya no lo es pero pelea el segundo mejor

the karma temple is the biggest piece of dogshit

i think this game has some of the most annoying dungeon and boss designs, but i have no stance to judge it because i love classic smt dungeon crawlers that are arguably worse. also serph sucks and is boring. but aside from the bonus content it's also a pretty damn easy game so again im not complaining

what i will say is this is some of the coolest storytelling ever, it has some crazy emotional moments. this buddhist matrix shit is serious, im invested.

I think this game is kinda overrated, dont get me wrong it's decent but it's such a slog

Even tho this game just establishes the questions for the sequel to answer, I’ve enjoyed it VERY much.

The Press and Turn combat system is one of my favs of all time and the hunting is fun.

I’ve only wished for Serph to be a bit more talkative, as the rest are so charismatic, but is a trope in this kind of game, so its not a big deal.

Cant wait to see what DDS2 has in store for me!

Gameplay was interesting but story was kinda mid

This is peak SMT.
The characters and story are great, the soundtrack is amazing, the combat is perfect, the dungeons are fine (the last one is pure evil) and it looks great even today.
100% worth playing where the fuck is my DDS HD Duology Atlus??? More people NEED to play this!

underrated gem the best megaten in all aspects

banger intro, good spin on skill mechanics

god help you if you try the superboss

Peak music peak story I can’t wait to play the next