Reviews from

in the past

the mechanic of finding large items to throw once kinda sucks

(Droppei depois de terminar o Hospital) Bom... Eu tentei 3 vezes.... 3 longas vezes.... Mas simplesmente não dá.
Esse jogo é muito chato pqp.

Random truckdriver shortcuts through Silent Hill, picks up every object in his vicinity, kills god and then drives home. Mondays amirite

Byeah / 10

misunderstands a lot of the source material but at least the music and atmosphere is good

>Random-ass hobo track driver gets into town.
>Takes any random object in his vicinity.
>Beats up Satan.

Truly, we have entered the era of American made Silent Hill games.

This game had some great puzzles and environment design. And Travis' trauma was interesting. The game was hampered by being tied to silent hill 1 lore and servicing that.

Tan increíblemente irrelevante aún cuando en teoría cuenta un capítulo importante en la historia de Silent Hill. Jugablemente es muy tosco, complicando aspectos que podrían ser más fáciles adrede y con un diseño de niveles y jefes bastante pobre. Levemente recomendable.

i definitely don't think origins is a "bad" game per say, just not a very good one either. you can really tell that this is the west's first stab at a silent hill game, what with the lack of subtlety, focus on combat, and most bizarre of all its insistence to "explain" all of the cool mysteries from the first game. at times it feels like a prequel to the silent hill movie rather than the game.

however, for a first attempt at a silent hill game, AND for being on a PSP? this game is honestly pretty solid. the music is fantastic as usual but what really elevates it this time around is its usage. much like silent hill 3, the music is tweaked from the standard franchise's sound to fit the specific aesthetic of this game. the soundtrack sounds more folksy and old school rock n roll which is a really cool choice for the specific story and vibe this game has.

i would say fits the game's protagonist, but travis doesn't really have anything going on as a character. his specific trauma is really fascinating and very different from the other series' protagonists, but what's done with that is very limited because the game is so focused on being a silent hill prequel, which is sadly it's biggest drawback.

the core gameplay loop is great and it controls well, it is a silent hill game after all. the creature designs are freaky and cool, it is a silent hill game. visually it's pretty strong (especially for a PSP game), just like the other 4 silent hill games. but the issue is that origins is kinda... just another silent hill game. i complained about SH4 pushing way too far with its changes to where it feels alienating, but at least SH4 feels like something new and interesting. this just feels like... hey! it's silent hill on the PSP! which is cool and all, but i'm looking for a nice sweet spot between a classic solid SH experience AND a huge shakeup to the formula.

so if narratively, you can't help but compare it to SH1, and gameplay wise, you can't help but compare it to SH1-3, and the protagonist doesn't even stand out, then what identity does this game even really have other than being the PSP silent hill? not very much to be honest with you. which cuts right into the core issue this game faces: it's kinda boring?

it's good! it's enjoyable! but after a while your eyes just kinda glaze over. it is just a bland, generic, basic silent hill game. i don't really see myself ever replaying this unless it's with a friend. sorry climax studios, at least your next effort is a lot stronger!

Easily the worst silent hill behind downpour, not only this game makes a complete disservice of everything team silent built for the lore of silent hill, but also it's a horrible game in almost every aspect i can think of

Really impressed by this one. Fantastic soundtrack, fun puzzles, decent enough atmosphere. It's old school Silent Hill, which I love.

There are a few issues, though. Lack of tank controls make the movement feel awkward, especially when the fixed camera switches. It's very easy to walk in and out of areas accidentally because forward will instantly switch to backward. I thought the story was meh, character motivations confusing.

My biggest issue related to the new "teleport" mechanic. I didn't really like having the ability to switch between the two different worlds. Imo, the town of Silent Hill is at its most interesting when it is imposing its will on the protagonist. That's when the best psychological horror elements of the series really show for me. Being able to switch back and forth at will takes power away from the town, which takes away a lot of the horror for me.

With that being said I don't think the mirror system was a total failure. It gave me more Silent Hill to play and explore which I thought was neat. Not sure it's worth the damage done of the atmosphere and mood, however.

Ah, we've hit the point in the Silent Hill franchise where we're getting titles churned out simply to make some extra cash. Silent Hill didn't need a prequel, especially not one like this. It's extremely by the numbers and derivative.

Konami is mad and now you have to feel sad

Yeah it's silent hill, but that's about all it has going for it. Beyond that it's pretty basic, doesn't really stand out in any way, and is kind of forgettable.

god, that was just bad. as much as i hate the westerns i have to give homecoming props for being the least bad.

the story is just so boring. it felt rushed & trying to be the beginning to silent hill is so ass. the butcher makes absolutely no sense but it was their attempt at making a pyramid head rip off.. at least they didn't use pyramid head.

it sucks because there's cool mechanics here, like the mirrors to swap between worlds, & a few cool boss designs- ok nvm there's one good boss. but they shit the bed.

Let it be known that this was the last good Silent Hill game.

Pésimo por donde se lo mire; una precuela que toma la premisa relativamente básica del primer juego y la expande en formas que no generan ni sentido ni interés, un protagonista vacío de características y una jugabilidad que abandona por completo el sistema establecido en la franquicia a favor de un sistema más moderno enfocado en el combate físico. El diseño de imagen es paupérrimo; que no se pueda ver un carajo en ninguno de los niveles no equivale para nada a generar una atmósfera.


El único Silent Hill Occidental que quiso mantener las características clásicas de la saga en cuanto a diseño y jugabilidad, pero no consiguió estar a la altura de sus hermanos mayores.

Los aspectos positivos están en las mejoras jugables; uso de espejos para intercalar entre mundo de niebla y óxido, y la característica del desgaste de las armas y poder usar objetos del entorno como cajas para lanzarlas a los enemigos.

Sin embargo, perdieron la parte más importante de esta saga, la sensación de terror. Es difícil de explicar, pero no sientes lo mismo que cuando juegas los títulos hechos por el Team Silent, una gran ausencia de sutileza, de silencio y de ambiente por hacerlo todo muy directo. Pese a que Yamaoka intenta mejorar lo que puede con su maestría en la música, no consigue darte las mismas sensaciones.

Tal vez si no se hubiesen tenido que ligar a las exigencias de Konami podrían haber dado un título más redondo, puesto que la historia de Travis es de lo más interesante que posee el juego, pero sus intentos de ligarlo con el primer Silent Hill y usando aspectos de la película solo empañan el resultado final.

o combate é meio irritante, a história não é lá grandes coisas, mas em compensação os puzzles são legais e a ambientação, assim como a de outros silent hill's, é boa.

Bought a PSP specifically for this and Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. Both were... good but not great, at the time. But I was a big fan of both franchises.

This review contains spoilers

Silent Hill Origins is the prequel to the first Silent hill and gives us some shaky backstory that connects with the first SH. We play asd Travis Grady who is a truck driver that decided to take a shortcut through Silent Hill. While driving Travis Suddenly sees a girl fall on the road and he breaks, only to see no girl. Travis then sees smoke in the distance and then decides to investigate only to find a burning house with a little girl inside which he saves and with this the horrors of Silent hill begin for Travis. I actually like SH: Origins, to me it was better than SH4. We don't have tank controls anymore because we are using the analog stick now, we have unlimited inventory but now we have breakable melee weapons but the game does give you so much melee weapons that you can pick up throughout your playthrough. We have guns too but I only really used them for boss fights and I had plenty of ammo to spare. Healing items are given when you explore the areas you are in and before boss fights. The puzzles were not hard at all, just remembering or writing down the things that are highlighted. There are 3 endings, I got the good ending as that is what everyone gets when beating the game for the first time, then there is a bad ending and UFO ending.

' Camionero (algo borracho) se lía a puñetazos con toda colina silenciosa. '

Honestly not as bad as I was expecting it to be! Not anywhere near as good as the Team Silent group of games but not an unenjoyable time either!

- I felt it nailed the atmosphere relatively well
- The story wasn't too bad, I think it would stand so much better as a standalone story and not a shoehorned SH Prequel. For what it tries to do though, it isn't the worst thing I've played.
- Combat was okay but honestly also kind of easy compared to the previous titles. I had an inventory full of bullets and items and never really felt like I was in a tough situation (esp since if you just hoard bullets the bosses are a cakewalk)
- The way you move between worlds was not my favorite idea either as it really just felt more like a means to an end of completing a puzzle rather than an actual real setpiece for the game and world that it was building.
- The PS2 version also has some weird issues:
-- input delay on certain actions though I did see this on PSP too
-- music sometimes just not looping properly or at all and just cuts out
-- pressing X to hit enemies on the ground just sometimes wouldn't work)
- It was annoying at first, but I kind of got used to it over time.

I've heard the PSP version is better (since I believe it was made for that system) but by the time I learned this I was already like 80% through the game so I just stuck it out.

At the end of the game and the credits rolled, I felt satisfied enough with my time playing it (about 6 hours) and I think its a decent enough entry. Now to continue on to the rest of the games :)

Es complicado decir que esta entrega es mala perse. Tiene muy buenas ideas y la historia es genuinamente interesante con un buen protagonista... Pero por momentos se siente muy comodo para ser un Silent Hill. De todas formas, muy bonito juego.

É um jogo consideravelmente bom, mas peca nos furos de roteiros, além disso poderia ser um game melhor. O combate apesar de ser propositalmente ruim, chega a ser irritante na hora de executar os inimigos. A jogabilidade é interessante, os puzzles complexos, a trilha sonora é excelente e os controles são tão travados quanto os outros títulos da franquia. Ainda sim dou nota 7, além disso esse game me introduziu aos games de terror junto com RE1

Esse foi o primeiro Silent Hill que tive contato ainda quando criança, lembro que fiquei tão assustado com a primeira enfermeira que abandonei o jogo.

Jogando agora, a história do jogo é legal e a trilha sonora segue o alto padrão da franquia. Mas não vai muito além disso, tem muitas incoerências na história que entram em conflito com o primeiro jogo, muitas mesmo. A ambientação não tem nada demais e os inimigos são de dar dó!! Até o chefe final é broxante!

Não é um jogo ruim, mas também não é tão bom, não fede nem cheira.

the Cedar Grove Sanitarium gave me chronic hemorrhoids from how much I shat myself looking at how unnecessarily huge it was.

El sistema de las armas que se rompen es un embole, pero los mapas estan buenos, la dificultad te la pasas por los huevos