Reviews from

in the past

I quite liked this one, even if it is definitely lower in quality than the previous 4 titles. For a game not developed by Team Silent, the atmosphere of the first Silent Hill is pretty well preserved here. Sure, it isn't quite the same vibe, but it's got its own thing going on and I think that's respectable.

Also, I just find this one really fun! I like the exploration and levels and puzzles. Could do without the melee changes but hey it's not awful. Origins overall grew on me as I was playing, and I'd say I was sold by the end of it.

I am not looking forward to Homecoming.

Easily the worst silent hill behind downpour, not only this game makes a complete disservice of everything team silent built for the lore of silent hill, but also it's a horrible game in almost every aspect i can think of

Random truckdriver shortcuts through Silent Hill, picks up every object in his vicinity, kills god and then drives home. Mondays amirite

Byeah / 10

It's an impressive PSP game. Origins stays true to the essence and mechanics of the series that were established by Team Silent. There are some new twists in the form of degradable weapons and the ability to jump back and forth between the Otherworld sections by way of mirrors, but for the most part this is Silent Hill as you would remember it. Provided you started with the PS1/PS2 entries that is. The latter of the two additions mentioned has to do with the setting. In Origins we witness the birth of iconic hellscape as it becomes the demonic ghost town we know it as from the previous games. It's a novel idea and fits in well. The way it's used to give you access to new areas at regular intervals made exploration and puzzle-solving more fun than ever for me.

Where Origins notably stumbles is in its storytelling (the plot holes in this thing...). The more personal side of Travis Grady's trek through hell is pretty well done. The actual origin story itself doesn't really tell us anything new and there are noticeable gaps that make it feel unfinished in a few areas. Grady's motivations for exploring the town are called into question very early on, characters act irrationally, and none of it is helped by the bad voice acting.

The game doesn't have much of a unique identity either. It wants so badly to be Silent Hill 2. Several enemies were straight up borrowed from it and the ones that aren't are still psycho-sexualized. There's even an incredibly unsubtle Pyramid Head rip-off. There is some other symbolism going on in the form of repressed rage, but for the most part it's about Grady's sex life (or lack thereof) and it's a little too familiar in some ways. I mean, there's an enemy that straight up straddles you for crying out loud.

So Origins has some weaknesses with storytelling and originality. It needed better writing and more defining attributes of its own. Yet, from a gameplay standpoint it's solid enough for me to consider it a welcome addition to the Silent Hill canon. There are some great puzzles and you get to explore some new locales never before seen in a SH game. Despite the jump to handheld, this entry in the series is still worth playing for fans and horror junkies alike.


I think it's common knowledge at this point that the story in Silent Hill: Origins is really stupid and contradictory to events depicted in the first Silent Hill, and it was that plus my natural aversion to the non-Team Silent games that made me avoid it. Then one day I was futzing with my PSP and decided to launch it, if for no other reason than to have a laugh.

I didn't laugh. I was horrified. Not by the game, it's not scary at all, but by the fun I found myself having with it.

The graphics were pretty solid for the system. The music, of course, was excellent. The level design was competent. The puzzles, while not exactly brainbusters, were well done and enjoyable to solve. Although the weapon system was silly, the combat was mostly functional save for some awkward context sensitive actions and the very little need to engage with it. The only thing I found myself really frustrated with was the omission of the tank control option, as the static camera angles change a lot and the 2D-type controls don't handle it very well at all. Despite that and the odd interpretation of Silent Hill 1's plotpoints, I found myself in the same strange position I was in when I played Shattered Memories: I wasn't hating a dirty, stinky, non-Team Silent SH game, and I was mortified.

I know it's been said millions of times, but if this game were stripped of its ties to Silent Hill, had the original story elements fleshed out more, and had a little more general polish, it would probably make for a decent handheld action/horror game. That said, I also know it's hard to look past the fact that it's supposed to be a prequel to some of the literal greatest games ever made, so I completely understand why it catches flak. I'm not defending or making excuses for it. I just liked it, goddammit.

(Droppei depois de terminar o Hospital) Bom... Eu tentei 3 vezes.... 3 longas vezes.... Mas simplesmente não dá.
Esse jogo é muito chato pqp.

Silent Hill never needed a prequel, but I was still determined to give this one the benefit of the doubt. Ironically, this game is more reverent of Silent Hill 2 than the original Silent Hill, which is its exact problem. It never becomes its own story, its own thing. It's so reverent of Silent Hill 2 that it becomes a pale imitation.

Also, it's too short. Remember that joke Woody Allen tells at the beginning of Annie Hall about the two old ladies who eat at a restaurant? One says 'This food is terrible', and the other one responds 'Yes, and such small portions'. That captures Silent Hill: Origins in a nutshell. Except Silent Hill: Origins is worshipping a game from the past when it should have its own identity independent of it.

the amount of useless weapons you can pick up was mind boggling and i hated the inventory but i enjoyed the game itself

A Konami acertou ao criar uma prequel que realmente amarra todas as pontas até o início do primeiro SH. Alguns pontos fracos (mas de certa maneira entendíveis) seriam a movimentação do personagem travada, e vários glitches com a lanterna na versão de PSP. Apesar disso, esse título possui a melhor OST da série.

Bland, it tries to be a mix of SH1 and 2. It contradicts the first game in some points and the story of Travis and his past is actually decent but very predictable and presented in a poor way. Not bad but with more effort, it could've been not that forgettable.

the scariest part of this game is trying not to fall asleep as you play it

Ponto positivo por melhorar a jogabilidade de Silent Hill e trazer a ideia dos espelhos, ponto negativo para todo o resto.

Let's see.. there's an overworld with dungeons, the dungeons have puzzles and an end boss and a map, and there's a light/dark world you can transition between in specific rooms. Wait.. this is a Zelda game isn't it? In that case this is easily the best Zelda game I've ever played.

Começei a franquia por esse se seguindo a "ordem canom" e recebi com uma experiência perfeita para um jogo de terror, a história por outro lado é lenta pois você tem que andar muito, dando voltas para ir em quartos e outro "mundo" e desanima por um lado, mas quando você descobre cada quebra-cabeça da história você se impressiona , juntando Travis com a Alessa te deixa cada vez mais curioso , a trilha sonora é impecável te faz deixar tenso e até sustos kkkkkkkkk vale a pena começar por esse jogo, sinceramente amei esse jogo e me entregou a melhor experiência de terror que eu poderia imaginar para um jogo da época

Silent Hill: Origins is your step-dad trying his best to be that father figure of yours, but you were already forming memories a while before your parents got divorced. The older you get, you appreciate the valiant effort he made trying to fill that hole in the family, but you know it just isn't the same. And, despite this new father figure's heart being in the right place, you want him to just stop trying to talk to you the same way your dad did.

This game marks the beginning of Konami outsourcing the "Silent Hill" franchise to Western devs as the team behind the original 4 games disbanded. And, in my opinion, their most valiant attempt at recreating the magic from those original games. However, its monster design is uninspired and the writing is especially poor. When it isn't boring, it's insulting, especially to those familiar with the 1st game that Silent Hill: Origins is basing itself on.

If I could say one thing, it's probably one of the best-looking PSP games. Some of the environment is impressive, but layering that with really annoying core design that is the "mirror" function is mind-numbing, especially for a game that puts a heavy emphasis on exploring.

From the horror to the puzzles, just about everything in this game is just a vain attempt at recreating the magic of the original games. One that I don't find suitable to play as part of the series, never-mind the very beginning.

Every time I play this game, I find myself gaining respect in how it is presented. It looks like early Silent Hill, which I really like...But everything else, the story, combat, gameplay. It's fucking atrocious.

The game gives you like a billion weapons too, it's weird and adds comedy to the game. Storyline is really bland, and should've focused on Travis rather than being an origin story. The gameplay is buggy because the fixed camera angles and lack of tank controls still being here. Therefore jolting you around.

The combat is also real bad. I hate it. There's QTEs in the game now, because that was the thing ig.

Did you guys know the game was initially planned to be a dark comedy? Yeah I know, it's kinda hard to tell cuz even then the game is still goofy as fuck.

>Random-ass hobo track driver gets into town.
>Takes any random object in his vicinity.
>Beats up Satan.

Truly, we have entered the era of American made Silent Hill games.

Not BAD so much as uninspiring, I guess? If I wanted a game that played more like the classic Silent Hill games I'll reach for 1-4 and if I wanted a later Silent Hill game I'd rather play Downpour. It can't win.

The cult stuff has always been less appealing to me in terms of Silent Hill so it's too bad the series just continued to double down on it time and time again.

Stay away from the PS2 port. It's held together with duct tape.

god, that was just bad. as much as i hate the westerns i have to give homecoming props for being the least bad.

the story is just so boring. it felt rushed & trying to be the beginning to silent hill is so ass. the butcher makes absolutely no sense but it was their attempt at making a pyramid head rip off.. at least they didn't use pyramid head.

it sucks because there's cool mechanics here, like the mirrors to swap between worlds, & a few cool boss designs- ok nvm there's one good boss. but they shit the bed.

This game is so badly treated by fans.
It's got an interesting story and actually respects the outcome of how Alessa became so important in SH1 and 3.

This game is alright. Not as great horror-wise or story-wise as it's other ps2 siblings but it's still silent hill. The quality is there, just a little lower than everyone who's a silent hill fan would have liked. It also creates some problems with the silent hill 1 and as consequence 3's plot.

OST: ⭐⭐⭐⭐🌟
Best OST of the SH series.
Gameplay: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Story: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

This game tried so hard to be something, but it trips and falls into the hole of mediocrity. You can tell the team had passion behind it

i definitely don't think origins is a "bad" game per say, just not a very good one either. you can really tell that this is the west's first stab at a silent hill game, what with the lack of subtlety, focus on combat, and most bizarre of all its insistence to "explain" all of the cool mysteries from the first game. at times it feels like a prequel to the silent hill movie rather than the game.

however, for a first attempt at a silent hill game, AND for being on a PSP? this game is honestly pretty solid. the music is fantastic as usual but what really elevates it this time around is its usage. much like silent hill 3, the music is tweaked from the standard franchise's sound to fit the specific aesthetic of this game. the soundtrack sounds more folksy and old school rock n roll which is a really cool choice for the specific story and vibe this game has.

i would say fits the game's protagonist, but travis doesn't really have anything going on as a character. his specific trauma is really fascinating and very different from the other series' protagonists, but what's done with that is very limited because the game is so focused on being a silent hill prequel, which is sadly it's biggest drawback.

the core gameplay loop is great and it controls well, it is a silent hill game after all. the creature designs are freaky and cool, it is a silent hill game. visually it's pretty strong (especially for a PSP game), just like the other 4 silent hill games. but the issue is that origins is kinda... just another silent hill game. i complained about SH4 pushing way too far with its changes to where it feels alienating, but at least SH4 feels like something new and interesting. this just feels like... hey! it's silent hill on the PSP! which is cool and all, but i'm looking for a nice sweet spot between a classic solid SH experience AND a huge shakeup to the formula.

so if narratively, you can't help but compare it to SH1, and gameplay wise, you can't help but compare it to SH1-3, and the protagonist doesn't even stand out, then what identity does this game even really have other than being the PSP silent hill? not very much to be honest with you. which cuts right into the core issue this game faces: it's kinda boring?

it's good! it's enjoyable! but after a while your eyes just kinda glaze over. it is just a bland, generic, basic silent hill game. i don't really see myself ever replaying this unless it's with a friend. sorry climax studios, at least your next effort is a lot stronger!

por qué diseñarías un mapa enorme para despues pegarle una mecánica que requiera que lo explores DE NUEVO además podes pasar todo el juego a las piñas y el plot es una verga

not nearly as good as any of the og sh games but the ambiance and world design is faithful so there stuff to enjoy here


Since I did the Team Silent games last October I decided it'd be fun to keep the ball rolling and go through the various attempts by Westerners to keep this beloved series alive. While I do respect what Climax was trying to do with Origins being a prequel to the phenomenal first entry and having some pretty interesting ideas, it all culminates into what is the blandest Silent Hill game so far. Everything from the uninteresting levels that feel padded despite the short runtime, gameplay that desperately wants to shake the formula up with a shit durability mechanic and QTEs that add nothing, and a story that features the most uninteresting SH Protag interacting with very odd versions of the SH1 cast create something that just does not mesh well. If I had to say anything unanimously positive it would be the overall look of the game (this might be one of the best looking PSP games) and fantastic music from series legend Akira Yamaoka. Besides that it's just a very bland SH game that plays it way too safe. Also what the fuck is this games monster design.


I beat this game like 4 times during a trip to Britain and remember nothing about other than it being incredibly middling.

Origins fue el inicio de la tradición de copiar a SH2 con protagonistas con memorias traumáticas reprimidas que afrontan la verdad gracias al pueblo de SH. Alessa pasó de ser una víctima con poderes sobrenaturales, a ser una niña malvada vengativa (Lisa y Kaufmann también son personajes totalmente distintos). Los escenarios son excesivamente grandes y vacíos y es molesto recorrerlos con la muy limitada stamina de Travis. El billón de armas degradables y QTEs también fueron una pésima adición.