Reviews from

in the past

This game was endlessly shilled on 4chan. I saw hot woman so I bought it. The story was funny af and good. I got the giant woman ending because of course.

I felt the satisfaction of understanding what the story is about and relating to it was locked behind too many hours of gameplay to make the experience fully enjoyable.
I fully respect the attempt and intention but I wished there were some more hints in game to piece the concept together early so you don't need to replay it many times in order to figure it out.

Played this for game club.

I don't really care for the winding sort of lore and explanations I started to expect once I realized Jonathan Sims was the one lending The Narrator his voice. I do, however, care for the feelings they evoke; the dreadful and entangling ideas these stories drip-feed you - slow and subtle enough that you may only realize what they've done to you once you're completely buried in them. Its process of devouring starts with a simple cognitive dissonance. As the hero, it is your duty to save the princess, as it is your duty to slay the monster. What happens when they're one and the same?

The impossibility of that choice is what opens you up to what the game is trying to do. What you choose ultimately doesn't matter, because both options presented are wrong. An utilitarian mindset becomes entirely useless - at the end of the day, what you have here is about trust. You can fight transformation but you cannot deny that you have been transformed. You can choose the better good but you cannot claim to understand it.

It's a weird game with a weird story but, I think if played with enough attention and care, you can come out of it with a greater appreciation for who you are, what you care about, and some foggy, yet gripping, understanding of love.

The game is enjoyable, I really enjoyed the voice acting in this versus the lack of voice acting that they had in Scarlet Hollow(same studio), and I enjoyed the black and white sketch style that they chose for their game. However, I do think the game ultimately ends up a bit frustrating because if you fumble or get locked out of something accidentally, trying to get a different version of the Princess can sometimes be tricky or fruitless and then you gotta restart. I like it, I like the story, but I don't like it as much as Scarlet Hollow, even though it is still a well done game. Definitely worth a pick up when it's on sale.

heart, lungs, liver, nerves, heart, lungs, liver, nerves, heart, lungs, liver, nerves...

a superbly interesting and atmospherically resonant experience, i highly recommend this to anyone who is a fan of visual novels, narrative games, or horror in general.

the premise hooks its teeth into you early and just makes you want to keep going to unearth the secrets within it. i will say that once you sort of figure out what the gameplay loop is it loses a little bit of its grasp on you, it's a decently compelling narrative but not masterful enough to really get you thinking, and i also felt like the ending(s) were serviceable but not nearly as memorable as that initial burst of discovery.

Having to make my own decisions was a terrifying experience. I will never do it again. And before anyone asks, I did it, everyone! I fixed her! (I got the good ending)
It was one of the best visual novels I have ever played. Great voice acting, great story, and the voices in my head are accurate. It's impressive that they are still updating the game, and a big update that'll extend the game by 25% is on its way. It's also not a very long game; I finished it in 5 hours because I took my sweet time and wandered around.
There was a sequence where I refused to continue doing what I was told, and the game shut down after the entity told me, "I will be here when you are ready" or something. I was flabbergasted. Next time I opened the game, that same entity welcomed me, and I continued where I left off.
I just wished that the Voice of the Hero and the Narrator's voice wasn't so identical.
It is truly a unique experience and a must-play.

Bitch killed my laptop mid playthough

I really enjoyed this game. I think it explored some really interesting meta concepts, and the dialogue was pretty funny. I really like how many different options you have and that you feel like the choice really is yours. I enjoyed unraveling everything in this game, and I would like to explore the possibilities that I hadn't gotten to. I know that this game is getting an expansion later this year, so I think I'll wait until then to play another round.

Beautiful Art Style, Interesting Premise, Touching moments, great soundtrack. A very enjoyable visual novel.

The only game where I don't mind the furries and vore

Fantastic art style and fascinating premise, but I found that the sharp wit and banter could not save this game from the word salad of philosophical non-answers at the end. The game deals with finality, perception of the self and perception of the others, but I find that more often than not, the game is simply asking questions and provoking thought, rather than trying to say something of its own. Now, to each their own, and provoking thoughtfulness in and of itself is not without value, there is indeed merit in leaving events up to the readers interpretation. Ultimately, I feel as if you've taken a PHIL 101 course in college, there will not be a whole lot to dig into on a deeper level, and that disappoints me, as the game is clearly trying, but the prose becomes too long winded and full of (intentional) contradictions and existential musings that reflect little on the actions and effects of each princess. But god bless 'em for trying, and they got enough out of me to write all of this so take that for what it's worth

I can fix her... please. I want to so bad

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It's wittingly written, and that's what saved it for me when it got to a slog. Anyway, this is my little rant, because there's more than enough praise about it elsewhere.

I think the game would've benefited from some kind of ever-present option to just sit down and talk things out, instead of shoving a bunch of violent actions at me. Well, the first time around anyway. I was getting chewed up and spat out for my first three or four loops, just immediately out the door, getting killed left and right. Sure, some routes let you sit down and chat, but that didn't help me when I apparently went down all the snappy and action-filled routes initially.

During that segment where the Narrator forces you to stab the Princess, me using the arrow keys to pick a choice falsely made me believe there was no other choice than [Slay the Princess]. Turns out, only mouse scrolling down the list can show the singular [Resist] option. Why can't the arrow keys scroll the list? Infuriating!! Maybe this was why I felt so done with the game for a good while... And The Prisoner, who was behind the [Resist] route, turned out to be my favorite.

During the ending, slaying the Princess is such a weird choice. Isn't it completely insane to take away death? That means taking away love, feeling, anything that carries meaning. Siding with the Shifting Mound seemed like the infinitely better choice, but that was also not exactly riveting storytelling... And my ending of choice, of facing it together, went to credits as soon as it happened. I don't know what I expected, but there's more to be told here, please...

When you have two characters who essentially don't know much about anything, who exist in a literal void, and then write a whole game around them, I think the lack of narrative satisfaction I'm feeling here is a byproduct of that.

... Don't look at me that way. Yeah, maybe I should just go and play a dating sim instead if chatting's all that interests me!

what an amazing narrative and the amount of choices is awesome great take on visual novel games

Cool idea, but boring as hell, like any other visual novel...

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That was nice. Though short the choices really did mean something. There were certain paths where i was laughing my lungs off. And some where I was genuinely surprised or terrified. Then there was the dominance heart. I don't need to explain what I felt when I saw her. All in all, a pretty fun game. Though some of the philosophical jargon went above my head, its not that i didn't get it, its more that it was just too out there for my tastes.

The best part about the game were the narrators. My favorites are the Narrator himself and Voice of the Smitten. He was absolutely hilarious and had so much personality to him. Its just that they all did what they were doing pretty damn well. The Voice of the Stubborn, the first voice that I got played to that character so well, he alone made me want to go up against a fucking demon head on, which i would not have done in any other case. That alone is enough to call the dialogue and persuasiveness of the delivery top notch.

All in all, though I finished the game in almost exactly four hours, it was a very fun game.

Quando o jogo diz, logo de cara, que é uma história de amor, essa deve ser a única coisa sincera que ele diz: um único pingo de cor caindo de um conta-gotas. A partir daí -- do momento em que o Narrador diz que seu objetivo é matar a princesa, e o momento em que a Princesa resiste -- tudo é um espelho, e faz questão de nunca te deixar esquecer disso.

A cada passo, Slay The Princess vai te lembrar que está acontecendo como está acontecendo por causa das suas escolhas, e nada existe substancialmente fora delas. O mundo é sem forma, fractal, e existe para ser salvo ou destruído. Não existe uma diegese propriamente dita, ou não por muito tempo: a Princesa é o que você faz dela, as vozes que te acompanham são o que a princesa faz de você em resposta. Existe uma análise psicanalítica para ser feita por alguém, mas eu não tenho muito interesse nisso: afinal, o jogo se faz tanto um espelho que se torna plenamente arbitrário, como se você estivesse diante de uma folha de papel. O que você desenhar te reflete de alguma forma, mesmo se você escolher conscientemente a reflexão que você quer ver. Então não se pode dizer que o jogo examina suas escolhas, porque não é isso que ele faz -- ao contrário do que vão te dizer.

Tudo que você escolher vai voltar para o mesmo ponto: o reflexo de você. A entidade que coleta as princesas que você cria sabe que ela é você, mas não exatamente. Ela tem uma existência contingente, definida pelas suas escolhas -- que, por sua vez, existem porque um Criador as colocou ali, mas que também sabe que não tem controle da situação. Sua violência ou sua compaixão são refletidas de volta para você para que você as examine, não o jogo. Suas escolhas importam, mas não porque elas têm consequência -- importam porque você está vendo quem você é, ou quem escolheu ser de propósito.

Isso tudo poderia ser muito bobo porque, afinal de contas, é uma folha em branco. O jogo te fornece um espelho e, como um espelho funcional, só te mostra aquilo que você mostra, mesmo que ofuscado pelo humor, pela poesia, pelas interações com as várias facetas que a Princesa, o Narrador e Você podem assumir. O jogo não se completa nesses conflitos porque eles se anulam.

O jogo se completa porque aquele pingo de cor se irradia na folha em que você desenha: o amor tinge você. Você escolhe e vê reflexos mais ou menos amorosos de suas próprias escolhas e, por isso, consegue ver você mesmo, quem você escolhe ser ou quem as pessoas podem ser com mais ternura do que antes. É assim que Slay the Princess completa sua mágica: ao te fazer amar nada em particular, ele materializa os reflexos vazios que te mostrou com a doçura que você souber trazer. Todos são você, e você é a Princesa.

A charming and touching love story. Cruel, violent but beautiful.

fuckkkkk i fucking love women guys

Phenomenal visual novel.
Definitely yet another best-enjoyed-blind kind of game and I'm all in for it. "There are no wrong decisions, only fresh perspectives."

The narrative was really good. Very much enjoyed my moments with Him, and Her. Great characterization all over. Dialogue was all over like a roller coaster, in a truly good way: wham-y, serious, comedic, daunting; the voice-overs augment it well. Played it mostly on auto.
Really liked the ending sequence and was quite something I did not expect.

The art was simple, but that simplicity really served the delivery of the story very well. Some segments amused me, others deeply unsettled me while some really sold me on the gravity of the situation.

In conclusion, this is a great game. If you are into more nonstandard VNs or want an unique experience in gaming, definitely check this one out.

And don't forget: "You're on a path in the woods. At the end of that path is a cabin. And in the basement of that cabin is a princess. You're here to slay her."

I really felt that most of the choices were important and I fixed her and myself. I realize that not everyone's experience will be the same, but I chose the way that worked for me and it was perfect.

Objectively speaking, the voice acting and dialogue were very good. The art design suited the atmosphere, the characters and the dualities of the story

I really wanted to like this game more. The VA and music are all pretty good, and while I didn't love the artstyle it was definitely unique. But once I saw the game's "true" endings I didn't have any motivation to continue exploring other routes. The main issue is that the game is full of these meta elements that are cool on paper, but doesn't do enough for me to actually care about the characters and world that contextualize the cool meta things the game tries to do. So ultimately, none of the game's big moments and grand reveals really had much impact for me.

Just...beautiful, in it's own weird way. Amazing story, eargasm-inducing soundtrack, and don't even get me started on the art and voices. Maybe i'm glazing a little too much, but i don't care. This is just straight peak.

As vezes, não é sobre matar deus. É sobre ser bom.

A brilliant story which utilises its medium to perfection. The gameplay loop may feel tedious at times but the way everything gets tied in the end left me quite satisfied.

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An incredible story with writing beyond clever that had me amazed at almost every chapter. It doesn't start very friendly, specially if you pick the more "Broken" Princesses at your first few loops, but learning more about the Princess while losing what youve already established about her is great, and very worth the while. The game has some routes that are definetly very lacking, some even aren't interesting. But they are very few, and acceptable when the quality is sky high in most chapters already. Play. Don't read anything about it. Just play.

sorry this shit had me in TEARS i loved it so much, i really want to replay it. i absolutely adore the style of this game both art wise and story wise its absolutely beautiful. i was confused at times but in a good way