Reviews from

in the past

I used to hide my ds under my pillow and pretend to be asleep while playing this game as a kid, so it must have been good if I was willing to risk my life for it

An often overlooked GBA gem that takes Sonic in an interesting direction in terms of story, music and gameplay! Although it might not be everyone's cup of tea, I greatly enjoyed it and would gladly replay it again.

divertidinho pra jogar com os amigos, além disso é só chato mesmo, não vale a pena se você quiser jogar sozinho

Me encanta que un juego cuyo mensaje es la de que el humano es violento y que hay encontrar la paz, sea un juego de PELEA CON EXPLOSIONES Y ARMAS

Bom pra caraio, modo história é rica em dialogo então pra quem não gosta não vai curtir tanto e vai achar entediante, mas as mecânicas do jogo compensam, é um estilo meio diferente jogo de porrada isométrico, esquisito no começo, mas divertido depois que aprende a jogar e a melhor coisa de todas é customizar o teu robozin, fora que, você se sente super imerso no mundo do Sonic, pra quem é fã isso aqui é ouro.

I think this game is very fun but like Secret Rings it has what I call the slog, for the first hour of the game this game is so tedious to get thru and is just filled with dialogue, I suggest you play this game with a 100% save file and play it like a Custom Robo game

love the flaming head in the logo. they should've put it in the game. flaming head. final boss. oh i hate sonic's move where he throws a ring and dashes to it. you can just dash normally dumbass

Emerl is the best written character in the entire Sonic franchise. This isn't an opinion.

Somewhere under the millions of Phi rematches and fucked up padding, you really do have a game packed with charm and character.

Uno de mis juegos favoritos del Gameboy Advance.

Un juego de peleas de Sonic en el que la mayor parte del tiempo pasaremos controlando a un robot que aprende a copiar técnicas de combate con sólo verlas. Contiene un sistema pseudo-RPG en el que vamos desbloqueando ataques de todos los otros personajes que podremos equipar a costa de puntos.

En su momento me voló la cabeza la trama y la novedad del sistema de copiado de ataques. Jamás logré jugar un Versus con nadie en este juego :(

sometimes i forget i marathoned this game on an emulator as a kid, but the artstyle whips, music was fun, and a one of a kind sonic game

It's... ok. Really the most I can say about this game. I should say that this is all from a single player perspective, I have sadly never been able to play this game with other people, despite it being a fighting game.
I think the core gameplay is nice, having a basic attack, a heavy attack, a dash attack, an air attack, an upper, a kind of weird homing in attack you can use in certain situations, and various special attacks. The game doesn't really come off as hampered from the lack of buttons imo, my main issue with the gameplay is the lack of interesting movement options, which is a shame due to the size of the arenas the fights takes place in. Each character feels unique to play which is nice, but there's obviously some balancing issues here (Cream is ridiculously good compared to the rest of the cast for example). A cool part of the game is that the main character, Emerl, gets to use traits from every other character, so you get to pick your favorite tools and combine them into one super-character. Though sadly, by the time you've got enough skill points to use everything you want (skill points being increased after each fight, they're the game's way of not having Emerl be stupid broken from the get-go, limiting what you can have on him at once) the story is pretty much over. Also annoyingly there's no actual way to get one skill over another (outside of character), it's not based on how much a move is used or anything, you just have to get into a battle with the character you want to get something from and pray you get the one you want.
The main story is... pretty fun but it has a few critical issues. Sometimes it can just drag on and on, like, you'll finish a battle that has 3 lives for everyone, and then have to do an exact repeat of that fight with 5 lives. It just gets exhausting.
Secondly, the AI is very susceptible to getting caught in loops (mainly with special moves, but can be done with some other moves like Rouge's air attack) which obviously makes the fights less engaging, though the AI will automatically block a special attack if you use it too much against them (this is limited to one at a time however, so if you alternate between two the problem is still very much there).
The story is, like, stupidly good for this GBA spinoff fighting game, but I don't want to reveal too much. Basically it centers around Emerl, an ancient robot that Professor Gerald had worked on before Shadow, with him interacting with different characters in the 8 campaigns. There's ones that are kind of just there like Knuckles', but if you get through all of them the story in this game is really one of the best out of Sonic.
Aesthetically I don't have much to say but yeah it's excellent. The portraits are all super sleek and there's a reason the sprites from this game were used in all those flash animations. Music is good, sometimes the GBA soundchip makes it ear grating but sometimes it really works (go listen to Battle Highway).
I don't really know who I'd recommend this game to, Sonic fans for the story, sure, but none of the elements from the main series really work their way into here. This game is very odd for a fighting game, so don't know if I'd suggest it there either. Just play it if you feel like it, I guess.

This is like one of those YouTube epic fight animations made in flash but as an actual game and it's so good too

Had no business being as good as it was.

The game actually starts out rather decently, until you reach your first block in the road known as Knuckles in Sonic’s story, who will beat your ass red and completely blindside you with how surprisingly difficult he is to beat. And that’s the first real “boss”. It only gets worse and worse and worse and worse from then on, having one of the worst final bosses I’ve ever seen in a video game, so much so that I had a nervous breakdown over how bad it was and how much I hated it in a Discord server once. It’s that bad. Did I also mention that you have to grind to get moves for Emerl? In a fighting game? Based around Sonic? Music is pretty solid, as to be expected from the GBA Sonic games, though.


this is a more interesting title in the sonic series, that being a portable exclusive story-focused party fighter. Due to the "portable exclusive" part of that, I have never actually played this game with other people before, which kinda sucks considering the fact this is a fighting game here. The CPU are extremely cheesable due to some mechanics allowing you to get easy instant kills and stun-locks. The plot is weird, follows sonic and the gang as they go collect chaos emeralds to help restore a new robot characters memory. the OST is actually not that bad as well, considering the fact its on the GBA, which isnt really remembered for its audio quality. I think the plot ties into sonic advance 3 in a roundabout way but I never really got it. If you want some more sonic shenanigans and havent played this one yet, go for it. Don't expect to play the multiplayer anytime soon, though.

The game itself isn't great although I'm a big fan of the inspired and unique design elements here for a GBA game. The soundtrack also rips and is full of life, utilizing the limits of the GBA's audio engine incredibly well.

For the last 20 years, modders have been using the sprites from this game in all sorts of Sonic related media, and frankly the sprites are by far the best part of this game. This is an isometric 3D fighting game with 2D sprites, and it is a weird one where I liked the gameplay way more than it deserved. It is very jank and full of stunlocks and one hit kills. What really lets this game down is the campaign, which is both too short and yet incredibly repetitive at the same time. There's only 7 characters in the game, but they make you fight them dozens of times. Not only that, but after every single fight, they make you do the same fight again, but with twice as many lives. Every single fight. The story is also all over the place; I like the idea of Emerl and there are some interesting character dynamics with some characters like Shadow, but overall it's very poorly written and very confusing as to what, if anything, is actually going on. I'm also pretty sure the moral of Cream's story is "violence is necessary, don't be a pacifist".

bad video game that is awesome

Спасибо за убитые нервы, игра

better than either persona 4 arena

Me frustrou bastante, esquema de batalha é muito interessante e unico, mas não sei se é falta de pratica minha, sinto que os inimigos conseguem ser 2 vezes mais forte que eu em certas ocasiões, e no fato de ter 2 rounds tendo que derrotar o inimigo 10 vezes consegue ser chatinho.

Also a historia desse jogo é peak disparado uma das mais elaboradas da franquia.

direção de arte tão boa, pra um jogo q tem um controle horrivel

Fantastic spritework with a really sick style, but is held back by gameplay, while unique and interesting on paper, feeling a tad repetitive and maybe having the worst single player campaign in fighting game history.

A genuinely great base for a unique Sonic fighter, with a diverse cast, beautiful art styles both in-game and within key art, and a soundtrack with a surprising amount of hits. Unfortunately, it's ultimately let down by some of the worst pacing a campaign in this series has ever seen, combined with the absolute slog of a game-long quest that is getting Emerl up to resembling anything close to playable.

You're a real one if you remember the sprites from this game being used in every Sonic VS battle animation in the mid-2000s to early 2010s.

I have nostalgia bias for this high of a rating. Playing in Knuckles' story and the Knuckles part in Sonic's story sucks.

emerl is a cool robot even if he is named after an italian