Reviews from

in the past

I'm aware now that its one of the lesser titles. However, my kid brain didn't care back then. It was a blast.

The only one I enjoyed. Having actually good singleplayer content is a good thing apparently.

Some of the best additional features of any smash game, but unfortunately I just can't go back to the feel of the meat and potatoes gameplay here after ultimate practically perfected it.

J'aime trop ce jeu, il est si complet. Le mode aventure est le peak des jeux Smash Bros, genre aucun mode ne l'égale. Et j'vais rien dire de plus, car j'ai pas trop le temps mais franchement, masterclass

This one, sir. This is my favorite Smash game. I know its unbalanced and has a lot of gimmicks people don't like. The aesthetic is really decisive and the online was (from what I heard, never played online) pretty bad. But, this game nails two big things for me. One, it is super fun to play this game with a group of people. Two, Subspace is peak.

WOW was I obsessed with this game. The huge initial reveal with Snake being added as a fighter got me extremely hyped in the middle of some computer class I had during my junior year in highschool. The Smash Bros website that updated every day or whatever detailing one new thing in the game was very exciting at the time.

The game has a lot of really nice touches in it. I like Subspace Emissary a lot, even if the levels are kind of annoying. I am not into pro Smash or anything, but even I think the addition of tripping as a mechanic was very dumb. A developer responding to a certain segment of their audience playing their previous game in a way they didn't approve of by adding in a mechanic to make their experience worse kind of sucks.

I really like this series despite never having owned any of them (except 3DS briefly) - I played this one the most. This series is my friend’s go-to online game so I rarely beat him, but we used to spend hours having matches; I’d resort to Captain Falcon to try to win.

I also played through the adventure mode co-op, which was decent fun and had some cool cutscenes.

Este juego fue mi infancia y cambió la química de mi cerebro por completo

Creo que jugué la historia de esto, no estoy seguro

What’s there not to love about brawl?

Crusty Wii remote sounds, a story mode that is mostly just a fan-fiction, and the introduction to R.O.B in the series!

What a great 3rd game.

Definitely a nostalgic game for me.

Despite the nostalgia, this game is pretty weird.

Compared to Smash 4 or Ultimate this game feels a bit sluggish mostly thanks to tripping. Tripping is single-handily the worst mechanic ever introduced in a smash game.

I know it was implemented to prevent wave-dashing but it negatively affects this game's movement as it can trigger even when walking. Also that fact that it triggers randomly makes this mechanic annoying for both casual and competitive players.

The realistic artstyle is a unique choice but I think it holds up somewhat well.

Subspace Emissary is a good single player campaign but I do think people oversell the mode. While the cutscenes are cool and the gameplay is solid, it gets repetitve after the novelty of the mode wears off.

The game overall is a 2.5/5, however subspace emissary is so good I miss it.

I'm so utterly bad I couldn't win against my friends even picking Meta Knight (I didn't know it was meta at the moment, I just liked him because edgy)

Pit and Ice Climbers. What more could you want. Best Smash Bros in my opinion. Subspace is goated and the extras are so in depth and actually are fun to collect and go for.

Esse é melhor super smash que existe. Talvez eu ache isso pelo fator nostalgia, mas é bizarro a quantidade de horas que eu gastei jogando isso SOZINHO no meu wii. Saudade de ser main lucas

Mechanically a step backwards compared to Melee, for some reason Nintendo wanted to fight the competitive scene by making the game randomly punish you for your skill. Subspace was an amazing addition though, and until Smash Ultimate, this was the definitive version for the vast majority of Smash players.

The one thing this game still has over the smash games is the Sub Space story mode. It's an honest to god action adventure game which is just awesome. Even without a mode like that these games sale amazing so going through the effort adding that was cool. Seriously the other story modes of the other Smash games don't even begin to compete with this one. And the cherry on top is that it's co-op. Crazy stuff

As for the rest of the game it's okay smash stuff. Nothing too special. I know mechanically it's "Worse" than melee but I was never a crazy in depth player so it never bothered me. It was also nice to see third party characters finally added as playable fighters.

Este fue el juego con el que me di cuenta que me encanta el smash pero joder recordaba que era buenisimo con Kirby y me cago encima jugando

In this review, I'm purely going over the story mode: fights against other main characters in the game are incredibly fun and just like the smash Bros combat you're used to, but moving around and platforming in the world can be a little annoying. I will say every moment you spend playing this, you'll be waiting for another cutscene because they are incredibly fun to watch the different characters interact with each other.

Tenho ótimas lembranças desse jogo, época boa que n volte mais! nostálgico!

Guys, we have to admit that Subspace sucked outside of the cutscenes.

cried at the story ending

i got scared as fuck when the wiimote talked to me and i threw it across the room and now it's lodged in my little cousin's soft spot

The story mode was so good, but the tripping is unforgivable