Reviews from

in the past

While an enjoyable game, the game is just full of glaring flaws in both story and gameplay (too many to even name on here). The biggest strengths the game has are the world building, the chemistry of the main crew and a select few characters have some decent character work.

Jude Law, bringing the prescription for pain!!

Tales of Xillia is a solid jRPG providing a combination of good story, characters, combat system, and overall design. Character development is stressed throughout the game through dialogue sequences; I thought Jude, Milla, and Alvin were pretty good characters. Jude matures from a simple medical student into a visionary and Alvin maintains a mysterious persona throughout the game.

Combat is fast-paced and action-oriented offering different combinations of attacks and linking arts.

Overall, I don't think you will ever see this game mentioned in the same tier as all-time classics like Chrno Trigger, Xenoblade Chronicles, or FFVII but this manages to provide an overall good experience.

I love mostly everything about this game but it's been shelved since I needed to backtrack to get certain items to beat a boss. I wasn't willing to backtrack at the time years ago so I never finished the game. I do know how it ends since I watched a letsplay on YT (It's how I first knew about the game)

Almost the best, just felt like a third was missing

The actual pinnacle of TP Tales game design. The core combat is faster and more combo oriented than ever before, the characters are all mechanically unique and fun to play in different ways, and an in-depth skill progression system means you always have new tools to play with and new goals to work towards. Outside of battle, the story and characters are great with some absolutely wild twists and turns, and QOL features make it one of the easiest Tales games to complete. Mostly straight but has some strong undertones

Great story with great characters and a great battle system. Great music too. Also I really love the art style of this game.


I mean

One of my favorite RPG’s of all time, I highly recommend everyone play it if they can, it’s that good, Leia is best girl

Very underrated Tales game, and my current favorite of the bunch. Perfect length, great gameplay systems, a fun cast, and has just enough to make a second playthrough down the line worth it.

Very artificial and samey overworld environments but the characters, story, and combat are all great as expected of this series.

Pretty much the whole time I was playing this, I was just thinking about how I'd rather replay Ni no Kuni. The only part of this game I enjoyed was listening to Sam Riegel talk.

One day I'll actually play this

This review contains spoilers

Combat is pretty amazing, Jude's pivot snap is one of my favourite abilities across the series, everyone is viable to use.
Story is pretty decent, Jude has a really solid arc, Milla is a good foil and Gaius is a great antagonist.
A doctor who beats the shit out of enemies is also very based.
The one thing I don't like is this thing Tales sometimes does where the story just moves on without resolving any underlying issues, like when Fenmont's king died, it would have major repercussions, but it does help the game's pacing and they're not big on worldbuilding, so it really depends on what you want out of it.
Dungeons and areas are not that good though, especially these small tunnels everywhere.
But I really don't have many complaints about this aside from what I mentioned.

A solid RPG all around. The Tales of series is always quite solid in terms of gameplay and world building. Story was decent, nothing mindblowing. But I certainly had a great time doing almost everything the game had to offer.

I want Milla Maxwell to kiss me

Uma surpresa agradável, não esperava nada desse jogo mas é com certeza um dos melhores da franquia.

Eu gostei de Tales of Xillia. Seus maiores pontos fortes são os seus personagens e o sistema de combate. A história em si é um tanto estranha de comentar, não por ter ideias bizarras, mas porque ao falar da história, acabo referindo mais aos seus personagens do que a trama, já que a trama em si não é grande coisa, mas os personagens compensam. Dentre os Tales que vi, senti que os personagens tem a química mais orgânica, além de todos eles serem bem escritos e terem bastante charme. O sistema de combate também é muito bom, com mecânicas intuitivas, rápidas e polidas, além de ser gostoso de jogar. A sua direção de arte também é bem legal, mas acaba sendo limitada por problemas gráficos do jogo. O seu maior defeito, é que algumas partes, sejam da história, jogabilidade ETC , acabaram sendo apressadas. Tales of Xillia pode ser um tanto falho, mas o que ele faz bem, faz muito bem, e tem tanta sinceridade no que faz que acabei adorando.

Prós: Direção de arte legal, personagens bem gostáveis, sistema de batalha fluido, boa dublagem, temas sobre convicção e propósito de vida.
Contras: Trilha sonora mediana e partes afetadas pelo desenvolvimento apressado.

iirc finished Jude's route, need to finish Millia's

Excellent starting point if you want to get into the series (and you can find a copy). Great cast, fantastic battle system and a plot that keeps you engaged right until it stumbles at the finish line.

Xillia doesn't have many particularly unique ideas, but the presentation and overall experience is enjoyable enough that it probably won't bother much. Millia is a Mary Sue, though.

Está hecho con, casi literalmente, dos duros, y se ventila a muchísimos rpgs de su época

It has Alvin so it's automatically five stars.

Jokes aside, this was a pretty good game. The characters, music, story, and world were top-notch and I just generally enjoyed the vibe.

Wonderful game with the greatest RPG battle system there is, which is the Star Ocean/Tales style active RPG thing, but this adds combos on top of it making it even better. The story is whatever, who cares. The little cutscenes are cool and... Milla's boobs and cute JRPG hero named Jude. Looking forward to playing Xillia 2 someday.

Even if I have problems with the not well established protagonist, a couple plot elements that were never elaborated on as much as I wanted them to be, couple of annoying characters (Shut up Agria), couple of dumb character designs (puts some clothes on Pressa holy shit) and a lot of the dungeons being quite repetitive, I couldn't bring myself to give it 3 stars.

There is just something so charming about these cast of characters that make me smile whenever I see them, and they are so varied it's insane: a do-gooder doctor, a lord of spirits, an enigma of a mercenary, an innocent girl with a rude doll, a wise butler strategist and a happy go lucky girl who reeks of sunflowers. It's not as varied as Tales of Berseria's cast but it took me by surprise.
The villain's themselves I felt at first were power hungry generics as usual but I am glad that wasn't the case.

I liked how the plot unfolded too, and the circumstances surrounding events that transpire, especially towards the end, are hella interesting. Even if I don't really fully understand what they're going for with Jude, there is a specific moment with his and everyone's character that was really well executed at giving a sense of despair.

I am not a one for enjoying real time JRPG combat since I am more after the longer adventurous stories these games like to offer. However the combat here was quite fun and varied; the linked arts were hella satisfying to pull off and I love how it encourages/rewards you to memorise them.

First tales I played, feathers can suck it

Easily one of the best games in the series. I don't have any major issues with Xillia tbh

Nunca jugué un juego tan pero tan bueno
Buenos pj, buena historia, buen plot, buen final

I seriously consider this most boring cast of characters in a mainline Tales game. There's almost no humor or depth to characters.

The Battle system is boring too and the link system is a dumb idea.

This game heavily brought down my hype for future Tales games.