Reviews from

in the past

While the updated graphics are welcomed, the game itself doesn't do much to modernize the original game besides that. I mean, it plays just fine but there just isn't much here to warrant a $25 price tag IMO.

Don't get me wrong, I like me some House of the Dead, but I would've preferred a compilation of the original trilogy or something as this is basically just a remade version of a 45 minute arcade game without much else.

I feel happy that my old games are getting remake or remaster.

The cheese is intact. That is all I have to say.

Fun to play, but it’s missing the original music and the visuals aren’t even remotely similar to the original.

Pretty decent low-budget remake and it didn't crash even once when I played. Just turn off the music (because the original one didn't have any rock music going on all the time), the UI sound effect (the annoying score sound after each kill), and aim assist before playing.

The positives:
[+] Nostalgic (pretty much faithful to the original one, even the dialogues are the same)
[+] Nice graphics
[+] All the enemy redesigns look good. The third boss, Hermit, redesign looks surprisingly better than the original one.
[+] Multiple roads to each boss (just like the original one)

The Negatives:
[-] Painfully slow loading
[-] The final boss, Magician, does not look as terrifying as the original one. Even his animations are slow.
[-] I would love to see the route I chose to the final boss after finishing the game. Also in the main menu, there should be a map where it tells me which routes I have covered overall and which routes I have never set my feet on.
[-] Music
[-] Lack of online 2-player mode
[-] The original soundtrack was much better. I missed "Re-Re-Re-Reloooaad Reloaaad" sooo much! (Try this link to replace the soundtrack
[-] Light gun not supported (I don't have one, so I don't care anyway)

I would love to see remakes of other light gun game series such as Virtua Cop, Time Crisis, etc and obviously, I want a House of the Dead 2 remake!

HIlariously Gen Z idiots are giving negative reviews because the game is short. I never want unnecessary fillers in my game. Just wait for a sale if you don't want to spend much on a short game, otherwise, you may go for ubish!t games where you can do the same crap in a soulless open world over and over for hundreds of hours.

The House of the Dead (1996): Ya me parecía que este juego en consolas no tenía mucho sentido en su momento, pero hoy día ya es ridículo. Sería salvable si el remake fuese medio decente, pero es que es tan puta mierda que me cuesta creer que nadie diese luz verde a esto (4,85)

the ragdoll effects were so goofy

The House of the Dead é um jogo que marcou minha vida, mas esse remake é uma decepção total. Tenho a impressão que a SEGA deu esse jogo pra um grupo de estagiários fazer, gráficos de PS2, mira horrível e curtíssimo. Paguei 20 reais e ainda saiu caro.

Definitely for the fans of The House of the dead but a hard recommend for newcomers to the franchise...

The House of the dead remake certainly tries its best to be as closely to the original game . What is there is pure fun. I was certainly distracted enough to complete the story. Pretty simple and straightforward on rail shooter I would say and there isn't as much replay value for the returning player compared to the other HOTD games which again makes it hard for me to recommend to new players that may have not played this type of game before on console or PC but for less than 20 Dollars USD, I would say its worth the risk to see if you like it or not but I would recommend on a sale for sure. Acting is always the A+ Cheese and I adore it very much. I really appreciate that they took a classic and modern approach to the game as well.

Where I think it hiccups is the technical performance on the game. Mostly the Steam version. It has a hard time to maintain its 60FPS even with a few zombies creatures on screen. Having more zombies creatures certainly tanks the framerate and the load times are long as well. Its unfortunate that this game suffers from these technical errors even till this day. The music is a step down for sure and it seems like some Boss battles seemed easier this time around. There wasn't a challenge I felt like even on normal or arcade.

Overall its good fun but I would recommend newcomers get it on a SALE for sure. Most of the returning people probably already have this game in their library or backlog but I assure you, your money wont be wasted but I would certainly lower expectations just a bit for you to enjoy it.

The game's graphics on Performance Mode really look muddy, and the load times are pretty long, but the gameplay, while simple, is pretty fun!

[European Portuguese - Windows PC/STEAM - Dated 31/05/2022]

"THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD: Remake é um excelente remake no verdadeiro sentido da palavra. Peca em alguns cantos como longevidade, novo conteúdo ou até a falta de um modo online proprietário, sendo difícil justificar o preço pedido no lançamento. Não deixa, porém, de ser uma experiência divertida com o paço frenético a que os níveis avançam e as novas armas desbloqueáveis. Dada a simplicidade do título e o quão fiel é à experiência arcade, é necessário ajustar as expectativas corretamente antes de carregar no botão comprar."

See more @

Me costó un dólar y aún así sentí que me estafaron

Sure, it felt great to see a remake being made after one of my favourite childhood rail-shooters. But gosh.....does this feel more like a meme than a horror game... I mean sure the old one was also had terrible dialogues but the atmosphere made up for its terrible script.

THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD: REMAKE (MegaPixel Studio, 2022).

Hay videojuegos tan tremendamente adictivos que sus diseñadores saben que no pararemos de volver a ellos y que ninguna partida es igual aunque nos sepamos el desarrollo y las mecánicas de memoria. Ello ocurre en ese pasaje del terror cargado de metralla que es "House of the Dead" donde su remake replica con éxito los logros del original.

Se trata de un arcade ligero, directo y rápido, muy adictivo en sus sencillas mecánicas y también bastante rejugable debido a las diferentes rutas alternativas, secretos y extras desbloqueables.

Como punto negativo es que no haya ningún tipo de soporte para jugarlo con un periférico como se jugaban antaño los juegos de disparos.

Bro's hand is on fire, he got 5000 shots fired in 35 mins. I hope he doesn't go that fast whenever he goes to do the "deed"

nobody gives me instructions, i shall destroy everything 😡

When I was a child, there were three games that pretty much any other kid you met was guaranteed to have played: Tekken 3, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, and The House of the Dead. While the latter did not have the staying power of the other two, particularly after the rail shooter genre died out, HOTD was very impactful in its time. Alongside Resident Evil, it revived zombies in the public imagination - going so far as to inspire the likes of George A. Romero. So when I heard the news that one of my most beloved childhood games was getting a remake, I was ecstatic.

Until I watched some gameplay footage, anyway. But I believe watching a game and playing it are often two very different experiences, so here we are: I've finally played through House of the Dead Remake.

It's a pile of shit. This has to be one of the worst remakes I've ever played. Given Sega's lack of interest in reanimating this old zombie, I feel like developer MegaPixel and publisher Forever Entertainment's main interests lay in wresting some nostalgia dollars from people who grew up playing the original, because this is clearly not an attempt to introduce a classic to a new generation of fans. There simply isn't enough effort put in. Gone are the iconic character designs, the vibrant and striking colour palette, the campy fun, the well-animated violence, the punchy sound effects and the incredible soundtrack.

Instead, what we've got here is a washed-out blob of mediocrity. Everything is functional, and nothing more. The art design is hideous, with only the Hermit boss looking decent, and it's hard to even tell things apart. The fluid effects - blood, slime, water, lava - are distractingly bad and feel like they come from a pre-alpha version of the game. The guns sound like toys. They feel weak too, because the ragdoll physics are so limp compared to the hand-animated reactions of enemies in the 1996 game. I could go on and on.

The original House of the Dead had a distinct corny charm born from its lack of self-awareness. House of the Dead Remake feels like it's trying to border on parody, but it doesn't even accomplish that. For whatever odd reason, the serious parts have been made more serious and the comic parts more comic, and the end result doesn't mesh well.

The most heinous crime of all is the soundtrack. The original House of the Dead boasts some of the best arcade music in history. House of the Dead Remake's OST sounds like a YouTube musician making HOTD-inspired music, and you know how YouTube musicians are. Everything has been douched up with excessive synths and shred-metal wankery. No sense of proportion. I know, I know, Forever Entertainment didn't license the original's soundtrack and the composer's Twinkies were too soggy and bla bla bla. I also don't give a shit; I have my own problems. This soundtrack isn't bad just compared to the original, it's bad by itself. It sounds like circus music, and strengthens my feeling that no one making this remake was interested in the cohesive whole as much as their own contribution.

This is a very harsh assessment, but I feel MegaPixel's dev team were simply too immature. Talented people who are probably big fans of the original game, but have neither honed their craft nor learned about subtlety enough to have a project like this outsourced to them. The emojis in the loading screens contributed to this conclusion. [¬º-°]¬

Playing House of the Dead Remake is like drinking a soda after it's gone flat. It wears the skin of the original, but lacks the heart. 'Soul vs soulless remake' is a bit of a meme, but I feel it really applies here. The original game managed to do more with technology 25 years in the past. Go play that.

It’s alright I guess. Hurts my hand and kinda looks like shit but it’s fun enough

Insubstantial, but dumb fun that hearkens back to the joyous times of ridiculous Sega arcade frivolity.

Annoying controls and a new art style that's really ugly. Where's the colors guys lol

Pretty basic rail shooter, but it's my first one and I really enjoyed the hell out of it.

I understand critics would say it's a bad remake of an old game, but honestly, it's just how modern thotd games are: Scarlet Dawn feels similar. And as far as a remake goes, it captures original greatly, it is a mostly faithful modernization of its original. What I like the most are bonus features, which add more to the game. Thought, why wouldn't they add original OST as an option (the renditions are alright, nothing to say here). Why not include Sophie or G2/Rogan2 skins as bonuses, which were in the old PC release. Heck, why wouldn't they add the original arcade game, even as an emulation, as a bonus. It could benefit this release greatly. Still, nice game. Not bad, not amazing. The voices are the same B-horror movie tier as the original. New designs for creatures are meh for my taste, but I enjoy how they made monsters punchable and you even get points from it. So yeah, an alright game for newcomers and a nice game for fans, would love this team to remake the second game

É muito ruim, feio e feito nas coxas. Ao mesmo tempo, tem certo apelo para se jogar repetidas vezes. Como no original, às vezes a feiúra é tanta que o jogo fica charmoso. Só que falta carinho mesmo. Seja para dar mais precisão aos controles ou melhores movimentos às criaturas ou mais variedade ao looping.

I think one word that best sums up House of the Dead Remake is "cheap". Unfortunately I do not mean cheap in the price tag sense but cheapy made. Despite the more "advanced" graphics compared to its old arcade or even Saturn counterpart it's certainly a lot harder on the eyes and and the game play feels sort of ethereal and unsatisfying

The game is also strangely buggy with mid-chapter load times just randomly being extremely long or even causing the game to lock up and crash outright. Thankfully the game has a chapter select which prevents a complete restart every time but it's still extremely annoying

The addition of the horde mode which comes with some unique weapons and a ton more on screen zombies is an interesting addition to the game but isn't really enough to keep it interesting for anything more than a single run through.

Best to stick to the original

A decent amount of fun, particularly when playing drunk with a friend in horde mode. There seems to be a concerted effort in preserving the weird and wonderful aspects of the original rail shooter, including the cheesy dialogue, but the charm is somewhat diluted without those gorgeous old-school Sega graphics. Not to gatekeep old graphics but.. ok yes I'm gatekeeping old graphics.

Between wonky audio, long load times and grammatical errors in loading screens, this is far below the standard a remake of the beloved classic deserves.

They removed all the charm and personality the OG had and made it feel like a washed up asset flip that you would buy on steam for literal cents.
the music was butchered.
The fonts, menus, UI and everything else about the game looks idiotic in some way.
The magician feels like a fan made asset.
The zombies don't have a single distinct death animation (which was a big part of work and care put into the original trilogy) and when killed they just flop around with the most stupid physics possible.
Giving away beloved franchises to mediocre third-party studios making quick and cheap cash-ins became the norm nowadays and SEGA was no different in this case.

Not the best game ever made but I will say was a nice change of pace. Short quick campaign and just straight chaotic fun. Not every game has to be 20 hrs plus

playing outside of the context of being at a mall arcade or k-mart and dipping in for 5-10 minutes tops, usually not making it past the third stage has made me realize that i'm not that into this? i wouldn't be willing to write off the whole series as who knows how this remake compares to the original and the sequels (at least 2) seem to have a better reception overall but it's a bummer.

playing this with a mouse feels like the best option for me (at least much moreso than a controller) but i can't help but miss the lightgun. if i have to play one of these games at home i think i'd rather they go with typing like the various Typing of the Dead games.

the new graphics don't mesh as well with the voice acting and general vibe of it all. i might see if i can get a version of the original game up and running on my laptop without having an aneurysm just to see if it clicks more.

The original House of the Dead with updated graphics and a few new features added. Saving all the scientists allows you to unlock four different weapons you can switch to during normal gameplay. A crossbow that does high damage and is good against bosses, a gun that fires large wooden spikes that does high damage and can pin enemies to walls and launch them around, a grenade launcher mostly included for another new mode, and an automatic rifle that does less damage than the gun but fires quickly and holds 30 shots. There is a new horde mode that significantly increases the number of enemies, it doesn't add new areas but does have you attacked from some additional angles. A new scoring mode was added along with some difficulty options that can increase the amount of damage enemies take and there are some options for changing blood color, change reticle color, to set auto reloads, for aim assist, mouse sensitivity. I wouldn't want to try playing this with a controller and it's not going to be as fun unless you buy one of those newer $150-$400 rumble light-guns that work on HD TVs and monitors but it works reasonable well with the mouse.

The real problem is the fairly high price asked for the game and the first House of the Dead is a short game with only a few side paths in the first three stages and nothing that interesting mechanically other than saving the scientists. The new guns can be fun to use, especially the spike shooting gun and the horse mode puts more action in the game but the best ports of these games are things like Time Crisis 3's PS2 port that added a large number of challenge maps and an entire second campaign with a side character of the main game or Vampire Night's PS2 release that added a lot of side quest and unlockables.

It's a fun but fairly bare bones offering that would need you to buy an expensive HD supporting light-gun (Sinden/Gun4IR) for it to reach its full potential.
