Reviews from

in the past

A lot of the reviews for this game focus mostly in the visuals, and while that's understandable given that they are both incredibly unique and give amazing feedback I'd hate to see the combat not get the praise it deserves.

Not only is the playable character's kit fluid but it also has very distinct functions for each attack, which make every action feel useful while keeping the controls from feeling bloated. A lot of 2D action games inspired by 3D character action end up struggling with this aspect and the movement, which made me really happy to see TraumaCore excel at both.

The shotgun did end up feeling excessively useful thanks to the short recharge time though, but I feel like this would be a far more relevant flaw if there were more bosses in the game, since mowing down the basic enemies with the weapon feels like part of the intended design of a game so focused in score attacking and speedrunning.

The sound design is also really underrated, even when the screen is completely covered in bullshit you can get a clear idea of what's going on because of the sound effects picked.

This is how you make a 2D hack n' slash game. I hope to see lots of devs get inspired by it.

This is the only game I've played that can fill the screen full of "FUCK"s and it feels incredibly appropriate

what being a woman feels like. in h̶e̶l̶l̶ h̶e̶a̶v̶e̶n̶ hell all we will do is hurt

se eu tivesse jogado isso uns anos atrás, isso aqui teria sido meio q uma das melhores coisas de todos os tempos pra mim.

n me entenda mal, esse ainda é um dos melhores jogos de todos os tempos. poucas coisas jogam como TraumaCore Violence. n sei se alguma outra coisa joga como isso. é bom pra caralho. eu teria devorado ele do começo ao fim sem piscar se n tivessem me chamado pra tomar uma vitamina na cozinha.

só acho q esse jogo talvez tivesse falado bem mais forte comigo em uma época q eu estava mais machucada, mais vulnerável. quando eu saia ainda menos de casa e passava os meus dias ouvindo noise trans com vocais fritados no volume máximo. quando eu achava q pintar meu cabelo de azul seria uma boa ideia. mais trauma pra fazer meu violence se tornar quase transcendental.

talvez o final teria sido algo diferente para mim tbm. n sei muito bem o q achar dele, e n quero lá fazer muitas suposições desnecessárias sobre qualquer parada autobiográfica ou sobre intuito ou qualquer coisa assim. mas funciona pra história contada aqui, e é isso q importa.

ótimo jogo. quase de graça. tem praticamente só uma hora de duração. por favor, dê uma chance.

thing thing arena but made by an angry chick who listens to black dresses instead of some dude who definitely frequented vampirefreaks in its heyday

wears everything about itself on its sleeve - one look and you should already know whether or not you fuck with it

hateful women just make the best protagonists 100% of the time what can i say
I need more people to play this. It's a platform fighter platformer... thing? Does platform fighter already imply platformer? Whatever. I bought it because it advertised itself with the fact that its bloodshed makes the game chug. That's gnarly, and not the only thing this game has in common with Drakengard 3.

Games that handle trauma don't tend put the word directly in the title. I was worried it was be on the nose - and it was, but in like... a good way? Half the enemies are straight up angels or the silhouette of Jesus Christ or some shit. The themeage to gameplay is straightforward too; your memories are scrawled on the background of the game's levels, and as you kill more crawling polygonal things, massive blood fountains and explosions of gibs cover up your screen (and those memories), grinding things to a single-digit-fps crawl. Repression by way of catharsis. If I had to make a shitty Tim Rogersian comparison, I'd say it's like Pizza Tower for newgrounds trans girls who like DMC and Touhou 11. To play this game front to back with max gore settings is to willingly fry your dopamine receptors. For like 3 dollars and (not even) 3 hours of your time, I'd highly recommend it. Especially with the replay value of additional runs! Kill those high scores just like you wanna kill your dad, girlie, I'm here for it.

Any game that has gore splatter effects that make the fps go under 15 fps is good in my books

Lots of untapped gold in this newgrounds-esque aesthetic. The kind of game you can't help but love for just existing.

TraumaCore Violence is completely unashamed of what it is, from its on the nose title, to its almost exactly what you'd expect narrative and gameplay premise. Yet, there's nothing else really quite like it. You can throw comparison after comparison at it from either its game specific inspirations or non-game aesthetic and cultural inspirations, but I'd say most don't quite stick once you really dig into the game -- TraumaCore Violence is beautifully unique in its own right. The entire experience is this chaotic flowstate of just barely comprehensible noise and inputs that manages to cozily wrap itself around a visual narrative that's both ambiguous enough for its intended audience to easily relate, while also giving off the vibe that the creator is conveying a deeply personal story to the player. I def wouldn't recommend it to everybody, but if you're an edgy trans femme and believe irony is dead and subtlety is for cowards, this might be exactly your shit.

almost exclusively don’t fuck w hard games,, usually bounce off them real quick but idk this is sick. but yeah this should be hard bc dealing w ur own trauma and past is often very difficult and the game takes the title and makes it v literal,, playing through someone’s most traumatic moments and gameifying them. very fluid and smooth in gameplay and fair in its harshness. ending is on that accept urself or die type beat,,,on that mgs4 ending boss fight type wave.
go ahead get in since ur ass wanna act pronouns

Imagine if DMC was a 2D game with smash bros controls for your attacks and you have a parry that teleports you behind the enemy that attacked you. Sounds good? It is.

The combat feels amazing and it's very satisfying to kill things, it's really fun.

The artstyle is great, it's what made me buy this game in the first place. I had no idea traumacore was a thing online, i tought it was a made up name for the game until a friend said "hey that looks like traumacore".

The soundtrack is also very good, i wanted to listen some tracks outside of the game but sadly there's no uploads of it online or a soundtrack to buy. At least the endless level soundtrack can be found online, wich is also really good, but i wish i could find the whole thing.

I liked the story, it has dark themes that could be too much for some people, but that's to be expected with that title.

It's short, cheap, and super fun. Play it.