Reviews from

in the past

I genuinely think everyone involved with the creation of this game should be ashamed of themselves.

El combate tiene una base solida al tener 3 ataques y poder usar partes de los enemigos como armas, además de que los enemigos tienen elementos como acido, electricidad y fuego que al atacarlos con otro elemento dan reacciones interesantes como por ejemplo si atacas con acido a un enemigo eléctrico este se solidificara (e igual esto puede realizarse en el escenario).
Pero todo se cae a pedazos cuando los enemigos son sacos de arena cuyos ataques te matan de 5 golpes que además aparecen en hordas, cuando te hacen combos es poco probable detenerlos ya que el parry parece funcionar cuando quiere pero ellos si pueden detener tus ataques cuando estas en media combinación, en muchas ocasiones preferirás hacer que se maten solos (porque si, se pueden golpear entre ellos) a combatir directamente; la cámara es muy irregular a veces alejándose demasiado del entorno o poniéndose en la espalda del personaje donde en ambas situaciones resulta difícil ver tus acciones y las de los enemigos. Aparte del combate, existen secciones de "plataformas" que consisten en presionar el botón en el momento adecuado que sirven más para rellenar o dar interludios entre los combates, pero son tan sosas que simplemente puedes quitarlas del juego y no afecta en nada.
Los visuales cumplen al ser un estilo con líneas marcadas en los modelos como si fueran un comic pero no es algo que desborde una identidad propia y su música es bastante olvidable, no acompañando muy bien la acción en pantalla perdiéndose mucho entre los efectos de sonido y gritos de los combates.
Mi conclusión es que solo lo juegues por morbo o si quieres pasar un mal rato, no tiene algo que realmente valga la pena y el nombre "Ninja Gaiden" solo esta de adorno por la nula relación que tiene con la saga y su mundo aparte de Ryu Hayabusa.

Per la prima metà è stato un gioco che mi ha saputo divertire, ma ad una certa il gioco comincia a ripetere ogni sacrosanta volta i boss e da lì mi sono rotto le palle

I say without exaggeration that this is the single worst game I have ever played.

I went in giving this game the benefit of the doubt, and ended up disappointed. The combat system is decently fun and a Ninja Gaiden spinoff that introduces a rival to Ryu Hayabusa isn't inherently a terrible idea, but the execution is incredibly flawed. The attacks have no impact which makes it hard to tell when you're landing hits at times, the enemies are overly tanky and barely flinch, and Yaiba can take about 3-5 good hits before dying. The graphic style, while not outright horrible, is much more ugly than other cel-shaded/comic inspired games, the story and writing are bland and outright juvenile at times, and the voice acting in cutscenes is overly loud and bit-crushed. Toward the end of the game, arenas become packed with the toughest kinds of enemies, and the bosses become outright unfun slogs. Thankfully, it's not too long, but an action game not being terribly long and not having much replay value isn't the best thing. Overall, the game has kind of a shovelware feel, which is a damn shame for a game in one of the most influential, long-lasting action series out there.

Genuinely didn't hate it. It's a barebones platformer/action game with really bad humor but it really isn't that offensive to play, it's just a meh experience overall

The Ninja Gaiden series is very beloved to longtime fans. The reboot for Xbox was considered one of the hardest games ever made at the time and required extremely precise skill. Yaiba is a spin-off of the series and takes a kind of comical take on it. This isn’t exactly good. Taking the helm is a studio notorious for terrible games like Legendary. That game was considered the worst game made that year. Spark Unlimited has a lot to live up to and I’ll cut this short: they don’t live up to it.

The Z stands for zombies. Yes, and you don’t even play as Ryu Hayabusa. In fact, you play as someone he’s killed who gets a robotic arm and wants to seek revenge. He’s accompanied by a busty hot intelligence woman who relays your objectives to you. The story is pretty throw away, but Ninja Gaiden is known for fantastic combat. Yaiba has a good combat system, but the game relies on fighting way too much and doesn’t break up the monotony.

A weak, powerful, and flail attack are all available. The fighting is lightning fast, but sometimes way too fast. Zombies are represented by comedic puns and act just as stupid. Life is acquired by performing a finishing move on a stunned zombie. The gore and finishing moves are cool but only the first 5 times. The rest of the game is made up of overly easy parkour that is performed with quick time events. The boss fights are slightly more interesting but not by much.

The combat gets hard in a sense that it feels unbalanced. Some enemies can disable your flail arm, sometimes too many are thrown on you, and there’s a really irritating knockback animation that can’t be interrupted. Occasionally the environment can be interacted with, but I honestly saw the same patterns on the second level. This game could have been so much more, but it turns out to be a frustrating unbalanced joke.

The graphics also take on a comic book style which is way different from the traditional Japanese art style seen in the other games in the series. They also look technically unimpressive with ugly low res textures. Most fans will be highly disappointed in a game bearing the Ninja Gaiden name and not be taking it seriously. Maybe a more talented developer could have done better, but what’s here is something that never should have been.

The port works great and the first cutscene is pretty hype but that's about it
I refunded the game and they gave me my money back but the game is still on my library, help.

in this game you play with a villain who struggles with a bad attitude, a complete fuckup who gets turned into a badass cyborg ninja hobo by a femme fatale doctor during the cel-shaded zombie apocalypse and wields some crazy hack n' slash weapons throughout levels inspired by carnivals, sewers and labs, with comic book style presentation, all while seeking to enact revenge on the dragon ninja himself, ryu hayabusa, the famous protagonist of the historical, excelent, long-running series that gives name to this entire endeavor presenting yaiba as being its complete opposite not only in tone, narrative and aestethics, but also in mechanics, encounter design and overall gameplay.
interesting cel-shaded graphics. classic ps2-era throwback level design. overwhelming execution of character. one star.

keiji inafune being personally responsible for sabotaging every single pillar of the 3D beat-em-up genre is so crazy, bro gave ninja gaiden the blades of chaos and detective vision after screwing over kamiya, mikami, and itsuno like he was a time traveler trying to prevent some disaster caused by neurotypical people being able to enjoy these fucking things

Su género, estética y precio me llamaron bastante la atención. Una vez empiezas a dar leña es divertido, aunque esa sensación se agria un poco en cuanto vez que no está a la altura de los de siempre (platinum, capcom…). Problemas mayores: unos parrys que no se entienden y una cámara fija que no permite entender nada cuando todo se vuelven un barullo cell shadeado. Lo mejor: los combos y las armas + las interacciones de elementos de los zombies. Es un juego irregular que se olvida casi totalmente aunque jugarlo es un pasatiempo entretenido. (El jefe final es terrible, a la altura del de dantes inferno)

this is what killed the franchise

Repetitive. More than I remebered.

El peor juego de Ninja Gaiden y eso que el 3 fue mediocre con ganas.
Un sistema de enemigos desbalanciados e injustos donde el juego nunca te prepara, llega a tal punto que terminas peleando con jefes y enemigos por doquier como si estoy fuera un Dinasty Warrios, dónde te matan de 2 golpes por qué al juego se le ocurrió subir la curva de dificultad.
Menos mal que los jefes te pueden dar armas que les quitan algo más de vida que lo que hacen nuestros movimientos por qué si no estamos espamiando las habilidades fuertes como loco el juego sería aún peor.
La historia es boba y tonta adrede, tiene algo del problema de DMC reboot pero 2 escalones abajo, personajes estúpidamente molestos y cretinos por qué la trama lo dice.
El apartado artístico llega a verse bien, pero también acarrea algunos problemas ya que daña el plataformeo y puede ser cansado para los ojos hasta cierto punto.
Sin duda el peor Ninja Gaiden.

Agora eu entendi pq a franquia morreu depois desse jogo.

An obnoxiously lousy hack ‘n slash with an edgy sense of humor that never sticks the landing, messy cel-shaded visuals, poor combat & leveling system, and a forgettable soundtrack.