Reviews from

in the past

One of the slowest paced, dull uneventful games in the whole franchise, dragging you from case to case with boring uninspired characters. Would only recommend if you're a giant fan of the series

Such a bummer this never saw the light of day in the west. I was able to play an english fan translation of the game and WOW. Just wow. Amazing story, so it pains me to know that so little of the Ace Attorney fanbase would get to appreciate this marvel. Release an official english version, capcom give this to the fans!

way better than its predecessor but weirdly overrated in the fandom imho. edgeworth's "dilemma" is the definition of trying to squeeze blood from a character stone, and everything takes about ten times longer than it should.

Of course the best Ace Attorney game is the one that never officially came out in English lmaoooooooooo

The fact that this pretty much won't be localized ever gives me genuine pain. With a gripping story and characters, especially in the last two Cases, this is easily the best Ace Attorney game and what solidified Edgeworth as not only my favorite character in the series, but also one of my faves in videogames as a whole.

If you find the translation patch and your PC can run DS games just fine, I beg of you: play this.

basically everything the series always wanted to be but never could. one of the greatest, better interconected storylines in gaming with superb characters

Sebastian Debeste deserves his own redemption game

No idea why I never added this to my collection here but yeah goat
Insane how much better this is than the first game

Weird to say but possibly better than the original just due to the last 2 cases. A slow middle half nearly killed it though.

What a MASTERPIECE this was.

still missing something compared to the real games

Sadly this was never able to get an official English release, but it's still a great game. It takes Investigations 1, and manages to top it. Logic chess was also a great addition to the game and added a little more to already enjoyable investigations. My review for Investigations 1:

Cases 1-2 really good
Cases 3-5 Kino

Ace Attorney Investigations 2 is, to put it simply, a absolute masterpiece. It takes everything good from every aa game and combines it extremely well, and this makes it the perfect aa game. It also has some of the best writing fiction has ever seen. Also, the fact that all the cases connected to one, huge finale, was amazing.

Overall, This game is what I would call a genuine masterpiece. Please play this game. 10/10, 5/5

Really a shame we never got an official release of this. I would have been one of the ten people to buy a new DS game in 2012 but I would have pre-ordered it. One of the best Ace Attorney stories and a great fan translation make for a satisfying experience. Unfortunately, my sound emulation was all messed up so I didn't get to listen to the soundtrack as intended.

Another terrific Ace Attorney game. This one is notable because it's still the only game in the series with NO filler cases. At the climax, everything in the game turns out to be relevant in some way. My biggest gripe is case 3, which is a slog.

Yeah!!! Destroy the system!!! Throw away your badge if you have too!!! Miles openly rebelling against corruption and inspiring a new generation!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!

It's been 9 human years and Capcom, those fucks, haven't bothered to localized what might be the best game of this entire hot damn franchise! Curse you, Capcom!


also this game has two separate entries for some reason. good job guys

An incredibly solid follow-up to AAI1 that addresses nearly all of its issues but is still just as slow-paced, if not moreso.

A sequência do Ace Attorney Investigations traz o passado do pai do Miles e explora um pouco mais o famoso advogado que está ligado com o 4º caso do primeiro jogo da série.

O sistema de Logic Chess é curioso e expande os conceitos do primeiro Investigations, adicionando mais mecânicas curiosas e inusitadas pra este excelente adventure.

This review contains spoilers

this is literally the best aa game and like top 5 games for me. the building up and reveal of the mastermind throughout the game is just incredible. and how they actually treated him differently from being like "ohhh he murdered people he bad" and actually gave him sympathetic values that miles himself has respect for makes him the best aa villain PERIOD

Yet another hit from Ace Attorney. This one had been on my backlog for a while, and I'm glad I finally sat down and beat it. This games reflection on lineage, justice, law and responsibility are all fantastic, and only gain more power from the fantastic localisation. The music is outstanding, the game is gorgeous, the story is legendary - it's everything an Ace Attorney game should be. It's willingness to not cut corners on establishing it's points and themes make it a game that every fan of the series should play.

I love this game every single case especially 3 and onwards were masterpieces this plot should be put in a museum and they expanded Edgeworth more than I thought possible making him into an even greater character. Love this game

It is such a shame this game never got an official English release. Investigations 2 provides an excellent story that takes Edgeworh's character in ways that make sense and develop him meaningfully. The new logic chess mechanic is also a great addition to the Investigations formula.

This is actually kino compared to the first Investigations game. The first two cases are alright but it really picks up around the 3rd case. The story overall gives some great development to Edgeworth's character, as well as Kay and Lang from the first game. The new characters in this one are also great. Raymond has an interesting connection to Edgeworth's dad (who we also learn a little bit more about in this game), and Sebastian starts out as a funny joke character but ends up having a whole character arc by the end.

In terms of mechanics it's pretty much the same as Investigations 1, but the new Logic Chess minigame is stupid fun. I have no idea why I enjoy that minigame as much as I do it's just great.

Sad that this never got an official localization but the fan translation is pretty good.

Investigations 3 when :(

Quite possibly the most consistent entry in the entire AA series, this game just keeps getting better and better with each passing moment. Shame that it never got an official English release, but the fan translation is top-notch.

Mejor que el anterior, puede que incluso mi juego favorito de Ace Attorney, con permiso de Trials & Tribulations.