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in the past

People should check out BABBDI. It rules. Great vibes, fun exploration, and super strong abstract level design.

Game is kinda weird conceptually, I didn't quite get the idea or the methaphors, cuz i'm bad at this stuff, BUTBUTBUT
Don't think that it's a wharever another walking sim/parkour type of game. There are some different tools that enhance your movement(climbing, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bike and my fav double fan thingy among the other). And this ♥♥♥♥ is lit, the movement is on point, you traverse the city like no big deal and it kinda just clicks and you just go flying wshooh wshooh. But even more tho, cuz the movement feels so good you also feel a more free to explore the city, and oh damn, there is stuff to explore

First of all, the city feels that it was made with love and care. There is a lot of variety among the buildings, but also it has the same vibe going on, so it's just a joy to explore it. Not only the visuals, the style and overall gameplay integration with the city, it has also a lot of unique rooms, hidden secrets and so on.

I just saw this game on twitter, and oh damn, I didn't expect it to be that good. I love love love love cities like that and explore them with this type of movement. huge surprise, go play it

this is how it looks and feels to live in the Balkans

An interesting take on the "surreal walking sim" subgenre, making movement and traversal a key focus. Its a neat enough little distraction I think, could have done being slightly more obscure.

Un día normal en los monoblock.

★★★½ – Great ✅

Babbdi is this generation's Bernband

Babbdi definitely feels like a game that'll influence developers more than players. Everything about it feels so buttery smooth in only the best way.

Fundamentally, this free game has so many ideas for the parkour genre that I would love to see in a longer experience.

Babbdi is a must-play even if I don't think I can rate it.

Enjoy your time in the city. :)

Surprisingly not bad. The exploration is fun, there's a lot of secrets and fun items to move faster, jump higher and the atmosphere is kinda depressing in a good way.

greatest in-game movement ever

games are the best medium for visiting other places, and babbdi is a visit to a particularly compelling place. came for the brutalism, stayed for the delight of traversal. worth lingering in.

I love the town of Babbdi and only left when I completed all the interactions and achievements.

Short, simple, pretty nice. It may come as a scary or ucomfortable game, but after exploring the city for a while and speaking to the people, it almost becomes kinda cozy. The graphic quality is not the best, but that doesn't limit the visuals to come out as impressive, it gets to do a lot with the limited resources it uses. Also really easy to 100%

fun movement with a big map makes me crazy

this is what happens when you let an AI make a videogame.
absolute fever dream

I looove the architecture and the atmosphere on this but maybe having a huge menu with objectives, a list of secret items, huge indicators of new dialogues with characters and a "speedrun mode" were not great decisions.

creepy, liminal-space low-poly Eastern European open-world brutalist nightmare. not really my cup of tea, at least at the moment, but seems pretty well-made for a free indie release, and the atmosphere is genuinely unsettling

its been a long time since a game had a challenge about climbing to the top of an area that i actually wanted to do and enjoyed when i did it

A+ would visit Babbdi again.

Fun movement with an interesting world to explore.

Babbdi é um jogo incrivelmente impactante que aborda temas difíceis como a extrema pobreza e a desesperança em uma cidade grande e morta. A cidade é repleta de personagens estranhos, mas, ao mesmo tempo amigáveis, que o jogador pode conhecer e interagir ao longo da jornada.

O objetivo do jogador é simples, pegar um ticket de trem e sair da cidade, mas a jornada para alcançá-lo é repleta de desafios emocionantes e desafios morais. O jogo é incrivelmente imersivo e os jogadores se sentirão completamente envolvidos na história.

A jogabilidade é fluida, você pode encontrar elementos de parkour e vários itens legais pelo mapa para auxiliar sua jornada pela cidade decadente. Além disso, a trilha sonora é basicamente o som do vento pelo mapa e algumas músicas que você encontra tocando em caixas de sons, porém encaixa bem com a atmosfera sombria do jogo.

Em resumo, Babbdi é um jogo incrivelmente poderoso e emocionante que aborda temas difíceis com sensibilidade e habilidade. Eu o recomendo altamente para qualquer pessoa que procura uma experiência de jogo emocionante e desafiadora.

O jogo tem várias conquistas fáceis de pegar e divertidas de fazer, como coletáveis e zerar em menos tempo, caso goste do jogo recomendo tentar.

Bonking walls is the best movement mechanic of all time.

BABBDI is a game created by the Lemaitre brothers, of whom I know nothing about and is as mysterious as the game itself, which to me works out well considering how interesting the game's atmosphere is. This is gonna be a shorty as it's a short game.

The story is literally just you need to leave the town of Babbdi, and to do that you need to find train tickets. The plot isn't really important as it's mostly just an excuse to run around and explore your environment. This'll be where I get into the gameplay now: what you'll be doing for the most part is jumping around and exploring the small town/city block of Babbdi, and that goes from free running to using Pickaxes to climb walls to driving motorcycles you find around. You can find secret objects as well as interact with the townspeople who mutter the strangest s h i t I can think of; a lot of which you can find just from messing about and taking strange paths around the city that feel both intuitive and non-intuitive (this game is a speed runner's wet dream, they literally give you a baseball bat to hit walls for speed as well as a vacuum to float and a spinning thing to run really fast). The one thing I can say was that this game was funny as hell, as for a good portion of it I had found a Trumpet I think and just went to town hitting the high notes (of which you can switch between three different styles of music) while doing parkour and eventually falling down (no fall damage by the way). That's kind of basically just what you do, it's basic but for the most part it's serviceable and works in tandem with the atmosphere, basically it's a walking/climbing sim.

Sound Design/Graphics section? The sound design is creepy sounding in certain areas. You'll hear lots of muttering and sim sounding dialogue while hearing strange droning going on in the background. With the whole art style they have going (which of course is PS1 looking low poly stuff), it's effective in it's Eastern Europeanesque atmosphere it's trying to get off. To me, I like it.

I don't really know what else to say about this game except it's interesting and if you're into small projects and you want to play a game that you can mess around, climb buildings and explore passageways you didn't think you'd find then try it out. It's not long and it's free so that's an added bonus. I guess the only thing I can really add that could be a negative is that not every place you go to is going to be populated with objects to interact with, sometimes you'll just see empty buildings or whatever but again it's pretty solid and all around strange. Most of my play through consisted of me saying "What the hell is going on" and "This is some strange s h i t" as well as "Damn they really detailed this trumpet didn't they?". All in all, it's impressive and though it maybe strange and empty at times I really liked it.

From Steam Reviews:

"My objective was solely archaeological. I would hunt these gray forms until they would transmit to me a part of their mystery, a part of the secret few phrases could sum up: why would these extraordinary constructions, compared to the seaside villas, not be perceived or even recognized? Why this analogy between the funeral archetype and military architecture? Why this insane situation looking out over the ocean? This waiting before the infinite oceanic expanse?...

...Why speak of "brutalism"? And, above all, why this ordinary habitat, so very ordinary over so many years?

These heavy gray masses with sad angles and no openings - excepting the air inlets and several staggered entrances - brought to light much better than many manifestos the urban and architectural redundancies of the postwar period that had just reconstructed to a tee the destroyed cities. The antiaircraft blockhouses pointed up another lifestyle, a rupture in the apprehension of the real. The blue sky had once been heavy with the menace of rumbling bombers, spangled too with the deafening explosions of artillery fire. This immediate comparison between the urban habitat and the shelter, between the ordinary apartment building and the abandoned bunker in the heart of the pores through which I was traveling, was as strong as a confrontation, a collage of two dissimilar realities. The antiaircraft shelters spoke to me of men's anguish and the dwellings of the normative systems that constantly reproduce the city, the cities, the urbanistic.

The blockhouses were anthropomorphic; their figures recalled those of bodies. The residential units were but arbitrary repetitions of a model, a single, identical, orthogonal, parallelepipedal model. The casemate, so easily hidden in the hollow of the coastal countryside, was scandalous here, and its naturalness was due less to the originality of its silhouette than to the extreme triviality of the surrounding architectural forms. The curved profile brought with it into the harbor's quarters a trace of the curves of dunes and nearby hills, and there, in this naturalness, was the scandal of the bunker...

...Slowed down in his physical activity but attentive, anxious over the catastrophic probabilities of his environment, the visitor in this perilous place is beset with a singular heaviness; in fact he is already in the grips of that cadaveric rigidity from which the shelter was designed to protect him. "

- Paul Virilio, Bunker Archaeology

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A decent surreal first-person exploration game. I liked the quirky movement mechanics with the various items you can find, and the game's got a pretty good sense of atmosphere. Not a bad way to spend 45 minutes.

WTF, gostei.
Do nada eu me vi com um soprador de folhas voando por ai em busca de um ticket de trem.

wow it made me feel ill in the best way

Like visiting Cosmo D’s Off-Peak City on Clonazepam instead of acid