Reviews from

in the past

Dieses Spiel ist absoluter Müll, der keinen Spaß macht und niemanden zu empfehlen ist.
- Ekelhafter Input-Lag (und ja, ich habe es auf einer Original PS2 gespielt und nicht emuliert)
- Generell haben alle Aktionen eine Verzögerung
- Mäßiges Trefferfeedback
- Sehr komischer Trefferabfrage
- Gunplay fühlt sich nicht gut an
- Grafikeffekte erschweren stellenweise die Sicht
- Wer zum Fick hielt es für eine gute Idee, beim Nachladen den kompletten Bildschirm mit Unschärfe zu belegen? Es ergibt in keinster Weise Sinn, sieht Scheiße aus und behindert das Gameplay
- Story ist zum vergessen
- Leveldesign ist auch nicht so herausragend
- Wird gegen Ende hin immer unfairer wegen zu vielen Bulletsponges und RPG-Sniper

Kann sein, dass die Xbox-Version einige Punkte verbessert, aber selbst dann ist es maximal unterer Durchschnitt.

Straightforward shooter without much else going on. Occasionally frustrating levels. The guns look and feel fantastic though the enemy hit reactions and sometimes inflated health pools take some of the satisfaction out of it. I'd still recommend to any FPS fan because some of the effects are still unmatched to this day.

it was ahead of its time,but by today standards its a decent enough game

Good game to play if you want to be put on a CIA list

Super underrated FPS of the PS2 era.

Full video review:

Short, sweet and to the point. Black proved that Criterion could make something substantial outside of Burnout. Excellent sound design and cutting edge visuals for the platform really make this one of the best shooters of that generation.

um dos classicos da era do play 2, lembro até hoje de pensar q nunca existiria graficos melhores doq desse jogo

The best word that characterizes this game is - "Gray".
Generic shooter with boring story about war and ok but same boring gray visual, never agree with the fans of this game, better check Urban Chaos: Riot Response

The most creative way of explode all the potential that the PS2 had in it's days, the story was not bad kinda like generic for some stuff, but the cliffhanger was so brutal and knowing that the DEVs wont make it happen it's sad, but anyways I love it it's not so complicated to manage the controls and it's not hard just you need to get used to and then you're done, mostly BC in it hardest mode this game challenge you, I remember die so much and for this times there is no quick save or quick load you need to restart in some early areas, besides that it's the Jewel of PS2

repetitivo, genérico e chato - na época, e sim, eu joguei na época, era bonito demais e abusava do PlayStation 2, mas é só mais um título descartável.
não é ruim, só tem gosto de água e a relevância de uma marmota no polo norte.

Para a época e em consoles, era algo bem avançado

Inegavelmente bom e foi um jogo extremamente a frente do seu tempo levando em consideração os concorrentes em consoles. História clichê sim, mas que funcionava de uma forma excelente.

A gameplay nunca foi o melhor dele, pois é travada e lenta (o que é o arremesso de granada? Parece que o cara tá jogando um paralelepípedo de tão pesado que parece ser).

Agora, na parte visual e de áudio ele dava um show e, até hoje, faz isso muito bem. Todas as fases são legais e apresentam um bom desafio e é um jogo curto que entretém.

Com certeza ele possui a fama de hoje em dia atrelada a nostalgia, pq foi sim um jogão lá atrás.

Apuntaba maneras para posibles secuelas; buenas ideas, un gameplay mínimamente correcto y una propuesta de narrativa interesante. Breve, simple y lineal pero entretenido. Lástima que solo se quedara en eso.

Great technical achievement at the time.

0 story and still holds on to ancient FPS tropes on consoles that make the game almost unplayable when thinking of a modern context.


A destruição de cenário e a apresentação visual e sonora salvam um jogo desbalanceado e uma campanha pouco inspirada.

jogo de macho
qualquer latino americano deve ter jogado isso aqui

achava muito louco que os russos tb chamavam granada de granada... n entrava na minha cabeça isso

Anytime FPS games are discussed for the PS2, BLACK will always come to mind.

This game does exactly what it wants to do. It's a no nonsense, down to the grit FPS game.

The game runs around a total of 7 hours, and I think the pacing is pretty good. It offers some stealth but generally this is full on action and explosions from the start to the end. The stealth feels half-baked and just not really put in with much development on it.

The levels are mostly unique and have their own feeling, and the design is pretty damn good, it just flows so well. People always talk about the guns of this game but the levels themselves are really well done and amplify this game.

Now, on the guns, yep, it's awesome. Every gun feels and sounds distinct, they sound visceral and impactful. I think almost every gun I used was fun to play around with. gunfights fill the room with smoke and havoc, it feels exciting. The gunfights are just excellent here.

Now the story, as you may expect from a PS2 FPS game, is bad. It is hard to follow and overall very forgettable, it also ends on a cliffhanger for a sequel that doesn't exist sadly. But y'know, the story isn't really important here.

Also a minor complaint, the friendly soldiers you travel with feel pretty useless, they kill an enemy here and there but generally this feels like a one man army game, you vs a million Russians.

If you're into the FPS genre I'd say give it a try.

I'm a fan of this game, definitely a proud member of the BLACK community.

SFX is great, the graphics are outstanding for a ps2 and etc.
But the gameplay aged like milk out of the fridge

Apesar de um bom FPS, acho superestimado.

Inegável a nostalgia que esse jogo carrega, principalmente pros Brasileiros, mas na minha cabeça o jogo era bem melhor do que realmente é. A jogabilidade do game é meio repetitiva e muitas vezes padrão, o sistema de mira chega dar agonia de tão "duro" e "travado". Também achei a história total superficial e genérica.
Apesar dos pesares, os gráficos e sons desse jogo envelheceram igual vinho, continuam funcionando até hoje, mesmo o game sendo de 2006. Indiscutivelmente esse jogo moldou/inspirou vários outros FPS consolidados (acho muito legal as cutscenes antes de começar as missões, no estilo "filme" com pessoas reais).

I got to the second level and died to someone I couldn't see and I thought that was enough.

Pretty generic, and the story is skip-worthy (yet you can't skip the cutscenes), but this is a solid shooter. The weapons all feel punchy and have some of the best sound design in any shooter. The level of difficulty is great too. The hardest difficulties are a major challenge, especially since there's no regenerating health, but are quite rewarding and feel fair except for maybe a couple of brief areas, usually involving one-shot kill RPGs. It's the little details that really make BLACK shine though, like the background going out of focus while you reload, the bullet casings that litter the ground after you fire (which most modern games still don't have for whatever reason), and even the fact that you can break windows just by walking into them with your gun, something I don't think I've ever seen another game get right.