Reviews from

in the past

Este juego solo lo lleva Jack el guapo

Jogo feito para a minoria autista de nossa querida sociedade.
Só jogue se for com amigo.

This is one of the greatest accidents to ever occur

a lot of bitching about the writing goes on but its hard to notice that over the unrelated yelling from your friends in the call. gameplay is better, but only marginally.

I don't even care if this game hasn't aged well. I loved it so fucking much and it will always be special to me.

Lootin' and shootin' takes a LONG time to get old

absolutely hysterical to me that the only great character in this game was only good because the actor flat out refused to read a lot of the shittier lines in the script and just improvd. fun combat though ig just wish it wasnt attached to R* P*****

One of the most entertaining games I've ever played.
I've sunk hours upon hours collecting weapons and absolutely adore a lot of this game. I can't say it's not flawless and the fact that Gearbox is attached to it is a bit iffy but it's a game I definitely recommend to completionists.

Game's fine, but BL3 overshadows it by a fucking mile

+ Gameplay is fine
+ Guns are fine
+ Characters are fine

- Humor did not age well

The king of looter shooters, may not be as polished as Borderlands 3, but the story, guns , jokes and the replayability make up for it

hideous characters and SJW trash

Between the horrible writing, bullet sponge enemies and unsatisfying weapons, the highest praise I can give Borderlands 2 is that it's a 20+ hour game that I still somehow found the will to finish

Stories meh but gameplay slaps hard

I've never beaten it, never will. It's a slough of a game due to its terrible writing that makes you want to pull your teeth out. The game feels this incessant need to tell you that "HEY, YOU'RE PLAYING A VIDEO GAME??!?!??! ISN'T THAT WACKY??!?!? DON'T YOU LIKE IT WHEN CLAPTRAP SAYS 'POO POO CUM FART'??!??!?!?" and describes every single thing as "BADASS", because that's funny, right? The only reason the game isn't lowered is that it can actually be a good time with friends, but only because my friends don't talk like Claptrap and can actually have a serious discussion without someone breaking it and saying "YO, PENIS?!?!??". As for its gameplay, it's as stale as people don't make it out to be, "Oh, but just wait until you get to the legendary weapons! Those are so badass!", I'm sure they might be and I'd love to use them, but all you're giving me are the same weapons over and over, instead of actually rewarding me for completing your shitty fetch quests that grant me a slightly more powerful shotgun. Hip hip hooray.

best couch co-op playthrough i've ever had

more borderlands but with lesser writing and mostly the same gameplay as before

I loved this game and I played the absolute fuck out of it. Played it so much that now I can't stand it at all.

Diyemem kardeş diyemem, Borderlands sevene adam diyemem.

Most entertaining part of the series for me.

4/5 ketchup bottles

Finished making my character lol!!!

More like Boredomlands 2. Ha, gottem! But seriously, I got bored after a while, and also annoyed at how extremely bullet-spongy everything became. Dropped it after 14 hours of gameplay.

Really couldn't get into any borderlands, and i dont know why.


Randy Pitchford.

randy pitchford told me to say this game is BADASS

Fun shooter with some really bad writing.