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in the past

Divinity: Original Sin 2 is a great RPG with a stunning amount of depth to its gameplay that is hard to learn and hard to master. I will highly recommend it if you are the type of gamer who enjoys and appreciates putting a lot of time and thinking into: character builds, strategic battles, juggling multiple allies with different skillsets, and how all of your different items and equipment can be used to give you the edge. I will recommend against this game if that doesn’t really sound fun to you, or aren’t looking for a pretty long game. DOS2 is a very long game, with a ton of stuff to get through before you end up seeing the credits. IMO the story is pretty generic, but very solid throughout the whole game. The characters aren’t anything that great, but a lot of the dialogue you can have with the different members of your party can be great and quite funny at times. And I did find myself more and more invested in my companions' arcs the more stuff we got through together. The game is also FULLY VOICED(yes!) and has a great soundtrack, both of which add to immersion when playing.

One of DOS2’s greatest strengths, besides the very in depth combat system, is its collection of quests. Each area of DOS2 is quite large, and somewhat intimidating to explore. But I found it extremely satisfying to poke around town, striking up conversations with NPCs, jotting down little notes in my adventurer’s log, and watching my map expand following leads given to me by these NPCs. Then eventually watching my adventurer’s log dwindle down to a couple little things as I slowly kept completing quests and knew I was ready to move on to the next area of the game. Yes, this is a pretty generic feature of an RPG, but I thought DOS2 did a really good job of making it extra satisfying by making each area of the game an isolated box from the rest of the game. Once you decide you want to move on to the next area, you can’t go back to the previous ones. This forced me to play differently from how I normally do, and really made me want to soak in each area and really felt like I’d taken it all in, since I couldn’t just jump ahead on the main quest then run back and do some of the side quests I skipped earlier. The game does a really good job mixing self-containing quests in each act, as well as quests that deal with longrunning plotlines, and ends up giving you the epic feeling of having done something really grand in the later acts of the game. Even if the story beats are, like I said earlier, fairly generic.

In many RPGs, it’s often helpful to have the attitude, “If I feel too weak, I’m probably too low level for this fight, I’ll come back later” but in DOS2, it’s helpful to also ask yourself, “Am I thinking of the best possible way to use the terrain and my full team’s abilities to make this fight as easy as possible?” before you determine yourself underleveled. DOS2 is a challenging game, and expects you to be the correct level while also very intelligently using the game’s mechanics to your full advantage. It also becomes fairly obvious that DOS2 expects you to go through each area doing quests in a certain order, as some quests will be balanced around the lower levels of an area, while others will be balanced around the higher levels of an area. While this makes sense, I often found it quite challenging to tell which quests are on which end of the spectrum. There are also not really enemies you can “grind” for xp if you feel stuck, most of your xp will be from doing quests. This proved to be fairly frustrating at times for me, especially at the beginning of the game when I was still learning how the mechanics of the game worked on top of not really being sure which order I was supposed to do stuff in, and led to me spending a lot of time wandering around the map finding different enemies to get dunked on.

DOS2 has some mechanics that are awesome in theory, but end up feeling kind of weird when put into practice. The game has a “rest” mechanic that just feels kind of weird because it lets you be full health all the time, instantly, when you’re out of combat. You can even slap a bedroll into your hotbar and mash the hotkey while you’re running through a tunnel filled with traps to just top yourself off as you’re frequently taking damage. While, yes, I liked being able to rest up after every difficult encounter in this game, it felt like a weird system with no cost for using it when compared to Larian’s more recent CRPG, Baldur’s Gate 3, where you had to spend resources to do a long rest, and could only do so from your camp. The fact you could get better reputation with a trader was a cool idea, but the fact that it’s PER CHARACTER makes you be very careful which character you’re using to talk to the shopkeeper, and limits you to have a specific “trading guy” to get the best trades possible. I have somewhat mixed feelings on the ability to completely respec your character at the hub, as many times as you want, and for free. I definitely liked the idea of being able to do it, but I disliked the idea of feeling obligated to do it to respec into a certain social skill. You can quickly find yourself locked out of entire questlines if you don’t have high enough persuasion combined with a certain attribute. Or find yourself locked out of a really cool item if you don’t have enough “loremaster” points to identify what it is. Failing a persuasion or lockpicking check in a tabletop game works because the game master can still find a way to move the story forward. But in DOS2 I would find myself having to reload saves or respec characters just to not gate myself out of content. It would also be nice if you could adjust how quickly the computer played the animations in combat. Combat encounters frequently got to be large groups of NPCs, and you could find yourself talking a very long time just to do a few attempts on a fight if you’re struggling with it.

While it looks like I spent more time talking about stuff I didn’t like, I can definitely assure you that these complaints didn’t bother me nearly enough to detract from having a great time in this game. I felt like time was FLYING by as I was playing, even if I had a decent amount of mechanics I wasn’t a huge fan of, and found the beginning of the game very frustrating. I will definitely be back to do another run to challenge myself on high difficulties, as well as try new builds, and explore different companion characters questlines. I highly recommend if the game looks fun to you and you don’t mind sinking a lot of time into an epic adventure :)

There's a lot of depth to this game, particularly for those wanting to focus on getting a powerful or specialised build together. For me though, the narrative and adventure was the main draw and here I found the execution a little jilted and rough. The main story beats were hitting, but the emergent narrative didn't seem to hold together. There were numerous times where motivations and emotion seemed to cohere. For example, at one point we had a battle for a reasonably well laid out motive. But at the end of the battle, having lost one team mate, the gameplay just continued without any conclusion, at that point. It just ruined the immersion for me. A solid game though and I'm sure for those who are deeply invested in the combat mechanics, this will be great.

An absolute blast to play co-op, and does everything the first game did, just better.
If you don't spend the first hour of the game with a bucket on your head, you're missing out.

This is the gold standard of TRPGs. YOu can pretty much do anything and get away with it. So much reaply value

Divinity: Original Sin II was a TRPG I should've liked considering my tastes, but playing it in a group of four had the opposite effect. Rather than getting engrossed in the stories, it came across as confusing and, quite frankly, a slog to get through. By the end, I even felt some hate for it. But is it my fault? Absolutely, I should’ve known that not going at my own pace would’ve ended badly. Lesson learnt.

I might revisit it in the future, but for now I’ll try and forget it exists.

huge win for the crate stacking suck n fuck genre

I stole the teleporting gloves and got our party killed twice and then we never got out of fort joy. Now that BG3 is out I never have to touch this game again.

One of the best RPGs ever created. 10/10

The modern CRPG from Larian Studios that really is leading to the revival of the genre. They went on to create BG3 that had such wide acclaim so obviously they are doing something right.

It is a good game and anyone who enjoys CRPGs should play it.

I believe it is still better then BG3 in many ways

50 hours in, I need a break. This game is simply overwhelming and I don't have the mental energy to keep track of everything it requires me to. Plus I did not find it that captivating. Might pick it up again in the future or not.

Things I liked:
- colorful graphics
- the world is packed with all kind of things
- a lot of dialogues, all voiced

Things I liked less:
- generic fantasy "stock" story and characters, the kind you forget completely a week after you finish it.
- played on classic difficulty, it's not very newcomer friendly. On the 2nd chapter I gave up and started looking for guides online (including how to properly skill my characters) because most combats were frustratingly difficult. I shouldn't have to look at external resources in order to make the game bearable.
- the inventory can become messy really soon to the point you need 15-20 seconds to find an item. There is no way to search for a particular item and the sorting options are limited. Same goes for the quest menu. In general, the UI could use a lot of QoL improvements. Another example: you can't compare the pickable quest rewards with the items you have in inventory, so if you don't remember the stats of what you are currently wearing you could end up with a reward item that is worse or that you don't need.


Rating: B++/S++

"Deep dialogues with several possibilities that can affect your destiny others no longer affect so much this is something that this game take from the fallout franchise that we have a lot of this long dialogues with many choices and characters that affect our gameplay but it has a good story of "redemption" since you start as a prisoner and go to various adventures and plots, also be prepared because the maps and parts of the narrative that the story takes too long for this would be the negative point of the game but still everything is very well written "
"gameplay desing is simple inside but with lots of attack possibilities unlike baldurs gate 3 which did a lot more"

Gameplay/Game desing: B/S++
Game Direction:B+/S++
Actor/Actress Perfomances:A+/S++
Art Direction:B/S++

it got me super sucked in for a while but the story feels like its building up really hard to an awesome ending and then you realize its just the end of act 2 and now theres like a whole city section? i dont even think i finished this bc baldurs gate 3 came out LOL but i liked it

I recognize this is a good CRPG, it just never clicked with me.

Impossible to get people to finish

Excellent game tho

first version is a mess, go play the enhanced.

Tenho 73 horas e não joguei nada desse jogo.

Bored out of my mind. There's a semblance of cool co op teamwork here but I just couldn't get into it. I stole some spell books from a merchant without having to pay for it. That was the highlight of what I remember.

I've try to finish this game 3 times, and third time is indeed the charm.

Puro engorilamiento. Mi agosto se fue y nunca volverá.

- Es la experiencia más cercana al rol de mesa que he jugado en mi vida, con Baldur's Gate 3 pendiente. La cantidad de posibles interacciones con todo lo que te rodea, ya sea durante la exploración o el combate, es apabullante.
- Las posibilidades a la hora de crear diferentes builds son muy numerosas y permiten una libertad absoluta, sin el encorsetamiento clásico de las clases.
- La dificultad está bien medida. Siempre sabe cuando buscarle las cosquillas al jugador cuando este empieza a confiarse en exceso.

- El escenario tiende a convertirse en una ensalada de personajes, enemigos, invocaciones, efectos de área y obstáculos que vuelve complicado enterarse bien de lo que está ocurriendo.
- Los diálogos, pese a estar muy cuidados, perfectamente doblados y ser muy numerosos, no consiguen dotar de suficiente carisma a los personajes que los entablan. Tampoco ayuda el nulo mimo artístico puesto en sus retratos.
- Lo que al principio son todo sorpresas a nivel de progresión, con infinidad de sinergias posibles y nuevas habilidades que mejoran a las anteriores, con el paso del tiempo adquiere mucha mayor importancia la estadística pura, el número con trazo grueso.
- La gestión de inventarios es un auténtico dolor de cabeza.

Played through the whole game with my friends, it was incredible. My only issue is the third act. It's just kinda.. meh, and our reactions at the endings were weirdly silent. Like, we were excited that we finished the game, but the endings weren't very good. Regardless, the fun far, far outweighs the bad. A fantastic, easily recommendable game.

I played as a skeleton and I collected bones and other dead things. My party didn't like me

A beautiful sandbox of chaos with enriched story telling and beautiful environments. Definitely one of the best CRPG's of the decade that it came out in if not the best.

Это уважаемая игра. Несколько лет Нина пиарила мне эту игру как ультимативный шедевр, и по сути так и есть. Огромная вариативность в прокачке, множество классов, способностей, просто глаза разбегаются и лично я тратил по часу на то как лучше прокачать своего перса ( все равно выходил какой то амеба )
Сюжет эпичный, и завлекает. Из незначительных минусов, последний акт в городе показался не таким нагруженным на контент, как остальные.
Ну и тот факт что в это можно играть с другом еще плюс баллы к игре

After playing Baldur's Gate 3 last year, I remember telling one of my mates: "I have no idea where this came from? Larian just showed up and was like, I'm the greatest RPG developer ever, here's a certified godlike banger, goodbye." Having now rolled credits on Divinity 2, it turns out I'm just stupid. Larian's been cooking for years but my debilitating fear of top-down cameras and ability hotbars as long as Route 66 meant I completely avoided it. Divinity 2: Original Sin is essentially Baldur's Gate 3's older, slightly nerdier brother, and by extension, it's another boundary-breaking master class in how to make ginormous, sprawling experiences that are still somehow rewarding, reactive and quality-rich. And when I say quality-rich, I mean unfathomably quality-rich.

This game is like 80 hours long. It's just filled to the brim with stuff. It's one of those games that I have to dig deep, speak mystical incantations and summon my relentless 13-year-old, gremlin-brained self to have the patience, stamina and sheer lack of self-preservation to get through in a timely manner. And somehow, while offering such a vast spread of stuff to engage with, nothing in here ever really feels like it's scraping the bottom of the barrel. It's never just serving you up content. It's mission after mission of main event, must-play stuff, largely because everything from the side quests and the companion missions to the core story sections and even random NPC encounters are intertwined. Every quest somehow links into the larger story, every character has something relevant to say and every corner is filled with something worth investigating.

Having played this and Baldur's Gate 3 only a few months apart, it's wild to me how good Larian is at spinning these kinds of stories. They're unparalleled at setting up a huge world that you can explore freely while still somehow making every element you interact with feel like it's part of one, seamlessly unified narrative. Their games are labours of love, and Divinity 2 is no exception. It's just a really saucy, well-made, video-game-ass video game.

And that extends far beyond the story. The way it doesn't establish arbitrary rules regarding how you play or solve a situation. The way combat is a puzzle that challenges you to think outside the box. The way it never holds your hand or tells you what to do but slyly always somehow guides you back to your objective.

And yes, I don't think it's quite as good as BG3. It's more tedious to play, the inventory management is hellish, and act 4 is filled with bullshit gimmick fights and puzzles that are more annoying than fun. The difficulty spikes are also ROUGH at points. The tutorial area's my personal favourite, because it's like, oh here's some slugs to fight. Really learn the game and all that. Then it randomly just decides it's tired of all the loser baby shit now, and spawns in giant alligators with teleporting magic who will absolutely push your shit in for no reason at all.

And don't even get me started on the many, many sections where you get a potato-brained AI teammate you have to protect. Every single one of these goofy lil bastards will single-handedly pull off the most elaborately stupid manoeuvres you've ever seen, to the point where you wonder if they're throwing on purpose and you're gonna pop up in a YouTube prank video in two months' time. They'll actively cancel out every big-damage-set-up you're currently putting together, and then after they inevitably die, every NPC you meet will just chat mad shit about what a terrible person you are for not reloading every turn 9 times to protect them from their own stupidity.

But this is still an absolute banger from a studio that I'm slowly learning is incapable of dropping the ball. Considering the talks before Baldur's Gate 3 were that Divinity 3 could be the next big project on the docket for Larian, I'm pretty gassed to see what these dudes could do with the IP now they've managed to launch arguably one of the best RPGs ever made. Gonna hazard a guess that it'll feature way more horny vampire dudes and shapeshifting grizzly bear sex...

um dos melhores jogos que eu ja joguei. fiquei 1 mês inteiro vidradona nisso, nem falava com os meus amigos mais

this game is the reason i think baldur's gate might not be for me

The OTHER reason I knew Baldur's Gate was going to rule.

You see, there is this cat, and it really wants something from you, but I just keep getting it killed.

So anyway, you can play as this skeleton, but you need to remember to put a bucket on your head so folks don't freak out.

I guess that what I am getting at is that I really need to figure out what that cat wants.

Los elfos son horribles, pero el sistema de acciones godines.