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This DLC to Ninja Theory's DmC : Devil May Cry isn't as fun to play as the base game and it's writing is somehow worse than the main game's but it's still a decent addition to DmC and since it's packaged with DmC : Definitive Edition from the get-go it's worth the playthrough.

There's no denying that DmC: Devil May Cry's story is hot garbage, with unappealing characters and story beats that never fail to disgust me (everything involving Lilith just makes me feel unclean), but I honestly find the base game to be enjoyable to replay through on occasion. The combat simplifies Devil May Cry's hack-and-slash gameplay while spicing it up by putting some extra emphasis on mobility and aerial combat, the locales are incredibly distinctive without being confusing to navigate, and while I don't regularly listen to Combichrist I will admit that their songs spice things up excellently.

Vergil's Downfall lives up to its name - it is a downfall. All the positives I just listed off do NOT carry over from the base game into this DLC.

Let's start with Vergil himself. Compared to the interesting addition to DMC3 and the most entertainingly overpowered thing ever in DMC4 (EDIT: and the digital embodiment of sheer awesomeness in DMC5), this version of the character's playstyle feels bland and limp. His skillset is much more limited than Dante's, and all of his attacks feel sluggish and awful to use. I believe that most of this can be attributed to his worse aerial performance; though he can grapple up to enemies just like Dante, and even TELEPORTS in the process, he has fewer midair launchers and more diving attacks, which restricts him more to grounded combat... in a game where strong aerial combat is not only the highlight, but the norm. I've found that bottomless pits are an even greater threat than some enemies when playing as Vergil.

Additionally, while it retains the same bizarre geography as the original, Vergil's Downfall's level design is... worse. It can be hard to keep track of what direction you're going in, it feels like there are dead ends everywhere you go, and every area just blends together. It doesn't help that the game abandons the corrupted urban environments of the base game, instead just going for pieces of rubble floating in an empty void.

The music is the same way. While the base game utilized Combichrist tracks and electronic music to go an extra step in making everything feel energetic and frenetic, Vergil's Downfall instead opts for some of the most forgettable pieces of orchestral music I've ever heard in a video game. Combined with the stale combat system, it makes things boring fast. During my first playthrough, I switched off the music midway through and just put on my own music in the background. It only helped to alleviate a little bit of the sourness I felt while playing, unfortunately...

Oh, also, the story and characters are still bad. But that went without saying, didn't it? I mean, it's DmC, for pete's sake.

1/10. Easily the worst playable character in any Devil May Cry game ever. Even 2.

Vergil vs Hollow Vergil? Is this an unfinished Bleach episode labeled Devil may Cry?

Digan lo que quieran de DmC, al menos era cómodo de jugar. ESTA PORONGA ES LA DEFINICIÓN DE INCOMODIDAD. Las habilidades angelicales y demoníacas son imposibles de combinar entre sí, vas a estar todo el jodido DLC haciendo los únicos dos combos que tiene.

I have mixed feelings about this DLC, first off, the controls for using Vergil were oddly off since he lacks visible tells for most of his movements. Having to stick to one weapon was kind of a put off but all in all Vergil is different from using Dante near completely. The DLC is much harder than most of the game but that could be just difference in fighting style but at least it wasn't recycled gameplay wise. I was nice to see Vergil's point a view and see his story arc. Decent DLC.

For what it is it's way to expensive.

La historia es bien Edgy pero más funcional que la del juego base, si llegas a sentir una verdadera caída al infierno para Vergil.
El gameplay esta bien aunque tiene los mismos problemas del juego base pero un poco reducidos al no contar con tantas armas.
El plataformeo sigue igual de divertido y funcional que del título base.
Está bien ante todo, no es la octava maravilla pero me entretuvo más que el juego base.

A queda de Vergil é uma DLC pós campanha de DmC: Devil May Cry que conta a passagem do Vergil na sua busca de poder na terra do tinhoso. Já de cara digo que só vale a pena pra prolongar sua jogatina, já que a gameplay do Vergil é limitada, estranha, nem um pouco variada e LOTADA de exploit. É divertida na primeira vez, mas quando você tem que rezerar tu já revira os olhos e quer pular fora.

It's only slightly more fun than the base game but it's infinitely less fun than just playing as mainline Vergil.

i don’t know what’s going on with vergil story but the gameplay it’s so much fun

honestamente nem posso dizer que tô decepcionado pq eu já esperava algo assim

O conceito é muito legal e como sempre a direção de arte é boa mas Jesus Cristo que Vergil broxa cara pqp

De resto meh sei lá, mid pra caraio

Better story than the main game combat could be better too slow for Vergil

For lasting an hour and a half the dlc did at least the bare minimum and entertained me. The combat for vergil is good but not as good as dantes in the base game. It's still solid but felt that it was a bit rough at times, especially when trying to go for cool and high scoring combos. Theres only one boss in the dlc and while it is a good one its a shame that there isnt at least a couple more. The story is pretty garbage but thats an issue with the base game also. With that said its definitely worse than the base game as vergil doesnt really see any development and becomes even more shallow than he was in the base game. As it's only an hour and a half long i'd recommend playing it if you enjoyed the base game as vergils move set is a nice change from dantes, but if you didn't particularly enjoy your time with the base game you won't get much out of this

Remember when the devs said DMC was too anime? How about we make the DLC literally just a Bleach episode. Sound good? Good.

Huge disappointment, don't play

For whatever reason this just simply did not function. On the fourth time of having to reload the game because it just didn't activate a certain trigger i needed to progress I have up.

Vergil's moveset is. Fine. Not as fun as Dante's, and the actual story has immensely little substance, without any of the ironic stupid fun the main game has.

Don't bother.

Lixo completo,dlc horrivel,gameplay desse vergil faz vergonha,nao devia nem ter esse nome,personagem bosta pra caralho.

Demasiado corto para desarrollar a personajes pero se siente excesivamente largo para lo poquísimo que tiene que contar.

La historia es un cuesta bajo sin frenos de lo que pasa en el tramo final del juego principal, un sinsentido edgy que contradice el desarrollo ya de por si pobre de los personajes.

El juego tiene trozos sin traducir y menús que no sirven para nada, supongo que por que tenían pensado meter más contenido o por que reúsan cosas del juego principal.

De todas maneras, el diseño de escenarios sigue molando, y el gameplay con el estilo de juego de Vergil es tope de divertido, me ha gustado más que Dante.

¿Se supone que esta cosa tiene combos?

I want to give this a -100 god this shit is even worse than the main game. YOU DONT GET YOUR FULL DT UNTIL THE FINAL MISSION and there is one boss. One.

Beautiful cutscenes tho

Its very clearly setting up a sequel which didn't happen lol. The cutscenes are all in this 2D low budget animation style sadly and its a bit hard to take serious when Vergil always has a funny face. The story is all about Vergil coping and seething that Dante beat his ass so now he wants power to get revenge. Its fairly short with 6 missions and 1 (reused) boss and I think that's a good length for what this is. Vergil's new look at the end of the game looks pretty good.

Imagine Vergil from 3SE but with all his attacks only using Yamato + new ones. His moves are split up between Human, Angel and Demon mode and its pretty seamless to use. If you've played Vergil in 4SE/5SE then he will seem familiar here because a good chunk of his modern kit comes from the reboot. He is fun to play but honestly something seemed off while playing and idk what it is. Maybe I need more time on reboot Vergil but rn I'd rank him below every other playable Vergil even though a bunch of their kits come from here.

It exists

Get it on sale if you're on pc and if you got the definitive edition this comes bundled with it. Its a few hours of decent fun

Fucking...whatever. How do you make Vergil less fun than Dante? IT'S VERGIL.

"Yeah but Vergil gets his own campaign with original levels and enemies bro, it's not like 3, 4 and 5 where you just replay the main game!"
-Every DmC defender who tries to scrape some sort of W from the fact that the entire thing is a boring cluster of Limbo weapon practice rooms from the main game, conveniently glossing over the fact that Vergil isn't even playable in the main campaign for some arbitrary reason

You also need to put up with a terrible story that makes an already god awful character even worse, only get a single boss L, being reused from the main game and featuring an attack that doesn't allow you to damage him for upwards of 30 seconds at various points, and an original enemy type that's just a straight up war crime. You don't even get a Donte boss fight, and the entire thing ends on a cliffhanger that'll never be resolved. Lol. Lmao, even.

Just about the only thing to come from this DLC chapter is a few bits and pieces of Vorgil's kit went on to be sourced in DMC4 and 5's iterations of Vergil, but that's hardly praise to be lumped on Fedora McBabySniper, who's stuck solely wielding Yamato from beginning to end.

It's fine but completely skippable now that the reboot series is dead in the water.

how do you make an hour and a half dlc not only make an already insufferable character double down on their insufferableness but also make the gameplay significantly more tedious, boring and broken than the main game
and then put a sequel hook at the end as if this didn't put the player through 2 hours of some of the worst and buggiest character action gameplay I've played in a long while

there were multiple times where a lot of Vergil's moves would not function as if the animation was unable to complete despite nothing stopping the hitbox, most notably:
- Demon's combo starter wouldn't get out of the startup frames, meaning I was unable to break enemy shields or use demon mode on the ground
- Angel's projectile would get stuck in place
- Rapid Slash barely moved and didn't register hits at random
- Launcher would randomly break, making any press of the B button cause Vergil to stutter instead of launch

Or an honestly more egregious example, multiple times after being hit by ANY ENEMY where I would lose the ability to jump, permenantly, at seemingly random - all of these requiring a restart from checkpoint

I paid $2 for this and I still feel ripped off

It's pretty good. Not only is the first DLC of Vergil to actually have a story but also does it pretty well. It's not the best but not the worst