Reviews from

in the past

A really fantastic platformer capable of providing stiff challenges that never feel unfair. Tropical Freeze sets itself apart from decades of sidescrollers by making each level and obstacle feel like a dynamic part of a real place.

This games fuckin hard as shit and I hate it and it took me like 5 years to beat this piece of shit

A charming game, though I don't like how heavy Donkey Kong feels compared to the original GBA games. Also, David Wise continues to impress, and the other composers on this project do a similarly wonderful job on the soundtrack.

I played several Donkey Kong games during the years, especially on Game Boy. Unfortunately the art style put me off on this one, as well as the control, as weird as this sounds. The controls are very good, however the mechanics with rolling, grabbing and the variety of partners (Dixie is the best) as well as the button placement was too uncomfortable. But the art style, I don't know, the penguins and enemies, the whole "freeze" topic was putting me so much off. I only got to World 5 and didn't feel like continuing, although I'm up for challenging games.

A really great 2D platformer that leans on set pieces to a degree that you don't usually see in the genre. Has a soundtrack I absolutely loved before ever even playing the game. Really the biggest flaw to me is that the enemies look like Dreamworks rejects and half of the boss fights are just an absolute slog. I think if Retro got a 3rd crack at the IP they could make something insanely good, but this is still great in its own right.

In casual play, there's barely any situation in which you would rather be controlling anyone not named Dixie. Other than that, it's an absoltuely sensationally crafted 2D platformer on all fronts. Playing co-op all but calls for a radically different course of action, it's good fun but not in the snappy way singleplayer Donkey Kong Country is. I'd like to pick it back up and 100% it one day.

When I'm old and in the hospital I wanna play this

One of the notable platformers for the system. It mixes beautiful visuals and challenging gameplay.

I still would like for monkeys to be real, but for the time being, Donkey Kong will do

im just gonna say it. some levels felt pretty weird to me. the games is pretty yea, but sometimes the backgrounds would just feel TOO much. there were times i couldnt tell if something was an obstacle or a part of the bg, and times something in the bg would draw my attention so much it would just distract me from the actual action i was doing/the actual obstacles in front of me.
the timing also felt off in some sections leaving you to react INSTANTLY to some stuff or lingering too much.
the flappy bird levels are THE WORST i dont have much to say about it i just hate it.

in short: an okay game with too much visual information at times. that last boss is insufferable. funky kong is cool.

This is peak platforming, the final evolution of the genre.

No, there is nothing more to say about it.

Super good level design with the way mechanics develop.. I like the post-game speedrunning system. Movement is very good. I'll 100% it later.

Majestic, deliciously difficult platforming

Fully 100%'d as of this writing.

(I don't see myself completing the time trials after failing to get a gold medal on even the first level although hard mode could prove of interest)

Only thing holding it back from a 5 is the (relatively) disappointing boss fights

i used to dislike this game for some ungodly reason. then i gave it a second go and my opinion just flipped right around cuz goddamn it really is that cool of a game

Buen juego pero que se joda, coño de la madre

Tropical Freeze plays very different than the SNES games, no doubt. The characters feel heavier, but also slippery. It doesn't bother me too much, but it is noticeable. The one thing that bothered me the most was the camera. The character feels too close to the camera where oncoming enemies appear a bit too quick to my taste. I do not know if others can agree, but just zooming out the camera 5 to 10 percent would make all the difference.

An exhilarating platforming experience that triumphs over Returns in so many aspects—the level design, controls, music, original character design, and the general aesthetic of the game as whole.

Just wish those hitboxes weren’t such a constant problem like they were in Returns.

I'm going to say it right now, Tropical Freeze is peak 2D platforming. Donkey Kong Country Returns was really good and Tropical Freeze took everything good about that game and made it even better (much like Super Mario Galaxy 2 took everything about Galaxy 1 and made it even better). Level design is top-notch with a decent challenge. A 2D platformer where the water and ice levels are actually good (the latter was definitly important in a game called Tropical Freeze). At first i thought the constant lives you get was gonna get in the way of that but i later learned that that was the game being fair. You will appreciate all those lives you amass. Soundtrack was absolutely fire.

The only really negative thing i can say is that some of the bosses drag. All of them take the same number of hits to beat but the times you can hit them is what's different. I also do wish the buddy Kongs were more balanced. Because Dixie is objectively better than Diddy in this game and Cranky gets very few oppertunities to shine. But that's more nitpicky, as any level can be beaten solo.

Anyways, Tropical Freeze gets welcomed with open arms into my prestigious 10/10 club as it's fourth member. It's that good of a game, i highly recommend (though perhaps wait on a sale, it shouldn't be $60 anymore but we all know how Nintendo is).

Even without Funky Mode this is easily the definitive version of this game.

i forget beating this game. everyone says it's better than the original tho so i'll have to play it again. i like that they give u 3 monkeys. monke haha

great game except for those flappy bird levels. extremely difficult too in a lot of spots.

The best 2D platformer probably ever. Except for that stupid fucking fish boss fuck you fuck you I hate you I hate you you stupid fish

7.5, good game but frustratingly difficult to the point it stops being fun to play at many points.

La verdad no se como decirlo sin repetir a cada rato que es un gran juegazo. Los de Retro studios ya lograron con Country returns poder traer a la actual Era los juegos del monigote, y aquí siento que llevaron al limite todo lo que hicieron. No quiero decir todo lo bien que esta hecho, ya que muchas cosas también vienen de DKCR, pero primero, me sacare de la lista los niveles.

me encanta que cada nivel sea distinto a los demás, de verdad que no he sentido en todo el juego que algún nivel sea igual a otro. cada nivel tiene su mecanica, su escenario, su forma de completarlo, todo (bueno, a excepcion de los bonus). Y esto todo lo acompaña a la musica que tienen estos niveles, es buenisima, simplemente bangers. Aunque igual tiene su punto malo, ya que la mayoría de estos tracks hacen mucha referencia a temas de anteriores juegos (como el del agua) por lo que igual se te hace un poco repetitivo escuchar ya muchas veces el mismo tema pero en otra variación.

el gameplay también tiene un punto extra, ya que ciertamente mejoró mucho. Incluir a Dixie y kranky fue un acierto muy grande (y a funky en su modo), creo que el que mas me agrado fue el kranky, ya que me gusta que ese "extra" que tiene sea su bastón para el salto extra (el cual es una clara referencia al gameplay de ducktales) y dixie, pues es la que mas use por ese boost de altura que daba, literal deje a diddie totalmente obsoleto. No puedo decir nada del funky mode porque no lo jugué asique next.

La dificultad es otra cosa a favor, es un juego complicado y no lo oculta. Desde los primeros juegos de DK (específicamente los Country) la dificultad era algo que caracterizaba la saga y creo que cuando le preguntas a alguien si los DK Country son difíciles o no, te responderán que si...Y este juego no es la excepción. Creo que los DK son de los poco juegos en los que tu puedes llegar fácil a las 99 vidas y de la nada caer a 3 por perder mucho (algo que no pasa en juegos como los Mario) y no tiene nada de malo, ya que estos juegos siempre se han basado generalmente en ser difíciles pero justos. Normalmente morirás por hacer un salto apresurado o por matar de mal manera a un enemigo, aunque de por si igual morirás por hacer un mal salto calculado o porque pasó algo raro. Pero en general, es una dificultad estable, hay niveles que son mas dificiles que otros (como los de las reliquias), pero al fin y al cabo es justa en cierto punto.

Y para terminar, los gráficos. En resumen, están muy bien, están bonitos, mejoraron, el diseño de los personajes y enemigos son 10/10 y ya esta.

Conclusion: DK: Tropical Freeze + Funky mode + Bowsers Minions Featuring Dante of Devil May Cry Series es un juego increíble, buenísimo, aunque no perfecto. Detalles de la música y algunas cosas extras hacen que el juego no sea un plataformero perfecto, pero en general el juego es buenisimo. Como cacharon, no quise hablar de la historia porque de por si, la historia de estos juegos no son totalmente el foco central del juego (ya con ver la parte final donde se suben a un camino de flores salido de un cuerno sabrán de que hablo) pero en fin, el juego para mi es un 9,5/10, vale totalmente la pena y es un gran plataformero, me alegro que lo hayan salvado de la WiiU, sino se hubiera perdido en el limbo de "juegos buenos pero que salieron en WiiU"

Something and everything about this feels off. Why'd they get rid of the run button? Why am I constantly given a choice between all three sidekicks mid-stage, slowing down gameplay? Since buying this I started playing DKC Returns 3D again and it's definitely the much better game.

Really great platforming, really difficult, but fun. Super pretty and good multiplayer experience. Funky mode makes it much more accessible to actually finish the story