Reviews from

in the past

This is the worst game of all time.

No sir I will not "Hail to the King", this is America and we live in a Democratic Society; I will not be controlled by your monarchy Mr. Nukem

this was my first experience with duke, and you know what? i wish i played 3d instead.

Mostly reminiscent of Half-Life 2. Uneventful and unexciting, but not bad.

You need to be able to throw poop in more games

duke nukem as a character does not belong in the modern era, if anything this shouldn't have been a return to their roots because duke nukem's roots is just a ripoff of doom with more boobs. in my opinion this game should have been a more serious take on the character showing duke that his actions actually have consequences and that he's 50 and needs to start building an actual life for himself

its really not that bad. it has funny little side things and you can throw poop. yeah, howdy doodys, poop, crappo, scat brown trout, colon bombs, the ol' bumb browny, feces, anal output, booty apples, kaka and turds. yeah man, turds.

This game peaks with writing "fuck" on the whiteboard in shit in it's opening scene. "Duke Nukem Forever" was a game so bad that it actually killed my interest in a franchise. I was completely obsessed with the series in my tween years, so naturally I was excited when this game was finally announced especially due to it's long development process. I was expecting something great, but instead I got an incomplete, crude, borderline unplayable mess. I never cared about "Duke Nukem" after that.

hey babe want to chew ass and kick ass with my bubblegum?

I enjoyed this game a lot at release because i was 12 years old and it had booooobies.

Played it about a year ago, it's fucking abhorrent

was duke nukem forever an underrated masterpiece?

i struggled for years to separate the art from the artist with regards to dnf but i respect randy pitchford too much to not find a silver lining. in capture the babe mode when you are carrying the babe over your shoulder one of her lines squeels that she's peeing on you

Poop and a RC car? Where do sign up?

If we're all going to be honest, Duke Forever is not a good game. I do believe, though, that the reception surrounding the game has made it look like the worst thing ever, when it clearly isn't. There are plenty of other janky, broken-to-the-core video games out there that are easily worse than Duke Forever, but it's the long legacy of a troubled development cycle, paired with the inevitable disappointment that burned fans enough to give it such low ratings.

I won't be peeling through the entirety of Forever, but for what it's worth, the shooting isn't all too terrible (although the arsenal isn't nearly as great as it was in 3D), some of the levels are pretty fun, and just having Duke back in a more modern game is great. Sadly, these slight positives are met with just as many negatives, with really boring stretches of the game found throughout (the last few levels especially), some casual sexism thrown around like candy during the game that's offensive at best, and horrific at worst, and too many attempts to reinvent the wheel in rather stupid places when other key aspects of the game needed more tuning and overall refinement.

Again, there are worse games out there, but that still doesn't mean Duke Nukem Forever is some sort of hidden gem in the landscape of long-forgotten video games.

duke is awesome and badass good video game

I can't believe I bought this shit on release day lol.

Not really bad but pretty underwhelming. The DLC is better than the main game

Mi único deseo respecto a este juego es borrar su existencia de mi memoria.

I played this for the first time in 2020. Is it a terrible game? No. Is it a remarkably good game? Also no. The graphics are incredibly dated even by 2011 standards. I mean compare it to something like Uncharted and its crazy how bad this game looks in comparison. It looks more like an N64 game than a ps3 one. However i had quite a bit of fun through it's first playthrough on the easiest difficulty. It's ok enough and it gives you enough variation and some interesting things to keep it from getting stale or repetitive. I like the minature and driving sections. Then I played it on the hardest difficulty and it's flaws really shined through on that. It's near impossible to ever be precise and you feel how terribly it plays. Your'e constantly getting stuck on doorways leaving yourself exposed, you die incredibly quickly, its impossible to have good aim. If there was no aim assist you would never hit anything. Hitting square to grab ammo doesn't ever work the first try so again you're leaving yourself exposed more. A couple of boss fights in this game were some of the most frustrating experiences I've ever had gaming and will severely test your patience. You couple this experience with it's highly publicized long dev cycle and it suddenly becomes a painfully obvious bad game. It becomes clear why this game was so heavily criticized upon release. There is absolutely no excuse for this game being so bad when it was in development for so long. I'm glad I bought this used for 2.99 instead of buying it new at $60. That made it not so bad for me.

As a sidenote, one wrinkle they could have added to make this game more interesting is leaning into a parody route. The whole game and character should be lampooning the genre yet Duke Nukem is the epitome of the action man hero guy type. It's so over the top that Duke comes off as embarrassing and you feel bad for the guy for how corny and try hard he is in 2020. I've read that Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard is like this where it is a parody of this type of character and genre yet it still got bad reviews. I'm planning on playing that next and will be curious to see what flaws that game has and what it got right.