Reviews from

in the past

After trying Grandia 1 HD, I was pretty cautious going into this one. And whilst Grandia 2 is unpolished and messy, I'm glad I tried it, because it's really one of the better JRPGs out there for my money.

And it is really flawed. Whilst the HD remaster is a way better job than with the first game (prbably due to the game being fully 3D), the game itself is pretty ugly, and aside from the excellent music, compared to something like Final Fantasy IX - which released in the same year for a much weaker console - its tiny world, towns with 2 buildings of value and ugly as hell menus give it a distinctly low budget vibe.

But the strengths definetly outweight the main problems. First off, the combat is fantastic, particularly on the Hard mode added in this port, which nerfs the busted strategies. A ATB system with realtime elements which involves timing attacks to cancel enemy moves, crowd control, managing status effects - and it works fantastically, particularly in the boss fights, some of which I would outright say are the best JRPG battles I've ever played. The only issue it really has is a few repetitive encounters, some incredibly busted tactics in normal mode, and too many moves having long, unskippable, glorious FMV cutscenes which I'm sure most people will think look like complete shit.

And the story is also generally pretty great. It's at its best in the mid-section of the game, which has an episodic structure of sort where our gang goes from place to place dealing some sort of turmoil that ties in thematically with the overall plot. There's some legitimately fantastic little vignettes here, centered around dubious morality and generally nuanced situations with strong resolutions - all of which tie into the game's climax well. There's a particularly strong section at about the game's midpoint which is absolutely brilliant and worth playing the game for alone.

Add on top a great cast of main characters with strong dialogue, progression and plenty of time to interact and bounce off one another, and the story elements really work. It might get a bit too edgy at times and theres bits which dont work, but on the whole its a good JRPG story.

And best of all, it's paced just about perfectly. The game's about 25-30 hours long - which is a good start considering the bloated messes of JRPGs of this era - and each little vignette and plot point is just given the right amount of time. It takes its time on scenes when needed, but generally gets straight to the point and doesn't waste your time.

So overall, one of the better JRPGs I've played. Really a great time all-round.

Another game played out of pure nostalgia since I used to own it on the dreamcast. Never got passed the second town area back then, so being able to finish and actually experience the full story was fun. Never played the first game, so I can't really compare the two, but overall I enjoyed it, even if the combat system gave me anxiety and I had to be really good with the timing.
It unfortunately is a product of its time and has some bad caricatures amongst some of the side characters, donut lips and all. Which really brings down a decent game. At least it ends in polyamory so there's that.

A pretty run of the mill story of defeating an evil god to save the world. The great part is the fantastic characters you spend your time with along the way. Nice happy ending as well.

The story's whatever, but the character-driven episodes, toyetic low-budget art style, endearing writing, 30-hour campaign, and command-based active-battle system make it one of the best JRPGs of its generation.

Ah, a HD remaster of a sequel to my favourite game on the PS1! Had lots of memories of Grandia and the sequel wasn't quite as good, but still very entertaining and I have always loved the way the magic system works, levelling up with use so you can gain better powers whilst grinding and not just levels. Not to mention, some spells require you to think creatively to hit as many enemies as possible.

The story is about the main character who is what they call a "Geohound" and are often treated like scum because they're often hired mercs who have a bloody and dangerous reputation, but he prefer his life this way as he runs from a dark past. He gets hired to attend to a dangerous matter where young priestesses were to sing as part of an ancient ritual, however, something goes wrong, escapes and releases monsters all over the temple!

This leads you onto a journey where you are tasked with finding a cure for this new team member and have to travel across the world whilst being haunted and chased by dangerous monsters and zealots. Not to mention, every part of the monster Valmar, is awakening and possessing people. Each one seems to represent a different aspect depending on what part of the body it is.

I'm going to try and not spoil it, but the ending had left me on edge and feeling empty, kind of like the first one where you don't get to see all the characters as they are now, older, the way this one ends feels like we're meant to just accept how things are no and there's no happy ending, in the traditional sense, for anyone. It's still a very fun game though.

Go ahead, call me lonely, a simp, or horny. These are MY FUCKING FEELINGS. I want to have the roughest and hottest sex with Millenia. Seriously. Her cute accent, her lovely face, and her supple body drive me to horny madness. Every inch of her would be massaged and licked. When I want to finish and climax with all of my love, I would do it on her stomach, face, tits, and roll her over on her ass to blow the last of my load on those supple cheeks. I want to cuddle with her when I am done busting, and ask her how her day was, feeling each other's warmth on our naked, vulnerable bodies. She'd tell me how good it was and she'd confide her truest feelings to me, telling me how much she loves me. I would tell her I love her back, and she would give me a loving peck on my cheeks. Then we would get dressed and spend the day watching the Sopranos, still cuddling and even eating our favorite foods. I want Millenia to be my girlfriend, my lover, my wife, and my life. I love her and want her to be mine. Is this a copy-pasta? No. I typed out every word to proclaim how I feel. Every time you ask who she is, look back on this: SHE IS MY WIFE. I love Millenia, and these are MY original thoughts and feelings.

My first Dreamcast RPG and what a great experience it was! The NPCs feel alive like in Trails games, the combat system is unique and interesting, the voice acting is superb. There's no side quests. Coming in at around 30 hours, it's a very lean experience. It knows exactly what it wants to be. A few quality of life updates would make this perfect for me.

Again, same game I love and remember except this time it has weird audio glitches. Many areas almost blew my ears out from max volume broken audio loops. Monster death cries, half second music clips, etc.

Endgame dragged a little bit imo and the bosses weren't as consistently great as the first game, but I can't lie man this game is so fucking incredible. The characters, world, story, and the MUSIC are all impeccable. Only real reasons why I prefer the first game are due to the charm and less padded (despite being longer). Either way, this game absolutely deserves to be played if you are into RPGs at all.