Reviews from

in the past

Probably would give 5 stars but I don't like that it requires an internet connection and some levels are duds. Great game

Maybe the best deal of a console generation.

(Copied from my Hitman III review since they're the same game)

If it weren't for the always online bullshit, this would be a 5 star game. While it lacks the attention to detail, atmosphere, music, and great story of Blood Money, it absolutely makes up for it in terms of ease of play, fun factor, and an astronomical amount of content. I really thingk the World of Assassination trilogy is the best Hitman game, alongside its much more interesting, if jankier, predecessor. Really a game of all time.

But again, fuck the always online.

I was expecting something like Hitman Absolution, but it was nothing like that. There's not much of a story either. You're just constantly assassinating people on different maps, but I found the gameplay very slow and confusing. Maybe I'm not in the mood to play this game right now, I don't know.

the moment to moment gameplay feels a lot less involved and rewarding than blood money (although i do appreciate some of the QoL features added) but the sheer amount of levels here and the options within said levels would make this just as good if not better than blood money but they made it always online for no reason.

I love this game to death it’s great finding all the ways to kill a target is so fun. Freelancer might be one of the best ideas of all time. Community content is also great

One of the recent games I've completed. Did some speedrun tricks, fucked around, found out. VR is fun, but glitchy

the only bald head i don't want to slap

I love the level design in the games.
But this game requires a certain amount of patience that I don't have.

One of the greatest stealth games of all time, the greatest immersive sim of all time, i will fight you about it being an immersive sim ive done it before

An absolutely astounding achievement of player choice and interconnected level design stifled by a greedy ass bastard of a company trying to milk every penny out of you they can. Fuck you IOi management, I don't think you could have made purchasing all of the dlc more frustrating to buy unless you like, had to solve a riddle to buy it. Yeah that would make it hard to buy.

I slept on this game but its fucking crazy. i walk around with a sniper in a briefcase and i will wait 40 minutes to touch you. you can do some crazy ass shit like ill wait for bro to go to sleep and then bad things will happen. I wish there were some cooler maps like an airport or casino like Blood Money but you can fr be on some terrorist shit so its kinda in bad taste but yeah its easy buy on sale if you like stealth type immersive sim type games

one of the handful of aaa games where the "interactive" qualifier of the medium is baked into the concept. Which is, not ideal

A great campaign with great replayability in the roguelike mode. The best spy/assassin type game on the market.

Después de la decepción que fue Absolution y de haber dejado la saga por años por eso mismo, decidí darle una oportunidad a la nueva trilogía, pero con las expectativas bajas debido a lo anterior, aún así los 3 juegos superaron por mucho las expectativas que tenía, llevo muchos años con Blood Money como #1 indiscutible pero sin duda ahora el puesto está entre Hitman II/III, es increíble como es que lograron hacer algo tan bueno y no me arrepiento en nada de darles la oportunidad.
Me faltó mucho contenido ya sea completar los desafíos de todos los mapas o empezar el freelancer por lo que esta reseña solo abarca los mapas de historia.

Grading them all as one game but yeah, pretty much the perfect Hitman experience bundled into one package

This game is far from perfect, the story is honestly just bad. I usually have no problem connecting with a badly written story or characters, but no characters in this game are interesting. I could probably spend hours just shitting on the story. I honestly don't think there is a reason to do that since IO never intended for the story to be good, they just needed the gameplay to shine.

And the gameplay is fucking gleaming. I love how everything in the game is so dynamic, deciding what items to bring to a map will completely change how you play. It's hard to explain how fantastic the gameplay is to someone who hasn't played the game, it's just brilliant.

But even though I think the gameplay is great, the maps shine in this game. The most important thing for me when playing games is how well-made the map is. And Hitman never disappoints with its maps. Every map is so incredibly well made that it's hard to believe they aren't real places. Sapienza, Chongqing, and Paris are some of the standouts for me. I have spent hours just running around the maps, picking up different items just fucking around.

Like I said in the beginning the game isn't perfect. The story is a complete wet fart and it makes the targets also feel lackluster. I only remember the targets' names on my favorite maps, Colorado? No idea. Miami? No clue. Mumbai? Never heard of them.

Essa nova trilogia de Hitman é o melhor jogo conforto existente. Selecionar um level qualquer dentre um dos 3 games, e ir descobrir todas as possibilidades de assassinato, se esgueirando entra todas as passagens, salas e locais dos mapas como um RATO, vestindo todos os disfarces, e usando os objetos mais bizarros possíveis como arma é o melhor remédio pro tédio que eu conheço. Eu acho que eu já refiz o level de Paris e Hokkaido do primeiro, que inclusive é o melhor da trilogia, umas 10 vezes de tão BOM e VICIANTE que é. A IO Interactive conseguiu se redimir depois de Hitman Absolution, que não é um jogo ruim, mas deixou a desejar pelo fato de ter ido pra um caminho mais linear e cinematográfico, e aqui eles trouxeram a essência de Blood Money de volta, gameplay deliciosa, level design espetacular, com muita, mas muita liberdade e possibilidades ao jogador. Essencial pra quem gosta de stealth e immersive sim. Não vejo a hora de jogar o novo 007 da IO.

One of the best games i've every played. The detail and realism in this game is quite underrated. Incredibly fun.

Genuinely a game I think I'll be playing forever. Ever since hitman 1 way back in 2016 I have been hooked and have played every level in this over and over and over again, especially for 1 and 2 I know every map there like the back of my hand. Don't have much to add to the conversation for this game but I just love it so much, one of the best sandbox games of all time and I cannot wait for the james bond game. Also freelancer mode kicks ass it is so good

The always-online is the only thing stopping this from being one of the greatest trilogies of all time.

My "comfort" game. This is the one game I can keep coming back to consistently no matter how many hours I've put into it.

This game perfectly blends 2 of my favourite gaming elements (Proper Stealth & Sandbox with emergent gameplay) and does it really well.
There are so many ways you can replay the missions in this game it almost feels unlimited, and now with the addition of freelancer (a new rogue lite mode) this feeling is even more true.

This game perfectly encapsulates that James Bond/John Wick modern high society espionage feeling that very few games do capture.
My only 1 wish with this game is that IOI release an offline patch so you can have progression and freelancer without needing to connect to the internet

An underrated gem. I highly recommend it if you love stealth games

i love it. such an intricate sandbox.

the best thing about this is how open-ended it is being able to go either as apeshit or as professional as you want. was immersive and fun chasing the platinum for.

Phenomenal sandbox experience, continually enjoyable throughout the years

This game has the highest replay factor of all time

one of the best game(s) ive ever played. each stage is just a puzzle box of emergent stealth gameplay and it really feels like the interactivity is boundless