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The best co-op experience I had yet! Incredibly creative, kept us hooked all the way through - and some moments were just absolutely amazing. The merging of gameplay and story works very well too, it's not very subtle tho. And I am in AWE of how they managed to render two screens and still make a game that looks this good.

اش اقول واش اخلي اكتفي بكلمة عظيمة

El mejor cooperativo que existe actualmente.
Su historia es muy bonita y trata un tema que nunca se habia visto en muchos otros juegos (una comedia romantica en un videojuego suena un tanto raro) pero que funciona la mar de bien. Que las mecánicas vayan cambiando según la historia y que cada uno tenga la suya y tengas que cooperar es algo que nos flipo tanto a mi compa como a mi. Si tienes una pareja o un pana no dudes en jugarte este putisimo juegardazo porque es tremendo en todos los sentidos, tanto en lo visual como en el apartado de historia y personajes y también en la jugabilidad. Sin lugar a dudas merecedor de un GOTY (pena que estos premios siempre sean semejante basura y al final se lo lleve el juego de turno) Por último comentar que el putísimo Hakim (el libro) le da una vidilla al juego muy buena. 10/10 must play bitches

Por primera vez, un juego de Josef Fares tiene mecánicas.
Brothers me parece una obra maestra, A Way Out me parece una idea ambiciosa ejecutada a veces de forma muy buena y a veces de forma muy torpe, y claramente por debajo del presupuesto que debería haber tenido.

¿Pero sabéis qué juego no anda falto de presupuesto? It Takes Two. Este juego tiene presupuesto para parecer y sentirse como un juego de Nintendo. Tiene presupuesto para recrear un ajedrez funcional con animaciones muy pintonas... Y ese ajedrez puedes pasarlo de largo. Y ese ajedrez tan solo es UNO de más de la veintena de minijuegos que hay dispersos por los niveles, ¡ni siquiera es parte del nivel principal!

Así de sobrado va It takes two. De largo la aventura más loca, imaginativa y longeva que ha salido de la mente inquieta de Fares. Como todo lo de Fares, un señor que probablemente tiene problemas para pararse quieto, el juego también es de culo inquieto. Las secciones jugables son tan distintivas entre sí que mecánicas enteras plenamente funcionales se desechan de un mundo para otro. Y a pesar de eso, hay un estilo predominante que permea en toda la aventura. Es un juego de movimiento, acción rápida y plataformeo. Mientras los otros juegos del estudio eran más inclasificables y experimentales, It takes two es sin duda alguna una aventura de plataformas más clasicota. Solo que una que quiere ser todas las aventuras de plataformas de la historia a la vez. A veces de forma muy literal, hay guiños aquí y allí a toda la historia del videojuego y a lo que no es videojuego pero es juego también.

It takes two quiere que ante todo juegues con otra persona y te lo pases bien. Su premisa es bobalicona y tonta. Ese libro del amor es una horterada constante tan en tu cara que acaba resultando adorable. Y aunque me cuesta no ver toda la propuesta como una excusa para ir por ahí haciendo el Mario, la honestidad que desprende muchos de sus momentos hace que todo parezca sincero.

Su propuesta no está falta de tropiezos. Hay secciones más interesantes que otras, hay fragmentos que se sienten más o menos derivativos de otros, y ese malabarismo de mecánicas y de estilos hace que no puedas llegar a encariñarte con nada en particular y que estés a merced de la montaña rusa que Fares quiera ofrecerte en ese momento. Haciendo quizás... que sea una experiencia más suya que tuya.
Pero todo esto acaba dando igual en un conjunto, y sobre todo en un momento a momento en el que no paras de sonreír y además tienes otra persona con la que compartir la experiencia. Podría hacer spoiler ahora mismo de al menos tres secciones alucinantes del juego y seguiría siendo una experiencia sorprendente para quien los leyera. Así de loco es, y al final esa locura y ese entusiasmo son contagiosos.

After a while I've warmed up to this. While the length is a bit too long I still had a ton of fun with my coop partner and the amount of variety is commendable. Hope Hazelight continues to deliver stellar products in the future.


voy a arrancar diciendo que hace mucho no veia una cantidad tan grotesca de presupuesto tan bien usada y que Fares es un loco de mierda hermoso que de seguro se encargo personalmente de contar y distribuir cada centavo y encima seguro le sobro para comprar merca para el y todo el equipo porque el juego es una
volada de cabeza.

it takes two es para compartirlo, con tu mejor amigo, con tu pareja, con tu mama, con cualquier persona que te caiga bien, pueda usar un control y tenga un minimo de coordinacion ojo mano, en serio, esta constantemente dando y a cambio solo te pide que te diviertas (y que pienses un poquito a veces) tiene una cantidad de gimmicks exorbitantes que cambian muchisimo el gameplay haciendo que no te puedas aburrir nunca, esta llenisimo de humor, de vistas hermosas, de mecanicas divertidas y tiene un libro hispano violentamente sexy que menea la pelvis cada vez que aparece.

Can't tell you refreshing it is to play a modern game that's this relentlessly inventive and fresh. Meticulously engineered to put a smile on your face at every turn. The cutscenes and writing are about as nuanced as Fares' other material but the gameplay and insane deluge of mechanics more than makes up for any narrative shortcomings. Over 12 hours, not one sequence feels tired with individual chapters holding a wealth of ideas on their own. Should go without saying that this is one of the greatest co-op games I've ever played, and an immense improvement on A Way Out.

perfeito pra jogar com os casas

Vaya maravilla, buah. El mejor juego cooperativo que he jugado.

Este juego dura 14 horas y se las pasa introduciendo mécanicas completamente nuevas y pulidísimas cada dos horas que vienen a reemplazar las anteriores. ¡Y no hay ninguna que no sea divertda y super bien aprovechada! Es una verdadera clase maestra de diseño, lleno de secuencias inolvidables y con creatividad para parar un tren.

Lo único irregular acaba siendo la historia, que aunque se centra en dos personajes que me han caído mejor de lo que esperaba, tira por clichés un poco cuestionables. Pero es que acaba siendo lo de menos comparado con el nivelazo de todo lo demás.

De los mejores juegos del año, no tengo ninguna duda.

While I enjoyed A Way Out's story much more than It Takes Two the co op gameplay is miles better. I had a lot of fun playing through getting the plat with a friend.

It takes two it the single best co-op game out there!
The amount of creativity and variety found in this game is mind blowing. Even more unbelievable is how fast all the different gameplay quirks are abandoned again to make space for new mechanics and ideas to thrive.
I don't remember a minute where I didn't have a smile on my face, playing this. Adding to all of this is the amazing art style and charming writing that is well paced and entertaining throughout.

This is an absolute must-play for friends. Video games at their peak.

They made the best Ratchet & Clank/SSX game

An imaginative, incredible co-op platformer that basically does what Balan Wonderworld TRIED to do with its story and succeeded.

The writing isn't.. the best.. and there are some character designs that just feel off, but overall the game is great and I can't wait to play it again!

We often praise works on their ability to tie all of its ideias together smoothly, in games this usually comes by creating systems that feed into each other and evolve without contradicting the intended message. And although It Takes Two never loses sight of its main themes, it wastes no time with pretensions of finesse. Much like its passionate game director's public persona, the game never holds back and wholeheartedly commits to every creative impulse. Josef Fares wants to eat everybody's lunch, from Nintendo's brand of colorful worlds to Sony's prestige games and everything in between.

It is immensely entertaining to discover and explore new worlds and play with completely new abilities at every level, even if that means a decrease in overall complexity. The stages are always aesthetically different — mostly somewhat whimsical in tone, but you sporadically come across some darker imagery that makes it feel reminiscent of N64 era platformers trying to go where they know Nintendo never could; in this case being a clear, and successful, attempt of getting reactions from the players, turning the moment into something funny instead of edgy — and great to move around and find the little "secret" interactions they brought back from A Way Out (the best part of that game). Most of the mechanics show a surprising amount of substance, escalating nicely throughout the level and often resulting in pretty cool bosses, while never feeling janky.

Narratively it is rather familiar and maybe too naive, with an ending that falls a little flat by putting all the emotional weight on sides of the characters that were not initially introduced as important parts of their characterization. But the game does have its fair share of affecting moments, all of which are elevated by the excellent animation work shown on the toy models, even if it’s a little less flattering on the humans ones.

So, I guess I won't be taking those thousand bucks from you this time, Josef.

best co-op game i have ever played

I’m gonna say it, it reaches Mario Galaxy level in terms of amount of creative gameplay mechanics and fun ideas. Followed by a really cool story and beatifully looking locations, it creates amazing co-op experience

Cute!! Wish there was a bit more emphasis on problem-solving, but they really nailed the co-op feel in the gameplay. HUGE improvement over A Way Out. Very fun and delightful.

Unironically the best game I've played this year, and it's gonna be a hard one to top, this isn't just one of the best coop games ever made, it's truly great as an experience in and of itself.
Stellar environment design, outstanding music and a legitimately interesting story are what first stick out from this game, which are on show most during the mind-boggling on-rails setpieces that put uncharted to shame and make sonic look like absolute tripe.
But what about the gameplay? Nothing falls short there, this is a game that has so many ideas and perfectly executes each one. The base traversal mechanics are satisfying, responsive and fun, and each level's unique gameplay mechanic for each player feels evenly split between you and every single one feels more fleshed out than it ever needs to be.
The game switches between three types of levels, on-rails setpieces, used to move between environments, linear puzzle platforming segments, the main bulk of the game, and open hub areas for those linear puzzle levels. Each one of these hub areas is choc full of minigames and secrets to find, and one of the best features of this game is that you can jump into any of the minigames you find straight from the main menu without having to go back into the levels and find them.

I really can't stress enough the ridiculous level of polish every single thing in this game has, every level's mechanic could easily have been used for an entire game of it's own, every minigame is fleshed out to the point where they could be easily released individually (there's a fully functional Chess game, and that's one of the more basic ones).

This game looked at the least interesting leading up to release, but has completely blown me away on every level.

Negatives: Other than some poorly written lines or slightly-off voice acting, or at worst some uncanny-valley moments, there honestly isn't anything to complain about, likely thanks to the TITANIC quality assurance team that takes up a decent amount of the credits. If I were to pick anything I'd say that the ending doesn't hit as hard, emotionally, as it should have, which is a shame, but didn't really take away from the experience.

I really can't complain, as much as I try to think of things that could be wrong with this game, beacuse how could a game that EA clearly doesn't care enough about to advertise well, made by the team that made the 'just good' A Way Out, be this outstanding?
Well, here we are.
This game has something for everyone, and is for everyone, and the best part? If you buy a copy then your friends can play for free, any number of friends you like, using a similar system to 2019s Wolfenstein: Youngblood, which makes this phenomenal experience hugely more accessible.

Please play this, I don't care who you are or who uninterested you are, you won't regret it.

Some mediocre writing for the dialogue but aside from that, this game is brimming with creativity in its level design and art direction. Great pacing keeps the settings fresh throughout, with each new area giving the players a new set of asymmetrical abilities to play around with. Definitely recommend this one if you've got a co-op buddy you like to play with.

El viaje fantástico camino a la reconciliación de una pareja en crisis. Los jugadores, encarnando a marido y mujer, tendrán que compenetrarse para poder avanzar. Lo curioso: dada la obligatoriedad de la cooperación, lo más probable es que el videojuego cause confrontación, y no al revés. Si la pareja no está al mismo nivel de habilidad a los mandos, uno habrá de armarse de paciencia con su compañero, que a su vez se sentirá un lastre para el otro. Es fácil imaginar a la parte experimentada perdiendo la paciencia e increpando al otro. Un relato que aboga por la reconciliación provocando riñas y momentos de tensión, menuda ironía.

La verdad es que It Takes Two hace todo lo que puede para no gustarme: por un lado, es cursi y de lela narración, y por otro, lanza en sucesión todas las formas de jugabilidad que puede para mantenerse variado a costa de no profundizar en nada. No propone, solo copia, y además yo suelo ser de esos que defiende lo de "el que mucho abarca poco aprieta". Y, a pesar de todo, la realidad innegable de mi asombro y deleite muy numerosas veces durante las diez horas de partida. Las variopintas formas en que un jugador se apoya en el otro, lo juguetones que son sus escenarios (plagados de excusas interactivas para divertirse en pareja), la frescura de los tramos de velocidad, la manera en que iluminación y puesta en escena se confabulan para producir breves momentos de maravilla, y la creatividad que rezuma tras cada idea y pequeño elemento en general. Terminó por convencerme hasta la química entre personajes, que durante las primeras horas solo causaba rechazo en mí. Sonreí y me reí a menudo.

Y la escena con la elefanta, por supuesto. Tal vez la más desternillante comedia negra que haya visto en videojuego alguno hasta la fecha. Con los padres bailando de júbilo bajo las... En fin, hay que jugarlo.

This review contains spoilers

RIP Cutie, your death cries will haunt my dreams for the rest of my life

I love co-op games. Army of 2, Left 4 Dead, Castle Crashers, A Way Out, Portal 2. Some of my favorite gaming memories come from couch co-op.

It Takes Two has surpassed all of them, and I can only hope that this deep keeps on developing specific co-op gaming experiences. The game is not afraid to be a game, and with its irreverence comes an opportunity to always evolve new gimmicks and mechanics. You are never doing the same thing for long, and you never know what's happening next! Add on some actual interesting split screen puzzles, and a game moment with a plush that I may be referencing for years -- and you have something that is remarkably memorable.

I think the game's length may be a hair too long, as it is best split up into multiple gaming sessions. Also the wide variety of challenge means that you will have sections that you find more enjoyable than others. Looking forward to a second playthrough on the opposite character soon.

The best couch co-op action-puzzle experience since Portal 2, hamstrung by truly mind-boggling writing.

Very lovely co-op adventure. Taking all the lessons learned from Brothers and A Way Out, the devs really figured out some great ways to get you to work together and genuinely have a lot of fun doing it.

Love the rat map scale, love the creativity, love Moon Baboon. Great sense of humor too.

It doesn't always stick the landing though. Some levels and mini games are not as mechanically interesting as others. But with how often the game likes to change things up here, it's easy to look past it.

This is quite possibly the best co-op game I've played. Almost every single level was just absolutely spectacular and filled to the brim with creative ideas.

You could make entire games out of a lot of these mechanics, but luckily the devs here towed the line between overstaying their welcome with a particular idea and not abandoning it too soon either. My friend and I, who were able to easily play both locally and online on the same save files, had an absolute blast with all the different little ideas, fantastic level design, and charming side minigames (I kicked his butt at the races, but he whooped me in chess).

The game for the most part looks and sounds great as well. The story is beautifully written, and the different vocal performances really added to it. Some of the side characters really shone too like the Space Baboon and the Elephant Queen. The graphics really held up well, and there was some really cute, expressive animation on a lot of the characters. Only nitpick here would be the human characters/models which came off ironically wooden compared to the dolls and other magical item characters.

Finally, the big nail in the coffin here that keeps it from getting full marks has to be the last level and finale. Without spoiling anything, the last level while still being good definitely doesn't reach the same heights, and the very end feels anticlimactic. A little more time to hit the climax just right would've really sent this game into all-time classic status.

That being said, I still heavily recommend this! Find someone to play with either locally or online (and who has time for multiple sessions; this game isn't short!), and you're sure to have an absolute blast.