Reviews from

in the past

It's fun for a While, but it gets really repetitive after a short amount of time and does literally nothing to motivate you.
I got it for 3 Euros, that was still worth it tho.

It's so funny that they just made Rico Italian for this one. Like did they think people wouldn't notice. I'm not saying it's bad or anything but it's so fucking funny that in the last game he was clearly hispanic and had a pretty heavy accent and in this one he's just, straight-up a totally different ethnicity. Love that shit.

Giocato per penso 5 ore, dopo non ce la facevo già più. Un gioco che in pochissimo tempo ti dà subito l'impressione di aver provato tutto ciò che ha da offrire, diventa noioso molto rapidamente.

Der Wingsuit ist eine hervorragende Ergänzung für Just Cause. Leider steuert sich das Spiel insgesamt viel sperriger als Teil 2 und die Welt ist recht monoton.


Fun destruction, gets boring after a while.

has some fun mechanics but can get boring

I've played through this game so many times and it is easily one of my favourite games of all time. I got it years ago and I still come back to play it today. The brief review is that you should get the game as it is cheap and 2 pounds when it is on offer. It's a must play!

First of all the gameplay. If you have played a just cause game, you will know how fun it is to blow up stuff and shoot loads of guys. However this game takes destruction to a whole new level. so much can be destroyed including bridges and every city/base has loads of stuff to blow up. You would think that this gets repetitive but its quite the opposite. It is addictive and there are so many different ways to destroy stuff that you will never get bored of doing it. Also new to the series is infinite C4 which are so much fun and destroying bridges with it is great.

Next is the wingsuit which could come under gameplay but because it is just so ingenuitive. I would not love this game as much if it didn't have this. It makes traversing the huge map super easy and doing stunts so much fun. Wingsuiting and grappling to gather speed is so fun and it is easier to travel to far away enemies or cars. The mods on the wingsuit are also helpful such as the air brakes which I didn't use that often but now I'm starting to love them.

The grappling hook is the second best part of the game and it was been improved so much from the second game. There are just so many grapple mods and ways to kill enemies or flip vehicles that they never get old. They are also a great way to earn vehicles by grappling them to a helicopter and taking them to a garage (I'll add that the garage system is amazing).

I could go on and on about how fantastic each element of the game is like the story, graphics, challenges, missions, humour, weapons, collectables, vehicles and replayability but that would take way too long and i think you get the point of how amazing this game is. Definitely get it game if you are a just cause fan and try it out anyway if you aren't as you will still most likely love it.

(also the cargo ship and DLC are amazing)


A funner game for even worse people.

like any modern farcry but with more movement options and with an actually likeable protag

Acho que é o melhor dos 4 Just Cause, não tem nada melhor do que sair explodindo a porra toda sem compromisso

Sei la, não desceu, não consegui jogar mais de 2 horas.

Ainda bem que existe o minimo de bom senso nas promoções desse jogo pra ficar com preço baixíssimo, mas mesmo assim não é nem perto do não tão bom mas pelo menos legal que foi o 2. Além disso cheio de frame drop minha nossa.

uma das experiências mais relaxantes que já tive é voar por todo o mapa do jogo com o traje planador... mt zen

lo ultimo que hice fue la historia

This is the most open world game of all open world games to exist. The destruction engine is cool, but this is the ultimate "the player makes their own fun" game, and that isn't my type of game.

PSA: if you're playing on PC and plan on using a gamepad (or if you just have one plugged in), unplug it before you start the game, or it will cause a massive memory leak

Pretty fun, peak of the series.

Nowhere near the game that Just Cause 2 was and it ran terribly on PS4, but it was still a solid open world to fly around and blow stuff up in.

dumb story and dumb characters but I had a lot of fun. GTA if you were a demigod

Certainly not for everyone, but it's pretty fun as a sandbox game. It's rewarding to come up with a ridiculous plan of attack for an objective and try to execute it. The story, however, is painfully uninteresting and performance is very poor on every platform.

I played lot of Just Cause a few years ago. It was my favorite game. I still think that it's good, and it played a major role in my childhood.

The gameplay is intense, and the story is good. Not much to say about it.