Reviews from

in the past

it feels like i'm a timeloop but in the best way

Must read if you like the characters and tone of Tsukihime. Post main story content truly puts it over the top. A victory lap for all fans of its prequel. <3

h scene da len kkkkkkkkkkk pico ficção 10/10


Kagetsu Tohya walked so Hollow Ataraxia could run.

Ah... Kohaku-san... is gaming...

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Disgustingly Fun i was planning on making a review of every single Day and the side content but that would take me hours So i rather just do this instead
Kagetsu tohya is a really really nice Sequel to tsuki i don't prefer it but i still love it very much.
The Format of this vn is really unique and i like it the only problem from this format is that it doesn't really let any characters outside of Shiki and Len to develop but it leads to funny moments with the cast which i love.
The side stories are fantastic especially Red Demon God and Hisui Inversion Impulse,The summer festivals are also very cute especially the Hisui one
and at last we have Drinking Dreaming Moon easily my favorite scene ever created Shiki's interaction with SHIKI brings me tears and SHIKI being glad to hear that kohaku has liven a Good Life its just fantastic.
This is a wonderful VN.

Admito que os monólogos do Shiki são bons, assim como os dilemas, se excluir um monte de coisa edgy que ele fala, mas... PUTA QUE PARIU COMO TEM COISA INÚTIL. 80% da VN é comédia type-moon de qualidade e fanservice. Perda de tempo, vai se foder Nasu.

This is a weird one, in ways I kind of respect? Fairy Tale Princess' format is something I would like to see again, but its hampered with how the number of repeats shapes your events. And if you're not lucky, you can just straight up miss events with no real way of resetting them. It sort of hampers how this game is all about "pressing options just to see where you end up" cause the completionist would always want to see it all. It also doesn't really make sense.

Many of the events are the typical otaku weirdness as with Tsukihime and it's PLUS DISC, but the main story is kind of cool. It was kind of weird to witness how much of this would later be messed with in Melty Blood.

The ten side stories vary with quality. I hadn't bothered to read all of them, as I feel they're mostly novelties. Crimson Moon and Red Demon God are cool. A Story for the Evening is kind of nice, less weird for being Akiha focused. Tohno Family Con Game is weirdlt sweet. Some follow Tsukihime endings, but most of them are really just long jokes or just one interesting concept.

It's like fine.

Who cares about Yumizuka? Arihiko deserves his own route

More of a VN and not a game, but really solid follow up to the original with some new characters and plenty of familiar faces.

I think I slightly like it more than Tsukihime, just cause all the ground work for all the characters is already laid out and it's fun to see them interact. Arihiko gets backstory which is a plus. Shiki fucking a little girl, not so much.

Also, genuinely good luck to the poor souls trying to play through this game blind and see all the content, because it may have the most fucked up flowchart I've seen in a visual novel.

This game would be better if the sex scenes weren’t there which applies to all of Nasu’s works but specifically this one bc holy fuck.

a lovely post-script in the tsukihime story - believe it or not, i actually ended up preferring kagetsu toya to the main tsukihime novel! there's far less to talk about thematically here. note that due to the nature of the story being told here as well as the relative nature of fan-discs in dojin projects, kagetsu toya should be looked at as a bonus scenario for fans rather than a proper entry within the canon itself.

following the events of tsukihime, shiki tono loops through the same scenarios under the same 24 hours over and over in the world of dreams, and what blossoms out of that is one of the most interesting progression systems i've ever seen in a visual novel. through repetitive short cycles with slightly altering paths, shiki is able to dive further and further into the illusory world of this dream, meeting up with friends, allies, and enemies from across tsukihime in a desperate search for the end of this dream, the identity of the dreamer, and the purpose it is trying to show him. that said, the drama here is far less than that of tsukihime, but i honestly think this benefits kagetsu toya's tone.

dream logic pervades and a hazy, dreamy midsummer day plays out ad nauseum while the looping metatext and surrealism shadow-puppet shiki's adventures through the looking glass. at times, lampshading with that classic dojin referential pastiche, at times sanguine and succint with truly japanese-centric humor and social pulp. nonsensical good morning messages from cast and crew pull the curtains back on another one of shiki's 45 days in a day.

somewhere along visiting those same sets of options once again i smiled to myself and thought, 'this feels so much like flower, sun & rain', which is an utmost positive coming from me, one of its most ardent fans. despite suffering from some similar shortcomings as the main tsukihime itself (was len's story ending that way really necessary, nasu?) i found myself truly falling in love with this game, and type-moon as a whole, during this game. the side stories and galleries of both fan art and colleague art (note to self; if ever i make a visual novel and it succeeds, do exactly this) all brought a smile to my face as well. kagetsu toya managed to take all of the eccentricities and in-betweens i loved about tsukihime so much and bolstered the experience all that much more. this midsummer's daydream is what's truly sold me on getting to more of their work.

Akiha dresses up as a cat spirit what more do I need to say fellas

It could have been a nice side-story with plenty of charming moments from the Tsukihime cast, but its overly convoluted progression and branching paths system is such a headache that its not worth it for a piece of fluff material.

Absolutely kino side content, mixed main game. Recency bias is good shit though!

just the drinking dreaming moon segment makes me love this vn and appreciate tsukihime so much more and what it stands for, something the og didn't really do much for itself, it’s also just really fun and funny and show the characters at their peak imo, playing it

The beta version of hollow ataraxia, still a fun VN to play thou.

the side content is far more interesting than the main thing but it's still neat. i can't wait for them to follow this up with more VNs set in the now well-established world of Tsukihime!

game has a lot of cool content/follow ups from some of the stuff in tsukihime. main story is cool but not very long. the game is really confusing at first but youll get used to it. you should probably use a guide

I liked the main plot actually. Not ground breaking, but good enough, kept me interesting. The game shines with the side stories though, kino-est shit ever.

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Need Shiki Nanaya BF

Kagetsu Tohya é um fandisc feito como uma despedida final ao cast de tsukihime(isto nas visuais novels). Como adição para a história e universo de Tsukihime, jogo ao qual eu amo muito, Kagetsu faz um trabalho bem legal pondo nossos personagens em situações bastante divertidas e que, como dentro da história não tem consequencia, dá liberdade aos autores fazerem bastante coisinha explorando a personalidade dos personagens que conhecemos e de novos que foram adicionados aqui. O cast novo é bem legal também, dá um ar de vida ao mundo de tsukihime e dá um ar que pessoas como a Akiha tem amigos pelo menos.

Dito isto, quando falamos de leitura, Kagetsu Tohya é muito, muito problemático com a sequência dos dias e acontecimentos. Ele tem bastante opções e te dá uma liberdade grande para agir como quiser, mas nunca te avisa o que vai avançar você na história principal e não lhe diz o progresso que fez. Diferente de Hollow Ataraxia, aqui a gente não tem a menor exposição ou sinal dessas coisas, o que causa jogar isso sem um guide ser uma tortura ao qual eu passei e quase enlouqueci. Flowchart então ai eu me mato. Hoje em dia o jogo tem um guide e uma forma de o baixar muito mais fácil, então mesmo que seja focado para fãs mais fanáticos pelo universo e personagens, creio que hoje em dia seja acessível até pros fãs mais normais.